Challenges in healthcare | Nursing homework help


Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.

You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”


Research the following:

  • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
  • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
  • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
  • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
  • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
  • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare

Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

U.s. healthcare trends forecasting report


Appraise the efficiency of primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the U.S. healthcare delivery system.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are the newly appointed director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). With healthcare costs continuing to soar, the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) rollout and Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement Plan in place, and the possible changes of the Affordable Care Act in progress, you are confronted with potential increases in payments for Medicare and Medicaid programs.

You are trying to understand how to best prepare the agency for the changes so that the efficiency of healthcare delivery is not compromised. As a courtesy, the Director for the Administration on Aging continues to send you data about the predicted rise in the number of older people and those with disabilities. Data is also sent on the forecasted needs of such persons for comprehensive care, not just acute care.


Create a trends forecast outlining the possible changes (trends) that may affect efficiency and delivery in primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the U.S. healthcare delivery system over the next 10 years.

The trends forecast should be in the form of a report used by such agencies as CMS, OIG, DHHS and include a Table of Contents, Introduction/Background, Appendices (if applicable), Executive Summary, Charts/Graphs (if applicable), and References. Be sure to include at least 5 references (e.g., government websites or scholarly articles) and cite your sources using APA format. Your trends forecast should include (at a minimum, but not limited to) the criteria below:

  • Outline the organizations and institutions that deliver care across the continuum including primary, secondary, and tertiary care providers that will be impacted over the next 10 years by changes in the U.S healthcare delivery system.
  • Appraise and describe how well primary, secondary and tertiary care providers deliver care to patients using preventative medicine, based on the current climate in healthcare.
  • Detail the impact of the changing consumer demographics will have on long-term care.
  • Explain how this focus will impact providers operationally.
  • Detail how CMS can expect facilities to focus on quality and outcomes relating to long-term care, based on the statistics from the Director of Administration on Aging.
  • Describe how these changes will impact the delivery of long-term care.
  • Explain what policies you would develop and/or consider using as the Director of CMS to address the predicted changes.
  • Detail what regulatory measures you would create and/or enforce as the Director of CMS to address the predicted changes.
  • Detail what additional long-term strategies you would pursue to make national resources meet the nation’s need for chronic care.

The best healthcare delivery model


Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the U. S. healthcare delivery system with the systems of other developed countries.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are the new Director of the International Relations Division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and have been tasked with researching and creating a draft healthcare delivery model for the U.S. As you work with your team, you discover that other developed nations have very interesting components that make up their healthcare systems. Before you complete a proposed U.S. healthcare delivery model that can be viewed as sustainable and crafted strictly for the U.S. given the healthcare climate and rules and government, you thought you should first compose an ideal healthcare delivery system composed of the best components from the world’s developed nations, including the United States.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs is the diplomatic voice of the Department of Health and Human Services that fosters critical global relationships, coordinate international engagement across HHS and the U.S. government, and provide leadership and expertise in global health diplomacy and policy to contribute to a safer, healthier world (


Create a proposed healthcare delivery model based on a combination of developed nations’ health systems (including the U.S.) using the best parts of each: Outcomes, costs, and processes. The proposed model should include a full report that has the following elements:

  • A detailed definition of healthcare in the U.S. under this proposed model.
  • A SWOT analysis per country (minimum of 5 countries) from around the world. One country from each quadrant of the world is required (north, south, east, and west) and one country must be the U.S.
  • Each country should have a minimum of two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats regarding their national healthcare systems’ outcomes, costs, and processes.
  • For example, Country 1: two strengths on the outcomes, two weaknesses on the outcomes, two opportunities on the outcomes, two threats on the outcomes. Two strengths on the costs, two weaknesses on the costs, two opportunities on the costs, two threats on the costs. Two strengths on the processes, two weaknesses on the processes, two opportunities on the processes, two threats on the processes.
  • A comparison chart of the costs of healthcare in the U.S. with the costs of healthcare in other developed nations.
  • A comparison chart of the U.S. health outcomes to the health outcomes of the other developed nations.
  • Recommend strategies you believe would be best to use in a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. only using the best parts of models from other developed nations.

The report should include two pages for each country, as well as a cover page and reference page.

A model u.s. healthcare delivery system


  • Assess the causes and consequences of historical events on the U.S. healthcare system.
  • Evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system.
  • Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.
  • Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.
  • Appraise the efficiency of primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the U.S. healthcare delivery system.
  • Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the U.S. healthcare delivery system with the systems of other developed countries.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


After working in the healthcare industry for many years as an expert consultant, you have decided to make the leap and open your own healthcare consulting firm. Based on your reputation and the recommendations of others, you have landed a major first client…The White House! Your company has been hired to conduct research and develop a solution to healthcare reform by creating a model of what healthcare delivery should resemble in the United States. You have also been appointed as a top advisor to the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions U.S. Senate Committee and must present the model over a three day summit.


Create a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. healthcare system. When creating the model, ask yourself these questions: What is included? How does it look? Who does it serve? How is it financed? Is it sustainable?

