Ecet345 signals and systems homework #2

                                                ECET345 Signals and Systems

                                                                                Homework #2

Name of Student _____________________________________


1.       Redraw the following schematics with the impedance of each of the element shown in Laplace domain. Then determine the overall impedance of the entire circuit between the two ends of the shown circuit and express it in Laplace domain as a ratio of two polynomials in s, with the coefficients of the highest power if s in the numerator and denominator are made unity. (Follow the method outlined in the lecture to determine the impedances of elements in Laplace domain and then use the formulas for combining impedances in series and parallel.)










2.        (a) Apply Laplace transform to the following differential equation and express it as an algebraic equation in s.



(b) Given that all initial conditions are zero, (, solve for  as a function of time by inverting x(s) using Laplace transform pair tables. Show the steps you took in finding the answer.


Hint: Make use of the following Laplace transform pairs in this and following problems.



(c) Now solve the differential equation using the “Dsolve” command of MATLAB as explained in the lecture for Week 2. Paste your MATLAB commands and answers obtained below and prove that the two answers (one obtained by inverting using Laplace tables in part (b) and the answer provided by MATLAB) agree by solving for value of x(t) at t = infinity and t = 0 seconds in both cases. This shows that the same expression can be represented in more than one form. Trigonometric identities can be used to show that the two expressions are the same, though you are not required to do that as part of the homework.


3.       An RC circuit with an initial condition is shown below. The toggle switch is closed at t = 0. Assuming that a current i(t) flows clockwise in the circuit, Write the integral equation that governs the behavior of the circuit current and solve it for the current in the circuit i(t) and voltage across the capacitor as a function of time using Laplace transforms. Note the polarity of the initial condition as marked in the figure. (Take help from the document “Solving RC, RLC, and RL Circuits Using Laplace Transforms” (located in Doc Sharing) and the Week 2 Lecture to see how initial conditions are entered in Laplace domain.)



4.       The voltage in a circuit, expressed in Laplace domain, is given by the questions below.


a.       V(s) =  Find v(t) by first performing a partial fraction expansion and then inverting back to time domain using Laplace tables.






b.      Determine the numerical value of v(t) at t = 1 second.



c.       The voltage in a circuit, expressed in Laplace domain, is given by

V(s) =  . Find v(t) using Laplace tables.



d.      Determine the numerical value of v(t) at t = 1 second.


5.       An RLC circuit is shown below. There is an initial voltage of 5 V on the capacitor, with polarity as marked in the circuit. The switch is closed at t = 0 and a current i(t) is assumed to flow clockwise. Write the integral-differential equation of this circuit using Kirchoff’s method (sum of all voltages around a loop is zero). Apply Laplace transform as outlined in the lecture for Week 2 and in the document “Solving RC, RLC, and RL Circuits Using Laplace Transforms” (located in Doc Sharing) and write i(s) in Laplace transform notation. Express the denominator with the coefficient of the highest power of s unity. Then invert to obtain the current in time domain, i(t).






Psy 600 week 3 discussion 2 ( ethical pitfalls ) – a graded – best

Ethical Pitfalls for Psychology Professionals

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Grenyer & Lewis (2012) “Prevalence, Prediction, and Prevention of Psychologist Misconduct” article and the APA Practice Central’s Professional Health and Well-being for Psychologists , Tips from Practitioners on Finding Work-Life Balance , and Tips for Self-Care online articles. 
Select two complaints presented in the Grenyer & Lewis article (see Table 1) and explain the ramifications of these violations applying the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to each situation. Assess the role of the APA in assisting psychology professionals in the identification of potential areas of misconduct. Describe and recommend a course of action to avoid these areas. Evaluate the contemporary role of psychology professionals and elaborate on the relationship between self-care and the issue of maintaining ethical principles and professional standards. Identify one or two self-care tips, tools, or suggested courses of action provided on the APA’s Self-care resources for psychologists website that might address the issues which lead to the chosen complaints.

Discussion 1 | Business & Finance homework help

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. The chapter stressed the idea that project management is a leader-intensive undertaking.  Discuss in what sense this statement is true.

Supply chain mgmt case study

Watch attached video. 7minutes 49 seconds, then answer following questions.


What is Zara’s business strategy?

How does Zara’s supply chain support its business strategy?

1/4 page for each question 12pt font double spaced. Due tomorrow by 12pm

Patterns of innovation | Information Systems homework help

Read the Patterns of Industrial Innovation article and answer the following questions: 

What are the characteristics of well established products such as paper, steel, and light bulbs?

