Proverbs 1:7 gives us the theme for the whole book (and really, for all Wisdom Literature):  “_______________ is the beginning of knowledge.”


Proverbs 1:7 gives us the theme for the whole book (and really, for all Wisdom Literature):  “_______________ is the beginning of knowledge.”

A.Years of study
B.The fear of the LORD/Yahweh
C.Hard work
D.Listening to your parents


Which type of Psalm has not only a plea to God for help, but then celebrates the fact that God responded to the prayer and rescued the person?





1.     In Psalm 3, the author also expresses trust in God in verse 4, when He says that God answers his cry for help from ___________________.

A.The Ark of the Covenant
B.His holy temple
C.His majestic throne
D.His holy mountain


1.     Psalm 27 goes on to say, “I have asked one thing from the LORD.  This I will seek:  to remain in the LORD”s house all the days of my life in order to gaze at ______________________.”

A.The LORD; s beauty
B.The saints in glory
C.The LORD’s majestic glory
D.The angelic hosts


1.     Psalm 150 concludes, “Let ___________________________ praise the LORD/Yahweh!”

A.The people of Israel
B.The angel hosts
C.The valleys and hills
D.Everything that breathes


1.     Psalm 2 is a Royal Psalm.  I talk about the _______________ (v. 1) who want to break free from the rule of God’s king, and describes God’s divine establishment of the authority of this king (vs. 7-12).

A.The poor



1.     Once again David ends his lament, this time in Psalm 109, with a word of praise and trust in God.  He says that he will praise God, because God “stands beside ________________.”

A.The Ark of the Covenant
B.The archangels
C.Needy people
D.Those who mourn








1.     In Psalm 3 the author expresses trust in God by saying, “But you O LOD, are a ______________ that surrounds me.”



1.     Psalm 1 is a Wisdom Psalm placed at the beginning of the entire book to give a theme or mood to the use of the psalms.  There, the person who “delights in the teachings of the LORD/Yahweh” (v. 2) is the person who “___________” (v. 3).

A.Learns to deal with disappointment happy most of the time
C.Succeeds in everything he does.
D.Suffers less than his enemies


1.     In Hebrew poetry, in what type of parallelism does the second line extend or build upon the idea of the first line?

A.Developmental or Synthetic


1.     The book of Proverbs is a collection of “sayings that offer _________________” (FSB 984).

A.Practical advice for daily life 
B.Advice in how to become wealthy 
C.Guidance in how to save yourself 
 D.Tools to put down your enemy



1.     Psalm 8 is an example of a Praise Psalm.  It praises God that He has given ____________ such a high or exalted role over the rest of God’s creation.

C.Israelite kings


1.     The Wisdom Psalms are best understood as meditations on the great truths of life.  Psalm 139 discusses the fact that we can never _____________________.

A.Have too many friends
B.Have too many children
C.Get far away from God
D.Let our guard down




1.     Proverbs 10 teaches us that  “Hate starts quarrels, but love _________________” (vs. 9, 12).

A.Accepts everything
B.Stops quarrels
C.Is blind to faults
D.Covers every wrong


1.     Psalm 27 is another beautiful example of a Praise Psalm.  It starts off, “The Lord is my __________________ and my salvation.  Who is there to fear?”



1.     Ecclesiastes looks at life from a purely human perception, and sees what human reason and experience alone can tell us.  It examines many possible goals or purposes for human life, and it concludes over and over again that human existence (apart from God) is ________________ (NIV text from FSB, Ecl. 1:2).

B.A struggle but worth it
D.A joyful labor


1.     Psalm 46 goes on to praise God that He is a savior when nature seems to fall apart (vss. 2-3), or when human politics and ____________ threaten us (vs. 9).

C.Economic loss


1.     Psalm 137 is a Lament written by someone in Exile.  It starts off, “By the rivers of ______________, we sat down and cried as we remembered Zion.”



1.     In Psalm 109, another Lament of David, he talks about his desperate situation by saying in verse 23 “I fade away like ____________________. I have been shaken off like a grasshopper.”

