Discuss the impact of the market revolution on women and african

Discuss the impact of the market revolution on women and African Americans (both free and slave).

How to work on this essay:

Consult relevant literature to help you gather information. Think of answers that argue in favor of all perspectives considering the essay question set. Then, plan your answer. Think of strong points to support your argument.

You must use a minimum of seven credible sources, which you will cite using Chicago Style endnotes and bibliographic entries. You may use as many electronic and non-electronic sources as you wish; however, they must all be credible sources. You will need to consult many sources if you wish to earn a higher grade.

Your essay must follow the following criteria: 

*Font: Times New Roman

*Font size: 12

*Lines should be double-spaced. Margins on the top, bottom, and sides of the pages should be one inch in length.

*There should be no pictures, diagrams, maps, or other images on any pages.

*The page number should be at the bottom center of each page.

*You submit your final polished essay.

*Word limits: a minimum of 2,500 words and a maximum of 25,000 words. The bibliography and endnotes are excluded from the word count. Essays with too many or too few words will be penalized: 20% off the assignment grade in addition to forfeiting pro-rated points for length.

*Time limits: Late essays will be penalized at the rate of 10% per day of tardiness.  

*Do not use a cover page. The subject heading should be titled “HIST 1301 Term Paper Assignment” followed by your name.

Please answer these questions | Computer Science homework help

This is an individual assignment. Show your work for all problems. 

1. Suppose we have 212 bytes of virtual memory and 28 bytes of physical main memory. Suppose the page size is 24 bytes. a) How many pages are there in virtual memory? b) How many page frames are there in main memory? c) How many entries are in the page table for a process that uses all of virtual memory? 

2. Suppose a byte-addressable computer using set associative cache has 221 byes of main memory and a cache of 64 blocks, where each cache block contains 4 bytes. If this cache is 2-way set associative, what is the format of a memory address as seen by the cache, that is, what are the sizes of the tag, set, and offset fields?

3. Calculate the overall speedup of a system that spends 50% of its time in calculations with a processor upgrade that provides for 100% greater throughput. 

4. Name the four types of I/O architectures. Where are each of these typically used and why are they used there? 

5. Suppose you need to back up 50 TB of shared network drives frequently. Find the best solution using a backup tape technology. Compare to an external hard drive array solution. a) what are the costs of the two solutions, including media for 15 tapes for the first solution. b) how long would it take to back up the network drives for both solutions? c) which one would you select and why? 

6. What are the differences among multiprogramming, multithreading, and multiprocessing? 

7. Find a review journal article on quantum computing from within the last five years. What is the state of its maturity and uses? The article must come from a peer-reviewed computing journal, e.g. IEEE, ACM, etc. Your discussion should be at least a page, and in your own words.

Math | Nursing homework help

Do you spend a lot of time studying but feel like your hard work doesn’t help your performance on exams? You may not realize that your study techniques, which may have worked in high school, don’t necessarily translate to how you’re expected to learn in college. But don’t worry—we’ll show you how to analyze your current strategies, see what’s working and what isn’t, and come up with new, more effective study techniques. To do this, we’ll introduce you to the idea of “metacognition,” tell you why metacognition helps you learn better, and introduce some strategies for incorporating metacognition into your studying

Marketing ( in nursing) | Nursing homework help

 Good companies adopt the marketing concept and focus on serving and satisfying their customers. Great companies take additional steps to ensure ethical behaviors that serve all stakeholders. Watch the video “Social Responsibility and Conscious Capitalism.” How does Dr. Gibb define conscious capitalism? Identify a company that you think displays behaviors that fit Dr. Gibb’s definition. What are those behaviors, and how do stakeholders benefit from the company’s conscious capitalism initiatives? In replies to peers, offer additional examples of behaviors and benefits, and discuss commonalities you see among the various examples provided. 

Create a draft of an introduction section for a research paper


Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the introduction section of a research paper for a research question/problem in which you are interested.


Write the introduction section of a research paper for your professor. This section should:

  • Clearly identify the research question/problem.
  • Pique the reader’s interest in your research paper.
  • Analyze why the research question/problem is important by reviewing studies that have addressed the question/problem. Summarize groups of studies, not necessarily individual ones. The studies that you cite should be recent, published in the last 5-10 years. Older studies may be cited if they have been widely referenced by others.
  • Evaluate the deficiencies/gaps in the studies.
  • Explain how your research paper will address the deficiencies/gaps of past studies and how it will contribute to the scholarly research.
  • Explain what you expect to find by performing research on this question.
  • What benefits will the findings have and on whom?
  • Establish the purpose and the thesis of your research paper.

