Advanced graphs | Information Systems homework help


Background: We have seen how simple data analysis and simple graphs assist us with telling the story of raw datasets. Now we will learn how the use of advanced graphs play a major “drilling down” deep into the meaning of the data.


Use RStudio to generate advanced graphs (using the ggplot2 package) using the dataset below.

Use the following videos to learn the commands to produce advanced graphs in RStudio: RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part1.mp4 | RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part2.mp4 

Graphs to Produce:

ggplot2 – Bar Plot: (Use dataset_student_survey_data.csv)

  • x=Smoke
  • fill=Exer
  • position=dodge
  • facet=Sex
  • x-label=Smoker
  • y-label=Counts
  • title=The Exercise habits of Male and Female students that smoke

ggplot2 – Histogram: (Use dataset_us_car_price_data.csv)

  • x=Price
  • fill=Type
  • facet=Type
  • x-label=Price
  • y-label=Freq
  • title=Car Price Distribution based on Car Type

ggplot2 – Box Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)

  • x=varieties
  • y=price
  • fill=bimas
  • facet=status
  • x-label=Rice Varieties
  • x-label=Price
  • title=India Rice Prices based on Varieties, Land Status, and Bimas Program

ggplot2 – Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)

  • x=price
  • y=wage
  • shape=bimas
  • col=bimas
  • facet=status
  • method=lm
  • se=F
  • x-label=Rice Price
  • y=Wage
  • title=India Rice Prices vs Wage broken down by Land Status and Bimas Program

Please put all screen shots in a MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Don’t upload the screen shots individually in the assignment folder! 

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.