Human resource _ case study

2 pages with 2-4 references. 


Your Task Jack respects your opinion on business matters and has asked you for your views on his situation.

· What would be your recommendation?

· What factors should Jack take into account in deciding what course of action to take?

See attached word document for case study, task and grading rubric. 

5010_ass 1 # draft 1 # assessment 1 : # mba # flexpah capella

Assessment 1 Instructions: Training—Accounting Tools And Practices

Develop either a training deck (12-15 slides) or training manual (3-4 pages) to ensure new hires have a solid understanding of income statements, balance sheets, and the elements that go into them.


This portfolio work project will help you to not only better understand commonly used accounting tools, but it will also give you the opportunity to use your skills and experience by preparing training materials to train someone else.


You work for an organization that is seeking growth and recently has hired new district managers to assist in this growth. In talking to other regional managers, you have heard that some district managers do not have a thorough understanding of commonly used accounting tools including an income statement and balance sheet. You have a new district manager hire, John, and see the need to do some training with him so he has a solid understanding of income statements, balance sheets, and the elements that go into them, including advertising costs, Web development costs, and store opening costs.

In preparing to train your new hire, you have determined that the use of examples (a picture is worth a thousand words) can be a great approach to use. So you have decided to gather some examples from the company’s summary of significant accounting policies from its latest financial statements.

You may apply this scenario to either Option 1 or Option 2, described in Requirements below.

Your Role

You are a regional manager for Urban Outfitters or your selected organization and oversee a number of districts. You have recently brought a new district manager on board and want to ensure he has the knowledge and tools needed to effectively do his job.


Option 1:

The organization you work for is Urban Outfitters. Use the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website to find the Urban Outfitter’s 2016–2017 financial statement’s summary of significant accounting policies. Look at the data for 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the following examples of essential elements you need to cover with John and ensure his understanding.

  • Advertising. Examine the criteria used to expense and capitalize advertising costs and where these costs appear in the financial statement.
  • Store opening costs. Examine how store opening and organization costs were handled and where these costs appear in the financial statement.
  • Website development costs.Examine the approaches taken during the application and infrastructure development stage and the planning and operating stage.
Option 2:

Use a firm or scenario of your choosing.

Before choosing a company, read the assessment thoroughly to ensure:

  • The company fits the assessment requirements.
  • You have access to the financial statement’s summary of significant accounting policies and the Note disclosures from which you are drawing your materials. Include this information in the appendix for reference.
  • You can distribute the data without disclosing confidential company information.
Training Materials

As you prepare your training materials for John, use the examples you collected from the company’s Notes to financial documents to illustrate how you address the following items:

  • Explain how one or more of the following costs are captured:
    • Advertising.
    • Store opening. If store opening costs were capitalized, over what time period would you amortize them? Explain why you selected this time period.
    • Website development.
  • Analyze the importance of Notes to financial statements in interpreting financial statements.
  • Explain how the accounting method the company uses affects the financial statements.
  • Explain how the financial statements would differ if another method were used to capture the costs.
  • If you have a preference for capitalizing or expensing these costs, explain why it is your preference.

Deliverable Format

Leadership has asked that you develop either a training deck or a training manual that you will use with John and that can be deployed with other new hires as well. Regardless of the format selected, the information should address the points identified above and with detailed explanations within the notes areas of slides or within the training manual text. It will also be helpful to include information in regard to why each item is important to the organization as well as the success of the new district manager.

To use your time and John’s time wisely, be conscientious about providing thorough yet concise information. These materials are expected to be used by others for future training needs, so make sure they are well organized and clear.

Training materials requirements:
  • 12–15 slides for a training deck. Include additional details as slide notes.
  • 3–4 pages for a training manual.
Related company standards for either format:
  • The training manual is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • To learn more about creating presentations, click “MBA Program Resources” and then “Presentation Skills.”
  • In addition to the training deck or manual materials, include:
    • Title (slide or page).
    • References (slide or page).
    • Appendix with supporting materials. If you are using a firm or scenario of your choosing, ensure faculty has sufficient information to understand how you reached your recommendation.
  • At least two APA-formatted references.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how accounting concepts and practices impact financial reporting.
    • Explain how the accounting method the company used affects the financial statements.
    • Compare how two accounting methods differ in their effects on the financial statements.
  • Competency 4: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders.
    • Communicate accounting information clearly.

Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your immediate supervisor. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of an MBA learner in the workplace. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.

Note: Faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Essentials of psychology research paper | psychology


To successfully complete this course, you must write a research essay based on information found in your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman, and three outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below and write an essay of six complete paragraphs for or against the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and convince the reader why your opinion is correct. 


