Heian court aristocracy | History homework help

        What do the writings of Murasaki Shikibu tell us about the lives of women and men in Heian Japan? [Consider: Not much is suggested about women outside the upper classes. For those of Murasaki’s social status, women were well-educated, free to write, played a more prominent role in family matters, and had more sexual freedom than women in later Japan]. 


Casee | Reading homework help

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to hypothesize the perceptions of family literacy for Latino families.


After reading the article and the case study: (Attached below with names) 

  1. Imagine being Chucho and/or Jacinto and try to see the world through their eyes.
  2. Next, reflect on what you just read in the case study and the following questions:
    – What can this person perceive?
    – What might this person know about or believe?
    – What might this person care about?
  3. Then, use The Step Inside Handout (Word) (attached below) to record your reflection.
  4. Upload your Step Inside Handout in the assignment dropbox.

Family and society | Sociology homework help

Please number and answer the following questions, based on lectures as well as readings.  When you refer to the reading in your answer, put the author’s last name in parentheses – example: (Coontz).  Do not repeat the question; simply number then answer.  Your total word count for this exam should be minimum 1500 words, typed, doublespaced.  At the top of your exam please put your name, class, and word count.  You will submit this Exam as a Word doc via Canvas by the due date/time posted in Canvas.  All answers must be in your own words; no direct quoting from lecture material or readings is allowed.  Please note that while this exam is open (that is, open-note, open-book), you MAY NOT work with other people on this exam.  This exam is to be completed by you individually; any collaboration with other people on this exam constitutes cheating, so please be sure to work independently. Please note that exams that are late or under the word count or have direct quoting will not be accepted. 

1)  What does it mean to take a sociological perspective of families? Why is defining family important?  What is the difference between the public family vs the private family, and how has this changed throughout US history?  In your answer, include four relevant points from the reading (5)Coontz.

2)  In the US, many people believe that most poor people are lazy people who don’t want to work and instead rely completely on welfare. Explain with facts / statistics / examples how we know these stereotypes are false.  Next, research shows that social class impacts how children are raised and their life chances.  Explain this with two relevant points from the reading (6)Mintz and two relevant points from the reading (31)Furstenberg, Jr. 

3)  Explain how bias theory and institutional discrimination theory each explain racial-ethnic inequality in the US. Be sure to explain the types of profiling and also the four main points of institutional discrimination theory.  Finally, based on the reading (29)Aldarondo and Ameen, debunk (prove false) four stereotypes / misconceptions about immigrants / immigration.

4)  What is the difference between sex and gender? What is gender socialization, and explain examples of gender bias in different levels of school.  How and why do women and men, on average, have different communication styles?  Give examples of rapport talk vs report talk.  Finally, from the reading (27)Davis, what is intersex, and how do many medical practitioners present this issue to parents?  How do parents respond?

5)  Explain with examples three ways LGBTQIA+ individuals face stigma / discrimination in the US. Next, from the reading (28)Dozier, why has there been a heavy investment in asserting that same-sex parents don’t differ from heterosexual parents?  Give two examples of how same-sex families do in fact differ from heterosexual families. 

Annotated week 5 | ethics | Aaniiih Nakoda College

  • Answer this question: What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side in abortion?
  • Next, articulate and then evaluate the ethical positions  using Kantian ethics (that is, the categorical imperative) relative to the long standing debate  on abortion?
  • Finally, create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources. You will annotate each source. The sources should be relevant to your topic chosen in the week three assignment which is abortion 

Include the following:

  • Publication details
  • Annotation (a detailed reading of the source)

Each annotation section should include the following:

  • Summarize key points and identify key terms (using quotation marks, and citing a page in parentheses).
  • Describe the controversies or “problems” raised by the articles.
  • State whether you agree or disagree and give reasons.
  • Locate one or two quotations to be used in the final research project.
  • Evaluate the ways in which this article is important and has helped you focus your understanding.


  • Length: 4-7pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font 

Art and mental illness – art appreciation course


For this assignment you will research the mental health of either Frida Kahlo or Vincent Van Gogh. 

