It214: computer science and engineering


Define Garbage collection – in Computer Programming. Discuss the advantages and pitfalls of “Garbage collection.” 

Your first post must be between 300 and 400 words.

Your second post must be between 50 and 75 words.

Post by Thursday noon – this gives your classmates time to respond to your posts.

Expansionary fiscal policy


ECON 312 Week 1 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 6) Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it

2. Question: (TCO 6) An economist who favors smaller government would recommend

3. Question: (TCO 6) The lag between the time and the need for fiscal action is recognized and the time the action is taken is referred to as the

4. Question: (TCO 5) The determinants of aggregate supply

5. Question: (TCO 6) Other things equal, a reduction in personal and business taxes can be…

6. Question: (TCO 6) The MPC can be defined as that fraction of a

7. Question: (TCO 6) The size of the MPC is assumed to be

8. Question: (TCO 5) Refer to the graph. Which of the following factors will shift AD1 to AD3?

9. Question: (TCO 6) The multiplier can be calculated as:

10. Question: (TCO 5) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

11. Question: (TCO 5) What effect would each of the following have on aggregate……? Explain.

12. Question: (TCO 6) Why do some economists believe that tax cuts are critical to help revive…?

ECON 312 Week 3 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 3) Economic profits are calculated by subtracting

2. Question: (TCO 3) To economists, the main difference between the short run and the long…

3. Question: (TCO 3) Economists would describe the U.S. automobile industry as

4. Question: (TCO 3) A purely competitive seller is

5. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following is correct?

6. Question: (TCO 3) Confronted with the same unit cost data, a monopolistic producer….

7. Question: (TCO 3) Monopolistic competition means

8. Question: (TCO 3) Product variety is likely to be greater in

9. Question: (TCO 3) Which of the following is the best example of oligopoly?

10. Question: (TCO 3) Concentration ratios measure the

11. Question: (TCO 3) What is the LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURNS, and why is this law…?

12. Question: (TCO 3) Identify the primary characteristics of monopolistic competition….

ECON 312 Week 5 Quiz

1. Question: (TCO 6) Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it

2. Question: (TCO 6) An economist who favors smaller government would recommend

3. Question: (TCO 6) The lag between the time and the need for fiscal action is recognized and the time the action is taken is referred to as the

4. Question: (TCO 5) The determinants of aggregate supply

5. Question: (TCO 6) Other things equal, a reduction in personal and business taxes can be…

6. Question: (TCO 6) The MPC can be defined as that fraction of a

7. Question: (TCO 6) The size of the MPC is assumed to be

8. Question: (TCO 5) Refer to the graph. Which of the following factors will shift AD1 to AD3?

9. Question: (TCO 6) The multiplier can be calculated as:

10. Question: (TCO 5) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

11. Question: (TCO 5) What effect would each of the following have on aggregate……? Explain.

12. Question: (TCO 6) Why do some economists believe that tax cuts are critical to help revive…?

Maths Homework

As a manager of an organization, what statistics from this module would you use and why if you wanted to estimate your annual employee turnover? In your post, be sure to specifically identify the statistical formulas and what additional data you would need to determine your estimate(s). Be sure to also explain why the probability distribution applies.

Choose a probability distribution from this week:
Binomial (Section 5.4)
Poisson (Section 5.5)
Hypergeometric (Section 5.6)
Uniform (Section 6.1)
Normal (Section 6.2)
Exponential (Section 6.4)

The distributions in Chapter 5 are discrete and those on Chapter 6 are continuous.

This is for a discussion board not an essay. So it can be very short and to the point.

