Bus 370 week 1 responding to discussion

Need to respond to these discussion post

Discussion 1

Change Readiness

Take the Change Readiness Assessment. Provide a summary of your results and a brief discussion stating if you agree with them, or not. Respond to two classmates’ posts.

David Green

That was an interesting profile, I was a little surprised at some of my scores but for the most part I agree with how they shook out.  I received the following:

Resourcefulness – 25

Optimism – 18

Adventurousness – 15

Passion/Drive – 22

Adaptability – 15

Confidence – 25

Tolerance for Ambiguity – 13

The scores I have for Adventurousness and Tolerance for Ambiguity were a bit lower than I thought they would be especially the latter given where I’ve worked over the years.  Overall I thought the assessment was pretty spot on

Takeiwa Jones

I was not surprised with the outcome of my scores being that i am a positive person that love to so myself and others prosper. I am never the type to leave things undone but, ill admit i will work on two or more things at the same time. I am really a nervous person. I never rest i am always on the go. On my off days everything is already planned out. i never just have a sit and take a deep breathe. But, i seen in this assessment scoring to high mean i am lacking in something or reckless. In my case i do not believe those statements or true. And i also only chose 1 or 6, because either it not like me or exactly like me.

Confidence- 20

Adventurousness- 15

Tolerance for Ambiguity- 20

Resourcefulness- 30

Adaptability- 30

Optimism- 30

Passion/Drive- 30

Discussion 2

Organizational Change

Select two change models in Chapter Two. Compare and contrast the models and, referencing this week’s lecture, discuss resistance, or how change could be embraced. Respond to two classmates’ posts

William McCalmant

I chose Bridges’s Transitions Model and Appreciative Inquiry. Bridges Transitions model focus on after change. The text says ““It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions. . . . Change is situational. . . . Transition, on the other hand, is psychological.”(Bierema, 2014) This Model helps on to focus on how we can make the change a better experience. The change is happening, how can we as a company make it a good thing? In the text it talks about the Rollerblade company and how the culture was completely different and so the employees chose to go back to their old city. The company offered raises and promotions but the employees didn’t end up staying. I like this model because it places the idea that change isn’t the hard part. Appreciative Inquiry is great for the optimist. Why focus on the problems? Let’s focus on the positives and how we can make everything a positive. AI is based on 5 principles:

“•The constructionist principle assumes that self-knowledge and the world are formed through our interactions with each other.

• Simultaneity is the assumption that inquiry and change are intricately linked and occur instantaneously.

• The poetic principle posits that organization life comes alive through storytelling.

• The anticipatory principle features the role of vision in propelling the organization toward a desired future.

• The positive principle is AI’s focus on the positive as an alternative to traditional problem-solving paradigms for promoting change.” (Bierema, 2014) This model helps to bring the focus of change into a positive light.

The main problem with change is the new idea. It takes a lot for a company to figure out what they need to do in order to fix a problem or just to make things better. I worked for a company and there was about 75% of the employees just showed up to get a check. The basically did the bear minimum and complained the entire day. This was the norm for so many years how do you convince someone to work harder if the people next to them don’t? It is an up-hill battle.

Bierema, L. (2014). (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. An introduction to organizational development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. •This text is a Constellation™ coursedigital materials (CDM) title

Michele Fanning

Select two change models in Chapter Two. Compare and contrast the models and, referencing this week’s lecture, discuss resistance, or how change could be embraced.

I chose to compare Lewin’s 3 step model for change and Lippitt, Watson and Westley’s model for change. Lewin’s model is broken down into three steps for changes an organization can go through when implementing change. According to Bierema (2014), “Lewin’s (1947) 3-step model of system change depicts change as an ongoing, fluid process of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing (sect 2.4). Lippitt, Watson and Westley’s model are very similar to Lewin but instead of 3 changes they use 5 phases a company will endure when putting a change into action. Lippitt, Watson, and Westley (1958) expanded Lewin’s 3 steps to 5 steps and shifted the terminology from step to phases. The phases are:

1. Developing a need for change (Lewin’s unfreezing)

2. Establishing a change relationship

3. Working toward change (moving)

4. Generalizing and stabilizing change (refreezing)

5. Achieving a terminal relationship

Both of these models are prime examples of what my employer has the company going through for the past year because we have been building a new office and will we be moving next Friday. Developing a need for change (unfreezing) was establish due to needing more space for different departments and needing to change quality control under OSHA for our dispensing center when mixing chemotherapy. This came from recognizing the need and putting the construction into place. Hiring of a builder, designer and consulting group that would aid in the formation of a well-developed office with flow that starts once a patient enters the office, laboratory, seeing the physician and receiving their chemotherapy. Once the move takes place and opening day comes, the termination will start to take place with different contractors that put the office together and made sure all departments were up to code. Our IT contractors will be on site to make help get everyone up and running while staying around for maintenance should problems arise.

Bierema, L. (2014). An introduction to organizational development. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.