racism on people

Please discuss the issue of racism and relate it to the cited source The goal of this presentation is to inform the audience about an object, process, event, or concept. Students will be required to

Please discuss the issue of racism and relate it to the cited source

The goal of this presentation is to inform the audience about an object, process, event, or concept. Students will be required to conduct independent research for this speech and select a topic that reflects an issue that is current and will add to the knowledge base of the audience.  Please discuss the issue of racism

Assignment Requirements:

  1. The presentation should be well organized. It should include an attention-getting introduction, central idea, preview of the key points, appropriate supporting material, and a memorable conclusion. Choose any of the organizational patterns described in your textbook or use an original but clear organizational pattern.
  2. Submit an outline with a bibliography
  3. The bibliography should be in MLA standard bibliographic format. It should include at least three different, valid, & credible sources.

racism speech on students

The topic I chose is racism This is an Informative speech The goal of this presentation is to inform the audience about an object, process, event, or concept. Students will be required to conduct ind

The topic I chose is racism

This is an Informative speech

The goal of this presentation is to inform the audience about an object, process, event, or concept. Students will be required to conduct independent research for this speech and select a topic that reflects an issue that is current and will add to the knowledge base of the audience. Students are required to dress in professional business attire for this speech.

Assignment Requirements:

  1. The presentation should be well organized. It should include an attention-getting introduction, central idea, preview of the key points, appropriate supporting material, and a memorable conclusion. Choose any of the organizational patterns described in your textbook or use an original but clear organizational pattern.
  2. Submit an outline with a bibliography
  3. The bibliography should be in MLA standard bibliographic format. It should include at least three different, valid, & credible sources.

gas emission

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Greenhouse Gas Emission the Greatest Contributor to the Climatic Changes.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Greenhouse Gas Emission the Greatest Contributor to the Climatic Changes. However, after being scattered or irradiated back from the surface of the earth, part of the outgoing radiation – inform of heat- escapes the planet while the greenhouse gases trap the other remaining portion. Therefore, the amount of energy trapped inside the earth is mainly dependent on the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Nature has its own means of creating a balance in the atmosphere. Thus, the natural greenhouse gas composition has relatively zero effect on climatic conditions of the earth’s surface. However, human activities such burning of fossil fuels, urbanization, industrialization, and structural change in agriculture and forestry, have contributed significantly to the uncontrollable levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Baumann 1-2).

As a consequence of the anthropogenic production of greenhouse gases and environmental degradation, climate change and global warming has occurred. Climate change and global warming have been projected to be a threat to the survival or existence of all living organisms on the planet. This has prompted human beings to formulate mechanisms that can be used either to reverse or mitigate the current problem of climate change. One such mechanism that has been structured and adopted by many nations in response to the scientific findings that the earth is getting warmer and may lead to irreversible adverse impacts is the Kyoto Protocol (Baumann 1-5)

Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement that was created to provide a framework for combating the problem of climate change and global warming. It aims at stabilizing the level of greenhouse gas, GHG, concentrations in the atmosphere, and the prevention of anthropogenic interferences with the climate (UNFCCC 1). Thus, the mission of the Kyoto Protocol is to cut down the emission of carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, and ozone gases.

The Kyoto Protocol is built on principles, which are organized or labeled in a constitution-like fashion i.e. Articles. This set of articles act as rules and guidelines to the signatory countries.

pfizer vaccinations

POWERPOINT PROJECT: DISCLAIMER: Under downloads I have included a file called Pfizer, Inc (Fall 2020) (1).pptx. This is only an EXAMPLE of a SIMILAR project. This might be helpful in preparing your p


DISCLAIMER:Under downloads I have included a file called Pfizer, Inc (Fall 2020) (1).pptx.  This is only an EXAMPLE of a SIMILAR project. This might be helpful in preparing your presentation.  However, it is NOT the exact same. You SHOULD read all guidelines for THIS actual project below.


Netflix will be the project company.  On the Blackboard semester project page, I have posted the related financial statements and other supporting financial schedules and formats that you can use to prepare your financial analysis presentation.

For the financial reporting project, you will perform an analysis of the financial statements of a U.S. public corporation.

Please note that you will prepare this analysis in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, i.e. you want to prepare in a form that would support a “face-to-face” presentation in which you are discussing your observations to an audience.

Additionally, your perspective should be as a “neutral” analyst, not as an employee of the company.

For this project, you will use the company’s 10k/annual report and other supporting schedules, to offer analysis and observations about the company’s financial health, financial performance, and ability to generate and use its cash flows effectively.

In your analysis, you will:

1.     Give a short description of the company and its business;

2.     Prepare a horizontal analysis and a vertical analysis of the company’s Income Statement;

3.     Analyze the company’s cash flow statement;

4.     Analyze the company’s key financial ratios; and

5.     Provide a summary of your observations.

Schedules and formats are provided for your analysis, as discussed below.

