Cybercriminal databases | Computer Science homework help


1.      No cybercriminal databases exist that can point investigators to likely suspects.

2.      Complying with regulations and contractual obligations is a benefit of security awareness, training, and education programs.

3.      Deleting the browsing history and cookies in a computer system can be the way to completely delete the recently visited sites.

4.      A malicious driver can potentially bypass many security controls to install malware

5.      A stack overflow can result in some form of denial-of-service attack on a system



6.      Broad categories of payloads that malware may carry include which of the following:

A.    Corruption of system or data files

B.     Theft of service in order to make the system a zombie agent of attack as part of a botnet

C.     Theft of information from the system, especially of logins, passwords or other personal details by keylogging or spyware programs;

D.    All of the above


7.      The _______ category is a transitional stage between awareness and training.

A.    roles and responsibilities relative to IT systems

B.     security basics and literacy

C.     education and experience

D.    security awareness


8.      What is both a benefit and a potentially harmful implication of multilayer protocols?

A.    throughput

B.     encapsulation

C.     hash integrity checking

D.    logical addressing


9.      The World Wide Web (WWW) can be protected against the risk of eavesdropping in an economical and convenient manner through the use of which of the following?

A.    link and document encryption

B.     Secure Socket layer and secure HTTP

C.     Link encryption and secure socket layer

D.    Document encryption and secure HTTP


10.  An effective way to run a World Wide Web (WWW) service is not by.

A.    Disabling automatic directory listings

B.     Placing the standard WWW computer outside the firewall in the DMZ

C.     Implementing encryption

D.    Relying on third-party providers


11.  Methods to avoid SQL injection include which of the following?

A.    Providing functions to escape special characters

B.     Techniques for the automatic detection of database language in legacy code.

C.     Techniques for the automatic detection of SQL language in legacy code.

D.    All of the above


12.  __________ is when the data in the SDB can be modified so as to produce statistics that cannot be used to infer values for individual records. resource.

A.    Data perturbation

B.     Database access control

C.     Inference channeling

D.    Output perturbation


13.  With __________ the records in the database are clustered into a number of mutually exclusive groups and the user may only query the statistical properties of each group as a whole.

A.    compromise

B.     inference

C.     partitioning

D.    query restriction


14.  __________  applications is a control that limits the programs that can execute on the system to just those in an explicit list..

A.    virtualization

B.     white listing

C.     logging

D.    patching


15.  Matthew recently authored an innovative algorithm for solving a mathematical problem that he would like to share with the world. However, prior to publishing the software code in a technical journal, he would like to obtain some sort of intellectual property protection. Which type of protection is best suited to his needs?

A.    copyright

B.     Trademark

C.    patent

D.    trade secrete




16.  Richard received an encrypted message sent to him by Sue. Which key should he use to decrypt the message?

A.    Richard’s public key

B.     Richard’s private key

C.     Sue’s public key

D.    Sue’s private key


17.  Which of the following malicious code objects might be inserted in an application by a disgruntled software developer with the purpose of destroying system data after the developer’s account has been deleted (e.g. following his/her termination)

A.    Virus

B.     Worm

C.     Trojan horse

D.    Logic bomb




18.  The information transfer path by which unauthorized data is obtained is referred to as an ___________ channel


19.  ________ is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.




20.  Gust OSs are managed by a ______, or VMM, that coordinates access between each of the guests and the actual physical hardware resources..


Answer Table













Multiple Choice





































21.  How can a web site distinguish between lack of capacity and a denial-of-service attack? For example, web sites often experience a tremendous increase in volume of traffic right after an advertisement with the site’s URL is shown on television during the broadcast of a popular sporting event. That spike in usage is the result of normal access that happens to occur at the same time.   How can a site determine that high traffic is reasonable?





22.  What are some of the individual rights associated with information privacy? Do expectations of privacy change depending on the individual’s environment?  If so, how?







23.  Why is a firewall a good place to implement a VPN?  Why not implement it at the actual server(s) being accessed?





24.  Assume you operate an Apache-based Linux Web server that hosts your company’s e-commerce site.  Assume further that there is a worm called “WorminatorX,” which exploits a (fictional) buffer overflow bug in the Apache Web server package that can result in a remote root compromise.  Construct a simple threat model that describes the risk this represents: assets, vulnerability, attack-vector, attacker(s), likelihood of occurrence, likely impact, and plausible mitigations




25.  Consider a popular DRM system like Apple’s FairPlay, used in to protect audio tracks purchased from the iTunes music store. If a person purchased a track from the iTunes store by an artist managed by a record company such as EMI, identify which company or person fulfils each of the DRM component roles shown in Figure 19.3 of Stallings & Brown.




Homework for rey writer hrmn 408 assignment 3

 This assignment aims to remind you that the news is full of information relating to employment law; the objective is to develop the ability to critically analyze the news you encounter – which can sometimes be reported incorrectly.


APA Format, Title Page, Body, Reference Page









Point Value: 25 points






1.       Select a newspaper article (New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, or other appropriate quality journalism cite) which addresses a current Employment Law topic. A good place to look would be in the business pages or an analysis of a Supreme Court decision.  You should select a news article and not an “opinion” piece.




2.       Summarize the article.  Ensure that you identify the source of the article and date in your summary.  In addition, you should attach the article or provide a link to it so we can read the original article.  The heading for your post should contain a short title that will entice other students to read your article. Do not simply “copy” large portions of the article.  The writing skill of summarizing will be evaluated.




3.       Identify and describe/explain any legal or ethical issue(s) and their relationship to the context of proper HR management




4.       Discuss how the event/case/issue is relevant to the course.  i.e. it addresses and expands on material discussed in a specific chapter etc.  Be specific.




5.       Discuss the implications of the current event and any legal and/or ethical issues in the context of employment in the domestic and/or global business environment. 




The assignment will be graded according to the following rubrics:





















Points & Comments



(0-5 points)


Follows directions to the letter, and addresses all four parts.

Shows command of the facts and law, but does not follow directions.

Fails to address one or more of the required topics.

Ignores directions as to requested form.





Degree of sophistication or depth of thought


(0-15 points)


Carefully delineates and analyses all of the relevant law and facts.

Lists all the most relevant facts and law, but treats them in a cursory manner

Omits relevant facts/law or places emphasis on less relevant items.

Covers only a portion of the important laws and/or facts in reaching a conclusion.





Mechanics of memorandum


(0-5 points)


No errors of spelling or grammar; well-presented structure.

A few spelling or grammatical errors

Sloppy structure and/or spelling or grammar errors

Many spelling or grammar errors and poor structure.











Case study golden bank | Computer Science homework help







Table of Contents

Topics                                                                                                                                 Page No.

1. Executive Summary                                                `                                                           3

2. Scope                                                                                                                                  3

3. Assumption                                                                                                                         3

4. Network Design                                                                                                                  4

    4.1 Overview                                                                                                                      4

    4.2 LAN, WAN and Frame Relay Suitability and Appropriateness                                  5

    4.3 Network Design Consideration                                                                                                5

          4.3.1 Configuration of LAN and WAN                                                                       5

          4.3.2 Hardware Plan for Network LAN and WAN                                                     5

          4.3.3 IP Addressing Schemes                                                                                       6

          4.3.4 Network Name and its Entities                                                                           6

          4.3.5 Network Topology for Bank                                                                               6

          4.3.6 Head Quarter/Backup/Operational Center Interfacing                                        7

          4.3.7 Branch office Layout                                                                                           8

          4.3.8 Online Banking Application Server Setup                                                           9

          4.3.9 Firewall Setups with GB Network                                                                      9

          4.3.10 GB Virtual Private Network (VPN)                                                                  10

            HTTPs and SSL                                                                                   10
 Proxy Servers                                                                                       10

            NAT and PAT Configuration                                                              10
 DMZs Configuration                                                                           11

          4.3.11 Routers Routing Tables Configuration                                                              11

          4.3.12 Firewall Access Control List                                                                             12

5. GB Security Plan                                                                                                                12

    5.1 Introduction                                                                                                                  12

    5.2 Security Services and Processes                                                                                   13

          5.2.1 Authentication                                                                                                     13

          5.2.2 Authorization                                                                                                       13

          5.2.3 Auditing                                                                                                               13

          5.2.4 Confidentiality                                                                                                     13

          5.2.5 Integrity                                                                                                               14

          5.2.6 Availability                                                                                                          14

     5.3 Protection of WAN                                                                                                     14

           5.3.1 Security and VPN                                                                                               14

           Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)                                                                      15

           Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)                                                        15

           Point to Point Transfer Protocol (PPTP)                                                 15

           5.3.2 IPSec                                                                                                                   15

           5.3.3 Encryption                                                                                                          15

      5.4 GB LAN Protection                                                                                                   15

      5.5 Residual Risk                                                                                                              16

            5.5.1 Incoming Email                                                                                                  16

             5.5.1 Spoofing Data                                                                                                   16

             5.5.2 Web Browsing                                                                                                  16

             5.5.3 Active Directory                                                                                               17

             5.5.4 Encrypted File                                                                                                  17

       2.6 Conclusion                                                                                                                 17

References                                                                                                                              17


List of Figures


1.      LAN AND WAN Hardware Configuration                                                                    6

2.      Network Topology and Connectivity for GB                                                                  7

3.      LAN, WAN Connectivity Layout of GB                                                                        8

4.      Layout of System Interconnection                                                                                   9

5.      Static NAT Configuration Layout                                                                                    10

6.      DMZ Configuration Layout                                                                                             11

7.      Security Design Layout of WAN for GB                                                                        14

8.      Layout of Proposed LAN Security of GB                                                                                   16


List of Tables


1.      IP Addressing Mechanism                                                                                                6

2.      Firewall Access Control List                                                                                            12

























1.     Executive Summary


Golden Bank operating its banking services in Inland Tivoli. The bank is currently poor network infrastructure and vulnerable with various types of network attacks. The bank management decides that to implement modern technology of network infrastructure with latest security and privacy tools and technologies. The proper analysis of existing network and its security infrastructure is needed to implement the optimal network and security requirement. This needs the design of network with modern network infrastructure with secured communication. The bank has many branches and operating ATMs and backup and operational offices. All these branches and offices are apart from the head quarter. Some branches are also situated on Iceland. Hence, a WAN required to connect all the branches and offices to connect with each other for different categories of transactions processing and support. The network should be too robust to auto configure itself when fails due to any reasons. The security and privacy must be implemented over each device which operates into the Golden Bank networks. The LAN of GB operates into the offices and branches and also inter connected with other LANs of other branches or head quarter, backup office and operational center. A dedicated server for transaction is needed at backup office and in operational center. All the branch offices must be connected with the dedicated servers to process the customer request online. The web portal of bank must be encrypted to secure the bank and customer information either by internal workers of outside hackers. As security and privacy is major concern for the financial organization. Hence, to mitigate this a robust multi domain security implementation with each entity of the GB is mandatory without considering the cost pertaining to the setup. A team work with dedicated officials and consultant are required to properly analyze the network system, and security infrastructure for GB by concerning the high level of availability and security.


