Entries by admin

Emerging Technology Ethics Research

Assignment Paper C  – Current Or Emerging Technology Ethics Research Paper 1. Papers Objective. The objective of this paper and outline is to: Evaluate a new ethical issue (not used in prior submissions as this will be your final class paper before the Assignment D presentation.)  Focus your research, so that one or more ethical principles are […]

Program examples for Rural Older Adults

https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/project-examples/topics/elderly-population   Go to the link below. https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/community-health/project-examples/topics/elderly- population Find different program examples for Rural Older Adults. 1) Introduce one program for Rural Older Adults 2) Discuss the relevance to the presentation and readings (at least one reading should be referred). https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/

Heat waves result from climate change

The topic  is more intense and frequent heat waves that result from climate change. What are greenhouse gases and what impact do they have on global temperature? Observed climatic trends and possible consequences associated with global warming https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/

Visual Culture in Jane Austen’s World

AHVS 346C: Visual Culture in Jane Austen’s World Research Assignment Stage 3   Assignment: This is the final culmination of your original research – you made it! Here is where you put together all the efforts of your previous 2 Stages. This will look slightly different for everyone but the focus remains on your primary […]

12-slide PowerPoint presentation

12-slide PowerPoint presentation with a title slide, presenter’s notes, and references slide Leaders have the ability to influence, persuade, and inspire. Innovation does not occur naturally; instead, it must be structured and encouraged. Describe yourself as an innovative leader within the organization. Address the following: Organization- Bank of America 1.Articulate your vision, values, and personal […]

Groupthink or mismanaged agreement

Group Ethics: What poses the most danger to teams:  groupthink or mismanaged agreement? How do you recognize when your group is caught in the escalation of commitment? Do you think that groups can exert more control over the behavior of members than managers do? https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/ Leadership Ethics: What ethical guidelines would you set for gathering […]

Workshop or Resource Packages

Assignment #2: Workshop or Resource Packages This assignment is focused on expanding your knowledge of community resources available for children, families and early childhood educators by researching and creating practical working resources to directly support your collaborative practices. Due Date:  Friday November 17, 2022 by  11:59PM PST This assignment represents 30% of your total mark.   […]

Discuss three (3) concepts

 (Total 100 points): 1 – Describe and discuss three (3) concepts that you have learned in this course.  Define the concept and discuss how you demonstrated/learned the concept in course activities.  (45 points at 15 points per concept discussed) Potential aspects to include: What three new concepts did you learn? What new skills did you […]

How poverty differs in urban and rural

Discuss 1) how a poverty differ in individuals/families in two settings (urban and rural)  2) discuss some strategies to increase economic and social development for rural communities and 3) discuss some strategies to combat the inner city poverty 500 words minimum https://eazyweezyhomeworks.com/order/

Identify the Indigenous territories

Identify the Indigenous territories Students are asked to write a paper introducing themselves and their family. Indigenous scholars such as Robina Thomas and Kim Anderson speak about the importance of self-locating in academic writing (i.e, these are examples off scholars but you are not asked to reference their writing necessarily).  Identifying one’s people, land, community, […]