Analyze these two short stories battle royal and the birthmark

 This needs to be APA and no wikipedia


You will be analyzing two short stories, “Battle Royal” (which is the first chapter in Ralph Ellison’s novel, Invisible Man) and “The Birthmark.” As you read, reflect on the ways each depicts characters that are deemed socially unacceptable because of their outward appearances.

Please write a comparison/contrast essay of 1000 words or more discussing the questions below. Remember to begin your paper with an engaging introduction and clear thesis statement, develop each point in the body of your paper using examples and quotes from the stories, and conclude your paper with a restatement of your thesis and closing remarks. Also, be sure to maintain your credibility by including in-text citations and a reference list correctly formatted in APA style.

  1. Setting: Describe the settings of both pieces and identify how the eras in which they take place—with their distinct societal attitudes and customs—affect the main characters?
  2. Characters:
    • “Battle Royal:” Discuss the young man and his grandfather. Why do we never learn the young man’s name? What do the grandfather’s dying words reveal about him?
    • “The Birthmark:” Describe the main characters: Aylmer, Georgiana and Aminadab. What is important to each?
  3. Point of View: In which point of view (first- or third-person) is each piece told? If the point of view in “Battle Royal” was changed, would it have made the story more effective, or less so?
  4. Symbolism: 
    • “Battle Royal:” Analyze the deeper meaning of the following: the “battle royal” itself, the naked blonde, and the young man’s dream at the end of the story.
    • “The Birthmark:” What does Georgiana’s birthmark signify, first to her and then to Aylmer? What does alchemy represent in the story?
  5. Themes: What are the main themes/messages of each piece? What, in other words, do you think the authors, Ralph Ellison and Nathaniel Hawthorne, are trying to communicate about life and human nature in their respective stories?
  6. Fear: What role does fear play in both pieces?
  7. Discrimination: Both stories address physical appearance, specifically one’s skin, and the way people may discriminate against others because of external characteristics they deem inferior. Compare and contrast how discrimination and prejudice are presented in “Battle Royal” and “The Birthmark.”
  8. Final Thoughts: Author Tim O’Brien wrote, “That’s what fiction is for. It’s for getting at the truth when the truth isn’t sufficient for the truth.” Talk about how literature might give us “truer” insights into the human experience by appealing to our senses, emotions and empathy. Describe a situation in which you or someone you know may have been discriminated against because of appearance, gender, race or another attribute. What did the experience teach you?

Neuroleadership | Management homework help

Neuroleadership | Management homework help

Neuroleadership is an emerging trend in the field of management. As we look at the importance of global leadership in our ever-changing business environment, we find a connection between our way of thinking and our leadership and decision-making style. Below are several articles related to this topic.

Please choose 2-3 articles from below to read on the subject and then evaluate and discuss the rise of neuroleadership in the human resource and organizational development disciplines.


David Rock. (2013). T + D, 67(10), 84-85.

Dr. David Rock presented on the brain science behind performance at PeopleFluent global user conference WISDOM 2015. (2015, Mar 10). Business Wire.

Dr. David Rock presents ‘the brain science behind performance’ at PeopleFluent WISDOM 2015. (2015). Professional Services Close – Up.

Fox, A. (2011). Leading with the brain. HRMagazine, 56(6), 52-53.

In an interview, David Rock, founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, talked about how scientists’ growing understanding of the brain illuminates techniques for leadership and decision-making. Rock said mindfulness is the ability to be meta-cognitive or to think about your thinking. Labeling is the ability to put words on your mental state — for instance, to articulate when you are feeling anxious. All involve an area of the brain that is central for self-regulation — the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Researchers are discovering that self-regulation — regulating emotion, regulating your thoughts, regulating your attention — is essential in leadership. The optimal leader is adaptive. Leaders have to know when to be dogmatic in their beliefs and when to be collaborative, when to get granular and when to be big-picture-focused. To be adaptive, you must have an integrated brain. A big part of the creative process is using your non-conscious brain, because the problems being tackled are simply too big for conscious processing resources.

Hogan, T. (2010). Neuroscience provides tools to navigate the new business reality. People and Strategy, 33(4), 8-9.