2.     Scope


This project is related with technological aspects of network design and security implementation for the financial organization such as banking system. The banking system is not only limited to branch banking. It has feasibility to perform all the operations through online mode without the help of official support. The major concern is security and privacy of the customer information communication during the operations. Thus, scope is defined as the development of network infrastructure and implementation of security enforcement as required in the developed network and other equipments used in GB premise or customer premise systems. When new system of network and its defensive secured communication run for the customers and officials the physical involvement of both customers and officials reduced very much. The operating cost will become low. The availability of operational time will become 24 x 7 and 365 days in a year. The information dissemination for various tasks of different branches with head quarter is not delayed. All the functionalities become ease to perform by clicks of mouse and keyboard activities.


3.     Assumption


Golden Bank has headquarter, backup office, operational center and all 28 branch offices are interconnected via WAN and VPN to share the transaction processing with centralized fashion. Followings are the assumptions considered while the developing the network and enforcing the robust security and privacy to the entities.

     Head Quarter office has the main accessibility with administrative privileges.

     The backup office has a load balancer and replication server to replicate the data of transaction processing.

     Backup of data is taken simultaneously after the 20 transactions and each transaction has a tag for rollback.

     The restoration of data is taken with management permission.

     Operational center has a database server implemented over the Red Hat Linux platform.

     A RAID technology is required with operational center to record multiple instances of transactions over different database servers.

     All the branch office Local Area Network has its own operational servers and local administrative policies.

     All administrative policies are same with each branch office.

     The web Portal of GB has to be a robust authentication system for customer. The authentication should have to be with triple layers.

     The GB website must be encrypted.

     All the IP addresses are private for all the premises of the GB.

     The network is always in operational stage.

     A distributed schema of database is implemented over the GB website to perform the transactions over ATMs and websites.

     A firewall is used with each office networks.

     The Intelligent bridge is only used for the connecting of two LAN segments of any office of GB.

     Robustness of each device and network operation is taken before the operations of GB over network and all its supporting system.

     No third party solution for any system is taken except the application software of GB website.


4.     Network Design

The designing the network for banking system is a very hard and chaotic task. This needs the exhaustive analysis and requirement specification of the network infrastructure with respect to the domain of functionalities of Golden Bank (GB). The existing network is also considered about its existence completely or partially with new one [1].

4.1  Overview

The functional premise of GB is spread over the 28 branch offices, one backup site, one head quarter and one operational center. In existing system of network there is private virtual connection between the branch offices and backup center. A frame relay network system is implemented over the private virtual connection. This frame relay network of private virtual connection uses T3 leased line. There is also T3 connection line between the head quarter and operational center of GB. All the branch offices of GB which are situated on Iceland connected via T1 leased line. The Local Area Network of branch offices, operational center and backup center operated by the older network access mechanism such as IPX/SPX protocol suite with Ethernet having the 56 Kbps to 256 Kbps data transfer rate.

4.2 LAN, WAN and Frame Relay Suitability and Appropriateness

The WAN of GB connects the branch offices of GB with its head quarter, backup office and operational center. The WAN speed and security infrastructure are not so optimal to support modern business rules of banking functions. Similarly the LAN of all offices of GB is also very slow in data transfer. The internal security of LAN is not so optimal and internal threats are always a problem of bank and customer data. There is no use of public network. The frame relay network is based upon the leased lines that is also more prone to attacks like eavesdropping and taping [2]. Hence, the current networks such LAN, WAN and other networks used for GB is not appropriate and suitable for modern business of banking system of GB.

4.3 Network Design Consideration

First of all the Local Area network design is considered. The Local Area Network of each branch offices, operational center and backup office is designed. The design is based upon current number of official usability and future scalability.

4.3.1 Configuration of LAN and WAN

With consideration of current users and future scalability of systems of GB there are 100 users considered for each branch and other offices of GB including the branch offices situated at Iceland. The Local Area network of each branch offices and other offices are Ethernet Controller based and the main channel of each office with server connectivity is taken over FDDI with fiber optic and copper cables. The multi station switch with star topology is used in each office of GB. For wireless access the access point is configured with star and mesh topology [3].

4.3.2 Hardware Plan for Network LAN and WAN

The hardware equipments for LAN and WAN setup for GB are copper cables, DSL modems, satellite modem, baseband co-axial cable, fiber optic cable, router, gateway, intelligent bridg, source routing bridge, firewall. The router is configured to route the packet only on external link of VPN over the public network such as Internet, Wireless and satellite modems are used to connect different access points of wireless system such long haul communication. The backbone internal connection of LAN is based upon the FDDI topology which is taken over the fiber optic cables. The WAN link of back office, head quarter and operational center is taken by VPN over Internet [4]. The basic configuration setup for LAN and WAN is given under figure 1.

Fig. 1 LAN and WAN Hardware Configuration

4.3.3 IP Addressing Mechanism

IP Address Class

Fraction of Total IP addresses

No. of Network ID bits

No. of Host ID bits

Class A




Class B




Class C




Class D




Class E




Table 1. IP Addressing Scheme

4.3.4 Network Name and its Entities

The initial setup of devices and supported systems names are defined and documented at the stage of setting up the configuration. A proper naming convention is taken to name the other expanded network for WAN by routers and gateways. The defined name of each entity of GB network is properly documented and secrecy is maintained. After doing the naming of devices and supported systems there is ease of identification of machine and server entities. The domain name of the GB is configured with anti fishing and privacy maintaining systems. This is done by taking the internal topology of network through Cisco gateway and routers [3][4].

4.3.5 Network Topology for Bank

The routers are used to connect the different branch offices with head quarter, backup office and operational center. The Digital Data Network (DDN) is taken for main line connectivity between head quarter, backup office and operational center. The customer connectivity is taken by the help of Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN). The value added services of GB the LAN of each office equipped with Fast Ethernet Controller with associated terminals separately. The architectural framework of setup is given under figure 2.

Fig. 2 Network Topology and Connectivity for GB

4.3.6 Head Quarter/Backup/Operational Center Interfacing

The layout of the interface and connectivity of the head quarter, backup office and operational center is given in figure 3. The various peripherals such as servers, routers, firewalls and terminals connectivity are optimized in given layout.






Fig. 3 LAN, WAN connectivity Layout of GB

4.3.7 Branch Office Layout:

The GB branch offices including the branch office of Iceland has a own database server for transaction processing. The server has also connectivity with other branch offices and haed quarter, backup center and operational center. All the terminals of branch office are equipped with latest desktop machines having the required operating system and application software. There is a server system in each branch office. The computing stations of branch office have the windows system. The data speed of LAN of branch office and traffic volumes are as follows.

1.      High Speed Internet Connection (100 Mbps)

2.      Estimated traffic volume of 30 Users. (3 Gbps).

The layout of system interconnection is given under figure 4.

Fig 4. Layout of system interconnection

4.3.8 Online Banking Application Server Setup

The branch office has a centralized service for oline banking applications and value added services of GB. Following network components are used in this respect.

1.      Encrypted Web Portal

2.      Web Server

3.      Firewall

4.      IDS

The mobile online banking services are based on the  public network service like Internet. This decision is based for the following reasons.

1.      Cost Effectiveness.

2.      Technology with trustworthiness in the given area.

3.      Daily administration becomes easy to do.

4.      High availability and scalability with systems.


4.3.9        Firewall Setups with GB Network

First it is required to consider the firewall for different networks of GB [5]. The types of firewall that can be used in GB LAN with operational center, backup center, head quarter and branch offices are as follows.

1.      Static Packet Filter Firewall : This firewall filter all the packet payload without load and store.

2.      State full Inspection Firewall: This applies the heuristics to determine the spurious activity in network incoming and outgoing packets.

3.      Proxy Firewall: This stores and filters the network traffics on the proxy server.

4.3.10 GB Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network provides the secured internet connectivity for those users who are mobile and using the banking application over public network such as Internet. The remote connections of GB by customers and staffs of GB is secured by the help of VPN [6][7]. HTTPs and SSL

There are two different protocols used to enforce the maximum security in communication of banking and customer data [8].

1.      SSL (Secured Socket Layer): Top Layer of SSL consists with HTTP communication.

2.      TLS (Transport Layer Security): Second top layer is under the transport entity.

SSL functions on application layer of TCP/IP protocol suite. It gives the encryption/decryption services with HTTP protocol. All the communication through web browser with GB branches, Head Quarter, backup office, operational centers and mobile users are being encrypted and decrypted by SSL under the HTTP protocol. Proxy Servers

The proxy server is integrated with web browser to limit the access of network of GB. The registered users with registered IP address can access the bank application when proxy server is implemented. NAT and PAT Configuration

THE NAT/PAT configuration is taken for GB premises with the help of CiscoZone configuration by the given below way [9].