Both of these artists created many self-portraits. Your job is to determine whether we can see signs of mental illness within her or his self-portrait.

You must then select two articles to analyze their work:

  • One of these articles should be about one or more of her or his self-portraits.
  • The other article should be about assessing mental illness through observation OR an article discussing the mental illness of either Kahlo or Van Gogh.


  • Write a 500-700 word essay in which you analyze the research on her or his mental illness.
  • Analyze one or more self-portraits by either Kahlo or Van Gogh. Do you believe the portrait reflects how the artist was feeling at the time? Why or why not? 
  • Argue whether you believe it possible to diagnose someone who is no longer living based on an image of them? How?
  • What are the challenges scholars face when considering the mental illness of artists?
  • You may use APA, MLA, or Turabian for citing sources.

Please see the rubric for how this assignment will be graded.

 Criteria Ratings Points:

1. Solid Sources: Discussion of at least two written sources that support your ideas. 5.0 pts

2. Argument: Strong argument in which the students explains the validity of diagnosing a dead artist. Discussion of the challenges faced when considering the mental illness of artists. 5.0 pts

3. Self-Portrait analysis: Analysis of one or more self-portraits by the artist that supports student’s argument. 5.0 pts

4. Bibliography: Identification of sources and images using APA style. 5.0 pts

Total Points: 20.0

Environmental analysis: net primary productivity

 Net Primary Productivity

Plants play an important role in Earth’s carbon dioxide budget. Plants take in carbon dioxide via photosynthesis during the day and give off carbon dioxide via respiration at night. The difference between carbon uptake and release by plants is the net primary production. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite monitors this carbon dioxide use.




Go to http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov ; under “Global Maps,” select the “Net Primary Productivity” map. (Page through the map options.)

  1. What do negative net primary productivity values mean?
  2. The map is missing data in northern Africa. Would you expect the net primary productivity to be high or low there? Why?

Use the arrows that accompany the map to play the animation.

  1. The northern half of South America has high positive net primary productivity year round. Why?
  2. In the United States, the net primary productivity is lower in the Southwest than in the Northeast year round. Why?

Click on the “Vegetation” link. Play the vegetation animation.

  1. What is displayed on the vegetation map? What factors control this?
  2. In which months are vegetation values high but net primary productivity is near or below zero in the United States? What season(s) is this in the Northern Hemisphere?
  3. What does this indicate about the relationship between net primary productivity and day length? Net primary productivity and temperature?
  4. Look at the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere. Day length is comparable to those in the Northern Hemisphere winter. What factor helps moderate temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere?

Go to NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory at www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends to see Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.

  1. How do monthly mean CO2 concentrations change over the course of one year at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawai’i? Explain this pattern.

Prolog questions | Computer Science homework help

Please do the following exercises in The Art of Prolog, Second Edition and submit a ZIP file consisting of your submission files.  There should be a separate file ending in .prolog or .pl for each section.  (Keep in mind that the .pl file extension unfortunately conflicts with Perl, a language that is far more popular than Prolog; this is important when dealing with syntax highlighters and other text editor and IDE features.)  Please make sure that your solutions run in SWI-Prolog in order to receive full credit.

Section 8.2 (p. 153-154): i, ii

Section 9.2 (p. 173): i

Section 10.1 (p. 179): i, ii

Section 11.1 (p. 195): i, ii, iii

Section 11.3 (p. 202): i, ii

link to the book:  Go to https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/art-prolog-second-edition and click “Open Access” and click “Download PDF” 

Wk3 activity | Accounting homework help


Prepare income statements in both job order costing and activity-based costing formats for a hypothetical case. Your example should include at least three activities and at least two products. If you do both correctly the operating income in both statements should be identical. Explain the initial assumptions and the calculations in detail. Provide in-text citations. 


