Wi 550: operations management course project part c © strayer | JWI 550 Operations Management | Strayer University

JWI 550: Operations Management

Course Project Part C

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Six Sigma Project Charter(s)

Due: Sunday, Midnight of Week 7 (10% of course grade)


Six Sigma projects are powerful tools for achieving breakthrough improvements. Improvement projects utilize

the DMAIC methodology, while design or re-design projects use the DMADV methodology. Such projects

can be undertaken for large or small initiatives, but because they require a fair bit of work in planning and

engaging the team, are usually applied in situations where a significant change effort is likely to lead to an

outcome well in excess of the work put into the project.

In the first two parts of your Operations Management Course Project, you have: (A) mapped and analyzed the

value stream, and (B) organized Kaizen or Work-Out sessions to address improvement opportunities which

do not require rigorous data analysis. Now you are ready to move forward with one or more projects that

leverage the power of Six Sigma’s tools and rigorous data-driven analysis. A project charter is needed for

each proposed Six Sigma project. Project charters enable management to understand, evaluate and approve

projects for launch.


Use your work in Part A and Part B of your Course Project, and what you have learned so far in this course to

identify a potential Six Sigma project that can benefit the value stream and your organization.

1) Explain the Six Sigma project(s) that you would recommend to senior management, and justify your


2) Develop a detailed Project Charter for your recommended project. The project charter must include the


a. Problem statement

b. Goal statement or Objectives

c. Project Scope.

d. Critical-to-quality requirements or CTQs of the processes within the scope of this project

e. Key metric Y (or key metrics Ys)

f. Expected operational and financial benefits of the project

g. Milestone dates for each phase of DMAIC (or DMADV)

h. Project team (titles of project team leader and members)

i. Champion (title of executive or senior manager)

Submission Requirements

Your work is to be submitted in Word. Total length should be 3 – 4 pages. Since this is a charter, put some

thought into how best to present the material visually. At an absolute minimum, you should include clear

headers and sub-headers, but you may also want to call out certain elements, like timelines or key

milestones, etc. using graphics, tables or colors to make the charter visually appealing and easy to read

Discussion 11: more about how we compare art therapy with other

In what ways do you think poetry/bibliotherapy, drama therapy and play therapy relate to art therapy? Explain at least three similarities and one difference.

 Please post your original response and respond to one of your peers.

Required Readings:


International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. (2000). About IFBPT. Retrieved from http://ifbpt.org/about-ifbpt/about-us/

North American Drama Therapy Association. (2018). What is Drama Therapy? Retrieved from http://www.nadta.org/what-is-drama-therapy.html

Association for Play Therapy. (N.D.). Why Play Therapy? Retrieved from https://www.a4pt.org/page/WhyPlayTherapy 

Igw15 | Information Systems homework help


Chapter 15 – According to Crocker and Smallwood, cloud computing represents one of the most significant paradigms shifts in information technology (IT) history, due to an extension of sharing an application-hosting provider that has been around for many years, and was common in highly regulated vertical industries like banks and health care institutions.  The author’s knowledge from their research continue to assert that, the impetus behind cloud computing lies on the idea that it provides economies of scale by spreading costs across many client organizations and pooling computing resources while matching client computing needs to consumption in a flexible, real-time version. 

Q1: Even with this great news about the benefits of the cloud computing applications, the authors have warned the business user community regarding the dangers associated with cloud computing applications.  Please identify and name these grave dangers/risks that pose as concerns, and briefly support your discussion.

Discussion: decision matrix – business and technology due 12/5/19 by

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Literary analysis research paper | Nursing homework help

Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore.

That’s why we have developed 5 beneficial guarantees that will make your experience with our service enjoyable, easy, and safe.

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Chemistry assignment | Chemistry homework help

The idea that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is harmful represents one of the main reasons why the use of sunblock/sunscreen has been widely promoted.  In particular, ultraviolet (UV) rays are known to cause damage to the skin upon direct contact which can lead to various adverse effects such as: premature aging, sunspots, wrinkles, formation of benign and malignant melanomas, cancer, and possibly death. However, it is also known that direct sunlight (and more importantly, its contact with skin that has not been treated with any sunblock/sunscreen) is required for the synthesis of Vitamin D within the human body; which means that to some extent, there is an essential need to actually be exposed to direct sunlight each day.

  As this issue continues to be debated more and more, the question that mostly remains is whether or not UV rays from the sunlight are ultimately more beneficial or harmful to human beings throughout their lifespan. 

 To address this issue, you will be required to do the following:

  1.   Introduce, present, and discuss both perspectives critically based on valid research that exists. Choose a position on where you stand on this particular issue and provide supporting evidence of your claim by citing academic sources.