1.      Static NAT: The translation of Class C network address such as into Class A IP address for external world via public network for remote access by mobile user or remote desktop users. The layout of static NAT configuration is given in figure 5.

Fig 5. Static NAT Configuration Layout

GB client IP address is and Web server is with Hence, IP SRC = and IP DRC = The source IP addresses are translated when packet moves into outside of the bank network. So, the definition IP inside and outside configured as.

Define the ip nat inside: Ciscozine(config)#interface fa0/0 or Ciscozine(config-if)#ip nat inside

Define the ip nat outside: Ciscozine(config)#interface fa0/1 or Ciscozine(config-if)#ip nat outside


Similarly, PAT configuration is implemented with GB. DMZs Configuration


Demilitarized Zone configuration is taken over the branch offices with the firewall. The branch office, head quarter, backup office and operational center have a DMZ. The inbound and outbound requests are filtered over the firewall and passed out. All the packets first filtered out on firewall and then transferred to the destination. The configuration layout of DMZ with firewall is given under figure 6.


Fig. 6 DMZ Configuration Layout



4.3.11 Routers Routing Table Configuration

The routing tables for the routers of branch offices, head quarter, backup office and operational center are as follows [10].

1.      Head quarter router routing table:

Table entry : – Network Mask:

In this entry of routing table, represents the route of packet to ISP DNS Server and represents network mask that forwards all the packets to

2.      Branch offices router routing table:

Table entry: – Network Mask:

The network mask gives the 255 IP address entry in table for 255 IP addresses for employee and customer systems.

3.      Backup office router routing table:

The back office router table entry are same as that of head office.

4.      Operational center router routing table:

The routing table entry for operational center is same as the head quarter router table entry.

4.3.12 Firewall Access Control List

Following are the access controlled configured for the firewall of GB premises by CISCO basic packet filtering system.




1-49, 1138-1499

Extended IP

50-99, 200-251

Enthernet Type Code


Ethernet Address


Transparent Bridging


Transparent Bridging Remote Users


Extended Transparent Bridging


Decnet and Extended Decnet




Extended XNS


Source Route Bridging


Source Route Bridging for Remote Users




Extended IPX




Standard VINES


Extended VINES


Simple VINES


Table 2. Firewall Access Control List

5.     GB Security Plan

5.1 Introduction

The security and privacy of data and information for a financial organization is highly required. To protect the customers and bank data a proper secured system is needed. The use of public network such as Internet poses so many types of security vulnerabilities. GB is an financial banking organization and there are many branches and offices of GB are based network to communicate the required data and information for regular services. The basic need of security analysis and implementation deals the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information of the GB. With respect to implementation of high secured environment under the GB premises and information flowing in public networks such as Internet by remote and mobile users, following aspects are considered and taken to implement. The security plan must hold the implementation of security infrastructure over the head quarter, branch offices, ATMs, backup offices and in operational center of GB. All the devices such as switches, routers, workstations, desktops and mobile devices must be with inherent security plan to protect the confidentiality of customer and bank information. The data store of backup center must be locked and 4 way handshaking techniques is used only by one IT executive to open though the authentication. A unique key must be used at each time to authenticate the user to open the database of backup store.


The operational center must be implemented with administrative privileges and the users are supervised to access only the authorize information of any type of transaction. Each transaction except ATM transaction must passes through the hierarchy of verification and record. The data replication must be implemented with backup centre and a replication centre which must be located outside of GB Premise.


5.2 Security Services and Processes


In banking system there is need of high and robust security and privacy architecture. The protection of customer and GB data and information from hackers and attackers either internal or external is very challenging aspect. To protect the information which is private and confidential and related with bank entity or customer following processes are taken under the GB functional domains.


5.2.1 Authentication

Each user such as bank staffs at any level and customers must be authenticated first to use the assigned domain of functionalities. Who can access and who cannot access the systems are defined by this process. The authentication processes are implemented by a technique of strong password. The password system for authentication is robust and it requires to change with the given time interval. Second layer password also be required to do any transaction online [11].


5.2.2  Authorization


The process of authorization determines what portion of information is accessed by the authenticated user. It means the implementation of access privileges and rights of both GB employees of various domains and customers of bank with public network interface. The customer can access only the account information intended to him/her and employee can do only the functions as specified on entities on which he or she is authorized [11].


5.2.3        Auditing


Regular auditing is imposed with different auditing tools. All the auditing tools are registered first with defined users. The auditing is performed at branch level and separate auditing is taken with the different categories of transactions. The customer frequency for transactions and other functionalities are also audited by concerned branch of GB. An branch employee of GB who has been assigned the privileges to perform time based audit of activities performed on the entities of the GB servers and storage. This determines the accessed information and its legitimacy behind access. Audit trail is implemented with record in backup devices with information such as the entity value before transaction and after transaction and date of transaction, terminal ID, user ID, Name, Entity domain name, time and success or failure condition [11].


5.2.4        Confidentiality


The data and information pertaining to customers such as user identity, passwords and transaction information flowing in communication channel must be secured for unauthorized disclosure. Similarly the privacy of employee information like identity and password also be private. Maintaining the confidentiality of these information is based on the defense mechanism and social awareness [11].


5.2.5        Integrity


Data integrity is most crucial with respect to banking system of GB. The user or employee data must be the same at receiver end. The attacker may intercept the data during the communication and then change and replay the same to receiver end [11]. The information stored in storage medium must also be protected in such a way to not allow to be changed by anyway.


5.2.6        Availability


Availability relates the services of GB and it must available for customers 24 x 7 daily. The attacker can push unwanted packets into the GB network to congest the network. When this happens then customers or employee may not be able to access the data from any servers. Hence, a proper mechanism to protect from DOS and DDOS attacks [11]..


5.3 Protection of WAN


VPN is a good solution to organize a secure access to internal networks remotely. IPSec is configured with VPN to produce more security of WAN. Encryption technology implementation with network is again a good technique to protect the data during the remote access. The public key cryptography is most suited for GB to protect all data [12].


The Security design to implement with WAN is given under figure 7.        


Fig. 7 Security Design Layout of WAN for GB


5.3.1 Security and VPN


Virtual Private Network of GB is more prone to be attacked by hackers and malware programs. VPN is private network of GB which uses the public network such as Internet. For mobile users VPN provides a secured environment to do the banking functions [12]. With windows servers there are three layers for VPN to provide maximum security services for the branches and other offices of GB. Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)


It creates Network Access Server (NAS) which initiates tunnel by forwarding the point to point session from one end point to other end point under the sahred environment. It is not clien based system and also not uses the L2F client software. The RADIUS and TACACS+ protocol is used under this for authentication. This does not supports encryption. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)


This protocol with VPN under GB creates tunnel between end user of GB over the public network and LAN. The IPSec for client or end user to gateway and gateway to gateway security configuration is defined by this under all premises of GB. Point to Point Transfer Protocol (PPTP)


It creates the protected tunnels between PPTP enabled clients. This is basically dedicated protocol for that GB employee who uses the GB services remotely for GB functionalities.


5.3.2 IPSec


IPSec is packet level encryption of data which is payload under the packet. A set of standards that verifies, authenticate and encrypts data and information at the IP packet level. In GB branches and offices the entire packets are encrypted and encapsulated with IPSec [12].


5.3.3 Encryption


The data is encoded with asymmetric key cryptographic system. All the messages are encoded and then communicated in branch offices LAN, GB head Quarter to branch offices and backup offices and also GB head quarter to operational center are more secured. The sending entity encrypts the message by public key of receiver and receiving entity uses its own private key to decrypt the message [12].


5.4 GB LAN Protection


Local area networks of branch office, head quarter, backup office, ATM and operational center of GB are protected by implementing the controls such as active directory, windows server update services (WSUS), windows right management services (WRMS) and surf control emais by PGP. The proposed design layout of  LAN Security of GB Premises is presented under figure 8.



Fig. 8 Layout of Proposed LAN security of GB.


The antivirus is installed centrally on the server of LAN to protect all the clients connected with the LAN. For GB Symantec Antivirus with latest patch update is installed to protect the LAN clients and server entities from malwares, virus and worms [12][13].


5.5 Residual Risk


Followings are the residual risks associated with customers and entities of GB including ATM and verities of offices [13].


5.5.1 Incoming Email


The spam emails and unsupervised emails are filtered out and blocked in GB network. The incoming email includes the threat that causes problem in networks and systems. If the email does not contain spasm or malware programs the exchange server allow to go to recipient.


5.5.2 Spoofing Data


Tampering of data during the flow in VPN channels and Internet is protected by IPSec tunneling with enforcing encryption with strong auto generated random key.  A Pre-shared key is used for the authentication. Each branch sends the message to other by encrypting the public key of other. The receiver then applies its private key to decrypt the message. This is employed in all GB premises to provide high security


5.5.3 Web Browsing


ISA server secures all the network of GB by firewall. This also accelerates the web access during cashing HTTP which user request for HTTP protocol to access the web resources of GB. A web filter implemented with firewall also filters each packet content to ensure the maximum security upon the web content. Allow and disallow of web content based upon the web filter heuristics.


5.5.4 Active Directory


This secures the systems of GB LAN’s from viruses and malwares. This active directory holds the group object policy which is controlled by LAN’s administrator to provide the permissions to users of the branch offices of GB. The media source such as CD, DVD, Pen Drive, and any plug and play medias are blocked to use under the GB branch offices.


5.5.5 Encrypted File:


Windows right management service is implemented to protect the data and information from unauthorized access. When a user has to send a file then user encrypt the file contents by public key of receiver and then sends to the legitimate receiver. The receiver decrypts the file content by applying the its own private key. This is possible when the public keys of all users are advertised in each branch of GB. Hence, first a key pair is generated and the public keys of each key pair is advertised and private key is assigned to legitimate users of GB.


