Entries by admin

Write a brief opinion paper

Heart Gallery Journal-Write a brief opinion paper   Visit the Heart Gallery Read at least two of the children’s stories (both the individual and siblings). Also review at least two of the success stories. Write a brief opinion paper about this website, responding to the following: What are your thoughts about this type of recruitment? […]

Review Multi-Agency Working

Follow the instructions below to participate in the discussion. Select Reply to submit your post. Review Multi-Agency Working: Implications for an Early-Intervention Social Work Team from the module readings. Multi-Agency Working: Implications for an Early-Intervention Social Work Team: Multi-Agency Working: Implications for an Early-Intervention Social Work Team [HTML] Multi-Agency Working: Implications for an Early-Intervention Social Work Team [PDF] […]

Article Review and Discussion

General Biology 101 – Article Review and Discussion BIOL 101 Lab Article Review and Discussion (60 points)   Purpose:  To stimulate discussion of a wide variety of topics related to biology that may not otherwise be specifically discussed in the course.   Due dates:    Article selected and approved: Nov. 8 Written summary, oral presentation and […]

Social media influence on insurance marketing

  Topics: Social media influence on insurance marketing  What is the challenge social media has brought to insurance marketing and distribution? Would you like to be a virtual insurance agent? Outline:   Introduction (0.5 page) The challenges social media have brought to the insurance marketing industry in recent years. The distribution of social media A […]

1. Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing (MKT 3013) Written Assignment-3 This file contains copyright material. Copying, website posting, reproducing, and distributing in any form is strictly prohibited. Total Points: 35. Due Date: Sunday, November 20 at 11:59 PM. Submission via Blackboard. Please note that the due date has been extended from November 6 to November 20. This assignment […]

Complete a majority case brief

Due in 11 hours For this assignment, you will complete a majority case brief as Supreme court justices Anthony Kennedy. This means that you will be deciding on this case as the real Justice Kennedy would, and you will write the opinion as the decision of the majority. You will have to research the opinions […]

Qualitative or quantitative methods

1.  Did you use qualitative or quantitative methods to examine your results? How did the method help to support your specific change project outcomes? 2.  Which type of measurement tool are you using to collect data to demonstrate that your change project is worthwhile? Explain why you chose to use the specific measurement tool.