Unit 4: assignment – proposal and annotated bibliography for final | EN306B | Park University


Proposal and Annotated Bibliography for Final Business Report

Unit Learning Outcome(s) Reflects in assignment:

  • Develop a research topic for a business report (CLO 2)
  • Use proposal format (CLO 2)
  • Identify and evaluate useful sources for potential projects (CLO 3)
  • Use a citation format to correctly cite sources (CLO 3)


In this assignment, you will propose a topic for your final business and summarize and evaluate some sources that are relevant to your project.  


Prior to doing the final business report itself, you will write a proposal and bibliography in which you persuade your instructor that the project you have in mind is necessary/useful and to convince them that you are prepared to take on the project.  To lay out your document, you can use the sample proposal in fig. 17.2 on pgs. 558-561.  (You do not need to include all the parts included in figure 17.2, so long as you cover all the parts required by this prompt.)

You may find it helpful to review the assignment for the final business report that you looked at in Unit 1 before you write your proposal.

In your proposal, you should:

  • Identify the organization you are writing for and explain your relationship with this organization.
  • Describe the problem/situation you are trying to address and explain why it is important
  • Explain who your primary (decision-making) audiences is, as well as other relevant audiences
  • Discuss the questions you think you will need to answer to address the issue

At the proposal stage, you should not necessarily know what course of action you are going to recommend (after all, you haven’t even done all your research yet!) You are simply convincing your instructor to approve your project by showing that you have chosen a topic that fits the assignment and is researchable and developable into a formal repot.

In the annotated bibliography, you should:

  • List 3 sources that are relevant to your project (you must include at least 1 scholarly source) using an APA or MLA format citation (or other citation formats as approved by your instructor).
  • Under each citation, write 2 paragraphs (this is the annotation)
    • Paragraph 1 should summarize the source, as specifically as possible
    • Paragraph 2 should evaluate the source for credibility and usefulness for the project

Note:  You should write your own annotations; do not copy abstracts or other people’s summaries of your sources; that counts as plagiarism.  You are showing your instructor that you read and understood the source. 

While the proposal requires a minimum of 3 sources to show that the project is researchable, you will need more than 3 to fully develop your final project.  There is no magic number, of course, as all topics are different and require different sources to achieve their goals.  As you continue working on your report over the next couple of units, keep examining sources and thinking about what material you need to fully develop your report and recommendations.    You do not need to redo the proposal to add or change sources.  It is fairly normal to refine your sources as you work on a project. 

Due Date:

Sunday by 11:59 p.m., CT

Ethics in health care | Management homework help


Answer briefly the following questions

1-Define and differentiate between active and passive euthanasia.

 2-Define the services of a hospice and discuss how this may affect the debate in regard to euthanasia.

3-Write five value statements that fit your beliefs as a health professional in regard to active euthanasia as a medical practice. (Value statements generally take the form in which an individual is stating what one should or ought to do.)

4-Discuss the two major arguments for the adoption of a “right to die.”

5-Defend or refute the proposal that active euthanasia is more ethical than passive euthanasia.

6-Explain and provide justifications for the position of the pro-life movement.

7-Explain and provide justification for the position of the pro-choice movement.

8-Review the stages of human embryonic development and provide an ethically viable argument as to when a “right to life” should be granted by society.

9-Part of the argument for and against embryonic stem cell research is that it creates a use for the unwanted human embryos that have been frozen and stored as a result of in vitro fertilization efforts. If these extra unneeded embryos will at some point be thawed and destroyed anyway, why not make them available for biological research? Defend or refute the idea that one should make use of these human embryos in this way.

10-The People’s Republic of China, with a population of over one billion, four hundred million citizens has put in place a one-child per family law. Provide both a defense and refutation argument for the policy using ethical justifications.

11-Explain why health care providers have an enhanced duty to maintain confidentiality for HIV/AIDS patients.

12-In 2000 the United Nations and the United States declared the AIDS epidemic to be an issue of national security. In what way is this true?

The experiential learning model | Psychology homework help

 The Experiential Learning Model

Read the following article and review:

Enns, C. Z. (1993). Integrating separate and connected knowing: The experiential learning model. Teaching of Psychology, 20, 7–13.

See attached document for article details.

Please answer the following:

  • – Do you think you have an individual or collective learning style?
  • – Would you consider yourself an accommodator, converger, diverger, or assimilator?
  • – What do these preferences say about your culture?
  • – Do you feel you’ve received enough resources to accommodate your learning style throughout your educational career? Why or why not?

350-400 words, APA style format, and a minimum of 3 references.

3-5 page essay – case study 1

 The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 1. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe alternative solutions and justify your recommendation. This exercise should be able to be completed in approximately 3-6 doubled space pages. Attached completed Case Study #1 as a MS Word document in the assignment area of the classroom – Case Study #1. 