Part 1 – The Business

Using the 10K/annual report and the Factiva On-line financial database, which is available through the Hofstra Axinn Library portal, prepare a short description of the company’s business.  The discussion of the business is provided in Item 1 of the company’s 10K/annual report.

(Note: The Factiva On-line financial information database is available via Hofstra’s Axinn Library on-line site.  On Blackboard or during one of our class meetings, I will show how you can access the database via Hofstra’s portal.)

Your “business” description should be brief, 5 paragraphs or fewer and no more than 5 PowerPoint slides. It should include:

  1. A description of the company’s business;
  2. Its mission statement, if available;
  3. Sources of revenue (for this, you should post a “picture” or chart of the company’s revenues by business segments.  This schedule is in the company’s 10k/annual report);
  4. Senior corporate officers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chief Financial Officer.
  5. A schedule discussing some of the most recent significant business issues faced by the company.  By recent, I mean that the issues should have a current year impact and should not have occurred or been reported before December 31, 2019.  Obviously, you’ll find such issues in independent business news reports and research from business newspapers, business journals and related business-focused on-line media reports.  These observations:

Part 2 – Income Statement Analysis

Two Excel spreadsheet formats are posted on Blackboard on which you will prepare a horizontal and vertical analysis of the company’s Income Statement, only.

After completing your horizontal and vertical analyses, briefly summarize your observations about changes, i.e. financial trends, in the following Income Statement line items for each schedule:

1.     Net sales,

2.     Operating income, and

3.     Net earnings attributable to Procter & Gamble

For these comments, you are to discuss, briefly, the horizontal analysis trend and the vertical analysis trend, not the absolute amounts.

Part 3 – Cash Flow Analysis

Using the company’s cash flow statement, prepare the necessary schedules to assess the company’s ability to generate cash and use/invest generated cash.  A schedule has been posted with the format for this analysis.  That schedule also explains what you should discuss.

Part 4- Ratio Analysis

In the provided material, you will have an Excel schedule detailing the company’s key financial ratios for most recent 3-years available and a series of blank PowerPoint formats for analyzing the key financial ratios.

Using the detailed Excel schedule with the key financial ratios, complete the PowerPoint ratio analysis schedules and provide analysis of:

  1. The 3-year performance trend of these ratios and
  2. The company’s performance for each ratio compared to that of its competitor.  For this comparison, you only need to compare your project company’s most recent ratio to the related ratio provided for its competitor, i.e. you do not need to download and analyze the competitor’s 3-year trend.

(I will include the required ratios for this analysis)

Part 5- Financial Summary

A brief summary of your observations about the company, including:

  1. An overview of the business
  2. Summary of the observations from your Income Statement analysis
  3. Summary of the observations from your Cash flow analysis, and
  4. Summary of the observations from your Ratio analysis by major category, i.e. Profitability, Liquidity, Asset Management, and Solvency.

This financial summary should focus on overall observations from your work and should not exceed 5 slides.

Part 6- References

List and briefly describe the source of that information used in preparing your presentation including a link to the related website, if applicable.  When including a website reference, you should also provide a brief description of the related site.  Also, where applicable, list the titles and dates of journal or newspaper articles used.



Attached is a link to the Neflix investor services website.  This is a great starting page for information about the company, particularly from the viewpoint of an investor or interested investor.


This is a link to the Investor Relations pages that Netflix posts on YouTube.  These videos present discussions and interviews curated by Netflix for presentation to their investors, lenders, and potential investors and lenders.


Netflix, Inc. – Selected Financial Statements- Attached is a Word file containing Netflix, Inc.’s selected financial statements, including the management representation report and the reports of the independent public accounting firm.

Attached Files:

  • NetFlix Proxy Report (for fye 2019) (9.941 MB)
  • Netflix Corp Summary Compensation Schedule (fye 2019) (203.582 KB)

Attached is the corporation’s proxy report to its shareholders.  The report is issued to shareholders before the annual meeting between the company and it shareholders. Included with this report is a detailed analysis of the compensation paid to the 5 most highly compensated executives and detail on remuneration paid to the corporation’s Board of Directors.

Attached, as a separate file is Pfizer, Inc.’s executive compensation table for its 5-highest paid executive employees:

Neflix, Inc. – Key Financial RatiosAttached Files:

  • Financial Ratios – NFLX.xlsx (25.043 KB)

Attached are the key financial ratios for NetflixFor your semester project, use these attached ratios.  Fyi, the ratios were taken from the S&P NetAdvantage Database, which is available on the Hofstra Axinn Library on-line page.

