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You will be writing a course journal discussing your learning process during the course. Your journal should include reflections on what you’ve learnt in class in relation to the concepts you’ve chosen, and how you have been able to apply them, using specific examples.

Informative presentation • This is an individual task. • Of the five options below, choose THREE. You will be writing a course journal discussing your learning process during the course. Your journal should include reflections on what you’ve learnt in class in relation to the concepts you’ve chosen, and how you have been able to […]

Choose an advertising campaign, political campaign, speech transcript, social movement, or advocacy campaign around which to craft a 5-6 page critical analysis. The goal of this assignment is to provide analysis, critical evaluation, and insight about how persuasion functions in your particular example.

Persuasion Powerful Tool in Society Critical Analysis Essay Question Description APA FORMAT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT 12PT DOUBLE SPACED This assignment asks you to analyze an example of persuasion in society. Choose an advertising campaign, political campaign, speech transcript, social movement, or advocacy campaign around which to craft a 5-6 page critical analysis. The goal […]

Has the pandemic of the coronavirus affected your sense of identity? If so how? If not why not? Has the presence of the coronavirus pandemic affected the way you engage in interpersonal relationships? How?

Grossmont College Ch 4 Social Impacts Coronavirus Spread Discussion School Grossmont College Question Description CH 4 DB Instructions/Prompt [READ] Before you begin this assignment, read this: Discussion Board Instructions/Expectations [READ] Link to Chapter 4 Discussion Board (find it below) Read Chapter 4 of the course text, How To Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills. https://grossmont.grlcontent.com/improvecomskills/… this […]

You will be required to write a total of three 2-3 page journal entry (double-spaced), in which you describe and reflect on an interpersonal communication concept discussed in class.

Seattle University Interpersonal Communication Reflection Paper School Seattle University Question Description Reflective Journals (50 pts ): You will be required to write a total of three 2-3 page journal entry (double-spaced), in which you describe and reflect on an interpersonal communication concept discussed in class. The contents of this journal will remain confidential with the […]

Understanding how to identify confounding is important as most associations have multiple causal factors. Recognizing if a study adjusted for the appropriate confounding variables is important to determine the validity of the association.

NYU Week 4 Confounding Variables Public Health Research Paper School New York University Question Description IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. These estimates include the influence of other extraneous variables, such as confounders. Confounding is often considered a type of bias, but it […]

Pick 4 of the issues listed above and answer the following questions: How are these issues affecting our current system (spending/debt, Medicare, ACA, population health)? Who is responsible for these issues and correcting them?

Herzing University Issues in Healthcare Questions School Herzing University Question Description Watch the following two 1 hour videos and make a response. https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-sick-around-the-world/ Sick Around America Paying more, getting less Treating the whole person Preventing Disease Overmedication Overtreatment An entrenched system Reimbursement Please create a thoughtful and supported post addressing the points below. Pick 4 […]

Choose and briefly describe one chronic disease or disorder for each of the three systems and explain how the diseases/disorders alter the normal function. Examine potential causes for the disease or disorder and list signs and symptoms that indicate the disease has developed.

Ashworth College Week 5 Chronic Diseases and Disorders Discussion School Ashworth College Question Description Various chronic diseases and disorders can affect our immune, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems, as described in Chapters 14, 15 and 16 of your course text. In your initial post: Briefly describe the normal function of these three systems and associated organs. […]

Make an argument explaining when U.S. military intervention in other countries is appropriate. Use real examples and document them with credible sources. Defend your position, including acknowledging the potential risks associated with your chosen scenario(s).

POLS 410 APUS US Military Intervention in Other Countries Paper Course POLS 410 School American Public University System Department POLS Question Description Assignment Instructions Make an argument explaining when U.S. military intervention in other countries is appropriate. Use real examples and document them with credible sources. Defend your position, including acknowledging the potential risks associated […]

Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study. Based on a disease or health condition identified from the “2020 LHI Topics” on the Healthy People 2020 website, discuss a real example of a cohort study (include the link to the article in your post to the forum). Include the participants, exposures or treatment groups, timeframe, and outcomes that were measured

GCU Week 4 Multicausality Confounding Disease or Health Conditions Research Paper School Grand Canyon University Question Description IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study. Based on a disease or health condition identified from the “2020 […]

After reviewing the assigned reading from Unit 7, identify the type of descriptive epidemiological study that is interesting to you and explain why. In your post, link to an example that you find from an article and describe how it applies to descriptive epidemiology.

HS 311 Abia State Polytechnic Types of Descriptive Epidemiology Responses Course HS 311 School Abia State Polytechnic Department HS Question Description After reviewing the assigned reading from Unit 7, identify the type of descriptive epidemiological study that is interesting to you and explain why. In your post, link to an example that you find from […]