A.A lengthening shadow
B.A faint echo
C.A setting sun
D.The morning mist


1.     The Lament is another Psalm type.  The usually have an address (to whom is the prayer given?), an expression of trust, the narration of a problem, the explicit request for help, and then some concluding words of trust as the poet waits for God to act.  In Psalm 3, what is the Psalmist’s problem?

A.He is mourning the loss of a loved one
B.He is being attacked by enemies
C.He is sick and dying
D.He has lost his wealth


1.     Did you know that the Psalms are like a hymn book? Choose any Psalm and connect for us what type/genre of song you think the Psalm would have reflected in todays culture (rock, country, hip hop, r&b, etc) and expand on why you chose this genre to be the Psalms connection.







. An analysis of the film using DuBois’ theory of double consciousness. 2. An analysis of the film using one or more concepts discussed in the Baldwin reading.

Please use the Cornell Notes format for the assignment.

This assignment requires a more substantive analysis of the film.

In addition, the Main Notes and Main Ideas sections of this assignment must engage the theories and concepts on offer in the Baldwin and DuBois readings. (state page numbers)

Be sure to make a connection between each Main Note with its corresponding Main Idea.  Including less than 3 main notes with 3 main ideas is not sufficient to consider the assignment complete.  Be sure using the Cornell Notes format as guide.

Furthermore, in the Summary section of this Cornell Notes, engage the Baldwin and DuBois readings to analyze the film, Get Out. Be sure to adhere to the following Cornell Notes assignment requirements in the summary section:

1. An analysis of the film using DuBois’ theory of double consciousness.

2. An analysis of the film using one or more concepts discussed in the Baldwin reading.

3. Discuss how the film together with your analysis resonates with your own lived experience.

4. The analysis section of this assignment must be 300-400 words.

Critical analyze and present your perspective on: What is Amazon’s strategy for using How will drones impact the supply chain?

Read Amazon Drone Knocking”

  • Critical analyze and present your perspective on:
    • What is Amazon’s strategy for using
    • How will drones impact the supply chain?
    •  this particular technology?
    • How can a CRM system help communicate issues in the supply chain between customers and drones?

Use at least three in text citation

What is Value Stream Mapping 

What is Value Stream Mapping 

Read the Course Project overview on pp. 16-17 of the Course Guide. In preparation for Part A, identify a value stream relevant to your organization that needs improvement. Include specific references to this week’s course materials to support your response.

  • What value does this value stream deliver to the organization or contribute to its competitiveness?
  • What metrics are currently used (or should be used) to monitor the performance of this value stream?
  • What do you predict might be some improvement opportunities in this value stream?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.​

How do you observe the production element working across the production? Are there repeated patterns used by the designer?

Writing Assignment One is designed to help you observe how a single element of production
works both descriptively and analytically. To do well on this assignment, you’ll need to push yourself
to carefully observe the choices made by designers in ways that you may not have noticed prior
to taking this class. The assignment asks you to report objectively (without personal opinion or bias)
in Observation Sections #1 and #2 before coming to your own assertive conclusions in the Analysis
Expectation: Demonstrate ability to describe and critique one element of theatre production
the National Theatre’s adaptation of Treasure Island (dir. Polly Findlay) [available through Drama
Online Database on the UW-Madison library website]. Your TA will tell you which Production
Element you will be considering. To succeed on the assignment, you must:
1) Closely observe how one specific production element in the performance is being used to help
create meaning in production.
2) Report observations with clarity and specific detail.
3) Draw clear conclusions grounded in observations.
Note: Each section should start on its own page. IE) Section 1 Should begin on Page 1; Section 2
on Page 2; Section 3 on Page 3.
Section 1. Observations from Production: The production Element in the entire production (250-
300 words)
Using vocabulary from Barbara Clayton’s “Guide to Basic Elements of Theatre Production,
make observations about a single production element in a single production. How do you observe
the production element working across the production? Are there repeated patterns used by the
designer? Specific sections that have more production element density than others? Successful
responses will describe the overall use of the production element in the production objectively and
support the description with cited evidence.
Section 2. Observations from one Scene: The production Element in a single scene (250-300
How does the production element work in a single scene? Choose one brief window of time
between 180-300 consecutive seconds in length to specifically observe. Watch this scene
repeatedly until you are confident in the use of the production element in this scene. Successful
responses will use cited example to describe how the element functions in this scene.

