Bibl 110 study guide module week 7
Derived from the class text book, The Essence of the New Testament: A Survey (2016),
and the New Testament documents.
Chapter 23
Hebrews: Jesus Our Great High Priest
1. The book of Hebrews is ____________, meaning that the author did not assign his name to it (270).
2. Discuss the four points of contact between Hebrews and some of the letters that are known to have been written by the apostle Paul (271).
3. Discuss the arguments against the Pauline authorship of Hebrews (271–2).
4. In view of the arguments against Pauline authorship, it is best to admit that the identity of the author of Hebrews is __________ (271).
5. The content of Hebrews suggests the recipients were __________ believers (272).
6. Discuss the occasion and date of Hebrews (265).
7. Given the fact that the author of Hebrews does not mention the destruction on the __________, which occurred in AD 70, it is likely it was written prior to this date (272).
8. Hebrews 1–2 emphasizes the superiority of Christ to the ________(273).
9. Hebrews 3:1–6 emphasizes the superiority of Christ to ________ (274).
10. Hebrews 5:1–7:10 emphasizes the Son as the Great High Priest (275).
11. According to the teaching of Hebrews 4:14-10:18, Christ is superior to ______ and the Aaronic priesthood.
12. Discuss the five explicit warning passages in Hebrews (2:1–4; 3:7–4:13; 5:11–6:20; 10:26–39; 12:25–29).
13. Discuss the concept of covenant (Greek, diaqh,kh) in Hebrews.
14. Quoting at length from Jeremiah 31, the author of Hebrews develops what it means for Jesus to be the mediator of a better ____________ (278).
15. The examples of the faithful in Hebrews 11 show that Christians are not alone in their trials but are united in the faith and hopes of all who have come before them (279).
Chapter 24
James: Faith That Works
1. Discuss the authorship of James (283–5). Name the individuals named James who are mentioned in the NT. Among those individuals, which James is most likely the author of the Letter of James?
2. When was James most likely written and why (285–6)?
3. James is addressed to “the twelve tribes in the Dispersion” (1:1). What group is being referred to by this description (285)?
4. Name the theological truths found in the later NT writings that are not mentioned in James (286).
5. According to James 1:1–4, 12, what are six aspects of trials (287–8)?
6. Discuss James’ use of wisdom (288). What is a good definition of wisdom in James? How does one appropriate wisdom according to James?
7. For James, faith and works are ____________ (2:10–26). Note the metaphor – like the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead (2:26).
8. James selects two defining moments in the life of ____________ in order to define the relationship between faith and works: (1) When Abraham _____ God by offering Isaac on the alter (2:21-22); and (2) When he ________ God (2:23-24; cf. Gen 15:6).
9. Briefly discuss how James and Paul complement one another regarding the relationship between faith and works?
10. What three pictures does James (3:1–18) give in order to describe the tongue (290)?
Chapter 25
1 Peter: Holy Living
1. The stated author of 1 Peter is the ________ ______ (1:1), who claims to be a “______ of the sufferings of the Messiah” (5:1).
2. 1 Peter was probably written about AD ____ (293).
3. According to tradition, Peter died sometime during the persecution of ______ from AD 64–68 (294–6).
4. Discuss the four possible locations for the place of 1 Peter’s origination (296–8).
5. First Peter is called a “________ ________,” meaning that it was intended for a larger group than, say, a local church or individual (298).
6. What is the fourfold challenge Peter gives believers in 1 Peter 1:13–2:10 (298–9)?
7. Discuss how believers should conduct themselves in this world according to 1 Peter 2:11–5:11 (299–300).
8. The major purpose of 1 Peter is practical ____________ (1 Pet 5:12; 300).
9. The major theme of 1 Peter is living with ______ in the midst of suffering (300).
10. Be familiar with the following chart that illustrates the contrast between the life of a Pilgrim (Christian) and the lifestyle of the world in 1 Peter.
The Life of the Pilgrim
The Life of the World
Obedient to God (1:14, 22)
Rebellion against God
Be holy (1:15)
Live as servants (2:16; 4:11)
Live selfishly
Be prayerful (3:7; 4:7)
Reject God
Live openly, transparently (2:16)
Live deceitfully
Do what is good (2:15; 3:16-17)
Do what is wrong/evil
Be gentle and respectful (3:15)
Live harshly and insolently
Love one another deeply (1:22; 4:8)
Hate one another
Exercise self-control (1:13; 4:7; 5:8)
Live excessively and wildly
Live humbly (5:6)
Proud and arrogant
Reject evil (2:11)
Embrace evil
Accept human rule (2:13, 17)
Reject human rule
Control sinful desires (2:1, 11)
Give desires free rein
Do God’s will (4:2)
Reject God’s will
Share with others (4:9)
Hoard one’s possessions
Use our gifts for others (4:10-11)
Refuse to share
(Chart from Encountering the New Testament, p. 365)
Chapter 26
2 Peter: Growing in Grace
1. The author of 2 Peter identifies himself as “Simon Peter, a ______ and ______ of Jesus Christ” (1:1); an -___________ of Jesus’ transfiguration (1:16–18); who had written a __________ letter (3:1); who refers to Paul as a ____ ________ (3:15); and one who is awaiting death, just as _________ had made clear to him (1:14; cf. Jn 21:18).
2. 2 Peter was probably written soon after 1 Peter was written and just prior to the _______ of the apostle Peter in about AD 67 or 68 (302–5).
3. The original recipients of 2 Peter were most likely Christians living in northern ______ _______ (304–5).
4. A significant biblical text that supports the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture is __ ______ (306).
5. The two main purposes for writing 2 Peter was (1) to ______ the _________ to growth; and (2) to expose ______ ________ (307).
6. Scoffers will __________ the promise of the Lord’s return (2 Pet 3:3-7).
7. Peter assures his readers that the Lord delays his return because of his __________ (2 Pet 3:8-9).
8. Peter assures believers that the ______ _______ is certain and inevitable (3:10-16).