5.6 Conclusion


Golden Bank of Inland Tivoli is currently running with older network technologies framework. The data speed of network is very low and the network does not support huge load during peak time of banking operations. The branch offices of Golden Bank is situated apart 100 K.M from its head office and backup center and operational center. Some branch offices are also situated at Iceland. ATM is also connected with the various branches. The traditional mode of operation of GB is not secured with respect to its employees and customers. The confidentiality and privacy is main concern behind the GB including modern network system. Security and privacy is prime theme to provide to its all entities such as LAN, WAN, VPN, Servers, Exchange Servers, desktops etc. The major security problems associated with GB are hackers, virus, intruders, malwares and employee and customer intension motivated thinking. To secure the GB entities a robust security plan implementation is very much required and new network design includes the high level of security infrastructure implementation. The security plan is implemented with respect to the operational aspects of systems. Many security plan aspects are considered for GB and included into the plan to mitigate all the security problems. All the plans are tested and implemented through the plan properly and efficiently with respect to the administrative benchmark.




[1] Panko, R. (2003). Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 4 th edition, Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Education.




[5] Whitman, M., Mattord, H., & Green, A. (2012) Guide to Firewalls & VPNs, 3rd edition, Boston, MA. Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

[6] Munasinghe K. S. and Shahrestani S. A., “Evaluation of an IPSec VPN over a Wireless Infrastructure,” in Proceedings of the Australian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2004), pp. 315-320, December 2004a.

[7] Munasinghe K. S. and Shahrestani S. A., “Analysis of Multiple Virtual Private Network Tunnels over Wireless LANs,” in Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA 2004), pp. 206-211, December 2004b.

[8]  Stallings W., Cryptography and Network Security, 4/E Prentice Hall, 2006.

[9] Weaver, R., Weaver, D., & Farwood, D. (2014) Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures, 3 rd edition, Boston, MA, Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

[10] Forouzan, B. (2010). TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4 th Edition, Boston, MA. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

[11] Ciampa, M. (2012). Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, 4 th Edition, Boston, MA. Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

[12]Http:// crs /express_8_0/design/guide/uccx80srnd.pdf.











[13] p.pdf

Kens self-employment tax. | Accounting homework help

Ken is a self-employed architect in a small firm with four employees: himself, his office assistant, and two drafters, all of whom have worked for Ken full-time for the last four years. The office assistant earns $30000 per year and each drafter earns $40000. Kens new earning from self-employment (after deducting all expenses and one-half of self-employment taxes) are $305000. Ken is considering whether to establish a SEP plan and has a few questions: A] Is he eligible to establish an SEP plan? B] Is he required to cover his employees under the plan? Why or Why not? C] If his employees must be covered, what is the maximum amount that can be contributed on their behalf? D] If the employees are not covered, what is the maximum amount Ken can contribute for himself? E] If Ken is required to contribute for his employees and chooses to contribute the maximum amount, what is the maximum amount Ken can contribute for himself? (Hint Calculate the employee amounts first.) Ignore any changes in Kens self-employment tax.

Participants threw darts at a target. in one condition, they used

Participants threw darts at a target. In one condition, they used their preferred hand; in the other condition, they used their other hand. All subjects performed in both conditions (the order of conditions was counterbalanced). Their scores are shown below.














  1. Which kind of t-test should be used?
  2. Calculate the two-tailed t and p values using this t test.
  3. Calculate the one-tailed t and p values using this t test.

Electrical eng ; lab reports paraphrase

 attached is tow lab reports

I want you to paraphrase both of them ( same meaning but different words)


read it and make sure there is no mistakes and change the style of the writing and number the pages


there are some words you can not change pay attention for that


i need it to be done in less than 12 hours


Exam spring 2016 eco 578

                                                                                                                 Name: _______________

                                              ID:      _______________

Final Exam

Part A: Multiple Choice (1–11)


Using the “eyeball” method, the regression line y ̂ = 2+2x has been fitted to the data points (x = 2, y = 1), (x = 3, y = 8), and (x = 4, y = 7). The sum of the squared residuals will be

7b. 19 c. 34d. 8


A computer statistical package has included the following quantities in its output: SST = 50, SSR = 35, and SSE = 15. How much of the variation in y is explained by the regression equation?

49%      b. 70%c. 35%d. 15%


In testing the significance of b_1, the null hypothesis is generally that

β = b_1 b. β ≠ 0c. β = 0d. β = r


Testing whether the slope of the population regression line could be zero is equivalent to testing whether the population _____________ could be zero.

standard error of estimatec. y-intercept

prediction intervald. coefficient of correlation



A multiple regression equation includes 4 independent variables, and the coefficient of multiple determination is 0.64. How much of the variation in y is explained by the regression equation?

80%b. 16%c. 32%d. 64% 


A multiple regression analysis results in the following values for the sum-of-squares terms: SST = 50.0, SSR = 35.0, and SSE = 15.0. The coefficient of multiple determination will be 

R^2= 0.35b. R^2= 0.30c. R^2= 0.70  d. R^2= 0.50


In testing the overall significance of a multiple regression equation in which there are three independent variables, the null hypothesis is 

H_(0 ): β_1= β_2= β_3=0

H_(0 ): β_1≠ β_2  and β_2  ≠β_3

H_(0 ): β_1= β_2=β_3=1

H_(0 ): β_1= β_2=β_3=α


In a multiple regression analysis involving 25 data points and 4 independent variables, the sum-of-squares terms are calculated as SSR = 120, SSE = 80, and SST = 200. In testing the overall significance of the regression equation, the calculated value of the test statistic will be 

F = 1.5c. F = 5.5

F = 2.5d. F = 7.5


For a set of 15 data points, a computer statistical package has found the multiple regression equation to be y ̂ = -23 + 20x_1+ 5x_2 + 25x_3  and has listed the t-ratio for testing the significance of each partial regression coefficient. Using the 0.05 level in testing whether b_1= 20 differs significantly from zero, the critical t values will be 

t = -1.960 and t= +1.960

t = -2.132 and t = +2.132

t = -2.201 and t = +2.201

t = -1.796 and t = +1.796


Computer analyses typically provide a p-Value for each partial regression coefficient. In the case of b_1, this is the probability that

β_1 = 0

b_1 = β_1

the absolute value of b_1could be this large if β_1= 0

the absolute value of b_1could be this large if β_1≥ 1

In the multiple regression equation, y ̂  = 20,000 + 0.05x_1+ 4500x_2 ,  y ̂ is the estimated household income,  x_1  is the amount of life insurance held by the head of the household, and x_2 is a dummy variable (x_2 = 1 if the family owns mutual funds, 0 if it doesn’t). The interpretation of b_2 = 4500 is that

owing mutual funds increases the estimated income by $4500

the average value of a mutual funds portfolio is $4500

45% of the persons in the sample own mutual funds

the sample size must have been at least n = 4500


Part B: True or False (12-20)


_______ 12. The usual objective of regression analysis is to predict estimate the value of one variable when the value of another variable is known.


_______ 13. Correlation analysis is concerned with measuring the strength of the relationship between two variables.


_______ 14. In the least squares model, the explained sum of squares is always smaller than the regression sum of squares.


_______ 15. The sample correlation coefficient and the sample slope will always have the same sign.


_______ 16. An important relationship in regression analysis is(Y_i-Y ̅ )=(Y ̂-Y ̅ )+(Y_i-Y ̂).



_______ 17. If in a regression analysis the explained sum of squares is 75 and the unexplained sum of square is 25, r2 = 0.33.



_______ 18. When small values of Y tend to be paired with small values of X, the relationship between X and Y is said to be inverse.



_______ 19. The probability that the test statistic will fall in the critical region, given that H0 is true, represents the probability of making a type II error.


_______ 20. When we reject a true null hypothesis, we commit a Type I error.





Part C: Please fill in the blank and circle your decision or answer the following questions (21-25).


State whether you would reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis in each of the following cases (two-tailed): Make a decision.



P = 0.12 ; α=0.05Decision

Reject / Fail to reject



P = 0.03 ; α=0.05Decision

Reject / Fail to reject



P = 0.001 ; α=0.01Decision

Reject / Fail to reject


22. State whether H_0 should be accepted or rejected for α=0.05, given the following; F^*= computed F (fill in the blank and circle your decision)


a) F^* = 2.34; df = 2 and 11

Computed FCritical FDecision

 ________ ________Reject / Fail to reject


b) F^* = 2.52; df = 4 and 20

Computed FCritical FDecision

 ________ ________Reject / Fail to reject


c) F^* = 4.29; df = 3 and 24

Computed FCritical FDecision

 ________ ________Reject / Fail to reject



23. Given the following, complete the ANOVA table and make the correct inference. Using F-value to make a decision.








a) What is the hypothesis being tested in this problem?

b) In the above ANOVA table, is the factor significant at the 5% level? 



c) What is the number of observations? 




24. Given the following, complete the ANOVA table and make the correct inference. Using F-value to make a decision.







a) What is the hypothesis being tested in this problem?

b) In the above ANOVA table, is the factor significant at the 5% level? 



c) What is the number of observations? 



25. Given the following, complete the ANOVA table and make the correct inference. Using F-value to make a decision.







a) What is the hypothesis being tested in this problem?

b) In the above ANOVA table, is the factor significant at the 5% level? 



c) What is the number of observations? 



Part D: Must show all your work step by step in order to receive the full credit; Excel is not allowed. (26-38)


Consider the following hypothesis test.


Ho: µ = 17

                  Ha: µ ≠ 17


A sample of 25 gives a sample mean of 14.2 and sample variance of 25.


a)At 5% should the null be rejected?b) Compute the value of the test statistic





c)What is the p-value? d) What is your conclusion? 





Consider the following hypothesis test

Ho: µ ≥ 10

Ha: µ < 10

A sample of 50 provides a sample mean of 9.46 and sample variance of 4.

a)At 5% should the null be rejected?b) Compute the value of the test statistic


c)What is the p-value? d) What is your conclusion? 