As you summarize, be sure to convey the understanding and scope of the proposal. Give a thorough explanation of the proposal, and highlight relevant research to support the main idea.

The executive summary is a one-page summary of what to expect in your paper highlighting the main points of your proposal. It is the marketing piece of the project. You should use the executive summary as a tool to get the reader intrigued, so he or she wants to read your proposal to get more information. To engage the reader, identify the purpose and use appropriate tone and usage for the audience. Consider addressing the situation and your audience’s views fairly and respectfully.

As you summarize, be sure to convey the understanding and scope of the proposal. Give a thorough explanation of the proposal, and highlight relevant research to support the main idea.

Your executive summary should be written as a professional document and should include these headings:

  • Purpose
  • Problem
  • Solution or Plan
  • Conclusion

Discuss how the levels of uncertainty impact the company culture and what quadrant of uncertainty has the most adverse effects.

Research problem statement: Businesses face daily uncertainty in the sphere of global economic influence, volatile money markets, changing polical environments and the impact of how legacy technology will affect their business.  All these can lead to keep businesses from investing in their own progress and focus on the worng priorities.  Discuss how the levels of uncertainty impact the company culture and what quadrant of uncertainty has the most adverse effects.  Additionally, as we discussed in Chapter 5, managing ethical behavior will change on factors such as: setting, degree of severity, values and beliefs systems, etc.  What, if anything, would do to compensate for the high degrees of uncertainty and a poor company culture?
The paper format must be as follows (points will be taken off if not followed):

  1. Font = Caibri or Times New Roman
  2. Size = 12 point
  3. Header/Cover page = Header will be your name and course only and will not count towards length of paper
  4. Margins = 1 inch
  5. Length = 2-3 full pages
  6. Spacing = Double
  7. References = recommend at least 3 (reference page, not to be included in length of paper)

What are your thoughts about what the police officers involved did to Abner Louima? What was the outcome of the criminal charges against the police officers?

There is no debate that we are living in a very litigious society. Lawsuits against police departments and officers are on the rise. How do you think these lawsuits affect officers when doing their jobs? Does it prevent good police work?  How should police administrators deal with potential issues realted to liability and negligence?

Research the The Abner Louima Torture Case page with the New York Police Department. What are your thoughts about what the police officers involved did to Abner Louima? What was the outcome of the criminal charges against the police officers? What was the outcome of the civil lawsuit against the police officers involved in the case? Do you agree with the results of the criminal and civil cases? Why or why not?

  • Write a short paragraph of at least 300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • All initial discussion post must be support by academic sources even if asked your opinion.
  • Do not plagiarize.

This week’s Mini Lit Review is on your approved topic for your final Research Paper.

Wk7: Mini Lit Review

This week’s Mini Lit Review is on your approved topic for your final Research Paper. This allows you to use week 7 to make progress toward the final paper and to get feedback related to your final paper. As always, this week’s Mini Lit Review must use at least four quality articles of the topic but may have more (especially since this is working toward your final paper).Your Mini Lit Review should include the following:

  • An introduction that states your thesis and communicates the organization of the research paper
  • A portion of the research paper’s literature review
  • Full bibliographic information (in APA format)

The body of each week’s mini lit review should be at least 4-6 pages in length (in APA format, double-spaced, 12 pt font) but may be more, depending on the progress you are making toward your final paper.

Find two ads for management or executive positions. (Copy and paste them) What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads?

Find two ads for management or executive positions. (Copy and paste them)

  • What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads? (There are eight [8] listed in Chapter 12, p. 460).
  1. Personality
  2. Self-concept
  3. Leadership Motivation
  4. Drive
  5. Integrity
  6. Knowledge of the Business
  7. Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) and Practical Intelligence
  8. Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.)

If you were on the selection panel, what methods (or questions) would you use to identify these specific leadership attributes (competencies) in job applicants? (For example, what questions would you ask the applicant to decipher his or her leadership competencies? BE SPECIFIC).