Case study need it by june 13th 5pm est | project management | New York University


Studies show that people find it easier to remember stories.  Therefore, case studies are often considered an effective approach to enhancing student learning.  Since Project Management is applicable to all types of organizations and industries the case studies in this assignment will reflect that.  For example, there are case studies on construction, agile projects, and even international projects.  The goal is to provide students with new ideas and challenge old and established theories.


The instructor will assign each student one (1) project management case study out of the list of fifteen (15) below.  The length of your answers is not as important as what you write; quality is more important than quantity

The case studies come from various chapters throughout the recommended course textbook:

Project Management: The Managerial Process, 7th Edition, Erik W. Larson, Clifford F. Gray, McGraw-Hill, New York 2017, ISBN # 978-13-07-023077.

Note #1:  the textbook is not required in order to understand the case studies and answer the required questions.

Note #2:  If you are citing references to support your submission, they can include include articles, case studies, and/or textbooks.  Do NOT use CourseHero, Wikipedia, CourseRaptor, or any other paid tutoring service.  The sharing of academic college property through these types of platforms is considered an act of academic dishonesty.  Use APA formatting when citing references.

After reviewing the case study, answer the following questions:

  1. What was the case study about?
  2. What was good about the way the project(s) was managed?
  3. What could have been done differently and why?
  4. What did you learn from the case study?
  5. Was this case study managed effectively?  Why or why not?

Submission Format

  • Length and space: 1 page to 2 pages max, single side, double-spaced
  • Font type: Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Citation guide: APA Style
  • File type: complete in MS Word but submit as a PDF