Michael bloomberg vs. new york teachers’ union

No plagiarism 

meet deadline

follow Instructions 

In 2010, New York State passed a law that required its school districts to develop more stringent teacher-evaluation systems. Local school districts and their unions were assigned a task for specifying certain criteria of their new systems by January 17, 2013. New York City was going to receive benefits of $250 million in aid and another $200 million in grants if the agreement was reached on a new system, a 4% increase in state aid. However, as the January 17th deadline approached, Bloomberg and New York Teachers’ Union were not even close to reaching an agreement.

  • As a top negotiator, you were asked to design a strategy using a win-win situation for both parties. 
  • Identify the four steps of Integrative Negotiation Process, and conduct analysis of how these four steps might help you in designing your negotiation strategy. 

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 700  words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.  

Mental health service brochure and reflection | MHW-501


Mental Health Services Brochure and Reflection

Imagine you are creating an agency to provide mental health services for individuals suffering from mood disorders. In order to get the word out about your new agency, create a brochure that identifies two specific mood disorders your agency will provide services for in your community.

Include the following in your brochure:

  1. A description of your target audience.
  2. A brief description of the methods used to address each mood disorder
  3. A list of potential treatment goals for each mood disorder.

Use a brochure format of your choice that is appealing to your target audience. (graphics and color are encouraged).  You do not need to submit the brochure to TurnItIn.

While APA style is not required for the body of the brochure assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

In a separate document, write a 300-500-word reflection that does the following:

  1. Summarize your rationale for choosing these methods and treatments for your agency
  2. Describe how and why you have presented the information in your brochure the way you have. Take into consideration your target population.
  3. Use at least two scholarly sources to substantiate your rationale. The sources and reflection should be in APA format. Submit the reflection to TurnItIn.

The reflection assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Review the attachment for submitting multiple documents. before final submission. of the brochure and the reflection.

Note: This assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

4.2: Describe best assessment practices and treatment modalities for mental health disorders.

5.1: Determine best practices in using the integrated health model.

Quality in health care | Criminal homework help


The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate how continuous quality improvement (CQI) is used within the health care environment.

While health care organizations strive for the best possible delivery of quality care to patients and customers, the process of assessing, managing, and improving quality is constantly evolving and requires vigilant attention to ensure that systems are effective and that the organization is achieving its desired outcomes.  Discuss this evolution of quality within the health care industry and illustrate the role that continuous quality improvement plays in health care today.

In a paper of 750-1,000 words, address the following:

  1. What is continuous quality improvement and how is it implemented in health care? Why is CQI necessary within a health care environment?
  2. How have continuous quality improvement efforts improved within the last 50 years? How have they improved in the last 10 years?
  3. What are the distinguishing characteristics of continuous quality improvement and how is it distinct from quality assurance?
  4. Why is cross-disciplinary thinking essential to continuous quality improvement efforts? How has this type of collaboration evolved within a health care context?
  5. Explain the scientific method of continuous quality improvement and provide a hypothetical scenario when application of this method would be advantageous.
  6. What do you envision for the future of continuous quality improvement in the health care industry? How do you predict it will evolve within the next 10-20 years?

Cite at least three references, including the textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Bell, california | Government homework help


After reading about Bell, California, discuss what techniques or steps you would take to instill trust in public administration. In 500-750 words, do the following:

  • Create a plan to instill trust with citizens in regard to public administration. Include specifically what action you as an administrator will take.

Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Powerpoint presentation – 6 pages



Religion to Use: Islam 

Goal: The goal of this assignment is for the student to create a presentation that reviews a specific world religion, how geography impacts the religion and the people, and deliver this information in the form of a presentation.


You are to develop a creative PowerPoint Travel Show Slide Presentation playing the role of a Human Aid Worker who is seeking the involvement and soliciting additional voluntary workers to accompany you on a humanitarian mission to a certain locale throughout the world where your team will study Islam  AND will be actively engaged in a humanitarian relief effort with the local residents as a way to experience the religion first-hand.

Your Travel Show Slide Presentation should include the following components:

  • The clear      identification of Islam .
  • A purpose      statement and objective for studying this religion and your humanitarian      relief effort.
  • The      identification and application of the most effective academic perspective      of religious studies for your team
  • Provide a      brief description of the major religious beliefs of your selected      religion.
  • The clear      identification of a specific location in the world – not a generalization      like – India.
  • The      significant role geography plays within this region and the impact on      religion and the people.
  • Research      this religion in an actual area of the world in need of humanitarian      relief efforts. Possible areas of assistance for your topic may be found      in (United Nations Website),      (Access specific Christian Missions for examples, or Non-Profit      Organizations.).  You will need to design your humanitarian mission      to include the following:
    • The       reason humanitarian aid is needed in this area of the world
    • The type       of humanitarian aid is needed and will be provided
    • The       types of service projects your team will be engaged for distributing this       aid
    • The       anticipated results of your humanitarian relief effort
    • The       benefits your team members will gain by participating in this effort
  • You will want to generate excitement for the service      and religious study opportunities for persuading people to partner with      you as member of your Mission Team.
  • You will want to maximize the advanced functions of      your software to communicate your message with such things like:
    • Voice-Overs
    • Continuous Loop Presentations
    • Zero-Touch or Zero-Click Advancements
    • Or other multi-media software presentations
  • This is a research presentation and you will      need to use in-text citations directly on your slides to identify your      resources and avoid plagiarism using your favorite academically approved      citation format and resource page.

