Project | LEADERSHIP MSN | California Lutheran University

 You have a project of opening up a new intermediate care unit in your hospital which includes cross training current nurses. What will be your goal. What will be your objectives, Describe the goals you have set for this project. Please include 3  APA 7references not more than 4 years old. 

Health care mngt 5 | Applied Sciences homework help


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • What is a current ethical challenge in health care? How would you respond to this challenge as a health care manager?
  • Can you identify an ethical challenge in health care caused by the pandemic?

crackle barrel case analysis | Education homework help

  • Read the following articles from the Harvey and Allard text:
    • #25, “The Cracker Barrel Restaurants” by John Howard (p166)
    • #26, “The Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores: Postscript” by Carol P. Harvey (p174)
    • #44, “Chik-fil-A and the Media” by Carol P. Harvey (p319)

Compare and Contrast the Cracker Barrel Restaurant and Chik-fil-A policies as described in the readings. In the private sector, should the values of the individuals in leadership roles be reflected in organizational policy? Why or Why not?

Change management | Environmental science homework help

Respond to the following:

  1. What is incremental change? Describe one or two examples of incremental change from your current organization or choose another organization that you’ve read about in the media.
  2. Hart and Milstein (p. 218, Benn et al. book) argue that today’s corporations must look beyond incremental improvements. Joseph Schumpeter argues that incremental change simply maintains the status quo. Do you agree? Is there a place for incremental change?
  3. What is transformational change? Describe an organization that has chosen (or been forced to choose) transformational change.

Original Post: 525+ words

Week 5 discussion board | MHA598 Leveraging Results To Build Brand In The Health Sector | University of Phoenix


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Take a peek at this week’s readings. How do you gain consensus with your peers? What have been some of your successes? Failures? How is this different from talking with your supervisor about similar matters?

The international monetary fund discussion post

For a long time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has had its supporters and detractors. In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to consider some of the IMF’s actions and determine whether they were beneficial as well as ethical.

To help frame this discussion, consider the IMF’s actions in Greece. Greece spent a decade in economic turmoil starting in 2009. The IMF provided financial assistance to “bail out” Greece multiple times during the crisis. Their loans came with requirements that Greece needed to meet. Some argue that the IMF made the crisis much worse, whereas others feel the IMF provided timely support to Greece not long after the global financial crisis of 2008.

In your initial post, use the following questions to guide your responses:

  • When should a government, economy, or country be bailed out, if ever? Justify your answer with specific examples and how the bailout or lack of bailout would impact the global economy and the future of globalization.
  • Ideally, which countries or organizations would provide the economic support for a government that needs a bailout? Is the IMF the ideal organization to bail out a country?
  • Is it ethical for the IMF to bail out countries that repeatedly make bad economic and fiscal decisions? Is it ethical for the IMF to have significant requirements attached to its loans?
  • What lessons should be learned from the Greek debt crisis for countries with debt obligation issues and for organizations such as the IMF?

Lab: viruses | Biology homework help

  General Instructions

Complete all the activities in this lab instruction packet:  Lab 5: Viruses.  Work through the instruction packet step by step. Record your results in the worksheet as you progress through this instruction packet. 

 For any sections that request that you “take notes”, the notes should be in your own words summarizing information learned. You should not copy and paste information from the Internet including media and resources accessed in this lab. Directly copying and pasting information is considered plagiarism in this course. 

See attached Lab worksheet document

Theater 101 essay | Social Science homework help


Schechner talks about “how ancient rituals are” by using the example of paintings and sculptures found in caves in France and Spain that date from 40000-9000 BCE.

The above is a cave painting found in Chauvet. If this is indeed a “repository of group memory,” as Schechner suggests, what does this painting tell you about the lives of the people who lived here?

In two paragraphs, explain these paintings as what Schechner describes as:

  • ritual as performance
  • an artifact or trace of “communitas”

First, define each of the terms above: “ritual as performance” and “communitas,” quoting from the book. Then, analyze the cave painting as evidence of each of these ideas.

Your essay should be about 300-400 words.

Forensic and investment | Accounting homework help

Please answer the below and submit in a word document. Be careful, make sure to avoid plagiarism and to use quotation marks and proper citation as required. Use APA format for citations and the required References page. 

Chapter 17: Exercise 1 

Why would a forensic accountant need to perform a business valuation? Can people not just look up the value at a particular date on the appropriate stock exchange? Explain.

Chapter 17: Exercise 17 

The XYZ Company is a closely held family manufacturing business. During the last five years, the company has experienced earnings of $700, $750, $400, $800, and $950 (all amounts in $1,000). The valuation expert has determined that the most appropriate approach is to use the income method with weighted average income as the most logical basis for measuring earnings. The expert weights the income so that the most recent years of earnings are the most important. Also, assume that considering the small size of the business relative to its competitors, the most appropriate price-earnings ratio is 9. Also, assume that the purpose of this valuation is to determine the value of the 12 percent equity in the business owned by the firm’s long-time director of R&D and manufacturing who has decided to retire from the business. After careful analysis the valuation expert has determined that the loss of this key employee discount is 10 percent, and the minority interest discount is 30 percent. Determine the value of the 12 percent interest of the retiring employee.

Chapter 17: Exercise 19 

Two partners, Jones and Smith, owned and operated a successful dairy business together for 15 years. The business processed dairy products and operated a popular retail ice cream store. During the past year, the two partners have had an increasing number of serious arguments about how to operate the business and about planned future expansion of the business. Both partners have agreed that they no longer can operate the business together. Either partner is willing to sell his share of the business to someone else and to get out of the dairy business altogether. An independent appraiser has valued the total value of the business at $1.5 million. Partner Jones owns 49 percent of the business, and Partner Smith owns 51 percent of the business. What is the value of each partner’s share of the business? What was the basis for your evaluation of the partners’ share of the business?

assignment 8 | History homework help

You must read chapter 8 and answer the Chapter Goals fully: p.248. Answer Practice Quiz: write out questions and then answer. This is to be answered under the Assignment Tool! This is not to be placed ouder the Quiz Tool! You must also identify/define the following:

a. interest group

b. Super PACs

c. Public Interest Groups

d. lobbying

e. grass roots mobilization

f. iron triangle

g. membership associates