A doll house assignment | English homework help

After reading the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen, answer the questions below.  For each of your answers, make sure to include specific textual analysis to support your claim.
1.  How is the social setting of the play relevant?  In other words, what thoughts, beliefs, or societal expectations of this time are relevant to an important topic within the work?
2.  Discuss how characterization, symbolism, or irony are used by the playwright in order to convey an important idea or issue addressed in the work.

Unite 6 assignment | medical billing and coding


Unit 6 Assignment Instructions 

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

➢ Discuss the role of coding with the key features of an electronic health record (EHR) system and clinical document standards.

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

HI253-4: Summarize the features of health information systems used for quality coding practices.

AHIMA’s Professional Coding Approved Program (PCAP) Mapping:

Domain I. Data Content, Structure & Standards (Information Governance)

● Subdomain I.A Classification Systems

● 1. Apply diagnosis/procedure codes according to current guidelines (Bloom’s Level 3)

o Classification Systems

▪ ICD (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, ICD-10-CM/PCS)

o Taxonomies

▪ Clinical Care Classification (CCC)

o Nomenclatures

▪ CPT, DSM, RxNorm

o Terminologies


EHR and Coding Resources Comparison: 


You are the coding supervisor at a major acute care hospital. The hospital administration has been studying payment and outcome metrics for the institution, and realizes that the current electronic health records system may be outdated. You have been asked to create a report that answers the following question: “What EHR and coding resources would you recommend to the hospital administration to ensure that the most current ICD-10-CM/PCS codes are in use in your healthcare facility?” Your report should compare at least 3 EHR systems that you have been exposed to in this course (for example Nuance Clintegrity, 3M Encoder, VistA) or worked with in the past. Your comparison should include features such as coding resources, advantages/disadvantages, and computer system requirements for each system. Your report should include your final recommendation out of the three systems you review and the rationale for your decision. Your comparison report should be well-ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your report should include a comparison table that summarizes your findings. It is not necessary to follow paragraph style in the comparison table. 

Learning journal continued | Computer Science homework help


Modify your program from Learning Journal Unit 7 to read dictionary items from a file and write the inverted dictionary to a file. You will need to decide on the following:

  • How to format each dictionary item as a text string in the input file.
  • How to covert each input string into a dictionary item.
  • How to format each item of your inverted dictionary as a text string in the output file.

Create an input file with your original three-or-more items and add at least three new items, for a total of at least six items.

Include the following in your Learning Journal submission: 

  • The input file for your original dictionary (with at least six items).
  • The Python program to read from a file, invert the dictionary, and write to a different file.
  • The output file for your inverted dictionary.
  • A description of how you chose to encode the original dictionary and the inverted dictionary in text files.

Welcome letter to parents | ELM-357


Establishing a collaborative unit with teachers, families, and students builds a strong bond to support the growth of the students. Building a rapport and sharing information with families is a critical step in creating relationships that support the learning environment and the connection between home and school.

For this assignment, create a 1–2-page digital welcome letter to send to families at the start of a school year. Describe the family’s responsibilities in supporting a self-regulated learner.

The letter should address the following:

The family’s role in developing a self-regulated learner in the home environment. 

Two strategies families can use to promote independent learning at home. Explain how this home-extension supports student development and academic achievement. 

Emphasize the importance of regularly communicating goals and learning progress between school and home. 

Recommend two technological resources and one non-technological resource that you and the families can use throughout the school year to communicate students’ progress. 

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Assignment no. 1 (changes in social perceptions on the role and


With the aid of some examples, write a short essay (minimum 400 words) on how our perceptions of the social role and context of business have changed since the dawn of the industrial revolution.  In particular, make sure that you discuss how, and to what extent, the general social consensus on the moral obligations of business and on acceptable business practices have evolved over the last two centuries or so. 

Deadline reminder: this assignment is due on June 7. Any assignments submitted after that date will lose 5 points (i.e., 20% of the maximum score of 25 points) for each day that they are submitted late. Accordingly, after June 7, any submissions would be worth zero points and at that time the assignment inbox will close.

Project charter development | BUS627 | Ashford University

Using the project management case study, develop a project charter (use headings) of three to four pages (no more than four pages). In addition to the course textbook, research two additional resources. In your charter,

  • Summarize the project’s scope and limitations.
  • Propose a business case for the project.
    • Address how the project will enable the corporate strategy.
    • Address how the project will apply corporate social responsibility (CSR) values.
    • Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for the project business case. (Use Microsoft Excel to derive the NPV assuming the data below—submit an Excel spreadsheet as an appendix:
      • Purchase price of $400,000.
      • One-time project costs total of $100,000 spent in Year 0.
      • Net benefits after taxes of $150,000 per year for five years.
      • Salvage value for Year 6 and beyond of $400,000.)
    • Summarize your results of NPV in the paper and refer to the Appendix.
  • Develop a milestone schedule that includes five to seven elements
    • Use the case study to derive the milestones. If the case is lacking, feel free to include a solution or milestone that you think Walmart would value.
  • Predict the risks, threats, and opportunities of the project.
  • Outline resources needed for the project.
  • Develop your plan to form a high-performing project team.
  • Identify five important groups of stakeholders.

The Project Charter Development paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.).