Use problem 13 on page 9-20 to answer the following questions.  (info on last page)


What is the sample mean 





What is the sample standard deviation 



Use Z or T test? And why?


What is your hypothesis test



At α = 0.05, what is the rejection rule? Compute the value of the test statistic. 

What is the p-value? 


What is your conclusion?



Use problem 7 on page 9-36 to answer to following questions.  (info on last page of document)


a)At 5% should the null be rejected?b) Compute the value of the test statistic









c)What is the p-value? d) What is your conclusion? 










30. For n=6 data point, the following quantities have been calculated.

∑xy = 400∑x = 40∑y = 76∑x2 = 346∑y2 = 1,160

a)Find b_1 





b)Find b_0 

c)Write the equation 









d)Find  (R^2 ) ̅ 


e)Find SST 








f)Find S_e


g) Construct the 95% confidence interval for the mean of y when x = 7 







h) Construct the 95% confidence interval for the individual value of y when x = 7

Please fill in the computer printout and answer the following questions. Given that α=0.05



Regression Statistics

Multiple R0.9037

R Square______

Adjusted R Square______

Standard Error______



 dfSSMSFSignificance F






Errort StatP-valueLower95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%


X1 0.7______3.655630.035350.090611.30939____________


a) What percent of the variation is explained by the regression equation?  



b) What is the standard error of regression?  

c) What is the critical value of the F-statistic? 









d) What sample size is used in the print out?




The following regression equation was obtained using the five independent variables. Given that α=0.05



a) What percent of the variation is explained by the regression equation






b) What is the standard error of regression?






c) Write the estimated equation.






d) What is the critical value of the F-statistic?

e) What sample size is used in the print out?






f) What is the variance of the slope coefficient of income?

g) Assuming that you are using a two-tailed test make a decision using the computed P-value. 







33. Use problem 5 on page 15-9 to answer the following questions. (a-d)  (info on last page)


What is you hypothesis testing






What is your χ^2?





















c) Is the  χ^2 value significant at 5% level of significance?









d) Write the conclusion for this question.







34. Eighty Frat Rats were blindfolded and given a taste test on different brands of beer. The table below shows the beer brands preferred. Test to see if the data fits a uniform distribution (i.e., what would happen if the Frat Rats can’t tell one beer from another). Use 5% level of significance.


Beer BrandNumber of Preferring that Brand

Bud Light32

Coors Light18

Molton Golden14

Miller Light16

What is you hypothesis testing





What is your χ^2?



















c) Is the χ^2 value significant at 5% level of significance?






d) Write the conclusion for this question.






35. Use the computer printout below to answer the following questions.

CoefficientsStd. Errort-StatP-value






dfSSMSFSignificance F




Se =12.86986            R-sq = 0.862263              R-sq(adj) = 0.8393068α=5%

a) Write and interpret the multiple regression equation 





b) Does the model with Price and Advertising contribute to the prediction of Y?


c) Which independent variable appears to be the best predictor of sales? Explain.



d) What is the number of observations used in this study?


e)Find SST Assuming that the coefficient on Advertising has Ha: B1 > 0, what’s statistical decision ? 






f) What is the standard error of estimate? Can you use this statistic to assess the model’s fit? If so, how?


g) What is the coefficient of determination, and what does it tell you about the regression model?



h) What is the coefficient of determination, adjusted for degrees of freedom? What do this statistic and the statistic referr to in part (g) tell you about how well this model fits that data.





i) Test the overall utility of the model. What does the p-value of the test statistic tell you?








36. Explain why a 95% confidence interval estimate for the mean value of y at a particular x is narrower than a 95% confidence interval for an individual y value at the same value of x.









37. If R^2=0.95, n=11, and ∑▒〖〖(Y-Y ̅)〗^2=100,〗 what is S_e^2?









38. You are given the following information from fitting a multiple regression with three variables to 30 sample data points:


S_(b_1 )=0.3S_(b_2 )=2.0S_(b_3 )=15.0

Test the following hypotheses, Use α=0.05

a) β_1=0







b) β_2=0







a) β_3=0







The department of orthopedics (musculoskeletal system) the

Assignment 3: Writing and Pronunciation

you will write 3 reports and use them as your script for your Week 2 Oral Report. Your writing section for this assignment will include 2 paragraphs for each of these:

The Department of Orthopedics (Musculoskeletal System) 
The Department of Pulmonology (Respiratory System) 
The Department of Gastroenterology (Digestive System)
In order to earn the maximum credit for the written report you need to incorporate at least 10 medical terms for each department, using them in a manner that demonstrates your knowledge of their meaning.

Include the major or most common diseases or conditions seen in each department.
Include at least three of the principal procedures that are relevant to each department.
Highlight pertinent laboratory and radiological diagnostic services relevant to each department.
Limit your analysis of each department to two paragraphs.
For your oral report for this week, you will read aloud your Written Sections for the Final Project. You can use the built-in recording software on your own computer, or you can use the suggested Audacity Recording Software available for free download and use for PC and Mac computers.

Exam: 700816rr – introduction to the short story, part 1

When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam.

Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.


1. The most basic purpose of reading is

A.  education.

B.   getting information.

C.  providing entertainment.

D.  acquiring insight.


2. Which one of the following genres presents the author’s personal ideas and feelings about a particular topic?

A.  Short story

B.   Poem

C.  Novel

D.  Essay


3. The connotative meaning of a word refers to

A.  its dictionary definition.

B.   the irony suggested by the word.

C.  its meaning at a specific time in history.

D.  what it suggests about something.


4. It’s most accurate to say that interpretative literature

A.  contains or suggests universal truths.

B.   is intended to meet the reader’s expectations.

C.  refers to today’s hot topics.

D.  weaves exciting action around a standard formula.


5. Which one of the following types of writing would most likely be fiction?

A.  Informational literature

B.   Novel

C.  Essay

D.  Autobiography


6. The label detective novel is an example of

A.  a genre.

B.   a character study.

C.  informational reading.

D.  a universal truth.


7. Interpretative literature is said to be interactive because

A.  you can read most of these works on the Internet now.

B.   the reader has to take part in discovering the meaning of the work.

C.  the conflict shows the interaction between two elements of the story.

D.  the story consists of a rising action and a falling action.


8. During what part of “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” does Bernice cut Marjorie’s braids?

A.  Falling action

B.   Rising action

C.  Climax

D.  Epiphany


9. Which one of the following items is an example of a symbol in “Bernice Bobs Her Hair”?

A.  Marjorie’s talk with her mother

B.   Bernice’s haircut

C.  Bernice’s car

D.  The dinner-dance at the country club


10. In “A White Heron,” having made her choice between an attraction of the heart and her bond with nature, Sylvia

A.  chooses human love over her loyalty to nature.

B.   retains her loyalty to nature as her affection for the hunter grows.

C.  retains her loyalty to nature and becomes more suspicious of human nature.

D.  is able to experience a lasting inner calm.


11. What is Sarah Jewett suggesting when she writes about Sylvia’s increasing attraction to the hunter in “A White Heron”?

A.  Sylvia cares more about people than animals.

B.   Sylvia is experiencing falling in love.

C.  Sylvia does one thing but believes the opposite.

D.  Sylvia will do anything for money.


12. In fiction, use of conventions leads to

A.  imagination.

B.   escapism.

C.  expectations.

D.  entertainment.


13. Because Bernice changes during the course of “Bernice Bobs Her Hair,” she’s said to be a _______ character.

A.  static

B.   dynamic

C.  one-dimensional

D.  symbolic


14. Suppose you’ve just read a romance novel that has stock characters and a happily-ever-after ending. What kind of literature were you probably reading?

A.  Universal literature

B.   Interpretive literature

C.  Escapist literature

D.  Informational literature


15. Which one of the following terms best describes the period of the 1920s?

A.  Proper

B.   Rebellious

C.  Symbolic

D.  Moral


16. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story “Bernice Bobs Her Hair,” we are very likely to

A.  decide that Bernice will never escape her dependent nature.

B.   see Marjorie’s personality as shallow.

C.  think of both Marjorie and Bernice as painfully naïve.

D.  realize that Marjorie is sensitive to Bernice’s feelings.


17. Which of the words printed in italics in the following sentences is most likely to convey a denotative meaning?

A.  Do you know what the owl signifies?

B.   The recipe calls for one pint of cream.

C.  Deliver the goods soon, or else.

D.  What time did he call?


18. The most significant conflict in “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” is between

A.  Marjorie and men in general.

B.   Bernice and Marjorie.

C.  Bernice and herself.

D.  Warren and Marjorie.


19. Great literature is educational because it

A.  helps you draw on ideas you already have.

B.   won’t challenge your beliefs.

C.  teaches rather than entertains.

D.  allows you to simply observe and analyze.


20. An author of a detective novel is most likely to use figurative language to

A.  help the reader visualize a character.

B.   suggest hidden meanings.

C.  mislead the reader.

D.  entertain the reader.

End of exam

Germany info | Geography homework help

1. A community health nurse practitioner is teaching a group of female high school students about the importance of regular Papanicolaou (Pap) smears. The nurse recognizes that which of the following items underlies the rationale for this teaching? (Points : 2)

       The active substitution of normal cells in the cervix correlates to cancer risk.

       Undifferentiated stem cells are an early indicator of cervical cancer.


       Cancer of the uterine cervix develops incrementally at a cellular level.

       Dysplasia in the connective tissue of the cervix is a strong precursor to cancer.



Question 2.2. Following a biopsy, a 54-year-old man has been diagnosed as having a benign neoplastic tumor. Which of the following characteristics most likely applies to his tumor? (Points : 2)

       The tumor is poorly approximated and has the potential to break loose.


       The tumor may secrete hormones or cytokines.

       The well-differentiated neoplastic cells are clustered together in a single mass.

       It has a rapid rate of growth and can induce ischemia.



Question 3.3. A nurse practitioner is teaching a student NP about the physiologic basis for damage to the circulatory and neurological systems that can accompany hypotension. Which of the following responses by the student would warrant correction by the nurse practitioner?

