Statistics | Management homework help

In this week’s assignment, you will answer the following questions using both Excel and SPSS software. Results from these programs should be copied and pasted into a Word document for submission.

For Questions 1 and 2 you will need to input the data provided below into both Excel and SPSS. For Questions 3 and 4 you will use the dataset files provided in the resources for this week (Descriptive statistics, n.d.-a, n.d.-b).

1. Suppose that a quality assurance manager took a random sample from a thread-cutting machine. The sample consisted of 18 bolts and the manager tested their tensile strengths. Results from the sample, in tons of force required for breakage, are given below:

2.20          1.95          2.15          2.08          1.85          1.92

2.23          2.19          1.98          2.07          2.24          2.31

1.96          2.30          2.27          1.89          2.01          1.93

a. Use Excel to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for these data.

b. Use SPSS to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for these data.

c. Use SPSS to create a histogram of these data.

d. Interpret these results and explain any differences you find between the two software tools (Hint. The results should be identical).

2. A manager of a food manufacturing company wants to estimate the percentage of fat in one of its salad dressings. A sample of 20 bottles was taken and the results are given below.

15.88        19.88        21.16        20.37        22.77        20.65

18.60        18.91        21.77        21.64        18.62        18.41

20.15        17.07        19.91        21.07        16.49        21.21

17.98        20.22

a. Use Excel to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for these data.

b. Use SPSS to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for these data.

c. Use SPSS to create a histogram of these data.

d. Interpret these results and explain whether or not it is honest for the manufacturer to state that the fat content is 20%? Explain your answer.

3. A manager is worried that her employees are not engaged at work. She finds an employee engagement survey and administers it to her workers. The individual scores are provided in the dataset file.

a. Use Excel to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for the employee engagement data.

b. Use SPSS to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for the employee engagement data.

c. Use SPSS to create a histogram of these data.

d. Next, conduct an analysis of the “age” and “gender” variables using the appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion. Use SPSS only. Also, create an appropriate graphic for each variable.

d. Interpret the results for employee engagement, age, and gender. Identify what you believe the next step should be in this analysis.

4. A shop supervisor wants to understand his workers better. He hires a consultant who tells him that he should ask employees questions related to their lives if they feel comfortable answering these questions. Please use SPSS to analyze the following variables, create appropriate figures and charts, and explain the results of each variable. Do not compare the variables in this assignment.

a. Age

b. Model of car

c. Rent or own their home

d. Hobbies

e. How happy they are (on a five-point scale)

Length: 4 pages

References: Include a minimum of 3 resources (two of these will be Excel and SPSS).

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 


I need help with aristotle analyzing essay

5 pages double spaced / Description: The purpose of this paper is to give you an opportunity to view a great speech and analyze the techniques used by the speaker. The assignment involves 4 stages:

  1. Read and review Stephen Lucas “Methods of Persuasion” on Canvas. You will use this chapter to analyze the speech so you read it and be familiar.
  2. Watch one of the TED Talks below. Take notes of the ethos, pathos, and logos in the speech. 
  3. Write a draft and share it with two students in class for peer feedback (instructor will assign partners)
  4. Examine your feedback from your peers. Re-write and submit the final 5 page double-spaced n class.

What type of paper I am writing for Matt? For this class, I expect your paper to answer the following research question: What Aristotelian techniques does the speaker use in this highly successful speech? Use “Methods of Persuasion” to frame the discussion of the paper. Select one of the 5 speeches below to analyze.

The Aristotle Paper Guidelines

In a 5-page paper, use Aristotle’s theory of persuasion to analyze a successful speech. This paper should have an introduction paragraph, 3 parts of the body, and a conclusion paragraph.

  • The Introduction: The introduction should have an engaging start, a thesis that states your perceived thesis of the speech. State clearly what you think the core message of the speech was that you are analyzing.
  • The Body: Analyze the Group Experience using assigned Small Group Communication Theories:
    • Ethos – Analyze the credibility of the speaker. Discuss the initial & derived credibility of the speaker. 
      • For Initial Credibility, add two different citations of independent research to the paper to tell me who this speaker is. What is the background of this person? Assume I know nothing about the speaker. Quote the speech to prove how the speaker enhanced their credibility.
      • For derived credibility, discuss common ground and one additional means of building credibility
    • Pathos – Analyze the Emotional Appeal(s). For emotional appeal, select one of the emotions listed in the reading and pull examples of emotional language from the speech to prove the speaker makes the listeners feel that emotion. Select one vivid example the speaker uses to build an emotional appeal and explain how the example builds a specific emotion in the audience.
    • Logos – Analyze the Reasoning of the Speech. How are conclusions being drawn in this speech? Provide two different types reasoning  in speech. Label the type of reasoning it is and connect each to an example from the speech.
    • In each Body section, define the concept and then use concrete examples from the speech to discuss the Aristotelian concept. See example below. 
    • Supporting Materials. Include 2 citations in the initial credibility section.
  • The Conclusion: Review the thesis, briefly review the body, end with a thought provoking reflection related to the engaging start of the paper.
  • Basic spelling, grammar, and organization is required. Please see the tutoring center if you need additional help.
  • Citations must be in APA or MLA format. 
  • Paper will be submitted on Canvas.