Global perspectives | English homework help

Per the instructions: “Choose a country and explain which one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) you believe is most relevant for addressing the global burden of disease in that country, and support why. Then, explain how achieving health related SDGs may impact global society in that country. Specifically, in your response be sure to discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels. Provide examples and remember to cite your sources.”

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how do they inform global health?

The eight MDGs serve as a framework that all the world’s countries and development institutions have agreed to, through the guidance of the United Nations. The MDGs represent a commitment to address and meet the needs of the world’s poorest population by also raising standards for quality of life. The MDGs range from efforts aimed at increasing educational opportunities, providing stable nutrition, and access to food resources for populations, to providing access to healthcare and prevention for populations most in need. 

While MDGs may be more indicative of conditions or needs in one country versus another, all MDGs merit attention and continued efforts within the global landscape. Increasing political, social, and economic challenges have affected the degree to which certain efforts are administered in respective countries. Similarly, provision for the tenets of each MDG will require continued collaboration between governmental and community agencies.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources for this week and reflect on each MDG. Consider how each MDG might apply to your country or region and how the MDGs address the global burden of disease. Then, reflect on how achieving the goals of the MDGs may impact global society and influence your current or future work in public health in a global context. .

Choose a country and explain which one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) you believe is most relevant for addressing the global burden of disease in that country, and support why. Then, explain how achieving health related SDGs may impact global society in that country. Specifically, in your response be sure to discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels. Provide examples and remember to cite your sources.

N.theory | Nursing homework help


Welcome to week six of your nursing theory class.

We are still exploring section III which involves Conceptual Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative-Interactive Paradigm

Our text readings will include concepts from:

Chapter 12: Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin, and Mary Ann Swain’s Theory or Modeling and Role Modeling

Chapter 13: Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing

As healthcare professionals, we need to be aware of nursing theory, as you heard it many times that it applies to our practice as nurses. When you think about it, how many practicing nurses are aware of the nursing theories and how they use in their careers. If you have a chance this week, go and ask a colleague about what they know regarding nursing theorist and who may be their favorite theorist in the profession.

You will see an overlap in the three nursing theorist listed below (Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain).

As your read and explore the following website resources, think about how their works contribute to our current practices today in nursing.

We will investigate Modeling and Role Modeling in nursing; these concepts will build upon the four metaparadigms of nursing: Person, Environment, Health, and Nursing.

When using the modeling and role-modeling theory, the nurse attempts to understand the “client’s personal model of his or her world and to appreciate its value an significance for the client from the client’s perspective.” (Masters, 2015). 

After completion of your reading assignments, please engage in our discussion board following the grading rubric with adherence to APA written standards. This assignment is worth 1 point.  


Masters, K. (2015). Nursing Theories: A Framework for Professional Practice. (2nd ed.). Burlington, Massachusetts. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Who is Helen Erickson?


Who is Evelyn Tomlin?


Who is Mary Ann Swain?


Video: Modeling and Role Modeling


Article: Modeling and Role Modeling


Who is Barbara Dossey? What is her Theory of Integral Nursing?

An integral process is defined as a comprehensive way to organize multiple phenomenon of human experience and reality from four perspectives:

(1) the individual interior (personal/intentional);

(2) individual exterior (physiology/behavioral);

(3) collective interior (shared/cultural); and

(4) collective exterior (systems/structures) (Dossey, n.d.).

Consciousness & Holistic nursing – Barbara Dossey part 1 out of 2

Part One


Part Two


Website: Dossey Theory of Integral Nursing


PowerPoint: Barbara Dossey


We will have a two-part discussion question for Week Six (Worth 3 points):

How does the concept of Modeling and Role Modeling apply to the nursing care of patients? Do you see the theory of Integral Nursing being supportive or not supportive in today’s era of nursing? Explain why or why not.

Please remember the grading rubric for discussion posts.

  • Introduction and quality of discussion’s Argument
  • The objectivity of Tone, overall quality & Review of
  • Literature in APA 6th format within the past 7 years
  • Quality of Reply posts
  • Include APA references

Week 9: discussion: color theory

Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield.  The judgment involved with selecting the right amount of color for a particular application can be daunting.

Using the book companion site only to select the figures, use the list provided below of figures and select two for this discussion.  List the figure number and title and provide the responses to the three items below for each figure separately.