Title Page (APA formatted)
Case Name:
I. Major Facts
(State here the major facts as you see them. Make statements clear and concise for your own understanding as well as for the understanding of the other students and the instructor.)
II. Major Problem
(State here the major problem as you see it. Emphasize the present major problem. You may wish to phrase your statement in the form of a question. In a few cases, there may be more than one major problem. A good problem statement will be concise, usually only one sentence.)
III. Possible Solutions
A. (List here the possible solutions to the major problem. Let your imagination come up with alternative ways to solve the problem.
B. Do not limit yourself to only one or two possible solutions. These solutions should be distinct from each other.
C. However, you may wish to include portions of one solution in another solution, as long as each solution stands alone. Only in this manner will your subsequent choice be definitive.
D. Briefly note advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution.)
IV. Choice and Rationale
(State here your choice, A or B or ___ and the detailed reasons for your choice. You may also state your reasons for not choosing the other alternative solutions.)
V. Implementation
(Prepare a plan to implement your choice)
Appendix (Answer case study questions)
Reference Page (APA formatted) 

Personality disorders- dsm-5 | SOCW 6090 – Psychopathology and Diagnosis for Social Work Practice | Walden University


To prepare: Review the case provided by your instructor for this week’s Discussion and consider your differential diagnostic process for them. Be sure to consider any past diagnoses and what influence those might have on their current diagnosis and needs. Finally, look at stigma and reflect on stigma related to personality disorders.

Post a 300- to 500-word response in which you address the following:

  • Provide      the full DSM-5 diagnosis. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the      name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z      codes (other conditions that may need clinical attention). Keep in mind a      diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.
  • Explain      the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the      specific criteria for the diagnosis.
  • Support      your decision by identifying the symptoms which meet specific criteria for      each diagnosis.
  • Identify      any close differentials and why they were eliminated. Concisely support      your decisions with the case materials and readings.
  • Explain      how diagnosing a client with a personality disorder may affect their      treatment.
  • Analyze      how power and privilege may influence who is labeled with a personality      disorder and which types of personality disorders.
  • Identify      how trauma affects the case, either precipitating the diagnosis and/or      resulting from related symptoms or treatment of diagnosis.
  • Support your post with specific      references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for      your references.


Week 11


INTAKE DATE: January 2019 

IDENTIFYING/DEMOGRAPHIC DATA:  Isabella is a 23-year-old Hispanic female.  She has two sons, aged 2 and 4, who live with her and her boyfriend, Tomaz.  They have been together 5 years. She works full time as an executive secretary.   

CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM: “I am in constant physical pain every day and can hardly walk and move.  Even at night when I am in bed I am always in pain.”  Isabella reports that even in the few moments the pain eases it is difficult for her to get sleep. 

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Isabella has been suffering from physical pain for the past 18 months.  She has been to many doctors for help.  Isabella has been very concerned about her illness and wants to understand the causes of this pain.  She believes it had something to do with having children.  There has never been an accurate diagnosis.  She has been given medication and steroids with no relief of her physical pain.  Most recently, she had a full evaluation at the Mayo Clinic which had inconclusive results.  One doctor at the Mayo clinic suggested she seek individual counseling, hoping this will help her physically as well.  Isabella’s reports her anxiety is so high now with all the stress she is under. 

PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:  Isabella denies any past psychiatric history for herself.  The only significant family history is her older brother’s diagnosis of Intellectual Disability.   

SUBSTANCE USE HISTORY:  Isabella reports drinking socially and very minimally. There is no evidence of substance use disorders in her family. 

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:  Isabella has been ailing over the past 18 months with unidentified pain.  There were no previous significant medical issues in her past.   

FAMILY MEDICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:  Isabella is the third child of four from her parents union.  She has an older sister, a brother, and a younger sister.  Her brother was diagnosed with an intellectual disability from a young age.  The family’s focus has always been on taking care of her older brother.  Her father died 6 years ago.  Isabella lost her mother to dementia 6 months earlier than this intake.  With the death of her mother, the responsibility of her brother has now been transferred to Isabella and her two sisters.  Isabella reports feeling responsible for her extended family and needs to be involved with their issues.  She recalls growing up and always feeling in turmoil.  Since she was required to take care of her siblings, she thought it was time that she gets the attention she deserves.    

CURRENT FAMILY ISSUES AND DYNAMICS:  Isabella likes to be involved with her siblings but they seem to get jealous of her all the time.  They seem to blame her that others like her the best.  She has had spats with her siblings when they seem to ignore her.  Isabella cannot help that she is the sexiest sister in the family.  She is always getting compliments from others all the time.  Men especially seem to gravitate towards her which angers Tomaz.  This is the reason why she has not married him.   

Six years ago, while finishing high school, Isabella began a romantic relationship with Tomaz after a short friendship.  Isabella believed she was finally happy in a relationship, especially since Tomaz is very attentive.  Tomaz and Isabella moved  in together soon after their romantic relationship began.  Tomaz promised he would take care of her financially for the rest of her life.  Now she finds him being very jealous of her friendships with others. 

Isabella is feeling increased stress with the loss of her mother, the burden of care taking her older brother, and Tomaz’s jealousy of her male friends.  She is finding herself fatigued due to this stress. 