Include the following in your project:

  • A memo that explains the proposed model and what it hopes to achieve, including information on the changing dynamics of healthcare reimbursement and the associated funding sources.
  • In a report outlining the model, you should include:
  • An executive summary
  • The model itself (i.e., what’s included in the model, who the model serves, description of how the model will be financed and sustained)
  • Timeline of major events in healthcare that have transpired over the past 10 years that have impacted this new model
  • A list of the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system and a statement of how each will change or remain the same under this new model
  • A synopsis of the major challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare
  • A list and description of stakeholders within U.S. healthcare system under this new model
  • A SWOT analysis of the current U.S. healthcare system
  • A trends forecast outlining the possible changes in healthcare that may affect the model over the next 5 years
  • A voiceover PowerPoint presentation to the Senate committee to layout/describe the model in detail

Journal and assignment due tomorrow before 11:59 pm central time. | ECE 642 Quality Curriculum in Early Childhood Education | Ashford University


  1.         Week 5 – Journal           

Leadership Journal: Leadership Competencies

To prepare for this journal read Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You will specifically reflect on each competency within the source:

  • A disciplined mind
  • A synthesizing mind
  • A creative mind
  • A respectful mind
  • An ethical mind

Throughout your program you have discussed, and will continue to  discuss, the importance of becoming a 21st-century educator. Equally  important is preparing your students for being 21st-century learners.  One way to do both is through reflective guidance in what Howard Gardner  describes as the “Five Minds for the Future.” According to Gardner  (2008), the “Five Minds are competencies which young people and the  society need in the twenty first century going forward” (p. 2). For your  leadership journal, reflect on each of these competencies as a leader  in the field of early childhood education.

Part 1: Content/Course Reflection (1pt.)

  • How will you prepare those children, their families, and the staff  in your care in each competency? Be sure you provide specific details on  each competency.
  • If you were to add a sixth competency, what would it be and why?

Part 2: Program/Personal Reflection (2pts.)

  • How does each competency influence you as a leader personally? Be sure you provide at least one example for each competency.  
  • How does your understanding of each of these competencies positively  impact your ability as a leader to evaluate curriculum materials and  models and ensure alignment with standards?

Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):

  • Connections to Experience (.5 point): Meaningfully  synthesizes connections among experiences both within and outside of  coursework to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own  points of view.
  • Reflection and Self-Assessment (.5 point): Envisions a  future self and possibly makes plans that build on experiences that have  occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.

Research and Resource Expectations:

  • Sources are not required for your journal assignments. However, if  you need to cite information, you must cite in APA format and include a  reference page.

Writing and Formatting Expectations (1pt.):

  • Professional Reflective Voice (.25 points): Journals  may be written in a less formal, but still professional voice (avoids  casual language). First person voice is encouraged.
  • Organization (.25 points): Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • APA Formatting (.25 points): Papers are formatted properly and all sources (if used) are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Suggested Assignment Length:Two to three double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.

Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
Review  your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the  distinguished levels of performance for each criterion and submit in  Waypoint for evaluation no later than Day 7.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entry.

        Week 5 – Assignment       


Balanced Literacy Presentation

As you read this week, successful balanced literacy programs are  “balanced with a combination of explicit instruction, small group and  whole-class literacy activities, and independent reading and writing  opportunities” that might also include several instructional approaches  (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 373).

According to the article Balanced Literacy: Practical Strategies to Help You Build a Truly Balanced Classroom Literacy Program (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,  in a truly balanced literacy program, how you teach is as important as  what you teach (Strickland, n.d., para. 1). For this assignment you will  present your plan for how you will incorporate a balanced literacy  approach in your classroom or school. Depending on your future career  path, you can choose who your intended audience is. You can present to  your staff, to parents, or even to the board of education. You will  present your plan in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. This  assignment can be added to your overall portfolio at the conclusion of  your degree program.

To prepare for this assignment, read the article Balanced Literacy: Practical Strategies to Help You Build a Truly Balanced Classroom Literacy Program (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and pages 5-12 of the joint position statement Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Strickland, n.d.; National Association for the Education of Young Children & Fred Rogers Center, 2012).

Screencast (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Jing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  revise directions. Your presentation should be a five- to six-slide  PowerPoint that you will narrate. Here is a great video to show you how! (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

Research and Resource Expectations:

  • Source Requirement:  
    • At least two scholarly peer-reviewed or credible sources. Please use  the MAECEL Source Guide if you need assistance with how to locate  scholarly peer-reviewed or credible sources.

Writing and Formatting Expectations:

  • Title Page: Must include a separate title page with the following: 
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Academic Voice: Content development is used (avoids casual language, limited use of “I”, it is declarative).
  • Purpose and Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • APA Formatting: Papers are formatted properly and all sources are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Assignment Length: This assignment should be five to six slides in length (not including title and reference pages).

Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
Review  your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the  distinguished levels of performance for each criterion.  Next, submit  the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Ct 6 modern leadership | Management homework help

Constructing Leadership Metaphors in Written Form

The notion that leadership study requires self-assessment – “locating oneself”– and introspection has been reinforced throughout this course.   The construct of metaphors advances thinking by quickly linking the left and right sides of the brain (Clouse, et al., 2013) [required reading]

The use of metaphors as a learning strategy, and especially as applied to leadership, is discussed in the Module 6 lectures and required readings.  This assignment’s requirements provide an opportunity to expand knowledge, apply concepts, and construct metaphors in the pursuit of better understanding leadership and ourselves as leaders.

There are two parts to this essay assignment:

Part I:

  1. Review required reading and lecture material about purpose, construction, and use of leadership metaphors. 
  2. Identify three scholarly articles (other than required or recommended readings for Module 6) related to leadership metaphors and learning.
  3. Gather three (3) videos that further explain the purpose and use of leadership metaphors. 
  4. Critique the videos using a critical framework and scholarly sources for support.

Part II:           

  1. Review leadership reflections and self-assessments from this course.
  2. Draw in outside material from a career portfolio, leadership assessments, performance feedback, or other artifacts.
  3. Define a process to construct an original personal leadership metaphor.
  4. Produce an original personal leadership metaphor in any written form. Consider poetry, story, lyrics, fable, comic strip, creative writing, diary excerpt, for example.


Include an introduction with purpose statement, body, and conclusion including:

  1. A two-page critique of videos related to leadership metaphors
  2. A one-page overview of the process to construct a leadership metaphor
  3. An original personal leadership metaphor in written form—referenced and attached or submitted separately
  4. Include both title and references pages.
  5. Format your entire paper according to the APA writing format. 

Required Readings

  1. Alwi, A., Mustapha, R. M. R., Othman, A. K., Shahid, S. A. M., & Azmi, F. S. (2016). Change-centered, employee-centered and product-centered leadership behaviours and organizational commitment. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 6(7), 496. Retrieved from
  2. Bapat, V. (2017, March 23). Why the lowly dandelion is a better metaphor for leaders than the mighty banyan. Harvard Business Review Online Press.
  3. Ghasabeh, M. S. (2016). Leadership and change. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 33(12), 13. Retrieved from
  4. Clouse, R. W., Goodin, T., Aniello, J., McDowell, N., & McDowell, D. (2013). Leadership metaphors: Developing innovative teaching strategies. American Journal of Management, 13(1), 79.
  5. Manor, J. (2016, December 5). Good bosses switch between two leadership styles. Harvard Business Review, 2-5.
  6. Wang, C. L., Tee, D., & Ahmed, P. K. (2012). Entrepreneurial leadership and context in Chinese firms: a tale of two Chinese private enterprises. Asia Pacific Business Review, 18(4), 505-530. doi:10.1080/13602381.2012.690257.
  7. Zhao, H. H., Seibert, S. E., Taylor, M. S., Lee, C., & Lam, W. (2016). Not even the past: The joint influence of former leader and new leader during leader successions in the midst of organizational change.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(12) 1730-1738. Retrieved from

Recommended Readings

Managerial finance | Financial markets homework help

1) Provide an example of the investment and financing decisions that financial managers make.  

2) Please identify and describe one (1) of the financial markets. 

refer text book


Brealey, Myers and Marcus, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2018; ISBN 978-1-259-72261-9 

Crazy brave personal reflection essay

Joy Harjo’s Crazy Brave. This should be 5 pages reflecting on part of your own experience. It should stem from something that resonated for you in the book, but it does not need to directly talk about Harjo’s work. This is about you. It is a creative response in conversation with Harjo’s memoir. It is  your own memoir. The theme of the essay will be music, how music give  you hope, and how it change your life.

Article critique. attached is article to use



For this assignment, you must locate a scholarly article in one of the databases found in the CSU Online Library and write a critique that is at least two pages in length. The article that you use should address an issue related to diversity, equality, and equity in a public service organization. Your critique must include the following items:

  1. Identify the premise of the article and significant points to support the premise.
  2. Evaluate the issues of diversity, equality, and equity that are found in the article.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s premise? Explain.

Your article critique must be formatted according to APA guidelines, including references and in-text citations. 

2 page essay | Science homework help

 For this assignment, you will conduct research to determine the number of fires in your area by occupancy and then develop a report, in essay form, to present to business owners on that occupancy type for prevention purposes. The goal of the report is to educate them on the importance and impact of fire inspections and fire codes to improve compliance and relationships.In your report, include the following information listed below.

  • Identify the steps in public fire education planning.
  • Outline the codes required for fire safety in those buildings in your area.
  • State the number of violations or fires in similar occupancies.
  • Explain the behaviors of people during fires that researchers have discovered.
  • Explain the cost of noncompliance in fires, both economic and social.
  • Outline a proposed public education initiative to educate the business owners and political leaders on how to prevent and maintain fire safety in the area. Ensure that you identify methods to measure the effectiveness of fire and life safety and public education programs.
  • Explain to the stakeholder the importance of instilling a positive fire reaction.

Your essay should be two pages in length. This does not include the optional cover page and required references page. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. A minimum of two references are required for this assignment.