How will the paper be graded?  The term paper will be graded on: 1. How well the paper applies “Methods of Persuasion” to the speech, 2. How well the paper applies the speech to “Methods of Persuasion”, 3. How well the paper demonstrates and understanding of Aristotelian persuasion.


  1. I want you to quote the “Methods of Persuasion” chapter when using a term. Example: Initial credibility means “the credibility the speaker has before she or he starts to speak” (p. 333). In this speech, Mala demonstrates character before her speech because she is receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in fighting for girls’ education.
  2. I want you to quote the speech itself. Mala builds common ground when she says “Dear brothers and sisters”; she is trying to describe all of us as her family.
  3. I want you to use all the relevant parts of the chapter which is A LOT from the Chapters.

Speech Choices

Mariana Atencio, “What Makes You Special?” 

What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada (Links to an external site.)What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Angela Duckworth, “Grit: The power of passion and perseverance” 

Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth (Links to an external site.)Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

Bryan Stevenson, “We Need to Talk about Injustice”

We need to talk about an injustice | Bryan Stevenson (Links to an external site.)We need to talk about an injustice | Bryan Stevenson

Jim Valvano, “1993 ESPY Acceptance Speech”

Jim's 1993 ESPY Speech (Links to an external site.)Jim's 1993 ESPY Speech

Amal Kassir, The Muslim on the Airplane

The Muslim on the airplane | Amal Kassir | TEDxMileHighWomen (Links to an external site.)The Muslim on the airplane | Amal Kassir | TEDxMileHighWomen

Justin Baldoni, Why I’m done trying to be “man enough” 

Why I'm done trying to be "man enough" | Justin Baldoni

Business management | Management homework help

Question 1) How do you see the cultural transformation for companies in South Africa? 


Question 2) Discuss the role of Religion and Education in modern business transformation 

with appropriate examples. 

Chapter 1 of affluenza | Article writing homework help

The authors begin the book’s first chapter, “Feverish Expectations,” by invoking David Brower’s famous metaphor in which he compresses the Earth’s entire history – some 4.6 billion years – into seven days. Briefly explain what this metaphor means in terms of people walking the Earth. What do the author’s say about the amount of resources we’ve consumed in the “Age of Affluenza”?

Soc 450 assignment 1 | SOC 450 Solutions to Global Issues | Strayer University


Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis of how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects climate change or population growth in a developing country of your choosing:

A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the release of greenhouse gases since human consumption patterns lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and farming (overturned dirt releases CO2). However, the critical issue is the burning of fossil fuels (hydrocarbons) such as coal, oil, and natural gas to produce energy that is used for things such as electricity production, and vehicle, heating, and cooking fuels.

The UN has asked that you choose a developing country from this list:

The UN has also given you the following guidelines.


The UN has asked that your paper contain three sections. It has asked that each section be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. The UN also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.


Provide an introduction (a half-page minimum) that addresses points a-e below.

  1. Explains the problem the UN has asked you to address in your own words;
  2. Identifies the three sections your paper will cover;
  3. Identifies the developing country you will consider;
  4. Tells the UN which causes of greenhouse gases you will explore; and
  5. Provides a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.

Section I. Background

  1. What are greenhouse gases?
  2. How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?

Section II. How Emissions Cause Problems for the Developing World

  1. Which countries produce the most greenhouse gases?
  2. What are the economic challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
  3. What are the security challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
  4. What are the political challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?

Section III. Causes of Greenhouse Gases and Solutions to the Problems Greenhouse Gases Cause

  1. Name two causes of greenhouse gases.
  2. What are the potential solutions that address each of the causes you identified?
  3. What is the relationship between population control and greenhouse gas emissions?


  • Provide a conclusion (a half-page minimum) that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.

Success Tips

  • In answering each question, use examples from your developing country to illustrate your points.
  • The UN needs facts and objective analysis on which to base future policy decisions; avoid personal opinion and make sure your answers are based on the information you find through research.

Formatting Requirements

  • Make sure your paper consists of four to six pages (re: 1,200 words minimum, not including the cover page, reference page, and quoted material [if any]).
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
    • Section I. Background
    • Section II. How Emissions Cause Problems for the Developing World
    • Section III. Causes of Greenhouse Gases and Solutions to the Problems Greenhouse Gases Cause
  • Use and cite at least five credible sources in your research. A list of potential resources is available below.
  • Make sure your paper contains both in-text citations and a source list, per SWS guidelines: Refer to the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) document for reference.
  • Include a cover page with your name, the country you selected, the date you submitted the paper, and your instructor’s name.