The four domains of NeuroLeadership; problem solving, emotion regulation, collaborating and facilitating change provide an interesting lens through which to examine the field of global leadership development. Leaders today face greater challenges than ever before as they work across multiple geographies, functions, product lines and national cultures. Neuorscience provides a useful framework for understanding how leaders gain insights while learning to work in new ways across traditional boundaries in a borderless world. Leaders, therefore, need to be able to see and process information in new ways, making connections between phenomena that have never been linked before in their minds. This is systems thinking, and it is the hallmark of resourceful and innovative leaders throughout history.

Kiefer, T. (2010).  Neuroleadership-more than another leadership framework. People and Strategy, 33(4), 10-11.

The author is in the process of designing a new leadership program. He experiences the frustration of more than 60,000 leadership books. He decides to go a different route: Design a change program with the “learner’s brain in mind” — by combining deep emotional moments that require peak attention from participants and finally bring participants to generate their own insights and takeaways. Neuroscience has started to impact leadership development and it will further shape it. NeuroLeadership is more than a framework. It influences entire training designs and approaches — on multiple levels: 1. value of leadership programs, 2. training design and investment, and 3. understanding fundamentals of how the brain works.

Lafferty, C. L., & Alford, K. L. (2010). NeuroLeadership: Sustaining research relevance into the 21st century. S.A.M.Advanced Management Journal, 75(3), 32-37,39-40,2.

Moving beyond the voluminous research on management leadership that focuses on psychology and behaviorism, the newest field of investigation, NeuroLeadership, looks inside the brain to analyze what might affect leadership abilities. MRI technology has provided the breakthrough, because it maps brain functions in real time reacting to real stimuli. This paper discusses how neuroscience may affect four domains of leadership: decision-making and problem-solving, emotion regulation, collaboration and influence, and facilitating change. Of particular interest is the role of stress and its influence on change, collaboration, and memory.

Rock, D. (2010). Impacting leadership with neuroscience. People and Strategy, 33(4), 6-7.

A 2008 study showed that ‘improving leadership’ was the second most urgent human capital imperative for most companies’ business strategies. Up until now, most of the leadership theories evolved out of behavioral observations, or through social psychology research. It appears that this approach has not delivered what it was supposed to do. Recent developments within neuroscience have given people the ability to shed some new light on how the brain functions in real time. This new brain research may provide the missing link between leadership behavior and leadership development. Since 2007, there has been an effort to gather relevant neuroscience findings into a new field called ‘NeuroLeadership.’ NeuroLeadership explores the neuroscience underpinning four key leadership skills, called the four domains of NeuroLeadership. Using neuroscience to explain leadership issues now is happening across major corporate, government and non-profit organizations, including NASA, the National Defense University, Citibank, Microsoft and other firms around the globe.

Rock, D. (2011). NeuroLeadership. Leadership Excellence, 28(8), 11-12.

People in leadership positions are often logical, analytical thinkers. But the human brain is a social organ. Its reactions are directly shaped by social interaction. Although work is often seen as economic transaction, in which people exchange labor for financial compensation, the brain experiences the workplace first and foremost as a social system. Indeed, the ability to intentionally address the social brain in the service of optimal performance will become a distinguishing leadership capability. Five social qualities enable leaders to minimize the threat response and enable the reward response: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness (SCARF). The SCARF model helps alert you to people’s core concerns and shows you how to calibrate your words and actions. The more practiced you are at reading yourself the more effective you will be.

B313 w9 | Economics homework help

Question 1=

“Financial Measurements” Please respond to the following:

  • From the first e-Activity, determine the financial measure you believe to be the most important and the one that is least important to potential investors. Support your answer. Compare and contrast the two financial measures you selected according to the needs of hypothetical investors.
  • Consider the needs of investors and the needs of business owners. Examine how investors’ use of financial ratios might differ from owners’ use of financial ratios. Determine ways that their use of financial ratios might be similar.

Question 2=

  • From the first e-Activity, determine the financial measure you believe to be the most important and the one that is least important to potential investors. Support your answer. Compare and contrast the two financial measures you selected according to the needs of hypothetical investors.

I think the most important financial measure to potential investors is the revenue in sales while the least important is the amount of other people buying shares in the stock market. While selling share in the stock market is great and can lead the company to huge opportunities, financial investors will not be so please unless the numbers of the company are high. The cost to make the product compared to the price it sells for and how much profit comes from that is the most important to these investors because they want to make sure they get their money back plus interest. 