1. Media Violence: Does media violence cause violent behavior? 

2. Eyewitness Testimony: Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law? 

3. The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who over prescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic? 

Note: You’re to select only one topic for your paper. 

Your essay must include the following:  Introduction paragraph and thesis statement  Topic background paragraph that presents both sides of the debate  Body consisting of three claim paragraphs and supporting evidence. Conclusion paragraph 

 APA style reference page  In-text citations and the reference page must be in APA style. On this page list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also include in-text citations 

Achieving operational excellence: using internet tools to increase


Software skills: Web browser software and presentation software

Business skills: Employee productivity analysis 

In this project, you’ll suggest applications of Internet technology to help  employees at real-world company work more efficiently. 

Dirt Bikes’s management is concerned about how much money is being spent communicating with people inside and outside the company and on obtaining information about developments in the motorcycle industry and the global economy. You have been asked to investigate how Internet tools and technology could be used to help Dirt Bikes employees communicate and obtain information more efficiently. Dirt Bikes provides Internet access to all its employees who use desktop computers. 

· How could the various Internet tools help employees at Dirt Bikes? Create a matrix showing what types of employees and business functions would benefit from using each type of tool and why.

· How could Dirt Bikes benefit from intranets for its sales and marketing, human resources, and manufacturing and production departments? Select one of these departments and describe the kind of information that could be provided by an intranet for that department. How could this intranet increase efficiency and productivity for that department?

Use electronic presentation software to summarize your findings for management. 

Deliverable 2 – grant proposal summary



Identify the role of music, poetry, prose, and visual art in the modern world and workplace.


You have been asked to be on the town’s board of Cultural Affairs. When you step into your new role, you quickly realize that the organization is in trouble; the other board members have been on the board for a long time and haven’t done much in recent years. They explain that there is no money in the budget.

You hear about a grant opportunity. Every year, a wealthy resident of your town, Mr. Brown, offers a grant of $10,000 to one local organization. In the past, he has never given this grant to an arts organization because, in the words of another board member, “Mr. Brown does not think the arts are important.”

If you can change Mr. Brown’s mind about the importance of the arts in your community, you might just get the grant and be able to revitalize the town’s cultural arts scene!

Write the grant proposal summary for review by a few board members to be sure you are on the right track for the grant.


Compose this document in the format of a letter to Mr. Brown. Your letter should include:

  • two to three paragraphs using persuasive language.
  • concisely written paragraphs using bullet-points if possible.
  • a beginning paragraph that immediately captures the reader’s attention, using a story, surprising fact, or insightful quote.
  • a complete but brief synopsis of the details in the proposal.
  • the reason for the proposal and how the grant money will be used.

NOTE – Be sure the documents display proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


geographic crime mapping | Criminal homework help


Imagine that you are a crime analyst. You will be creating a geographic crime map that spans three years of crime data.

You will create a CSV file, using an excel document, saved as a CSV file. To build the CSV file you will need to do the following:

  1. Go to the LexisNexis Community Crime Map site:
  2. Choose a crime you would like to search. (e.g., theft, robbery, arson).
  3. Select a geographic area that has 5-10 instances of the specific crime you selected, which occurred in each of the 3 years preceding last year (e.g., if you are taking this course in 2018, then you would search for the specific crime in 2014, 2015, and 2016). NOTE: you want to use a geographic area with a small data set, e.g., a city of a million or more people would likely have a large data set.
  4. Identify 5-10 instances of the crime for each of the 3 years. Click on the icon of the crime incident to ascertain the crime data. For a tutorial on using the crime map, watch the video from the Madison Police department explaining its use:
  5. Using the excel spreadsheet that you will save as a CSV file, create the following columns and input your crime data you have gathered from the crime map:
  • IR number (“ID” in CSV file)
  • Name of Crime (“class” in CSV file)
  • The date and time the crime occurred (“Events time” in CSV file). You must enter the date and time in the following format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
  • Latitude of crime location (“Point y” in CSV file)
  • Longitude of crime location (“Point x” in the CSV file)

NOTE: Access the “How to find Latitude and Longitude” document in the Topic 5 Topic Materials as a resource for this assignment.

Conduct analysis on the geographic data using the techniques from the assigned readings. Write a 750-1,000-word summary on the analysis of the data.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content.


Utilize the Hunchlab website as a resource for the Topic 5 assignments.



Utilize the ArcGIS website as a resource for the Topic 5 assignments.