Acc- p8-7a giraldi enterprises & p8-8a kolton company

P8-7A : The President of Giraldi Enterprises asks if you could indicate the impact certain transactions have on the following ratios:
Transaction Current Ratio (2:1) Accounts Receivable Turnover (10x) Average collection period (36.5 days)
1] Received %5,000 on cash sale.
The cost of goods sold was $2,600
2] Recorded bad debt expense of $500
using allowance method.
3] Wrote off a $100 account receivable as
uncollectible (uses allowance method.)
4] Recorded $2,500 sales on account.
The cost of the good sold was $1,500.
Instructions : Complete the table, indicating whether each transaction will increase (I), decrease (D), or have no effect (NE) on the specific ratios provided for Giraldi Enterprises.
Kolton Copany closes its books on its July 31 year-end. The company does not make entries to accrue for interest except at its year-end. On June 30, the Notes Receivable account balance is $23,800. Notes Receivable include the following.
Date Maker Face Value Term Maturity Date Interest Rate
April 21 Booth Inc. $ 6,000 90 days July 20 8%
May 25 Mannling Co 7,800 60 days July 24 10%
June 30 ANF Corp 10,000 6 months December 31 6%
During July, the following transactions were completed.
July 5 Made sale of $4,500 on Kolton credit cards,
14 Made sale of $600 on Visa credit cards, The credit card service charge i2 3%
20 Received payment in full from Booth Inc. in the amount due.
24 Received payment in full from manning Co. on the amount due.
[1] Journalize the July transactions and the July 31 adjusting entry for accrued interest receivable. (Interest is computed using 360 days, omit cost of 
goods sold entries.
[2] Enter the balance at July 1 in the receivable accounts and post the entries to all of the receivable accounts. (Use T-accounts.)
[3] Show the balance sheet presentation of 

Mircoeconomics 2302 – assessment quiz 3

Assessment: Lesson 3 Quiz
Question 1 (6063111): Supply is provided by ____________ and demand is created by consumers.
Correct answer(s):  government
Federal Reserve
Question 2 (6063122): When price decreases the quantity demanded by consumers __________ if all other influences remain the same.
Correct answer(s):  increases
stays the same
all the above
Question 3 (6063142): If consumers think that prices would go down in the future, they will __________ their present demand.
Correct answer(s):  decrease
not change
none of the above
Question 4 (6063136): If people decide to purchase less at every price level, __________ (shift left) will result.
Correct answer(s):  an increase in quantity demanded
a decrease in quantity demanded
an increase in demand
decrease in demand
Question 5 (6063120): “Demand” is a series of prices and the related quantities that consumers are willing and able to buy at a particular _____________.
Correct answer(s):  north east corner of the street
moment in time
government outlet
Federal Reserve meeting
Question 6 (6063125): The result of a change in Quantity Demanded as ________ change is shown by a movement along the demand line.
Correct answer(s):  tastes or preferences (utility patterns)
Question 7 (6063114): When a consumer purchases a product, a(n) _________ is created for this item to be re-stocked by the merchant.
Correct answer(s):  demand
Question 8 (6063145): __________ is the only variable which will increase the amount brought to the market (quantity supplied) if all other variables remain the same.
Correct answer(s):  Technology
A decrease in resource costs
An increase in the price of the product
A decrease in the price of the product
Question 9 (6063138): When two goods are complementary goods, a change in the price of one will cause a change in the demand for the other in the ________ direction.
Correct answer(s):  opposite
Question 10 (6063147): An illustration of an increase in the supply schedule is shown below with a change from S1 to S2.
This shift could be caused by ___________________.
Correct answer(s):  an increase in resource costs
an increase technology
an increase in price of the product
an increase in taxes on the producers
Question 11 (6063124): As a person continues to consume more of an item, ________  s/he will get less additional satisfaction (utility).
Correct answer(s):  on the third unit
on the fourth unit
on the fifth unit
at some point
Question 12 (6063132): In the table below, for every price that the D#1 increases, the Quantity Demanded indicates _______ more sales than the original demand schedule D.
Correct answer(s):  2
Question 13 (6063157): The market clearing price where the quantity demanded by consumers equals the ____________ by producers.
Correct answer(s):  quantity supplied
either a. or b.
all the above
Question 14 (6063153): An increase in the price of the product will change the supply line (shift ________).
Correct answer(s):  upward
none of the above
Question 15 (6063154): If increased taxes are imposed on producers, ___________ products will be provided in the market at each price (shift left).
Correct answer(s):  fewer
the same amount of
none of the above


Eco – if the market supply function of a commodity is qs

If the market supply function of a commodity is qs = 3,250 and (a) the market demand function is Qd = 4,750 ­ 50P and P is expressed in dollars, use excel to calculate what the 
equilibrium price is by calculating values of Qd and Qs for P from 25 to 50 in 1’s. (d) For 
(a) – (c), if TC=0.005Q^2­Q, what is the profit in each case?
Revised spreadsheet problem 1: Just answer (a) and 1(d). For (d), change “For (a) to (c)”  to “For (a) only.” Show all work and fill out spreadsheet.

