Spencer duck tax returns | Accounting homework help

Spencer Duck is single and his eight year old son, Mitch, lives with him nine months of the year in his mother, spencer’s ex-wife, during the summer months. his mother provides more than half of Mitch’s support and has agreed to allow her to claim Mitch as her dependent. Spencer has a salary of $39000 and Itemized deductions of $4000. Taxes withheld during the year amount to $3221. On July 14 of the current year, he sold the following assets: Spencer received a K-1 from a partnership indicating that his share of the partnership STCL is $200

Land was sold for $35,000. the land was received as a property settlement on January 10,2001, when the land’s FMV amounted to $30,000. His ex-wife’s basis for the land purchases on January 10, 1991, was $18,600.

A personal use computer acquired on March 2 last year for $4,000 was sold for $2,480.

A membership card for a prestigious country club was sold for $8500. the cars was acquired on OCT 10, 1993 for $6,000

Marketable securities held as an investment were sold for $20,000. the securities were inherited from his uncle, who died on march 10, of the current year when FMV fo the securities was $21,000. the uncle purchases the securities may 10,1990 for $10,700.

In addition to the above sales, Spencer received a $100 refund of state income taxes paid last year. Spencer used the standard deduction last year to compute his tax liability.

Prepare Form 1040 and Schedule D and Form 8949 for him

2000 word essay – logistic (need in 2 days!)

Select a Manufacturer that you are familiar with and assume that you are the logistics manager

Determine the ares in which logistics and the core functional areas interface and analyse the effectiveness of current oreder cycle and inventory managment.


Introduction(200 words)

The Interfaces(500 words)

Order Cycle(500 words)

Inventory management(500 words)

Conclusion(200 words)



2000 words

Arial 12 ,1.5 spacing

APA in text citation

10 acadamic reference

Reference Page at the end

P7-4 (bad-debt reporting) from inception of operations to december

Ch. 7 Problems: P7-4


P7-4 (Bad-Debt Reporting) From inception of operations to December 31, 2014, Fortner Corporation provided for uncollectible accounts receivable under the allowance method. Provisions were made monthly at 2% of credit sales, bad debts written off were charged to the allowance account; recoveries of bad debts previously written off were credited to the allowance account, and no year-end adjustments to the allowance account were made. Fortner’s usual credit terms are net 30 days.

 The balance in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts was $130,000 at January 1, 2014. During 2014, credit sales totaled $9,000,000, interim provisions for doubtful accounts were made at 2% of credit sales, $90,000 of bad debts were written off, and recoveries of accounts previously written off amounted to $15,000. Fortner installed a computer system in November 2014, and an aging of accounts receivable was prepared for the first time as of December 31, 2014. A summary of the aging is as follows.


 Classification by Month of Sale

Balance in Each Category

Estimated % Uncollectible

November–December 2014









Prior to 1/1/14






 Based on the review of collectibility of the account balances in the “prior to 1/1/14” aging category, additional receivables totaling $60,000 were written off as of December 31, 2014. The 80% uncollectible estimate applies to the remaining $90,000 in the category. Effective with the year ended December 31, 2014, Fortner adopted a different method for estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts at the amount indicated by the year-end aging analysis of accounts receivable.


 (a) Prepare a schedule analyzing the changes in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts for the year ended December 31, 2014. Show supporting computations in good form. (Hint: In computing the 12/31/14 allowance, subtract the $60,000 write-off.)



(b) Prepare the journal entry for the year-end adjustment to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts balance as of December 31, 2014.

Writing work | Management homework help

One page for this one, APA style:

In December 2014, the CIA “torture report” was released. Read this report and The Reluctant Enablers of Torture article (both located in the Reading and Resources folder). 

Respond to the conclusions reached by the report and your feelings on the conclusions. Comment on the mental health professionals who helped design the torture and how this relates to ethics, the APA Ethical Code, and what we are learning in this course. 

Summaries of the CIA report can also be found on a number of news networks in their video archives.


One page for this one, APA style:

As you consider potential places of employment for the future, think about work settings that might require special ethical considerations. 

Describe three work settings that present special ethical challenges. Explain why they are particularly challenging.



This one is 300 words:


Are psychologists responsible for their behavior and choices outside their work environment? 

Give one example of a conflict outside of work that has potential repercussions at work. 



As far as this one:

One page for this one, APA style:

“As you consider potential places of employment for the future, think about work settings that might require special ethical considerations. 

Describe three work settings that present special ethical challenges. Explain why they are particularly challenging.”


I plan on working with elderly/children victims of abuse.

Strategic planning and strategic visioning with stakeholders

This is a revision for a two part assignment. 

-Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving a specific health quality and safety improvement, based on the analysis completed in Assessment 1 (is attached).

original instructions and professor feedback provided to make corrections as needed. 

– Prepare a 10-20 slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in part one, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session.

original instructions and professor feedback provided to make corrections as needed. 

