Leadership development 2500 words | Management homework help

This is a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) assessment task that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills into practical situations. It is assessed through a real workplace context where feedback from industry is integral to students’ experience. This assessment is designed to lead you from critical analysis of your role model to reflect on how you can improve your own leadership qualities and effectiveness through three learning stages: a) Observation; b) Leadership Development Plan and c) Feedback.

The first stage is to select a person whom you consider to be a successful and effective leader. Then, through your observation or research, you will identify the person’s leadership traits, behaviours and qualities. The learning outcome of this stage is that you are challenged to apply the theories in this course with your research or observation.

For the second stage, you are asked to reflect on your own leadership, based on what you learnt from the research/observation of your role model, and consider how your own leadership qualities could be improved. At this stage, you are required to create a leadership development plan.

In the final stage, you must seek feedback on your plan from an established leader. This leader can be anyone you know who holds a leadership position in an organisation.

By going through these three stages, you should be able to critically analyse and evaluate leadership theories and practices and understand how to improve your own leadership effectiveness and qualities.

The author offers a key reason(s) why procedures should not be


From the chapter, we learned that the pattern of behavior arises from fundamental psychology and in particular, the following: a) our capacity for habitual behavior, b) the difference between intelligence as the manifestation of the coping mode of cognition and understanding as the manifestation of the pervasive optimization mode, and c) the phenomenon of authoritarianism as the need for external authority through a lack of understanding of one’s living environment.  On the same line of thought, Andringa (2015), stated that the combination of these phenomena leads to a formal definition – the Bureaucratic Dynamic – and this is where the prevalence of coercive formalization scales with what the author terms as “institutional ignorance” – a measure of how well workers understand the consequences of their own actions both within the organization as well as the wider society…

Q2: In conclusion, the author presents a view that most people may agree with – that “All human activities benefit from some form of formalization, and that formalization allows automating routine tasks, to agree on how to collaborate, determine when and how tasks should be executed, and when they are finished.” The author offers a key reason(s) why procedures should not be changed too often.  What are those reasons? Provide a brief explanation.

Case study cardiovascular alterations | Nursing homework help

Consider the following scenario:

A 16-year-old male presents for a sports participation examination. He has no significant medical history and no family history suggestive of risk for premature cardiac death. The patient is examined while sitting slightly recumbent on the exam table and the advanced practice nurse appreciates a grade II/VI systolic murmur heard loudest at the apex of the heart. Other physical findings are within normal limits, the patient denies any cardiovascular symptoms, and a neuromuscular examination is within normal limits. He is cleared with no activity restriction. Later in the season he collapses on the field and dies.

To Prepare  Consider how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient.                   

Patient factors: genetics

 Reflect on how the factor you selected might impact diagnosis and prescription of treatment for the patient in the scenario.

Post a description of how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient in the scenario. 

Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis and prescription of treatment for that patient.

Content analysis | Sociology homework help

1) Read sociologist Robin Williams’ American Values listand answer the questions: Do you agree with his list or not? Please be specific in your reasoning as to why his list does and/or does not resonate with you and your values. Finally, are there values in his list that contradict with any of the six characteristics of a democracy listed Which characteristics and how are they in conflict? Your essay must be 2-3 pages of content double spaced, 12 point-font, Times New Roman.

Please make sure that you construct and present your essay clearly. Your essay must contain the following components:

(a) Introduction: Introduce the major topic of the paper including some discussion of Williams’ list, and the overall purpose of the paper. Look to the rubric for more details.

(b) Claims and Supporting Evidence: In a couple of paragraphs, make sure you fully consider any contradictions you see (or the main ones) in Williams’ list with one or more of the six characteristics of a democracy.

(c) Analysis: Be sure to include an analysis of your own values in light of Williams’ and/or other values identified in the course readings so far, and analyze implications (e.g., as related to a real world phenomenon, for example)

(d) Summary/Conclusions: Clearly summarize your overarching conclusions.

Note: Please be sure you include an in-text citation for any sources you use for your paper using APA format, like this (Author, Year) and a Reference List. 

Sia3: real world market | Management homework help


As an aside – My personal belief is that concepts and theories are of little value to each us if we do not learn to apply them to the real world. For this reason, we will have applied activities as often as possible.  We are always learning together, myself included.  Please feel free to call or email me if you want to discuss further.