(Points : 2)

       “As vessel wall thickness increases, tension decreases.”


       “Smaller blood vessels require more pressure to overcome wall tension.”

       “The smaller the vessel radius, the greater the pressure needed to keep it open.”

       “Tension and vessel thickness increase proportionately.”




Question 4.4. A child has been diagnosed with thalassemia. Which of the following other health problems is the child at risk for? (Points : 2)


       Iron and ferritin deficiencies

       Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly




Question 5.5. A 31-year-old woman with a congenital heart defect reports episodes of lightheadedness and syncope, with occasional palpitations. A resting electrocardiogram reveals sinus bradycardia and she is suspected of having sick sinus syndrome. Which of the following diagnostic methods is the best choice to investigate the suspicion? (Points : 2)

       Signal-averaged ECG

       Exercise stress testing

       Electrophysiologic study

       Holter monitoring



Question 6.6. A nurse practitioner is doing the admission assessment on a patient who has been transferred to the floor after being diagnosed by the emergency room physician with bilateral pleural effusion. Which of the following findings from the nurse practitioner’s initial assessment of the patient is incongruent with the patient’s diagnosis, and would require further investigation? (Points : 2)

       The patient complains of sharp pain exacerbated by deep inspiration.


       The patient’s breath sounds are diminished on auscultation.

       Pulse oximetry indicates that the patient is hypoxemic.

       The patient complains of dyspnea and increased work of breathing.




Question 7.7. A 22-year-old female with a history of intermittent flank pain, repeated UTIs, and hematuria has been diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Which of the following phenomena has most likely contributed to the development of her health problem? (Points : 2)

       UTIs coupled with an impaired immune response have caused her ADPKD.


       She has inherited a tendency for epithelial cell in her tubules to proliferate inappropriately.

       Severe hypertension and portal hypertension are likely precursors.


       She has inherited undersized kidneys that are prone to calculi formation.



Question 8.8. A 16-year-old female has been brought to her primary care nurse practitioner by her mother due to the girl’s persistent sore throat and malaise. Which of the following facts revealed in the girl’s history and examination would lead the nurse practitioner to rule out infectious mononucleosis? (Points : 2)

       The girl has a temperature of 38.1°C (100.6°F) and has enlarged lymph nodes.

       Her liver and spleen are both enlarged.

       Blood work reveals an increased white blood cell count.

       Chest auscultation reveals crackles in her lower lung fields bilaterally.



Question 9.9. A patient has been admitted to an inpatient medical unit of a hospital with an acute viral infection. The health care team providing care for the patient would recognize which of the following statements as an accurate description of the role of viruses in human infections? (Points : 2)

       Viruses have limited or absent genetic material of their own.

       Some viruses are capable of transforming normal host cells into malignant cells.

       Viruses are often implicated in cases of transmissible neurodegenerative disease.

       Viruses require stimulation after a latent period before they are able to produce symptoms.



Question 10.10. The nurse practitioner for a cardiology practice is responsible for providing presurgical teaching for patients who are about to undergo a coronary artery bypass graft. Which of the following teaching points best conveys an aspect of the human circulatory system? (Points : 2)

       “Your blood pressure varies widely between arteries and veins, and between pulmonary and systemic circulation.”

       “Only around one quarter of your blood is in your heart at any given time.”

       “Blood pressure and blood volume roughly mimic one another at any given location in the circulatory system.”



       “Left-sided and right-sided pumping action at each beat of the heart must equal each other to ensure adequate blood distribution.”




Question 11.11. Which of the following patients who presented to a walk-in medical clinic is most likely to be diagnosed with a rhinosinusitis rather than a common cold?


(Points : 2)

       A man complaining of general fatigue, a headache, and facial pain with a temperature of 100.9°F

       A woman presenting with malaise, lethargy, and copious nasal secretions

       A man with a dry, stuffy nasopharynx, a sore throat, and temperature of 98.9°F

       A woman complaining of generalized aches who has a hoarse voice and reddened, painful upper airways



Question 12.12. A 62-year-old female smoker is distraught at her recent diagnosis of small cell lung cancer (SCLC). How can her nurse practitioner most appropriately respond to her? (Points : 2)

       “I’m sure this is very hard news to hear, but be aware that with aggressive treatment your chances of beating this are quite good.”


       “This is very difficult to hear, I’m sure, and we have to observe to see if it spreads because that often happens.”

       “I’m very sorry to have to give you this news; I’d like to talk to you about surgical options, however.”

       “This is a difficult diagnosis to receive, but there is a chance that the cancer may go into remission.”



Question 13.13. A 14-year-old boy has been diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. Which of the following pathophysiological phenomena is most responsible for his symptoms? (Points : 2)

       The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is lysing many of the boy’s neutrophils.


       Viruses are killing some of his B cells and becoming incorporated into the genomes of others.

       The EBV inhibits the maturation of white cells within his peripheral lymph nodes.

       The virus responsible for mononucleosis inhibits the maturation of myeloblasts into promyelocytes.



Question 14.14. Which target of both chemotherapy and radiation treatment accounts for adverse as well as therapeutic effects?

(Points : 2)

       Cell-surface receptors

       Circulating hormone levels

       Blood vessels

       Rapidly proliferating cells



Question 15.15. The blood work of a 44-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of liver disease secondary to alcohol abuse indicates low levels of albumin. Which of the following phenomena would a clinician be most justified in anticipating? (Points : 2)

       Impaired immune function

       Acid-base imbalances

       Impaired thermoregulation

       Fluid imbalances



Question 16.16. A 68-year-old woman with a new onset of vascular dementia has recently begun retaining urine. Which of the following physiological phenomena would her care providers most realistically expect to be currently occurring as a result of her urinary retention? (Points : 2)

       Hypertrophy of the bladder muscle and increased bladder wall thickness


       Decreased urine production and nitrogenous wasted excretion by the kidneys

       Decompensation, bladder stretching, and high residual urine volume


       Overflow incontinence and loss of contraction power





Question 17.17. Which of the following pregnant women has most likely encountered the greatest increase in the risk that her child will have a fetal anomaly? (Points : 2)

       A woman with diagnoses of syphilis and cirrhosis of the liver

       A woman who has herpes simplex and recently recovered from endocarditis

       A woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary syndrome and tuberculosis


       A woman with diagnoses of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy



Question 18.18. At which of the following locations in the nephron would a nurse practitioner first expect blood to be largely free of plasma proteins? (Points : 2)

       Proximal convoluted tubule

       Bowman space

       Loop of Henle

       Afferent arteriole



Question 19.19. A definitive test for cystic fibrosis is (Points : 2)

       The sweat test

       A sputum culture

       A fecal fat test

       A Chymex test for pancreatic insufficiency



Question 20.20. Which of the following assessment findings in a newly admitted 30-year-old male patient would be most likely to cause his nurse practitioner to suspect polyarteritis nodosa? (Points : 2)

       The man’s blood work indicates polycythemia (elevated red cells levels) and leukocytosis (elevated white cells).

       The man’s blood pressure is 178/102 and he has abnormal liver function tests.

       The man is acutely short of breath and his oxygen saturation is 87%.


       The man’s temperature is 101.9°F and he is diaphoretic (heavily sweating).



Question 21.21. The NP is providing care for a 21-year-old female patient with gas gangrene of a compound fracture in her arm. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse most reasonably expect to find when caring for a patient with a diagnosis of gas gangrene?

(Points : 2)

       Inflammation of the affected tissue

       A positive culture for Staphylococcus

       Spreading edema

       Impaired alveolar gas exchange



Question 22.22. Which of the following phenomena is most likely occurring during a child’s alveolar stage of lung development?

(Points : 2)

       Terminal alveolar sacs are developing and surfactant production is beginning.

       A single-capillary network exists and the lungs are capable of respiration.

       The conducting airways are formed, but respiration is not yet possible.

       Primitive alveoli are formed and the bronchi and bronchioles become much larger.



Question 23.23. A patient in the intensive care unit has a blood pressure of 87/39 and has warm, flushed skin accompanying his sudden decline in level of consciousness. The patient also has arterial and venous dilation and a decrease in systemic vascular resistance. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis? (Points : 2)

       Hypovolemic shock

       Septic shock

       Neurogenic shock

       Obstructive shock



Question 24.24. Which diuretic acts by inhibiting sodium chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle?

(Points : 2)

       Bumetanide (Bumex)

       Mannitol (Osmitrol)

       Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)

       Acetazolamide (Diamox)



Question 25.25. A 61-year-old woman who has had an upper respiratory infection for several weeks has presented to her nurse practitioner with complaints of a recent onset of urinary retention. She reveals to her nurse practitioner that she has been taking over-the-counter cold medications at higher than the suggested dose for the past two weeks. Which of the following phenomena will her nurse practitioner most likely suspect is contributing to her urinary retention? (Points : 2)

       Cholinergic actions of the cold medicine are triggering internal and external sphincter contraction.

       Antihistamine effects inhibit communication between the pons and the thoracolumbar cord.

       The anticholinergic effects of the medication are impairing normal bladder function.

       Over-the-counter medications such as cold medicine stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibit bladder emptying.



Question 26.26. Which of the following patients would be considered to have a significant risk of developing the prerenal form of acute renal failure?



(Points : 2)

       A 22-year-old male who has lost a large amount of blood following a workplace injury

       A 41-year-old female who is admitted for intravenous antibiotic treatment of pyelonephritis

       A 79-year-old male with diagnoses of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure

       A 20-year-old male who is admitted for treatment of an overdose of a nephrotoxic drug

       A 68-year-old male with a diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

       An 80-year-old female who has been admitted for treatment of dehydration, hyponatremia, and malnutrition






Question 27.27. A 22-year-old female who adheres to a vegan diet has been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following components of her diagnostic blood work would be most likely to necessitate further investigation? (Points : 2)

       Decreased mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

       Decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit

       Microcytic, hypochromic red cells

       Decreased erythropoietin levels



Question 28.28. A couple who are expecting their first child have been advised by friends to consider harvesting umbilical cord blood in order to have a future source of stem cells. The couple have approached their nurse practitioner with this request and are seeking clarification of exactly why stem cells are valuable and what they might expect to gain from harvesting them. How can the nurse practitioner best respond to the couple’s inquiry? (Points : 2)

       “Stem cells can help correct autoimmune diseases and some congenital defects.”