Potential Sources

  1. George Gitlitz. June 19, 2018. Opinion: The Pernicious Climate Dictum-Don’t Mention Population
  2. Gemma Tarlach. July 19, 2018. Mass Extinctions.
  3. Larry LeDoux. 2018. Does Population Growth Impact Climate Change?
  4. Bill McKibben. November 22, 2018. A Very Grim Forecast.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Evaluate the impacts of population growth and its negative impacts on global societies while considering multiple perspectives.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

week 7 case study | Management homework help


Read  the Samsung case study in your textbook. The case can be found on pages  392 – 394. Answer the four questions below. A total of 500 words are  required for the assigned questions.

1. Do you think Samsung is assessing its corporate innovative activities? Explain based on our chapter material.

2. Using Table 13-1, how would you assess the (Entrepreneurial Intensity) at Samsung?

3. Which measurement tool from the chapter would you recommend that Samsung utilize, and why?

4. Earlier, we looked at Apple. Do you also see similar limitations of Apple at Samsung? Describe them. 

           The following content is partner provided       

Tax memo | Accounting homework help

 Background:Sam Davis is a member in a limited liability company that has historically been profitable but is expecting to generate losses in the near future because of a weak local economy. In addition to the hours she works as an employee of a local business, she currently spends approximately 120 hours per year helping to manage the LLC. Other LLC members each work approximately 140 hours per year in the LLC, and the time Sam and other members spend managing the LLC has remained constant since she joined the company three years ago. Sam’s tax basis and amount at-risk are large compared to her share of projected losses; however, she is concerned that her ability to deduct her share of the projected losses will be limited by the passive activity loss rules.a.As an LLC member, will Sam’s share of losses be presumed to be passive as they are for limited partners?   [Hint: See §469(h)(2), Garnett v. Commissioner, 132 T.C. 368 (2009),and Prop. Reg. § 1.469-5(e)(3)(i).]b.Assuming Sam’s losses are not presumed to be passive, is she devoting sufficient time to the LLC to be considered a material participant? c.What would you recommend to Sam to help her achieve a more favorable tax outcome?Your responsibility:Prepare a tax research memo addressing each of the issues as outlined in a., b. and c, so there will be three issues that need to be addressed in the memo with a conclusion for each issue.You will need to support your conclusion using primary sources of tax law.  Your textbook is NOT primary authority.You must use proper citation formin your memo (see Chapter 2 for help with citation form).  

 The form for this communication should be professional and in the form of a tax research memo.

Assignment due tomorrow before 11:59 pm

Literacy Toolkit 

Your principal recognizes your leadership role and that you have utilized data to inform instruction and has asked that you create a digital presentation to be used to advance professional practice in literacy. Prepare a professional development to highlight the literacy strategies, implemented throughout the field experiences, which can be used as a resource to be implemented collaboratively to present a shared vision, supportive culture, and common goals to teachers on a district-wide level in order to advocate for students. 

Create an 8-10 slide digital presentation to highlight how you implemented the IWY strategy during field experiences to introduce and reinforce language and literacy concepts. This strategy will be beneficial as a collaborative resource for teachers district-wide to analyze student data based on student performance in order to modify instruction and implement next steps for instruction. Be sure to include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Your presentation should include a summary of each instructional strategy implemented in the field experiences, how it could be amended for future instruction, including the following:

  • How to evaluate language and literacy strategies and student performance when modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling readers.
  • Examples of how to manage and monitor the success of the interventions for at-risk and struggling readers.
  • The ethical way to communicate student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on performance in order to modify instruction.
  • How you will collaborate with professionals in order to advance this professional practice.

Support your findings with two scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Excel | Statistics homework help


Formulate and evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters based on sample statistics using both Critical Regions and P-Values, and be able to state results in a non-technical way that can be understood by consumers of the data instead of statisticians.

Dealing with Two Populations

Inferential statistics involves forming conclusions about a population parameter. We do so by constructing confidence intervals and testing claims about a population mean and other statistics. Typically, these methods deal with a sample from one population. We can extend the methods to situations involving two populations (and there are many such applications). This deliverable looks at two scenarios.

Concept being Studied

Your focus is on hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for two populations using two samples, some of which are independent and some of which are dependent. These concepts are an extension of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals which use statistics from one sample to make conclusions about population parameters.

What to Submit

Your research, calculations, and analysis should be presented on the spreadsheet Click for more options


Marketing exam needs to be done due 13th.

the exam that needs to be done on this paper. here are the instructions


Access the exam from the exams folder on the left. You will need word to do this. Save the exam to your computer

2. Complete the exam by typing in the fill in the blank and short answer questions and highlighting the MC and T/F questions. Save your work as you go along. You may add lines for the short answer but do not change options on the MC questions or change the format other than adding lines. 

3. The exam is NOT timed so you may work on it a little at a time. You may use the textbook and other resources such as online resources but you must work on the exam on your own. Do not collaborate with other colleagues or students in the class. If I see that this has happened, both parties will receive a 0.

4. Do not alter the exam in any way. Do not delete MC options and leave only one. Do not change the question numbers and replace them with bullet points or renumber the questions. You may add lines if you need additional space for the short answer questions. Any exam submitted that is altered will be deleted and result in a score of 0 since this is the end of the semester.