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Mediation and moderation analysis | CJUS 745 – Quantitative Methods of Research | Liberty University



You will
take part in 3 Discussions in which you will post a thread presenting your
scholarly response on the assigned topic, writing 750–850 words (supported with
at least four cites) by Thursday at 11:59pm. Then, you will post replies of
250–300 words (supported with at least two cites) each to 3 or more classmates’
threads by Sunday at 11:59pm. The discussion in the final week of the class’
due dates are by Wednesday at 11:59pm and the replies are due by Friday at
11:59pm. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least four
(4) scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least two
(2) scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been
published within the last five years. The original thread must incorporate
ideas and several scholarly citations from all of the required readings and
presentations for that module/week.  The
reply posts can integrate ideas and citations from the required readings and
presentations for other modules/weeks. 
Integrate Biblical principles in your personal thread and in all replies
to peers.




  • One of the most advanced quantitative methods that can be applied to
    criminal justice data is mediation and moderation
    analysis.  After reading the two articles by Pick and Teo (2017)
    and Pais (2017), as well as the articles by Hayes and others, what are the
    advantages of applying this analysis? 
  • How do an inadequate design, a flawed analysis strategy, and lack
    of attention to assumptions affect the use of mediation and moderation
  • How does the researcher’s lack of theoretical framework concerning
    variables affect the application of mediation and moderation analysis?


Required  materials


two articles by Pick and
Teo (2017)


Pais (2017), as well as the
articles by Hayes and others, what are the advantages of applying this

Behavioral health | Operations Management homework help

Behavioral Health 


Epidemiologic data on the prevalence of psychiatric and substance disorders compared with the nation’s behavioral health care needs highlights gaps in service adequacy. Continuing changes in organization and fiscal structures resulting from the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), specifically how Medicaid expansion impacts behavioral health services, is an important area of concern. In addition, there are special challenges of the homeless and incarcerated mentally ill populations. Behavioral health also has a workforce shortage. This is another area for improvement in health care organizations throughout the nation.

Review and analyze the graphs in Figure 10-1, Prevalence of any Mental Illness Among U. S. Adults; Figure 10-2, Prevalence of Serious Mental Illness Among U.S. Adults; Figure 10-3, Top Leading Disease or Disorder Categories Contributing to U.S. Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) (2010), and Figure 10-4, U.S. DALYs for Mental and Behavioral Disorders as a Percent of Total U.S. DALYs.

Some of the barriers to care are provider geographic distribution, financial limitations, lack of or inadequate health insurance, stigma, misunderstandings about the treatability of conditions, personal and provider attitudes, cultural issues, and a poorly organized care delivery system (see page 285 of the textbook). Consider also the mental health services of children and adolescents. Consider the current events with mass shootings at schools, movie theaters, concerts, et cetera and have tough conversations about mental health.


Write a three to four-page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the graphs and figures noted and describe your findings in behavioral health. 
  2. Explain the Mental Health Parity and Addition Equity Act of 2008.
  3. Explain the role of the National Institute of Mental Health and its influence on access to and utilization of health care services within the current health care system.
  4. Use at least three recent (that is, last five years) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Module 08 lab assignment – documentation a respiratory examination | Physical Assessment | Rasmussen College System


Neurologic System Patient Case

Subjective data

Mr. Green is a 52-years-old, visiting the office today.  He’s currently experiencing headaches and blurry vision. Mr. Green has a history of stroke and hypertension. He was previously admissions for blood transfusion, and history of surgeries. He is allergic to aspirin

Palliation– Mr. Green reports, wearing his glasses help him see better.

Quality- The pain is throbbing and pounding 

Region of the pain– Pain is located in his eye.

Severity-He describes the severity of (10/ 10)

Timing– present for the last few hours.

Understanding and impact– he reported unhappy due to the pain and blurred vision affect his daily living and life activities.

Objective data

The vital signs of Mr. Green include Temperature-36.8 C, HR- 88BPM, respiratory rate- 22BPM, and BP- 168/92 mmHg. The patient is alert but confused and oriented only to person and place and not oriented to time. He has a slurred speech.

Mr. Green, cranial nerves II and VII are impaired. Others cranial nerves are intact.

Upon examining his motor skills, Mr. Green’s muscle strength in the left arm is 2/ 5 while the left leg is 3/ 5. Sensory examination to assess the sensations, including temperature, vibration, pain, and proprioception are intact. 

Actual and potential risks. 

Mr. Green has blurred vision because the assessment findings indicate that the cranial nerve II (optic nerve) is impaired. The stroke might have affected the parts of the brain which control the optic nerve and therefore causing damage to the muscles. He also has hemiplegic headaches, which are throbbing, severe, and are accompanied by confusion.

Mr. Green is at risk of facial nerve paralysis because the assessment findings indicate that the cranial nerve VII (Facial nerve) is impaired, and the patient has left lower facial droop. It can affect the ability to blink a smile and difficulty in making various facial movements (Hinkle & Cheever, 2018). It can result when any part of the facial nerve muscles is either damaged or inflamed.

History week 6 | American history homework help

I need you to read the article and answer the following questions. 160 words minimum. NO CITATION NO PLAGARISM

Congressman Arthur L. Miller Gives “the Putrid Facts” About Homosexuality” (1950)

1. How does Congressman Miller characterize homosexuals? Be specific and provide examples.

2. Why, according to the Congressman, do homosexuals represent a threat to national security? Explain.

3. Do you think many Americans would’ve found the Congressman’s argument persuasive? Why or why not?

4. What other groups were targeted as immoral, un-American, and unpatriotic during the Cold War, and why?

5. How did Cold Warriors reconcile the persecution of certain social groups in the U.S. with the claim that the U.S. stands for freedom and equality?