       “Stem cells can be used to regenerate damaged organs should the need ever arise.”

       “Stem cells can be used as a source of reserve cells for the entire blood production system.”

       “Stem cells can help treat some cancers and anemias, but they must come from your child himself or herself.”





Question 29.29. Which of the following clinical findings would be most closely associated with a patient who has interstitial lung disease rather than COPD? (Points : 2)

       Audible wheezing on expiration

       Diminished expiratory flow rates

       Increased respiratory rate with decreased tidal volume

       Normal compliance of alveolar tissue



Question 30.30. A patient is brought to the emergency department with complaints of shortness of breath. Assessment reveals a full, bounding pulse, severe edema, and audible crackles in the lower lung fields bilaterally. What is the patient’s most likely diagnosis? (Points : 2)


       Fluid volume excess





Question 31.31. A 25-year-old Asian American man arrives at the emergency department in a panic. Except for a bout with bronchitis a week earlier, he has been healthy his entire life; today he has blood in his urine. What is the most likely cause of his hematuria and how should it be treated? (Points : 2)

       His Goodpasture syndrome should be treated with plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive therapy.

       His membranous glomerulonephritis should be treated with corticosteroids.

       His immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy has no known effective treatments.

       His Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome should be treated with control of high blood pressure and smoking cessation.



Question 32.32. A 77-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of stomach cancer has been found to have metastases in his liver. The patient and his family are surprised at this turn of events, stating that they don’t see how he could have developed cancer in his liver. Which of the following facts would underlie the reply that the care team provides? (Points : 2)

       The parenchymal tissue of the liver is particularly susceptible to secondary malignancies.

       The portal circulatory system brings venous blood from the gastrointestinal tract into the liver.

       Hepatic stromal tissue shares characteristics with cancerous cells, including lack of anchorage dependence.

       The proximity of the liver to the stomach allows for direct spread of cancerous cells due to a lack of contact inhibition.





Question 33.33. A student nurse practitioner asks her preceptor about the origins of different tissues, and their cellular origins during the process of development. Which of the following statements by the preceptor best describes the process of cell differentiation? (Points : 2)

       “Cells of the hematopoietic system produce the appropriate body cells that are required at each stage of development.”

       “A single stem cell differentiates into approximately 200 different types of cells.”

       “A fertilized ovum undergoes a series of divisions, yielding many different cell types.”

       “Cells differentiate into necessary body cells, peaking after conception, and ceasing near the time of birth.”





Question 34.34. The nurse practitioner is providing care for a patient with a diagnosis of cirrhosis, and he notes that the patient’s sclerae are jaundiced. The nurse practitioner recalls that jaundice is caused by excess accumulation of bilirubin, a pigment that can accumulate in which part of the cell? (Points : 2)



       Golgi apparatus

       Rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)



Question 35.35. A formerly normotensive woman, pregnant for the first time, develops hypertension and headaches at 26 weeks’ gestation. Her blood pressure is 154/110 mm Hg and she has proteinuria. What other labs should be ordered for her? (Points : 2)

       Plasma angiotensin I and II and renin

       Urinary sodium and potassium

       Platelet count, serum creatinine, and liver enzymes

       Urinary catecholamines and metabolites



Question 36.36. A nurse practitioner has ordered the measurement of a cardiac patient’s electrolyte levels as part of the patient’s morning blood work. Which of the following statements best captures the importance of potassium in the normal electrical function of the patient’s heart? (Points : 2)

       Potassium catalyzes the metabolism of ATP, producing the gradient that results in electrical stimulation.

       Potassium is central to establishing and maintaining the resting membrane potential of cardiac muscle cells.

       The impermeability of cardiac cell membranes to potassium allows for action potentials achieved by the flow of sodium ions.

       The reciprocal movement of one potassium ion for one sodium ion across the cell membrane results in the production of an action potential.



Question 37.37. A nurse practitioner is providing care for several patients on a medical unit of a hospital. In which of the following patient situations would the nurse practitioner be most likely to rule out hypertension as a contributing factor? (Points : 2)

       A 61-year-old man who has a heart valve infection and recurrent fever


       An 81-year-old woman who has had an ischemic stroke and has consequent one-sided weakness

       A 44-year-old man awaiting a kidney transplant who requires hemodialysis three times per week

       A 66-year-old woman with poorly controlled angina and consequent limited activity tolerance



Question 38.38. A patient with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus presents to the emergency department with suspected ketoacidosis. Which of the following diagnostic results would be most likely to confirm this diagnosis? (Points : 2)

       Low O2 levels, increased anion gap, base excess

       High ammonia levels, decreased anion gap, high potassium

       Increased CO2, increased anion gap, base deficit

       Decreased CO2, decreased anion gap



Question 39.39. A short, nonsmoking middle-aged man presents to the emergency department with left-sided chest pain and a cough. He says that the pain started abruptly, just after lunch, and that breathing and coughing make it worse. He denies recent injury. He is breathing shallowly and rapidly and expresses fear that he may be having a heart attack. Breath sounds are normal, and he is not cyanotic. Which condition is most likely causing his symptoms? (Points : 2)

       Myocardial infarction

       Spontaneous pneumothorax

       Pleuritis related to infection

       Obstructive atelectasis



Question 40.40. A woman is surprised to read on the Internet that certain infections can cause cancer and has sought clarification from her nurse practitioner during an office visit. How can the NP best respond to the woman’s query? (Points : 2)

       “Though it’s not particularly common, it’s true that certain bacteria and viruses can lead to cancer.”

       “Most cancers that cannot be attributed to family history or lifestyle are in fact associated with viruses.”



       “There are many viruses, but only a very few of them have been shown to cause cancer in humans.”

       “This is true; for example, HIV has been shown to cause cancer in some patients.”



Question 41.41. The family of a 68-year-old man who is in the end stages of small cell lung cancer is distraught at his visible body wasting that has worsened in recent weeks. Which of the following phenomena best accounts for the patient’s anorexia and cachexia? (Points : 2)

       Inadequate cellular metabolism of glucose results from tumor factors


       High fat losses coupled with preservation of muscle mass exaggerate the appearance of wasting

       Products of the tumor itself as well as a hypermetabolic state cause cachexia

       Inadequate food intake due to symptoms and treatment results in loss of both muscle and fat



Question 42.42. A 66-year-old female patient has presented to the emergency department because of several months of intermittently bloody stools that has recently become worse. The woman has since been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal bleed secondary to overuse of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that she takes for her arthritis. The health care team would realize that which of the following situations is most likely? (Points : 2)

       The woman has depleted blood volume due to her ongoing blood loss.


       She will have iron-deficiency anemia due to depletion of iron stores.


       The patient will be at risk for cardiovascular collapse or shock.


       She will have delayed reticulocyte release.



Question 43.43. Following a winter power outage, a patient who had been using a home gasoline generator began to experience dizziness and headaches and was diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning. What is the goal of hyperbaric oxygen treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning? (Points : 2)

       To increase the amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma

       To increase the production of unbound hemoglobin

       To stimulate the release of oxygen at the capillaries

       To remove bound CO from hemoglobin



Question 44.44. A pediatric unit will be receiving from a rural medical outpost a patient transfer of an 8-day-old infant with a suspected congenital renal disorder. Which of the following possibilities is the care team most likely to be able to rule out early? (Points : 2)

       One of the infant’s kidneys may have failed to develop to a normal size.

       The kidneys may be misshapen and have cysts.

       The upper or lower poles of the two kidneys may be fused.

       Renal cell carcinoma may be present.



Question 45.45. Which of the following statements best conveys an aspect of the respiratory pressures that govern ventilation?

(Points : 2)

       Intrapleural pressure slightly exceeds that of the inflated lung


       The chest wall exerts positive pressure on the lungs that contributes to expiration

       The lungs are prevented from collapsing by constant positive intrapulmonary pressure

       Negative intrapleural pressure holds the lungs against the chest wall



1. A pediatric unit will be receiving from a rural medical outpost a patient transfer of an 8-day-old infant with a suspected congenital renal disorder. Which of the following possibilities is the care team most likely to be able to rule out early? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] One of the infant’s kidneys may have failed to develop to a normal size.
      [removed] The kidneys may be misshapen and have cysts.
      [removed] The upper or lower poles of the two kidneys may be fused.
      [removed] Renal cell carcinoma may be present.


Question 2. 2. A 31-year-old patient with a diagnosis of end-stage liver failure has been admitted to the intensive care unit of a hospital. Arterial blood gas sampling indicates that the man has an acid-base imbalance. Which of the following situations is most likely to result in an inappropriate pH? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Conservation or formation of new HCO3– by the kidneys
      [removed] Low albumin and plasma globulin levels
      [removed] Transcompartmental exchange of H+ and potassium ions
      [removed] Renal excretion of HCO3– in the presence of excess base


Question 3. 3. Which of the following data would a clinician consider to be most indicative of acute renal failure? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Alterations in blood pH, peripheral edema

      [removed] Increased nitrogenous waste levels, decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
      [removed] Decreased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), decreased potassium and calcium levels
      [removed] Decreased urine output, hematuria, increased GFR


Question 4. 4. A 25-year-old Asian American man arrives at the emergency department in a panic. Except for a bout with bronchitis a week earlier, he has been healthy his entire life; today he has blood in his urine. What is the most likely cause of his hematuria and how should it be treated? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] His Goodpasture syndrome should be treated with plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive therapy.
      [removed] His membranous glomerulonephritis should be treated with corticosteroids.
      [removed] His immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy has no known effective treatments.
      [removed] His Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome should be treated with control of high blood pressure and smoking cessation.