Summary of book evidence-based practices for christian counseling and

 Each chapter requires a written summary; it should be 1-2 pages in length for each chapter. The written summary should not be word for word from any part of the book. The outline must be typed in a 12pt time new roman font, double spaced. Each chapter must be labeled. The title of the book is Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy. 

Combating urban poverty | Psychology homework help

Suppose you are collaborating with others to produce a community intervention program for families that live in urban poverty. Identify one distal and one proximal influence of living in poverty that are linked together, and likely influence child development in a negative way. Briefly describe how your community program would address these linked influences on child development.

Damned lies and statistics | English homework help

2 pages– Reflective questions for Damned Lies and Statistics

Duration: 14 hours 


Damned Lies and Statistics discusses a number of factors that impact the ways in which quantitative research is conducted, disseminated, and ultimately interpreted by researchers and consumers (e.g., readers of journal and newspaper articles). In what ways are the arguments raised in this book “bigger” than the simple misuse and/or misunderstanding of statistics by researchers and consumers? How might the arguments raised in the book connect with bigger themes/issues pertaining to the research (both quantitative and qualitative) process and the dissemination of knowledge? Discuss.


What does the book suggest to you regarding your responsibilities as a potential researcher/knowledge producer (and yes, your dissertation still counts as “knowledge production”)? Reflect on this and discuss.


Describe how you see your role, as an educated person, where it comes to helping those without your background in statistics to understand research findings?


The author makes the claim that the ways in which things are measured “counts” when it comes to conducting statistical analyses and, ultimately, the way that statistics are interpreted. Reflect on and discuss what you perceive to be the main points the author addresses in relation to this topic. What insights did you arrive at?


How does the author address the issue of “sampling” in the book? Reflect on and discuss what you perceive to be the main points? What insights did you arrive at?


**Keep direct quotes from the text to an absolute minimum. Any quotes you use from the text MUST include a citation. Also, DO NOT include text from other sources when writing your paper. This is about your thoughts and ideas after reading. 



Book report:the last stand of fox company

need a book report done on – The last stand of fox company: a true story of U.S Marines in combat by bob drury

1. identify the authors mission (task and purpose) in writing this book.

2. What part of the book is most effective in accomplishing the authors mission

3.  What does the author assume to be true in order to accomplish his mission? does the author validate these assumptions in the book?


Each question should be 3 paragraphs long(4 sentences per paragraph) , no specific format 

Java problem | Computer Science homework help




Question (1) asks that you demonstrate an understanding of simple graphics, inner classes, events and the ActionListener interface. Question (2) looks at the object-oriented programming paradigm: inheritance, interfaces, classes (including abstract classes) and instance methods.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please use Java 8.




Electronic files you should have:


Question (1)




Question (2)






      MultipleChoiceQuiz.java getQuestions method only


      TrueFalseQuiz.java getQuestions method only










Please ensure that you hand in electronic versions of your .java files. Class files are not needed.


No zip or compressed files.


You are asked to give your classes certain names; please follow these instructions very carefully. Make sure there is no conflict between your file name and your class name. Remember that if you give your files names that are different from the names of your classes (e.g. cwk1-partA.java file name versus RectanglesGUI class name) your program will not compile because of the conflict between the file name and the class name.




Compile and run the RectanglesGUI class. You should note that it uses an inner class to place a JPanel onto a JFrame. Some coloured rectangles are drawn on the JPanel:


Output of the RectanglesGUI class












































Please complete the following tasks:



1.            Shorten the paintComponent (Graphics) method by rewriting the statements to draw and fill the rectangles with colour. Put the statements into a loop of your choosing. The model answer uses


nested for loops, and has reduced the number of statements needed to draw the rectangles to 5.


2.            Using getWidth() and getHeight() for the RectangleDrawPanel, distribute the rectangles evenly across the drawPanel, so that each is fully visible and so that all of the available space is used (see the image below).


NOTE: your solution must be scalable – that is, the dimensions of the JFrame could be changed to be bigger or smaller, and the rectangles


would still all be visible and fill the available space, without any other changes being made.

3.           Add a JButton to the SOUTH region of the JFrame using BorderLayout (2 marks). Set the text on the button. The text shouldinvite the user to click the button.




Write an inner class called RandomColorListener to implement the ActionListener interface and to listen to the JButton in the SOUTH region.


NOTE: you can only get full credit for this part of the question by writing an inner class.


5.            When the user clicks on the JButton in the SOUTH region, the rectangles filled with color1 should all change to a random Color, while the rectangles filled with color2 should not change. A second click on the JButton should make the rectangles filled with color2 all change to arandom Color, while the rectangles filled with a random Color by the first click should stay the same Color. The user should be able to continue clicking on the button indefinitely, and with each click one set of rectangles will be filled with a random Color. In each case, the rectangles to change should be the ones that stayed the same on the last click (in other words, the Color change should alternate


between the two sets of rectangles). This means that with each click only one set of rectangles should change colour.


6.            Write a second inner class implementation of the ActionListener interface, called ResetListener. The ActionPerformed(ActionEvent) method of the class should have a means of resetting the colours of the


rectangles back to the colours that they were filled with at the start (orange and blue).