Evaluate research and data | Nursing homework help


Evaluate research and data that can help answer the research question and support a hypothesis.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to evaluate the research and data in two studies related to a research question you are interested in.


In a paper for your professor, do the following:

  • Find two scholarly research articles in the Rasmussen library related to a research question you are interested in. Indicate the research question. Be sure to provide APA citations and provide the library permalinks for the two articles.
  • Evaluate how data was used in these studies:
  • Is the data credible and reliable? Support your answer.
  • Is the data well documented in the paper? Support your answer.
  • Evaluate the data analysis and interpretation. Does the data support the hypothesis and help answer the research question? Support your answer.
  • Discuss the ethical issues that may arise as you conduct your research study. How will you address those issues?

Create an abstract | Nursing homework help


Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the abstract of a research paper you are interested in writing.


Your abstract should have sections summarizing the following:

  • Your purpose and research question
  • Your research methods
  • Your methods for data collection and analysis
  • Expected findings
  • Potential usefulness of your study

Issue brief for healthcare executives


Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


Due to your background as an expert consultant for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (or CMS), you have been encouraged to apply as Director of the agency. You are scheduled to interview with the top government executives in healthcare and must present information on the roles and impacts your future stakeholders have on healthcare.


Research the impact of various stakeholders on balancing quality, access, and costs. Stakeholders to include in your research are:

  • Patients
  • Patient’s families
  • Physicians
  • Employers
  • Insurance companies
  • Pharmaceutical firms
  • Government

Report your findings on the role of each stakeholder and the impact they have on the U.S. healthcare system in a detailed issue brief, including recommendations for improvements each stakeholder can make to improve quality, access, and costs.

Scholary research paper | Nursing homework help


  • Create a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.
  • Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.
  • Evaluate research and data that can help answer the research question and support a hypothesis.
  • Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.
  • Revise research and writing based on feedback.
  • Compose a report inclusive of research and data analysis

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You have received your master’s degree and now have a job in your field. Your boss has encouraged you to do research on a topic in your field and write a scholarly paper for publication. You remember that you took a graduate course in Research and Writing, in which you already did some work on a research question you have always been interested in. This will be an opportunity for you to pursue that research question in more detail and put everything together in a scholarly paper.


Create a research question you are interested in, conduct the research to answer that question, and write a complete scholarly paper on your question. This paper should contain the following sections:

  • An introductory section that explains your research question, your purpose, and how your paper fills a deficiency or gap in the research. Also explain any limitations to your study and how you dealt with any potential ethical issues.
  • A section reviewing the current literature on this topic. This section should discuss as least five relevant and current articles related to your research question.
  • A section on the methods you followed to perform your research.
  • A section on data collection and analysis.
  • A section that details your findings.
  • A concluding section that evaluates the usefulness of your study and any practical implications it has

Financing and reimbursement models | Nursing homework help


Evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


The Titusville Medical Center, a mid-sized, 300 bed, not-for profit hospital, has hired you as an expert consultant for healthcare financing. They have requested an executive summary that explains to their senior leadership (administrators and medical staff) the current financing and reimbursement models within the U. S. healthcare delivery system. Titusville is on the verge of buying either Jackson or Abigail Hospital and must understand financing and reimbursement models in order to know the best acquisition to consider.

Jackson Hospital is a 300 bed, not-for-profit, serving an urban, low-income population. Accepts all government payer types and most private insurances. Specialty populations served include hospice, rehabilitation, wound care, cancer care, and hospital-based imaging center.

Abagail Hospital is a 400 bed, for profit serving an urban, middle-income population. Accepts all government payer types and most private insurances. Specialty populations served include psychiatric, rehabilitation, and cancer care.


Compose an executive summary that provides an in-depth analysis of the changing dynamics of healthcare reimbursement and the associated funding sources. Your executive summary should include an examination of the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system in order to help the merger committee decide whether to acquire either Abigail or Jackson Hospital. Among the most common reimbursement models are capitation, Pay-for- Performance (P4P), bundled payments, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH), Fee-for-Service (FFS), Shared Savings, and Shared Risks.

Be sure that the executive summary includes eight types of healthcare payment models (of at least two paragraphs each) as well as a title and reference page.

For each model, include a description of:

  • The incentive(s) and drawback(s) for healthcare providers using the model
  • The incentive(s) and drawback(s) for patients who have providers using the model
  • Required quality metrics or performance measures for applicable models