Question 5. 5. A patient with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus presents to the emergency department with suspected ketoacidosis. Which of the following diagnostic results would be most likely to confirm this diagnosis? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Low O2 levels, increased anion gap, base excess
      [removed] High ammonia levels, decreased anion gap, high potassium
      [removed] Increased CO2, increased anion gap, base deficit
      [removed] Decreased CO2, decreased anion gap


Question 6. 6. A 61-year-old woman who has had an upper respiratory infection for several weeks has presented to her nurse practitioner with complaints of a recent onset of urinary retention. She reveals to her nurse practitioner that she has been taking over-the-counter cold medications at higher than the suggested dose for the past two weeks. Which of the following phenomena will her nurse practitioner most likely suspect is contributing to her urinary retention? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Cholinergic actions of the cold medicine are triggering internal and external sphincter contraction.
      [removed] Antihistamine effects inhibit communication between the pons and the thoracolumbar cord.
      [removed] The anticholinergic effects of the medication are impairing normal bladder function.
      [removed] Over-the-counter medications such as cold medicine stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibit bladder emptying.


Question 7. 7. A 68-year-old woman with a new onset of vascular dementia has recently begun retaining urine. Which of the following physiological phenomena would her care providers most realistically expect to be currently occurring as a result of her urinary retention? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Hypertrophy of the bladder muscle and increased bladder wall thickness
      [removed] Decreased urine production and nitrogenous wasted excretion by the kidneys
      [removed] Decompensation, bladder stretching, and high residual urine volume
      [removed] Overflow incontinence and loss of contraction power


Question 8. 8. A 60-year-old man has been diagnosed with renal calculi after repeated episodes of excruciating flank pain in recent weeks. The man states, “I don’t know how this could happen to me, since I’m so careful about eating a healthy diet.” What is the most appropriate response to the man’s statement? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] “Your diet may have played a part in this, but in fact genetics is likely primarily to blame.”
      [removed] “What you eat can influence your risk of stone formation, but many other factors like hormones and your metabolism are involved.”
      [removed] “You likely don’t need to change your diet, but now that you have stones in one kidney, you’re at very high risk of growing them in the other kidney.”
      [removed] “Your diet might be normally healthy, but high intake of normally beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium can lead to stones.”


Question 9. 9. Which of the following individuals would be considered to be at risk for the development of edema?

(Points : 0.4)

      [removed] An 81-year-old man with right-sided heart failure and hypothyroidism
      [removed] A 60-year-old obese female with a diagnosis of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
      [removed] A 34-year-old industrial worker who has suffered extensive burns in a job-related accident
      [removed] A 77-year-old woman who has an active gastrointestinal bleed and consequent anemia
      [removed] A 22-year-old female with hypoalbuminemia secondary to malnutrition and anorexia nervosa


Question 10. 10. A 55-year-old man has made an appointment to see his nurse practitioner because he has been awakening three to four times nightly to void and often has a sudden need to void with little warning during the day. What is the man’s most likely diagnosis and possible underlying pathophysiologic problem? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Stress incontinence due to damage to CNS inhibitory pathways
      [removed] Overactive bladder that may result from both neurogenic and myogenic sources
      [removed] Overactive bladder due to intravesical pressure exceeding urethral pressure
      [removed] Overflow incontinence that can result from displacement of the angle between the bladder and the posterior proximal urethra


Question 11. 11. Which diuretic acts by inhibiting sodium chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Bumetanide (Bumex)
      [removed] Mannitol (Osmitrol)
      [removed] Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)
      [removed] Acetazolamide (Diamox)


Question 12. 12. A nurse educator is orientating new nurses to a renal unit of a hospital. Which of the following teaching points should the nurse include as part of a review of normal glomerular function? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] “Nephrons are delicate structures that cannot endure the high pressure that exists in capillary beds elsewhere in the body.”
      [removed] “Glomerular filtrate is very similar in composition to blood plasma found elsewhere in circulation.”
      [removed] “Dilation of the afferent arteriole allows more blood into the nephron and increases the glomerular filtration rate.”
      [removed] “The glomerulus is located between an arteriole and a venule that work together to regulate blood flow.”


Question 13. 13. An 82-year-old resident of a long-term care facility with a recent history of repeated urinary tract infections and restlessness is suspected of having urinary retention. Which of the following actions by the care team is most appropriate? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Uroflowmetry to determine to rate of the patient’s urine flow
      [removed] Ultrasound bladder scanning to determine the residual volume of urine after voiding
      [removed] Renal ultrasound aimed at identifying acute or chronic kidney disease
      [removed] Urinalysis focusing on the presence or absence of microorganisms, blood, or white cells in the man’s urine


Question 14. 14. An 81-year-old female has long-standing hypocalcemia secondary to kidney disease and will shortly be moving into an assisted living facility from her own apartment. Which of the following findings should staff at the facility be instructed to observe for? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Loss of appetite and complaints of nausea
      [removed] Muscular spasms and complaints of cramps
      [removed] High fluid intake and urine output
      [removed] Lethargy and stupor


Question 15. 15. Following several days in an acidotic state, a hospital patient has returned to the desired pH. Which of the following processes could have contributed to the resolution of the patient’s health problem? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Exchange of Na+ and H+ ions
      [removed] Selective renal secretion and reabsorption of CO2
      [removed] Phosphate and ammonia buffer systems in the renal tubules
      [removed] Excretion of HCO3– by the kidneys


Question 16. 16. A 14-year-old boy who appears to be intoxicated is brought to the emergency department by ambulance. The EMTs report that the boy has denied consuming anything out of the ordinary, but an open antifreeze container was found in the boy’s room. Which of the following is likely to be used to treat the patient’s symptoms? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Gastric lavage
      [removed] Syrup of ipecac
      [removed] Fomepizole
      [removed] Sodium bicarbonate


Question 17. 17. A 22-year-old female with a history of intermittent flank pain, repeated UTIs, and hematuria has been diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Which of the following phenomena has most likely contributed to the development of her health problem? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] UTIs coupled with an impaired immune response have caused her ADPKD.
      [removed] She has inherited a tendency for epithelial cell in her tubules to proliferate inappropriately.
      [removed] Severe hypertension and portal hypertension are likely precursors.
      [removed] She has inherited undersized kidneys that are prone to calculi formation.


Question 18. 18. Which of the following patients on a medical unit of a hospital is most likely to be experiencing health problems that may be attributable to kidney disease? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] An 81-year-old female patient with osteoporosis and anemia
      [removed] A 77-year-old patient with urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
      [removed] A 55-year-old woman with a recent stroke secondary to long-standing hypertension
      [removed] A 60-year-old man with a systemic fungal infection requiring intravenous antibiotics


Question 19. 19. Which of the following substances is most likely to be reabsorbed in the tubular segments of the nephron using passive transport mechanisms?
(Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Water
      [removed] Sodium
      [removed] Phosphate
      [removed] Calcium


Question 20. 20. A 34-year-old male patient has diagnoses of liver failure, ascites, and hepatic encephalopathy secondary to alcohol abuse. The patient’s family is questioning the care team about why his abdomen is so large even though he is undernourished and emaciated. Which of the following statements most accurately underlies the explanation that a member of the care team would provide to the family? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] An inordinate amount of interstitial fluid is accumulating in the patient’s abdomen.
      [removed] The transcellular component of the intracellular fluid compartment contains far more fluid than normal.
      [removed] The normally small transcellular fluid compartment, or third space, is becoming enlarged.
      [removed] Gravity-dependent plasma is accumulating in the patient’s peritoneal cavity.


Question 21. 21. At which of the following locations in the nephron would a nurse practitioner first expect blood to be largely free of plasma proteins? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Proximal convoluted tubule
      [removed] Bowman space
      [removed] Loop of Henle
      [removed] Afferent arteriole


Question 22. 22. A patient is brought to the emergency department with complaints of shortness of breath. Assessment reveals a full, bounding pulse, severe edema, and audible crackles in the lower lung fields bilaterally. What is the patient’s most likely diagnosis? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Hyponatremia
      [removed] Fluid volume excess
      [removed] Hypocalcemia
      [removed] Hyperkalemia


Question 23. 23. Which of the following individuals is at the highest risk for developing a urinary tract infection (UTI)? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] A 60-year-old man with a history of cardiovascular disease who is recovering in the hospital from a coronary artery bypass graft
      [removed] A 66-year-old man undergoing dialysis for the treatment of chronic renal failure secondary to hypertension
      [removed] A 38-year-old man with high urine output due to antidiuretic hormone insufficiency
      [removed] A 30-year-old obese woman with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus


Question 24. 24. A 51-year-old woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) five months prior is distressed that she has had several recent episodes of urinary incontinence. She has asked her nurse practitioner why this is the case. Which of the following statements best captures the facts that would underlie the nurse’s response to the patient? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] Neurologic diseases like MS often result in flaccid bladder dysfunction.
      [removed] She may be unable to sense her bladder filling as a result of her MS.
      [removed] Lesions of the basal ganglia or extrapyramidal tract associated with MS inhibit detrusor contraction.
      [removed] Pathologic reductions in bladder volume brought on by MS necessitate frequent micturition.


Question 25. 25. Which of the following individuals are displaying identified risk factors for the development of lower urinary tract obstruction? (Points : 0.4)

      [removed] A 32-year-old woman who had a healthy delivery of her third child 4 months ago
      [removed] A 68-year-old man who has been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
      [removed] A 55-year-old man with diabetes who is receiving diuretic medications for the treatment of hypertension
      [removed] A 30-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with gonorrhea
      [removed] A 74-year-old woman who has developed a lower bowel obstruction following several weeks of chronic constipation
      [removed] A 20-year-old man who has spina bifida and consequent impaired mobility