This SIA assignment requires you apply a concept or theory we have learned to a subject that is current in the ‘real’ world. The assigned topic for Application Assignment 2 is:  Sears OR JC Penney OR Kmart (select JUST one)

In Chapter 11, we examine and explore strategic change. 

Your assignment (read carefully): Read the following article: https://www.businessinsider.com/why-department-stores-sears-jcpenney-are-struggling-2018-10

Conduct research on organizations that have re-invented themselves (making strategic changes to remain competitive in a changing global business environment).  There are MANY examples available for study.  Remember, examples do not have to come from the same stores or even the same industry.  Using our textbook and your own research write at least two pages of analysis and discussion on key findings/elements of companies that have been successful in ‘reinventing’ themselves to remain competitive in a changing global market environment.  You must incorporate at least 5 quality sources. 

Next, based on your findings, prepare a minimum one-page recommendation for the board of directors of Sears, JCP, or Kmart to address the problem in the article in the link at the start of the assignment.  Include specific recommendations that that include the discussion and implementation plan for at least 3 new initiatives Sears/JCP/Kmart can pursue to reinvent themselves.  Put these together in one document for a MINIMUM three total pages of content (not including reference and title pages).  Please follow APA format guidelines. 

In other words, after writing an analysis evaluating what companies have successfully done to reinvent themselves (2+pages), you should be in a position to make recommendations for the Sears/JCP/Kmart board (1+pages). Act as if you are a consultant, hired to help the company progress. What advice or guidance would you offer them based on the information you ascertained during your analysis?

*Remember, this is your ability to show off what you have learned as well as your ability to apply it to a real world situation.

**Do not confuse this assignment with the change discussed on page 4 of Chapter 11 ~ this is different and should be based on the content of the article in the link above.

** Please link chapters to the assignment**

Assignm 3 | Management homework help


I have 3 assignments which need to be completed today by 12 hours from now.

assignment 1

For this assignment, you will create an original, informational, three-minute video. First, write out your script. This will act as the transcript for your video. To submit your three-minute video, be, and paste it into a Word document with the transcript of your video and a reference page containing any references used, then submit a transcript, and references may be compiled in a single Word document/submission.  Before you begin creating your video, read the following scenarios. You will choose one scenario to discuss in your video. 

Before you begin creating your video, read the following scenarios. You will choose one scenario to discuss in your video. Scenarios:

 Georgia has been a resident of an independent-living community for approximately 2 years. In recent weeks, staff members have noticed that Georgia has been missing the noon meal often and on one occasion, she left her front door open. Her physical health is good. She takes medication for blood pressure and moderate arthritis. Her family lives approximately an hour away, and Georgia usually has visitors at some point during the weekend. During the last visit, Georgia called her grandson Jack by his father’s name, David.  Andy is a 12-year-old child of older parents. While he has always performed well on multiple-choice exams, he has difficulty organizing his thoughts for written work. Oftentimes, he has trouble with his verbal delivery when teachers ask him to present information. Though he has friends through his church and junior baseball team, his ability to organize ideas and communicate effectively is beginning to impact Andy’s life: thus, his referral for your help. His parents report that Andy passed a pre-school physical examination with no medical issues noted.  Brody cannot be told what to do. This 15-year-old’s single mother has come to you for answers about what she terms as “above and beyond normal teenage disobedience.” School assessments demonstrate that Brody’s intellectual abilities are somewhat above average, but his grades suffer due to his tendency to become annoyed and pick arguments with his teacher and other school staff members. Brody’s mom indicates that he has no history of drug use and has only been in trouble within the academic setting, but she worries his argumentative nature will land him in greater difficulty as he continues through high school. Now that you have read and chosen one scenario, follow the information below to present in your video.  Introduce yourself as a case worker assigned to the scenario you have chosen. Introduce your client (from the scenario you chose), and describe some of his or her history and current situation. 

 Identify the disorder and the category of the disorder in the scenario you chose. 

 Elaborate about the severity of the situation, and classify some of the symptoms the client is experiencing. 

 Explain treatment protocols for the disorder based off the scenario you chose. What do you recommend to help this client?