What are the characteristics of “new products” that require re-orientation of corporate goals?

What type of innovations are the light bulbs, automobiles and semiconductors? 

Describe Exhibit one in the article.   

Module 4 assignment: complete the missing areas of the

Module 4 Assignment:         Complete the missing areas of the Statement of Cash Flows for Ma and Pa Grocery as of December 31, 20XX.                          Additional Information:         Depreciation for the year was 10,000.        Cash received from the sale of investments was 8000.       Cash paid for construction of the building was 42,000.       Cash paid for dividends was 4,000.        Cash at the beginning of the year was 7,800, and at the end of the year was 61,500.    Common stock issued to retire bonds payable was 10,000.                              Ma and Pa GroceryStatement of Cash Flows-Indirect MethodFor the Year Ended 20XXCash Flows from Operating Activities:   Net Income  43,800Reconciliation of net income to net cash flows:   Depreciation   Patent Amortization 2,400 Changes in Current Assets and Current Liabilities:   Decrease in Accounts Receivable 4,000 Increase in Inventory -750 Increase in Prepaid Expenses -430 Decrease in Accounts Payable -1,200 Increase in Accrued Liabilities 380 Decrease in Income Taxes Payable -500 Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Activities   Cash Flows from Investing Activities:   Cash received from sale of:   Investments (long-term)   Land22,000  Less: Cash Paid for construction on building   Net Cash Flows Used In Investing Activities   Cash Flows from Financing Activities:   Cash received from issuing mortgage note payable 12,000 Less: Cash paid for dividends   Net Cash Flows Used for Financing Activities   Increase in cash   Cash at the Beginning of the Year   Cash at the End of the Year   Schedule of Non-Cash Investing and Financing Activities:   Issued common stock to retire bonds payable   

Nurs 6551 application | Science homework help

Assignment 1: Application – Comprehensive Patient Assessment

When completing practicum requirements in clinical settings, you and your Preceptor might complete several patient assessments in the course of a day or even just a few hours. This schedule does not always allow for a thorough discussion or reflection on every patient you have seen. As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you take the time to reflect on a comprehensive patient assessment that includes everything from patient medical history to evaluations and follow-up care. For this Assignment, you begin to plan and write a comprehensive assessment paper that focuses on one female patient from your current practicum setting.


To prepare Please ensure no plagiarism 


·        Reflect on your Practicum Experience and select a female patient ( you can choose, HPV, fibroids, infertility, ovarian cyst, or chronic bacterial vaginosis as the topic)


·        Think about the details of the patient’s background, medical history, physical exam, labs and diagnostics, diagnosis, treatment and management plan, as well as education strategies and follow-up care.


To complete


Write an 8- to 10-page comprehensive paper that addresses the following:

1. General patient information

a. Age

b. Race/ethnicity

c. Partner status

2. Current health status

a. Chief concern/complaint and history of present illness (include a complete

symptom analysis of chief complaint(s) utilizing OLDCART for a sick/problem

focused visit)

b. Last menstrual period or year of menopause

c. DES exposure (if born between 1948 and 1971)

d. Sexual activity status

e. Barrier prevention

f. Sexual preference

g. Satisfaction with sexual relations

3. Contraception method (if any)


4. Patient history

a. Past medical history

• Major medical events (including pediatric events)

• Psychological and mental health

• Surgeries and/or hospitalizations if pertinent

• Medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, home

and herbal remedies, calcium, and vitamin supplements

• Allergies, including drug, food, and environment

• Health maintenance/screenings, including results of patient’s last Pap and

mammogram as appropriate, as well as previous vaccinations (HPV,

MMR, hepatitis B, last dT, and pneumovax/influenza as appropriate)

b. Family medical history

c. Gynecologic history

• Nullipara vs. multipara

• History of sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted


• Menarche and menstrual patterns

• Menopause or peri-menopausal symptoms (if applicable)

d. Obstetric history

• Gravida and parity status (TPAL)

• Pregnancy history, including history of preterm or low birth weight, other

pregnancy complications, history of sexually transmitted diseases, and

any pertinent negatives

e. Personal social history (as appropriate to the current problem)

• Cultural background

• Education and economic condition

• Abuse history including assault and forced sex (past and current)

• Occupational health patterns

• Environment

• Current health habits and/or risk factors

• Substance use (must include for every patient)