  1.  How suitable are the choices and deployment of these colors? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?
  2. Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and provide how you tackle this design layer differently.
  3. Considering the range of potential applications of color, what would you do differently or additionally?

Page: 250 | Figure: 9.1  “HSL colour cylinder”: Image from Wikimedia Commons published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Page: 252 | Figure: 9.5  “What are the Current Electricity Prices in Switzerland” [Translated] by Interactive things for NZZ

Page: 253 | Figure: 9.6  “Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most” by Kevin Quealy and Margot Sanger-Katz (The New York Times)

Page: 254 | Figure: 9.7  “Native and New Berliners – How the S-Bahn Ring divides the City“ by Julius Tröger, André Pätzold, David Wendler (Berliner Morgenpost) and Moritz Klack (webkid.io)

Page: 255 | Figure: 9.8  Highest max temperatures in Australia, produced by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Page: 256 | Figure: 9.9  “Executive Pay by the Numbers” by Karl Russell (The New York Times)

Page: 257 | Figure: 9.10  “The Pursuit of Faster” by Andy Kirk and Andrew Witherley

Page: 258 | Figure: 9.11  “Every time Ford and Kavanaugh dodged a question” by Alvin Chang

Page: 259 | Figure: 9.12  “How Long Will We Live – And How Well?” by Bonnie Berkowitz, Emily Chow and Todd Lindeman (The Washington Post)

Page: 260 | Figure: 9.13  “Charting the Beatles: Song Structure” by Michael Deal

Page: 261 | Figure: 9.14  “If Vienna Would be an Apartment” [Translated] by NZZ Visuals

Page: 261 | Figure: 9.15  “Colors of the Rails” by Nicholas Rougeux (www.c82net)

Page: 262 | Figure: 9.16  Contrasting approaches to coloring stacked bar charts displaying ordinal data

Page: 263 | Figure: 9.17  “Rim Fire” – The extent of fire in the Sierra Nevada Range and Yosemite National Park, 2013: NASA Earth Observatory images by Robert Simmon

Page: 263 | Figure: 9.18  “Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John” by Justin Wolfers (The New York Times)

Page: 264 | Figure: 9.19  “NYPD, Council Spar Over More Officers” by Graphics Department (Wall Street Journal)

Page: 265 | Figure: 9.20  “Cricketer Alastair Cook plays his 161st and final Test match” by John Burn-Murdoch for Financial Times

Page: 266 | Figure: 9.21  “Wind map” by Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg

Page: 267 | Figure: 9.22  “Ring-Necked Parakeet” by Sophie Sparkes and Jonni Walker

Page: 268 | Figure: 9.23 “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Walter Benjamin” by Stefanie Posavec

Page: 269 | Figure: 9.24  “Lunge Feeding” by Jonathan Corum (The New York Times); whale illustration by Nicholas D. PyensoPage: 271 | Figure: 9.26  “Twitter NYC: A Multilingual Social City” by James Cheshire, Ed Manley, John Barratt, and Oliver O’Brien

Page: 272 | Figure: 9.27  “Casualties” by Stamen, published by CNN

Page: 274 | Figure: 9.28  “Finviz: Standard and Poor’s 500 Index Stocks” (www.finviz.com)

Essay – compare and contrast politics and sport events or religion | BSM 2701 – Sociology of Sport | Columbia Southern University

Using the CSU Online Library, locate two selections on sports and political events or two selections on sports and religious events. Depending on the event you have chosen (sports/politics or sports/religion), ensure there are two opposing viewpoints (similarities and differences) to review. Write a two-page report summarizing the piece and identifying the similarities and differences. Below are some possible ideas to compare and contrast: 

Who was involved?

What were the key points/arguments?

Were these points valid and/or logical?

How did politics/religion play a role?

What was the outcome?

Did the outcome involve issues of money and power?

How did this affect sports?

Did the decision lead to better management of sport or sport play? If so, in what way?

Which views do you support? Why?

Which views do you refute? Why?

You will be expected to follow APA style and format for this paper (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and page headers). Include the following parts:

Title page – Include the assignment title, Columbia Southern University, and your name.

Introduction – Provide a brief Introduction of your selections and the connection to this chapter’s topic.

Section comparing and contrasting 1st selection (Similarities/Differences) 

Section comparing and contrasting 2nd selection (Similarities/Differences)

Conclusion – Provide a brief conclusion wrapping up the elements of the selections and how they relate to the chapter topic

Reference page – Include a reference page that lists the sources in proper APA format. If you also used content from the textbook, be sure to include this as a source in your reference page, as well. It is important that you provide the reader with enough information about your article so he/she will be able to locate the article.

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not counting title and reference pages. Use APA formatting for your paper, including all references and in-text citations. 

Research discussion | Education homework help

Review pages 608-616, what are the guiding research questions of this study? what in the previous research studies led the authors of this article to ask these questions? Identify one study cited in their literature review (pages 609-616) that you think is closely related to their own and explain why.