7.           Add a second JButton to the NORTH region, and add the ResetListener to it such that when the button is clicked the rectanglesare once again filled with orange and blue, as they were at the start of the program. Further clicks on the button will have no effect when the default orange and blue colours are displayed, but will reset the colours to the default setting once more if they have been changed by clicking the other button. Add an appropriate message to the


button telling the user what it does.


Output of the RectanglesGUI class, revised so that the rectangles are all the same size and divide up the available space between them.

Question (2)


In this part of the coursework assignment, you have been given the BaseQuiz and the


FreeQuiz classes, together with the Question, FreeQuizQuestion and MultipleChoiceQuestion classes. BaseQuiz is abstract, and FreeQuiz is one possibleconcrete class extension of it. You should compile and run the FreeQuiz class and see how it behaves. The FreeQuiz class uses FreeQuizQuestion objects, which are placed into an ArrayList of potential questions. The number of possible questions to be randomly chosen from this ArrayList and asked of the user is set in the getQuizSize() method. You might want to try changing the value (currently 5) a few times to see what happens.


The FreeQuizQuestion class is a child class of the Question class. The Question class specifies that the question itself will be a String, but it does not set the type of answer, which is left to the child classes. FreeQuizQuestion answers are Strings, while the MultipleChoiceQuestion class answers are more complicated. Multiple choice questionsneed a list of possible answers, and a record of the correct answer. In the MultipleChoiceQuestion class the possible answers are stored in an array, and the actualanswer is recorded as an int that holds the position of the correct answer in the list of possible answers; the list of possible answers are numbered starting at 1. Hence in the question:


MultipleChoiceQuestion q1 = new MultipleChoiceQuestion(“What is the primitive data type that starts with ‘i’?”, 1, “int”,


“INT”, “Int”, “Integer”);


the ‘1’ means that “int” is the correct answer.


You have been given the MultipleChoiceQuiz and TrueFalseQuiz classes; each contains only the populateList() method.


You have been given a PDF with some Generic classes. These classes,


GenericBaseQuiz, GenericQuestion, GenericFreeQuiz and GenericFreeQuizQuestion have been adapted from the BaseQuiz, Question, FreeQuiz and FreeQuizQuestion classes respectively.




Please complete the following tasks:



1.            Complete the MultipleChoiceQuiz class as a direct child class of BaseQuiz. Include a main method in your class with test statements tomake and run an instance of the class. Your completed class should behave in the same way as the FreeQuiz class, except that the questions that it is asking are multiple-choice ones. This means that the question is displayed with a numbered list of possible answers, and the user has to type in the number of the answer that they think is correct.


See the Appendix for an example of the output of this class.

2.            Write the TrueFalseQuestion class as a direct sub-class of the


Question class.


3.            Complete the TrueFalseQuiz class as a direct child class of BaseQuiz. Include a main method in your class with test statements to make and run an instance of the class. Your completed class should behave in the same way as the FreeQuiz class, except that the questions that it is asking are true or false. This means that the user is shown a statement and has to decide whether they think the statement is true or false,


typing in their answer. See the Appendix for an example of the output of this class.


4.            Can you explain how and why the Generic classes are different from the classes that they have been based on?


Consider the getRandomQuestions(List, int) method in the


GenericBaseQuiz class. The corresponding method was static in BaseQuiz, but is an instance method in GenericBaseQuiz. Can youexplain why?


You should write no more than two paragraphs in answer to this question


(note a paragraph is at most 8 sentences). You may give in your answer as a PDF, Word, OpenOffice or text file.





Reading for Question (2)


The following topics from Head First Java


        Object programming


        Object behavior


        The Java library






Reading for Question 4:






Deliverables for Question (2)


Please hand in an electronic copy of the following:


      Your completed MultipleChoiceQuiz.java




      Your completed TrueFalseQuiz.java


      A PDF, Word, OpenOffice or text file with your answer to Question (2) Part 4(b).



Sample output of the completed MultipleChoiceQuiz class (questions randomly chosen)


This quiz has 3 questions. Good luck.


QUESTION (6 possible answers): What is the minimum value of the byte data type?


1.  -63


2.  -64


3.  -127  4. -128  5. -255




Enter a number> 4



QUESTION (3 possible answers): What is the value of the expression “James”.charAt(“James”.length() – 1) ?


1.  no value, run-time error


2.  e


3.  s


Enter a number> 3



QUESTION (6 possible answers): What is the maximum value of the byte data type?


1.  63


2.  64


3.  127  4. 128  5. 255




Enter a number> 3



You scored 3/3. That’s 100%. Excellent!







Sample output of the completed TrueFalseQuiz class (questions randomly chosen)


This quiz has 5 questions. Good luck.


True or false? Static methods can operate on instance variables; true


True or false? Instance variables hold the same value for every instance of the class; true


True or false? Static methods can be run before an instance of the class is made; true

True or false? Java is case sensitive; true


True or false? The following expression type checks: int x = “elf”.compareTo(“7”)+11; false



You scored 2/5. That’s 40%. You’ll have better days.