   2. Incorporate at least 1-2 graphical illustrations that highlight quantitative metrics (i.e. time, wavelengths, energy, frequency) associated with the dangers of UV rays making contact with human skin and at least 1-2 graphical illustrations that correlate with how UV rays are associated with synthesizing Vitamin D in the skin.  You MUST also discuss your graphs thoughtfully in terms of the variables assessed/presented, and also provide at least 2 math equations and 2 calculations based on the scientific data presented on this issue. (Note: The equations and calculations can either be based on the graphs you include or used to address, introduce, or prove a particular point.)

3.  Image – Select or draw an image that is properly referenced in your paper to show that you are able to relate your image to your contet. The selected image must help the reader understand the topic better.

4. Graph – You may plot a graph from a data table from your cited source or use a graph already drawn to show that you are able to interpret the data table or graph. From the graph, what generalization can be made?

5. Mathematical Equations/ Calculations- Use relevant mathematical formulas used in chemistry to calculate an unknown quantity in your paper such as molarity, charge, energy, calories, frequency, mass, slope, y-intercept etc. In doing so you will demonstrate an ability to reason quantitatively.Be sure to thoroughly discuss both sides of the issue and present your position. Presenting both sides of the issue before you state your position demonstrates that you have critically analyzed the data and made a well-informed decision.

6.Write your paper third person even as you write your position. Use proper grammar and punctuation.

7. Include in-text citations and cite sources on the last page. The  APA 6th edition guide has been provided below with examples to help you properly format your paper.

Native american history | American history homework help


Native Remains Essay:

While numerous remains and artifacts are housed in museums, universities, historical societies and private collections, who should these remains and artifacts, actually belong to?

Based on the readings in your text and the article “Who owns the past?” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/who-owns-the-past/, write an essay describing the issues and who you believe should own these remains and why.

This essay should be:

  • Between 4 – 5 pages in length
  • Double spaced and 12-point font
  • Turnitin.com will be used and the percent of the match should be below 20%.
  • References (on a separate page) and in-text citations

Assignment: analysis of development theories socw 6200

Competent social workers are able to construct a strong foundation upon which to build skills by understanding theories from a variety of disciplines. The disciplines of psychology, education, and sociology offer a number of development theories that can easily be applied to the practice of social work. For this Assignment, consider how a theory from another discipline may shed light on social work practice with children and adolescents.

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper in which you choose a theory of development from another discipline (refer to Erikson, Piaget, Freud etc.). In your analysis, be sure to address how the theory does or does not relate to social work practice. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Apa (7th edition), 1200 word paper (not including the title,


Business and Faith Integration Paper Assignment Instructions


-This assignment seeks to integrate the course concepts and integrate them with Biblical concepts. More specifically, you will write an essay describing how the Bible is related to Managerial Finance.

-One of the primary objectives of this paper is to provide managers, or those aspiring to that level, with the understanding required to manage the financial decision-making process effectively integrated in a biblical view. Understanding the operations of a firm or a specific capital project from a financial perspective is critical to being a well-rounded manager.


Below are the specifics requirements for this assignment:

· The essay must be at least 1,200 words and include a clear integration of the Bible in relation to:

Goals and Governance, Financial Markets and Analysis, Accounting and Finance, Measuring Corporate Performance, Time Value of Money, Valuation Factors such as bonds and stocks, Discount Cash-Flow Analysis, Project Analysis, Weighted-Average Cost of Capital, (Company Valuation, Risk, Return), Opportunity Cost of Capital,  Capital Budgeting, Company Cash Flow, Corporate Financing, Venture Capital, Debt Policy, Risk and Financing, Payout Policy, Working Capital Management, and Short-term & Long Term Financial Planning

· You must use at least 5 scholarly sources to substantiate your position (you may use the textbook as 1 source). 

· Sources must be cited in current APA format. (7th edition).

· Provide abstract, introduction, and conclusion

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Course Textbook: Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Marcus, A. J. (2020). Fundamentals of corporate finance(10th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Pad 501 week 9 discussion | PAD 501 | Strayer University


The proposal summary, also referred to as an executive summary, provides an overview of the full proposal and determines whether the funder will continue to read the full proposal. I like to think of the proposal summary as a trailer and preview of a movie.

Thinking about a proposal as a preview or trailer for the full grant proposal, select another grant proposal from the Examples of Successful Grant Proposals  (one you have not selected previously)( can not use  Kurzweil Educational Systems: ) and focus on the summary. 

For the first part of the discussion, provide a response to each of the six questions in Worksheet 10.1: Summary Questionnaire (found in Step 10 in your textbook) using the information found in the summary. Be sure to also identify the specific grant proposal you working from. 


Worksheet 10.1 Summary Question

1. What is the identity of the organization and what is the mission?

2. What is the proposed program or project (title, purpose, targeted population)?

3. Why is the proposed program or project important?

4. What will be accomplished by this program or project during the time period of the grant?

5. Why should the organization be the one to do the program or project (credibility statement)?

6. How much will the program or project cost during the grant time period? How much is being requested from the funder?

For the second part of the discussion, based on what you’ve learned from the textbook and after reading some examples of successful grant proposals, what is one piece of advice you give on writing the summary to someone who is writing their first grant?