  • Consider the needs of investors and the needs of business owners. Examine how investors’ use of financial ratios might differ from owners’ use of financial ratios. Determine ways that their use of financial ratios might be similar.

When Investors look at financial ratios they are more experienced and they can tell from the numbers where the company started to where they are going. Investors want to see the number increase, the more it increases the more likely they are to invest, this reassures them that they will receive their money back with interest or what ever deal they made with the owner. 


Business owners do not look this closely and sometimes that can throw a business off, which is why a business plan with the financial segment should be throughly worked out, especially in case of failure. Business owners looks for their profits, what they will be making after paying all of their bills and inventory, they often look for how life will look in a couple of years and so on.



  • Go to the Hershey’s Website and visit the page for its financial statements, located here. View one of the company’s quarterly or annual reports, paying special attention to the financial information presented in the document. Consider what information would be most important to you if you were a potential investor. Be prepared to discuss.
  • Watch the video titled, “Elevator Pitch”, (2 m 14 s), located in your course shell (Week 9). Be prepared to discuss. 



Question 3=

“Seeking Investor Funding” Please respond to the following:

  • From the second e-Activity, determine and describe the key points you would make in an investor’s presentation to the following audiences: bankers, angel investors, VC partners, suppliers, and potential key employees. Determine which audience might prove to be the most difficult. Support your answer.
  • Consider the five different audiences to seek funding from: bankers, angel investors, VC partners, suppliers, and potential key employees. Rank these audiences from one to five, according to the order in which you would seek funding from each. Support your answer with an explanation of the factors that you used to determine the order of the five audiences on the list.

Question 4=

I believe that the key points that should be presented to investors are sales reports, graphs, production costs, and future projections. Sales reports are important because they show perspective investors how much money the business has been making. Production costs would include creating the product and buying the ingredients that are necessary to create the product. Future projections would show where you as a business owner would expect the business to be in the next 2-5 years. All of the for mentioned key point are important because they could be used to draw in investors, suppliers, and/or employees.

1.) Bankers 2.) Suppliers 3.) Angel investors 4.) VC partners 5.) Potential key employees.

I put them in this order according to what I could deal with as a business owner. I could deal with bankers much easier because with bankers it is all business there are no personal feelings involved and it is very simple. They loan money and the person that the money is loaned to pays the banker back what they owe. It would be good to have a good working relationship with suppliers because as a business owner I may need to work with them again in the future and both parties would benefit. Angel investors are third because they can become very involved in the business that they invest in. VC’s are fourth because they are in direct competition with angle investors. Lastly, I would least of all want to take funding from potential employees. The key word is employees they are supposed to work for me and if they help fund my business then they would be more than employees.



Create A One Drive Create A Word Document Create A Spreadsheet

1. Create a OneDrive folder for the three artifacts you will create in the following steps. Your folder will be shared with me and a link provided in Blackboard through the assignment submission link. Your folder should be named LastNameFirstInitialLesson3HW. Example: If your name is John Smith, your folder will be named “SmithJLesson3HW”.

2. Create a Word document that gives thorough information covering the following topics. You must implement formatting and other methods from your textbook readings and when you completed the tutorials.

a. Describe and give examples of specialized applications, such as graphics, web authoring, and video game development programs.

b. Differentiate between system software and application software.

c. The four types of system software programs.

3. Create an Excel spreadsheet that shows a comparison of office suites, cloud suites, specialized suites, and utility suites. Include actual suites, information about their capabilities, how they compare to each other, and the cost to the consumer. Consider the examples at the following links but DO NOT replicate any of these examples! You must implement formatting and other methods learned from your textbook readings and when you completed the tutorials.




4. Create a PowerPoint presentation that gives thorough information covering the following topics. Each topic should have no more than two slides. You must implement formatting and other methods learned from your textbook readings the tutorials from above.

a. The basic functions, features, and categories of operating systems.

b. Comparison of mobile operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows 10 Mobile.

c. Comparison of desktop operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, Linux, and virtualization.

d. The purpose of utilities and utility suites. e. The five most essential utilities.