• Tobacco including frequency and longevity

• Alcohol including results of CAGE unless patient has never used

• Recreational drug use (past and current)

• Exercise and physical activity

• Diet and nutrition

• Sleep

• Caffeine

5. Review of systems (ROS)

a. Must include reproductive system as well as other pertinent systems (systems

relevant to HPI should be included under HPI)

6. Physical exam

a. General exam, including vital signs, height, weight, and BMI on every patient

b. Physical exam focused on episodic complaint (include numbers of weeks

gestation, fundal height, and fetal heart tones for OB patients)

7. Labs, tests, and other diagnostics

a. Pertinent labs, test, and other diagnostics (include routine tests such as triple

screen and urine dip for OB patients)

8. Differential diagnoses

a. Explain why this set of differential diagnoses should be considered and why

each diagnosis should be ruled in or ruled out.

9. Management plan

a. Diagnosis

b. Treatment

c. Patient education

d. Follow-up care



Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.


 PLEASE REVIEW SAMPLE PAPER ATTACHED BELOW. This is the guide to this assignment


Week 5 homework exercise | Psychology homework help


MUST BE NEW AND ORIGINAL WORK NOT GIVEN TO OTHER STUDENTS. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in the text and references at the end of the document in APA format.PLEASE READ INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY. IN TEXT CITATION AND MUST CITE ALL REFERENCE IN APA FORMAT


Complete the Week four Homework Exercise assignment on the ATTACHED paper.


Critical essay 2 | History homework help

You are required to cite both textbooks, Canvas class lectures (weeks #1, #2, & #3), and Canvas class discussions (week #3).  Outside sources may be used but in addition to the required citations (textbooks, lectures, class discussions).   Outside sources must be academic sources.   If you cite and integrate from the recommended textbook by Aoki and Takeda and from the U.S. Constitution and/or the California State Constitution, extra credit will be considered.    


Asian Pacific America has been formed, informed, shaped and transformed by immigration and refugee policies from the first Asians to arrive in Hawai’i and California in the early 1800s to the most recent arrivals today in 2017.   Professor Sucheng Chan at UC-Santa Barbara has argued that Asian Pacific Islander Americans have been the most legally discriminated against group in U.S. history.    Do you agree or disagree?  If you agree with this assertion, what evidence is there of this claim?   If you disagree with Professor Chan’s claim, discuss how discriminatory immigration policies and legislation have shaped Asian Pacific America (including citizenship, nationality, ethnicity, race, and identity of APAs.)    Discuss the impact of the Naturalization Act of 1790, the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, the 1907 Gentleman’s Agreement, Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, the 1952 McCarren-Walters’ Act, the  1924 and the 1965 immigration Acts on how Asian Pacific Islander Americans have been structurally excluded and/or incorporated into American society.   How have these legislative policies informed APA identities?  their citizenship?  their “American-ness?”    How have these laws contributed to the “abbreviated,”  “truncated” and “disjointed” development of APA communities in the U.S.?


Please develop a well-written, well-documented, well-supported and well-cited coherent, cogent essay.   Many of you are still turning in drafts.  Please be sure to proofread your essay and turn in a final draft.    Use critical thinking, logical reasoning and empirical evidence.  Avoid uninformed opinions.  Your claims and assertions must be supported.



The fist essay comments:

1) COMPOSITION: grammar, syntax, spelling, organization 16 
2) CONTENT: information & data 
 15 3) CREATIVITY: originality of approach and ideas 
 15 4) CRITICAL ANALYSIS: sociological imagination 14 
5) CITATION: sources; references of each textbook, each film clip, email discussions/articles, class lectures/discussion, bibliography/works cited -page. 10 Rawan, This is still a rough draft. What is your thesis? Incorporate all sources from textbooks and discussion. You seem to have a general grasp of the materials, but you must formulate a thesis and support it in the body of your essay. 70 C-



Ethics and criminal justice | Government homework help

Review the prompt and source materials provided in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. Then, in a short paper:

  • Describe the different unethical behaviors present throughout the case study.
  • Assess the significance of the unethical behaviors of these criminal justice professionals, connecting them to the ethical responsibilities of each individual in the decision-making process. What were the different ethical responsibilities of the parties involved, and how did their actions neglect or uphold those responsibilities?

Locate at least two additional resources to aid in your final project and list these resources at the end of your paper, sharing how you anticipate using these resources to inform your final project. Include citations for these resources in APA format.