Business ethics:four types of corporate social responsibility
Follow all the question and answer all the question with citation and reference NO PLAGIARISM.
of the text,
1-A- Describe how Walmart Canada meets these responsibilities and suggest some areas for further development.
of the text.
2 A- describe the stakeholders in the case.
2 B- Should Big Pharma return its drug to the market with a stronger black box warning, or should it keep the drug off the market?
2 C- How will the decision impact the stakeholders?
2 D-Should Big Pharma or individual doctors be responsible for the decision to make such a drug available to patients?
Trevino, L.K., & Nelson, K.A. (2014). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (6th ed.). NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.