Utilize the Maptitude website as a resource for the Topic 5 assignments.


Nursing statistics | Statistics homework help



Write a 1250-1700 word journal article critique of a scientific study addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Ensure you have an introduction and conclusion. Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

  1. Identify a peer reviewed journal article of a scientific study of your choice (you may use any of the articles referenced throughout the course or an article of your choice). 
  2. Critique:
    1. Abstract
      1. How is the abstract concise and to the point? If it is not, why not and how could it be revised?
      2. What relevant pieces of information does it contain?
      3. Is the research question(s) clearly stated? Justify your response. If not, how could it be more clearly stated?
    2. Literature review
      1. How is the literature related to the research question?
      2. How does the literature review indicate that the researcher has sufficient knowledge of the broader topic to justify the topic of the article research?
    3. Sample
      1. Examine the quality of the sample. How do you know the sample is of sufficient quality to answer the research question(s)?
      2. How do you know the sample is appropriate to answer the research question(s) being examined?
    4. Statistics/analysis
      1. How are the available statistics appropriate to answer the research question(s)? If they are not, why not? Justify your response.
      2. How are the statistics presented in a way that speaks to the data collected?
      3. Explain how the analysis presented is accurate (or not).
    5. Conclusions
      1. Has the author(s) linked their findings to the literature review? Explain how with at least 3 examples.
      2. Has the author(s) linked their findings to the research question(s)? Explain how the findings answer the research question(s).
      3. How does the author synthesize the evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities in the article?
      4. How are the findings and conclusions applicable to nursing practice? Explain with at least 3 examples.

Assignment Expectations

Length: At least 1200-1250-words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.

References: Use at least two APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.

Career planning | HCA 340 Managing in Health & Human Services | Ashford University


Prior to beginning work on this assignment, you must download and use the Career Planning Guide downloadtemplate to complete this assignment. Do not write a separate paper. This document serves as a guide as well as the template that you will submit for this assignment.

Career planning is an important step in your education as it allows you to consider your current skills and knowledge level. You then use that information to determine where you want to be in 10 years and what steps you must take to reach your goals. This assignment will help you explore your current strengths and weaknesses. It also allows you to consider the areas where there are opportunities and threats—in this case, potential roadblocks, in reaching your professional goals.

You will note in the document that the order of planning is a reflection on your current skills and knowledge first, then the 10-year goals, and then the 5-year goals. The purpose for this order is for you to determine where you are right now and where you want to be in 10 years. The 5-year goals are what you need to identify as steps towards reaching the 10-year goals.

To complete the Career Planning assignment,

  • Conduct a job market research by visiting one or more of the following online job boards.
  • Analyze a job listing.
    • Identify the level of the position.
    • Describe what the job entails.
    • Determine if you meet the listed job qualifications.
  • Assess where you are in your career today.
  • Assess where you want to be in your career in 10 years.
  • Assess where you want to be in your career in 5 years. List the action items or experiences that will lead you to your ultimate career goal.

Database | HEALTH | Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences


Consider the below schema for a library database and write relational algebra expressions for the following queries  



1. Author ( authorname, citizenship, birthyear) 

2. Book (isbn, title, authorname)

3. Topic (isbn, subject)

4. Branch (libname, city)

5. Instock (isbn, libname, quantity)

1. Give all authors’ names born after 1940. [0.25 Point]

2. Give the names of libraries in Sydney. [0.25 Point]

3. Give the city/cities and “isbn” where each book is held.    [0.25 Point]

4. Give the title of each book on the topic of either alcohol or drugs. [0.25 Point]

5. Give the title and author of each book of which at least two copies are held in a branch located in Melbourne.  [0.50 Point]


What is the different between the database schema and the database instance? Give an example for each.


Name at least three tables that might be used to store information in the following systems:

a. An e-commerce system such as Amazon.  [0.25 Point]

b. A social media system such as Twitter.    [0.25 Point]

c. A health care system. [0.25 Point]

d. A university system. [0.25 Point]


Given the relation below named Contact_Info, answer the following questions:









Sara Fahad


[email protected]




Mohammad Ahmed


[email protected]




Waad Saud


[email protected]


a. What is the relational schema of the relation Contact_Info?  [0.25 Point]


b. What is the degree of the giving relation? [0.25 Point]


c. Is the column Name an atomic attribute/value? If no, justify your answer? [0.25 Point]

d. What are the outputs of the given operations?  

1.                      (Contact_Info)  [0.50 Point]

2.   (Contact_Info)   [0.25 Point]

Healthcare policy and delivery system

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