Submit 1. Blocks of copied text from any source are unacceptable. 2. Create a shared link to your folder in OneDrive. 3. Paste the link to your OneDrive folder into the submission link for Lesson 3 Homework in Blackboard

Mandated Curriculum Vs Developmentally Appropriate Practices

You are a parent who is concerned about the new state-mandated, textbook-based curriculum for kindergarten, and you are writing a letter to the school board in protest of this new policy. In your letter, define DAP, describe the benefits of DAP, and explain why you feel the use of a textbook-based curriculum may be inappropriate. Describe potential negative effects of this curriculum and how it is developmentally inappropriate to literacy development. Recommend an alternative approach to developing literacy skills. In your letter, use the kindergarten standards from your state and the guidelines for DAP described in the course text as well as in NAEYC resources.

The paper should be two to three pages in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one scholarly reference in addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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1. What stops the doubt of the First Meditation? What kind of reasoning supports the cogito?

2. What does the Wax Argument show? What is it meant to show? Does it succeed?

statistics mth128

Quiz Statistics MTH 128. There is 25 questions total for this quiz. See below name of the book.

Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World
Sixth Edition
Ron Larson and Betsy Farber

what are similarities and differences between venus and earth

what are the similarities and differences between Venus and Earth?

Paper 1292791 2 – Best Research Writing Services

Visit a museum of your own choosing OR attend a musical concert, dance presentation, or art exhibit. The visit should be made during this course. You may not report on a visit you made to a museum or on a performance you attended prior to this class. After the visit write a 500-800 word report about the visit and what you learned. The due date for this report is the end of Week 5 but you are free to submit it earlier should the opportunity present itself (any time during Weeks 1-5).

Students who are deployed or who live in remote areas and are unable to visit a local museum or performance, etc. or may ask their instructors for permission to visit a virtual museum or performance online. 

What to do:

After your visit to a museum, write a report including the following (it is recommended that you number the sections of your report to match):

  1. Name and location of museum (if you make an virtual visit, be sure to give the URL and note why you were unable to make a visit in person)

  2. Type of museum (modern art, art history, military etc.)

  3. Date of visit

  4. What impressed you the most in the museum?

  5. What did you learn at the museum?

  6. Was there any one or group of items that was especially interesting? Why?

  7. Discuss anything you have learned from the course material or discussions that you can relate to the museum.

  8. How did the museum tap into your feelings or emotions, if at all? What does this tell you about the culture produced by humans?

  9. Is there anything that you experienced or thought about during the visit that has relevance to your life outside of the museum?




After you attend a live musical concert, dance or theatrical performance, write a report including the following (it is recommended that you number the sections of your report to match):

  1. Name of performance

  2. Place of performance and date (if a virtual performance, please provide the URL and reason you were unable to attend a performance in person)

  3. What type of performance this was and why you choose it?

  4. What did you learn at the performance?

  5. Was there any one song, piece of music, dance section or scene that was especially interesting? Why?

  6. Discuss anything you have learned from the course material or discussions that you can relate to the performance.

  7. How did the museum tap into your feelings or emotions, if at all? What does this tell you about the culture produced by humans?

  8. Is there anything that you experienced or thought about during the visit that has relevance to your life outside of the museum?



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English Unit3 Individual Project – Best Research Writing Services

For Unit 3, you will submit a project that includes a demonstrated prewriting technique, a topic sentence outline, and a draft essay that resulted from your prewriting and outline. Completing this assignment is part of a final capstone paper which will be submitted during Unit 5.

Specifically, you will complete the following:

  • Select a topic question from the topic list. Click here for the topic list.
  • Identify and use at least 1 invention or prewriting strategy (mind mapping, brainstorming, listing, freewriting, etc.).
  • Develop a thesis statement and 3 strong supporting subtopics.
  • Create a topic sentence outline (scheme strategy).
  • Prepare a first-draft essay.

Note: Your submission should be double-spaced with 12 point font and 1″ margins and include your prewriting, outline, and 500-word-minimum first-draft essay.

Please see Figure 2.3 below from page 33 of your textbook for an outline example.

Figure 2.3 Outline Example

Intro: start with anecdote about the glass ceiling

Thesis: Today’s Americans may believe that we have diverse workplaces, but sadly this is far from the truth.

History of racial divides in the workplace

Office jobs


Skilled vs. unskilled laborers

Industrial laborers

Skills and education




Affirmative action process


Recent cases

News reports

Case study


Website for topic List:



500 word Essay