Can you write these four art history questions? I uploaded a picture for this question

Can you write these four art history questions? I uploaded a picture for this question


I uploaded two picture, see the picture files and focus on only this pic that is the topic of this art.


The words should be 80-150 words each section. No plagiarism!!


 Temple of Vesta (?), Tivoli, Italy,



1. Description  describe what you see- imagine that the person you are describing it to is not there or is blind.  How will you make the work of art visible through verbal description?






2. Summary this text – summarize this text what i wrote on this question!! you think are the most important pieces of information that you gleaned from the textbook- read the book closely and put it in your own words.




 – Summary this -> 


TEMPLE OF VESTA, TIVOLI The Romans’ admiration for the Greek temples they encountered in their conquests also led to the importation into Republican Italy of a temple type unknown in Etruscan architecture—the round, or tholos, temple. At Tivoli (ancient Tibur), on a dramatic site overlooking a deep gorge, a Republican architect erected such a Greek-inspired temple (FIG. 7-4) early in the first century BCE. The temple is circular in plan—standard for shrines of Vesta—and has travertine Corinthian columns. The frieze is carved with garlands held up by oxen heads, also in emulation of Greek models. But the high podium can be reached only via a narrow stairway leading to the cella door. This arrangement introduced an axial alignment not found in Greek tholoi (FIG. 5-72), where, as in Greek rectangular temples, steps continue all around the structure. Also in contrast with the Greeks, the Roman builders constructed the cella wall not with masonry blocks but with a new material of recent invention: concrete (see “Roman Concrete Construction,” page 161).




3. Research– go online and find additional information about the image and provide the links for that information for your peers. Make sure to summarize and do not simply cut and paste or give us just the URLs.



4. Contemporary Culture– relate the theme to something that you find in our current visual vernacular on popular culture-  Why is this image relevant today?