1. Please do the calculations on excel, and then copy to the word document for the submission.

2. Need to explain the initial assumptions and the calculations in detail. 

3. Example should include at least three activities and at least two products.

4. Need at least 3 peer-reviewed article as the reference, and needs to provide in-text citations. 

5. Please find the example and the sample answer of the activity in attachment. You could use the “Second Example for Activity 2” for answering the activity. 

6. Please find the grading rubric attached and go over it before doing the activity.

7. Please find the related PPTs and textbook attached. 

capstone change project outcomes. `12/3

After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Health history and physical assessment

Requirements to Follow/grading rubric

To recognize the interrelationships of subjective data (physiological, psychosocial, cultural/spiritual values, and developmental) and objective data (physical examination findings) in planning and implementing nursing care.

To reflect on the interactive process that takes place between the nurse and an individual while conducting a health assessment and a physical examination.


NR304 RUA: Health History and Physical Assessment Guidelines (Sept20)

NR304 RUA: Health History and Physical Assessment Guidelines (Sept20)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth History: Subjective Data

Required criteria

1. Demographic data

2. Reason for care (why they are in the facility)

3. Present illness (PQRST of current illness)

4. Perception of health

5. Past medical history (including medications, allergies, and vaccinations and immunizations)

6. Family medical history

7. Review of systems

8. Developmental considerations

9. Cultural considerations

10. Psychosocial considerations

11. Presence or absence of collaborative resources (community, family, groups, and healthcare system)

30.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 11 requirements for section.

28.0 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 9-10 requirements for section.

23.0 pts

Satisfactory Performance

Includes 5-8 requirements for section.

15.5 pts

Unsatisfactory Performance

Includes 1-4 requirements for section.

0.0 pts

Not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Examination: Objective Data

Required criteria

1. From NR302:

o HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat)

o Neck (including thyroid and lymph chains)

o Respiratory system

o Cardiovascular system

2. From NR304:

o Neurological system

o Gastrointestinal system

o Musculoskeletal system

o Peripheral vascular system

30.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 8 requirements for section.

28.0 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 7 requirements for section.

23.0 pts

Satisfactory Performance

Includes 4-6 requirements for section.

15.5 pts

Unsatisfactory Performance

Includes 1-3 requirements for section.

0.0 pts

Not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNeeds Assessment

Required criteria

1. Based on the health history and physical examination findings, determine at least two health education needs for the individual. Remember, you may identify an educational topic that is focused on wellness.

2. Support the identified health teaching needs selected with evidence from two current, peer-reviewed journal articles.

3. Discuss how the interrelationships of physiological, developmental, cultural, and psychosocial considerations will influence, assist, or become barriers to the effectiveness of the proposed health education.

4. Describe how the individual’s strengths (personal, family, and friends) and collaborative resources (clinical, community, and health and wellness resources) effect proposed teaching.

20.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

18.0 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

15.0 pts

Satisfactory Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

7.5 pts

Unsatisfactory Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0.0 pts

Not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection

Required criteria

1. Describe the interaction in its entirety: include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and to the interview process.

2. How did your interaction compare to what you have learned?

3. What went well?

4. What barriers to communication did you experience?

5. How did you overcome them?

6. What will you do to overcome them in the future?

7. Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

8. Was there information you wished you had obtained?

9. How will you alter your approach next time?

10.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 9 requirements for section.

9.0 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 7-8 requirements for section.

8.0 pts

Satisfactory Performance

Includes 5-6 requirements for section.

4.0 pts

Unsatisfactory Performance

Includes 1-4 requirements for section.

0.0 pts

Not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and Organization

Required criteria

1. Writing reflects synthesis of information from prior learning applied to completion of the assignment.

2. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

3. Able to verbalize thoughts and reasoning clearly.

4. Use appropriate resources and ideas to support topic.

5. Adheres to APA recommendations for title page, running head, headings, in-text citations, and reference page.

6. HIPAA protocols followed.

10.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 6 requirements for section.

9.0 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 5 requirements for section.

8.0 pts

Satisfactory Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

4.0 pts

Unsatisfactory Performance

Includes 1-3 requirements for section.

0.0 pts

Not Present

No requirements for this section presente