Competitor’s Key Financial Ratios (Walt Disney Company)Attached Files:

  • Financial Ratios – Disney (24.485 KB)

Attached are the key financial ratios for Netflix’s competitor (Disney) which you will use for Netflix analysis.   The only missing ratio is Earnings per share – diluted, which you have to obtain from the most recently issued annual report of the Walt Disney Company’s Income Statement.  You can obtain Disney’s financial statements from their website, see the Investor Relations pages or the Factiva or S&P Net Advantage data base, either of which is available on the Hofstra Axinn Library website.

  •  Netflix Inc – Income Statement (Vertical and Horizontal Analysis) (31.113 KB)

The attached schedule is to be used for preparing your horizontal and vertical analysis of the Consolidated Income Statement.

  • Format – Ratio Analysis (blank) (58.525 KB)

Attached are the blank PowerPoint formats for the ratio analysis.  Whether you use the attached schedules for your project or prepare your own, please format your schedules similar to the attached.

  • Cash Flow Analysis – Blank Format.docx (17.94 KB)

Attached is a Word file containing the format for your cash flow analysis for your semester project.

You can complete the format in Word and “cut-and-paste” it into your final presentation or you can set-up the formats in Excel and perform your analysis on the Excel file.  I will accept either approach.

However, you should not submit your final version of this schedule in Word format.

Word file to PowerPoint

population change

Compose a 500 words essay on Homework. Needs to be plagiarism free!In other words, a sample variance ratio as extreme as F = .442 would occur by chance about 15.7 percent of the time if the population

Compose a 500 words essay on Homework. Needs to be plagiarism free!

In other words, a sample variance ratio as extreme as F = .442 would occur by chance about 15.7 percent of the time if the population variances were in fact equal. The sample evidence does not indicate that the variances

physical chemistry experiment

d an research paper on physical chemistry experiment analysis. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on physical chemistry experiment analysis. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. Accuracy refers to the degree of technical intimacy between actual measurement and a known standard measurement. On the other hand, precision is concerned with the degree of reproducibility in measurements. Admittedly, both accuracy and precision are key determinants of reliability. In the presence of errors like the inaccurate molarity of NaOH, measurements in subsequent procedures are usually compromised.

This lab report covers the determination of KHP in an unknown through standardization of sodium hydroxide solution using potassium hydrogen phthalate, commonly abbreviated as KHP. NaOH is not only highly hygroscopic but also absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. These properties of NaOH yield substantial errors in the compound’s mass measurements. In practice, the actual concentration of NaOH is determined using KHP as an acidic primary standard (Stanton, 32). The equation for the reaction is KHC8H4O4 + NaOH → NaKC8H4O4 + H2O. KHP has one H+ whereas NaOH has a single OH-. On an ionic basis, H+ in KHP reacts with the OH- in NaOH to form H2O in the ratio 1:1. By titrating a weighted amount of KHP against NaOH, the actual molarity of NaOH can be derived from the resultant titration data. Once the molarity of NaOH has been determined, the percentage, purity of an impure primary standard can be deduced. A suitable indicator, which in this case is phenolphthalein, was used to indicate the titration’s end-point.

Theoretically, standardization of NaOH and determination of a primary standard’s purity are quantitative methods. Therefore, the accuracy of instrument readings is paramount in ensuring the success of volumetric analysis. In this case, the experiment began with the cleaning and calibration of instruments, primarily the burette, mass scales, and Erlenmeyer flasks. Once the instruments were ready, a solution of NaOH was prepared. Procedurally, preparing the solution of NaOH is the first step in determining the actual molarity of NaOH, which will be used in determining the percentage purity of KHP. Slightly concentrated NaOH reacts actively with CO2 to form carbonate ions, a weak base which compromises subsequent steps of a titration experiment (Stanton, 32).

stress in people lives

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on stress in peoples lives. In this regard, stress in people’s lives is leading to a loss of academic ambition, depression, and varied physical consequ

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on stress in peoples lives. In this regard, stress in people’s lives is leading to a loss of academic ambition, depression, and varied physical consequences in humans globally.

Nowadays, an individual at work confronts a number of challenges, from his tasks at workplace to his duties at home, etc (Boss & Mulligan, pp. 8-17). On the other hand, even a school-going child faces a number of issues concerning his academic requirements for family responsibilities, etc. In midst of all such challenges and in presence of various technologies to cater needs and requirements of humans, it is an observation that such scientific achievements have been unsuccessful in catering the emotional and psychological needs of human lives. Such failure is allowing the menace of stress to grow and become one of the most common risk factors of human deaths in the form of depression after deadly diseases such as cancer, AIDS, etc. around the globe (Pfeffer, pp. xvii).