Eco – consider a competitive market served by many domestic and

Consider a competitive market served by many domestic and foreign firms.
The domestic demand for these firms’ product is Qd
600 2P. The supply function of the domestic firms is QSD = 200 P, while that of the foreign firms is QSF 250.
a. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity under free trade.
b. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity when foreign firms are constrained by a 100-unit  quota.
c. Are domestic consumers better or worse off as a result of the quota?
d. Are domestic producers better or worse off as a result of the quota?

En130 assignment 3 english composition

EN130 English Composition
Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth
College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to
use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response
should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer
to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.
Using what you learned in Lessons 1 and 2 as well as in this lesson, write a well-developed Causal
Analysis essay on one of the following topics:
What are the reasons for the popularity of a product, musical genre, or game?
Analyze the main causes of a major problem in our society.
What are the effects of mobile phones?
Choose a historical event that interests you and explore its causes
Positive/Negative effects of quitting a job
How your life would be different if you lived somewhere else
The consequences of advertisement on young people
Why you should/should not vote
Your essay, which must demonstrate your understanding of the causal
analysis essay, will be graded using the following scale:
Essay clearly demonstrates the concept of causal analysis
15 points
Clear thesis statement/purpose for essay
10 points
Paragraph development (includes thesis support, topic sentences,
and paragraph unity and coherence)
35 points
Organization of essay (including transitions)
20 points
Use of language (includes grammar and punctuation)
20 points
100 points
You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay
based entirely on your knowledge/experience.

Contracts | Law homework help

Carnack contracts to sell his house and lot to Willard for $100,000. The terms of the contract call for Willard to pay 10 percent of the purchase price as a deposit toward the purchase price, or as a down payment. The terms further stipulate that should the buyer breach the contract, Carnack will retain the deposit as liquidated damages. Willard pays the deposit, but because her expected financing of the $90,000 balance falls through, she breaches the contract. Two weeks later, Carnack sells the house and lot to Balkova for $105,000. Willard demands her $10,000 back, but Carnack refuses, claiming that Willard’s breach of the contract terms entitle him to keep the deposit. Discuss who is correct. 

Hhs 460 week 3 assignment ( final paper outline ) ~ a + tutorial with

The Final Paper will be the final assignment for this research course. This paper will be due on the last day of class in Week 5.  Your written assignment for this week is to do the following:

  • Identify the phenomena you wish to concentrate on within the broad realm of health and human services.  Your references (should be a minimum of eight), will come from the databases and reference sources you covered earlier throughout course assignments.  You will need to create a description of the phenomena – the core issue or objective upon which you will focus.
  • Identify the components, attributes, and different segments you will write about in your discussion.
  • Create a detailed outline of your research report/paper.

This research report outline should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length.  For assistance with writing your outline, visit the Ashford Writing Center or the Ashford University Library.    


Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Why can a profitable company like jackson not repay its loan on time?

• Part 1: Why can a profitable company like Jackson not repay its loan on time? What major company developments between August 2012 and May 2013 contribute to this situation? Do you agree with the decisions made over this period of time? Why or why not? What would you change?

• Part 2: Prepare a sources and uses of funds statement for August 2012 through May 2013. Remember: o Any increase in an asset is a use of funds; any decrease is a source. o Any increase in a liability is a source of funds; any decrease is a use. o Any increase in equity is a source of funds; any decrease is a use.

• Part 3: Prepare a monthly cash budget and pro forma income statements and balance sheets for the last 4 months of the fiscal year. Refer to the Jackson Automotive document for proper formatting of these statements. Do the cash budgets and pro forma financial statements yield the same results? Why or why not?

• Part 4: Based on your forecasts and analysis of Jackson’s credit, is the company able to repay its loan at the end of the fiscal year? What are the risks associated with the proposed loan?

• Part 5: Critically evaluate the assumptions on which your forecasts are based, and perform a sensitivity analysis on the fiscal year-end cash balance when sales vary from expectations. Show effects of a 10% increase in sales and an equal increase in all expense accounts that adjust with sales. Show effects of a 10% decrease in sales and an equal decrease in all expense accounts that adjust with sales.

• Part 6: Should the bank extend the maturity of the current loan and approve the additional loan? What terms and conditions should the bank impose to reduce the risks of the loan to the bank?

• Part 7: Why did the company repurchase a substantial fraction of its outstanding common stocks? What was the impact of the repurchase on Jacksons’ financial condition?

• Part 8: Critically assess the company’s proposed dividend payout in September 2013. Should the bank agree with the payout? What seems to be an appropriate amount?