MENTAL STATUS EXAM:  Isabella presented as a casually dressed (although very seductive for the interview), meticulously groomed woman who appeared her stated age of 23.  She had a fixed, mood congruent expression on her face.  Motor activity was normal.  Mood appeared depressed and was dysphoric. Affect was constricted.   Speech was guarded and soft, content was adequate. Isabella would go back and forth and become teary eyed (while looking at the interviewer for a reaction) then the tears would stop.  Thought processes were shallow and the discussion lacked detail.  There was no evidence of delusions.  Isabella was oriented to time, place, and person.  During the intake, Isabella’s thoughts would jump around and at times appeared very dramatic.  Isabella noted that she has always “seen the world more intensely than others” and has run into bigger problems than others.  Even in relationships she has always treated them with intensity even if others did not. 

She noted that over the past several months she has had an inability to concentrate at work.  She was unable to calculate serial 7’s. Recent and remote memory appeared intact. Intelligence appeared average and fund of knowledge was normal. All factual questions were answered correctly.  Ordinary social and personal judgment seemed inappropriate in some of her responses.      

Function of law | Law homework help

Considering the functions of law as defined in the assigned reading for this unit:

  • Peacekeeping
  • Checking government power and promoting personal freedom
  • Facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations
  • Promoting economic growth through free competition
  • Promoting social justice and protecting the environment.

Explain which function of the law, in your opinion, is the most important. Can the government legislate morality? Explain.

In response to your peers, consider your peers’ response. If they disagree with your response, consider the factual assumptions they have made which form the foundation of their opinion. Can you challenge those assumptions while furthering your discussion? If your responses are similar, consider posing a hypothetical question to test your peer’s conclusions.

Regardless of whether you are an attorney arguing in court or a business stakeholder pitching to shareholders or a potential client, adding support for your argument from appropriate resources strengthens your content.

Chapter 14.3 work together | Accounting homework help

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Creating math formulas | Mathematics homework help


please answer all seven questions in a Word document. Do NOT retype the questions. This is an individual assignment and not a team assignment. The formulas that you are creating are the math formulas and NOT the Excel formula.

1. What is the formula to calculate how much a savings account would be worth if the initial balance is $1,000 with monthly deposits of $75 for 10 years at 4.3% annual interest compounded monthly? What is the formula result?

2. You want a savings account to grow from $1,000 to $5,000 within two years. Assume the bank provides a 3.2% annual interest rate compounded monthly. What is the formula to calculate how much you must deposit each month to meet your savings goal? What is the formula result?

3. A business takes out a loan for $250,000 at 4.8% interest compounded monthly. If the business can afford to make monthly payments of only $1,500 on the loan, what is the formula to calculate the number of months required to repay the loan completely? What is the formula result?

4. Redo your calculations from question #4 to assume that the business can afford only a $1,000 payment. What is the revised formula and resulting value?

5. A business takes out a 10-year loan for $250,000 at 5.3% interest compounded monthly. What is the formula to calculate the monthly payment and what is the resulting value?

6. For the loan conditions specified in question 5, what are the formulas to calculate how much interest the business will pay in the first year and how much the business will repay toward the principal? What are the resulting values?

7. For the loan conditions in question 5, calculate the total cost of the loan in terms of the total interest paid through the l0 years of the loan.

Success narrative | Applied Sciences homework help

 For this touchstone, you will be writing a success narrative consisting of three components. Specifically, you will write about the following:

  1. Who I Am Now: Create a brief biographical statement describing your academic and professional history, as well as any relevant personal characteristics you’d like to share.
  2. My Goals: Identify three (3) professional and/or academic long-term goals for your future.
  3. How I Will Get There: Based on the professional or academic goals you created, identify at least two (2) short-term steps for each of these goals, and set target dates for each of these short-term steps. Make sure that in your plan to achieve these goals, you account for obstacles that may present themselves along the way.


DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Who I Am Now

❒ Have you provided a brief biographical statement explaining your educational and career experiences thus far?❒ Have you shared any personal characteristics (e.g., determination, flexibility) that you feel are relevant to your narrative?

2. My Goals

❒ Have you provided three long-term goals you wish to accomplish?❒ Have you connected those goals to either your academic or professional aspirations?

3. How I Will Get There

❒ Have you identified and explained at least two short-term steps for achieving each of your three goals?❒ Have you set target dates for each of these steps?❒ Have you addressed any obstacles you might face in pursuit of these goals? 


C. Requirements

The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

  • Composition must be 2-3 pages (approximately 500-750 words).
  • Double-space the composition and use one-inch margins.
  • Use a readable 12-point font.
  • All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Composition must be original and written for this assignment.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.
  • Include all of the assignment components in a single file.
    • Acceptable file formats include .doc, .docx, and .pdf.

Career | English homework help


Please write 1.5-2 page paper on why you want to be a Social Worker. 

This needs to be a professional paper… you will need to write in 3rd person.

APA format- Title page and reference page. ( This isnt included in the number of pages)

I don’t want to hear because,” I want to help people.”

The greeter at stores help people