In the result, a huge number of experts and organizations are putting efforts to identify and analyze the causes and effects of stress (Pfeffer, pp. 108) that has become a global issue in a rapid manner. One of the major factors of such a huge popularity of stress in health, as well as nonprofessional fields, is its huge scope that does not only affect the individual, but people around the individual also confront the adverse consequences physically, socially, and physiologically as well. In terms of causes, experts have identified the underlying causes of stress, ‘stressors’ (Biegel, pp. 28) that do allow the victims to use their will while controlling such individuals with the help of chemical inequalities in the body.

In specific, psychologists (Barlow, pp. 169) believe that situations are the most fundamental causes of stress that result in the pressure on individuals causing them to shift from normal status to the abnormal one. Some experts believe that&nbsp.situations can exist in the form of people as well that often put pressure on individuals in different situations and at different places, such as schools, homes, workplaces, etc.

social changers mahatma

Write a 1 page essay on Report on Social Changers.Mahatma Gandhi cooperated with important political bodies at the time and greatly influenced the way they operated. However, whenever he felt that his

Write a 1 page essay on Report on Social Changers.

Mahatma Gandhi cooperated with important political bodies at the time and greatly influenced the way they operated. However, whenever he felt that his counterparts did not fully share his methods or point of view, he would depart. One might suggest that Gandhi actively influenced the minds of the people so that they could make the right decision in the future. Closer to his life Gandhi was able to see that his beloved country was able to become free. Even though the independence brought a conflict with Pakistan, he knew that one of his dreams had come true. In addition to that, various limits that were put by the caste system were lifted. In his struggle, Gandhi strictly adhered to the principles of non violence (Deats 10). He also urged others to comply with it since, he thought, that this would bring the best results and minimize the number of casualties among the

vertisols drought investigations

Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Vertisols.The vertisols are developed from highly basic rocks in places that are moist, subject to inconsistent drought and overflows or to impeded dr

Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Vertisols.

The vertisols are developed from highly basic rocks in places that are moist, subject to inconsistent drought and overflows or to impeded drainage areas. The color of the soil is reliant on the parent material and the climate of the area that contributes to the grey or red soils. The topographic location of vertisols has a wrinkled look formed by a complex arrangement of loads and depressions that emerge due to shrink-swell sequence over longer durations (Syers, et al, 86). The temporal changes in the physical qualities of the vertisols require farmers to have accurate timing and adoption of agricultural practices for good harvests. However, there are other shortfalls that the soils impose on farmers and engineers during the varying seasons, which make them unsuitable for permanent reasons.

Vertisols appear in nearly different climatic zones, with Australia having the largest occurrence of the soils. However, arid moisture areas that have limited ustic and xeric zones produce more Vertisols than other regions. Considering this, the seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature are the prerequisites for the development of the soils. This is because they cause weathering of main and secondary resources during wet seasons, but enhance the accumulation of original cations in the dry seasons. It is apparent that places where vertisols develop experience periods of possible evaporation that exceeds precipitation in the dry seasons (Auerswald 510-511). Intense rainfalls cause deep cracks that increase the organic matter contents and carbonates leaching in the soils. The associated climate experiences variations between the cold and dry spells is favorable for the vertisols to endure the effects of one situation. For instance, the cracks formed in the dry periods are rectified when the rains start by making the soil to swell and cover the cracks (Dedousis 116). It implies that the vertisols operate

metabolic research discussion

Compose a 500 words essay on Metabolic research critique. Needs to be plagiarism free!According to the paper, there are approximately 300 accounted types of inherited metabolic diseases (IMD) and ther

Compose a 500 words essay on Metabolic research critique. Needs to be plagiarism free!

According to the paper, there are approximately 300 accounted types of inherited metabolic diseases (IMD) and there is a continuous increase and the authors of the article perceived the importance of early identification of the presence of IMD in the system of the patients. The challenge is that there is a higher percentage of diagnosis during 15 years and above than in the first year of life but this can make the different since early diagnosis is important. The subjects have indications of possible IMD undertaken (both confirmed and suspected).

The research objective is stated on the last part of the background of the study. It is to be able to establish a gene expression signature to be able to improve detection of IMD earlier than normal diagnostic techniques.

The subject of the research or the population had been described in the methodology clearly. These 68 patients’ human skin fibroblast cells became the subjects of the research after being cultured and tested for Mycoplasma infection. One criticism regarding the population can be related to the number of subjects. Based on the rules of scientific research, it is important to have a higher number of subjects to be able to improve validity.

The methods used in the research had also been stated and organized clearly. This part of the paper is one of the longest and most specific part of the study with clear distinction of the fact that the paper is technical and that most of the readers are peers who can relate to the subject matter and the techniques presented such as the RNA extraction, the determination of the microarrays, the gathering and analysis of the mycroarray data, and finally the PCR and sequencing analysis.

In relation to the technical presentation of the methodology, the different concepts, terms and variables are defined in a manner that only the related parameters and values are given and not defined in a layman’s perspective. It can be considered that