Assignment 2

Case Analysis In light of your understanding of the civil and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process, consider the following scenario: Pete was seriously injured when the four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) he was driving through the trails behind his house rolled over. As a result of his injuries, Pete is unable to work and has incurred $75,000 in medical bills. Pete has filed a lawsuit against the ATV manufacturer to receive compensation for the financial harm resulting from his injuries. Pete claims that the manufacturer defectively designed the ATV, causing it to have a tendency to roll over on rough terrain.  The ATV manufacturer claims that the ATV is not defectively designed and that the rollover was caused by Pete driving at an excessive rate of speed around a corner. Consider the steps in civil litigation and ADR, and assess the factors that Pete and the ATV manufacturer will consider when deciding whether they should settle this lawsuit. If you were Pete’s lawyer, what resolution would you advise? Be sure to consider the primary forms of ADR and all ADR factors described in the lesson and textbook. Finally, research and select at least one case from an outside source to support your resolution to the ATV case. Your answer should be a minimum of 500 words. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from these sources. Use APA format to properly reference your information. 

assignment 3

Fair Treatment of Ethnicities The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has authorized The Solution Group, (the company you work for) to assess assimilation of recent transfers into the workplace environment in the newly opened IT division of Fig Technologies in Tyler, Texas. The Tyler IT division was aligned with its counterparts in Qatar and Germany. In an effort to assimilate the newly formed virtual teams, a contingent from each of the three offices went to the other offices for a two-month immersion. The purpose of the short-term exchange was to learn culture, process, and systems. Some hostilities have been reported in all three offices by team members as to difficulties with the visiting team members. The ELC wants more information. Your objective is to determine how to assess the assimilation progress of workers to different people and cultures. Is there acceptance? What are possible roadblocks and obstacles (e.g., language, common terminology, customs, and work ethics). As a consultant, how would you complete this assessment and report results? 

Your assignment instructions are as follows: 1. Introduce the composition of the three 10-member teams in each of the sites. You do not need names, though you should develop an ethnically diverse team of locals and visitors from the other respective worksites and national cultures. Explore the differences in culture, perspective, and experience of your team. Include whether the work culture in these countries is individualistic or collective. This section should be 200 words, approximately half of a page. 2. Develop a short assessment tool in order to measure assimilation. Tools may include one of the following: a survey (no more than 10 questions), an interview (no more than 10 questions), or natural observation (approximately half of a page, including a copy of the assessment tool questions). 3. Assessment and results: Develop a one and a half-page summary of your assessment results and how you determined these results based on the answers. The results must address the challenges of these three dynamic cultures and perspectives working together in a live, onsite, and remote environment. Also, identify the demographic data and cultures that make up the organization and how these relate to the U.S. population. Show how you will analyze and use this data in your assessment. 4. Present your three approaches for improving assimilation onsite. Support your approaches. This section should be approximately half of a page. Your completed homework assignment should be three to four pages in length, not counting your references page. No title page is required. The report will require you, as the hired consultant, to review briefly the cultures in play in this scenario. What would be challenges these teams might face? Work ethics, religions, systems, cognitive processes, and cultural dynamics are all factors. 

Important: The homework assignments in each unit will build upon each other to create the entire project. The assignments are deliberately general for you (the consultant) to have a little fun as well as possibly apply the homework assignment to a situation you face or are likely to face in your chosen career field. These assignments will also allow you to apply practical knowledge for continuous improvement in your field. You are required to use at least two outside sources for this assignment—one of which may be the textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. 

Criminal law | Criminal homework help


While a bunch of neighbors were finishing a late night dinner on the patio of a home, a man wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun visible to all leaped onto the patio and demanded money, threatening to shoot someone if his demand was denied.  The man took off his ski mask and took some chicken wings.  After eating a few of them he commented the food was very good. The neighbors offered him more food, and he put his gun in his belt.  He apologized and told them he had come to the wrong house.  The man left, stealing nothing and hurting no one. 

Did the person commit the crime of attempted robbery or robbery under the MPC?  Can he argue successfully that he abandoned his criminal activity before a crime was committed?

250 words

Assignment #2 – (course: physical security)


Discussion Question – Primary post due Wednesday by 11:55 pm EST

Use the information found at: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/safetech/chapter5.asp to research how determining possible physical threats may affect the choice of physical security countermeasures while planning new or updated security systems.

“APA Format”


Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the material.

Week 8 nr 531 | Nursing homework help


What specific knowledge of the healthcare environment and leadership skills that you gained through this experience will be most important as you take on your future nurse-executive role? Describe a concrete way in which you anticipate using these skills and knowledge.

How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide and evaluate your final MSN practicum project?

Please review the American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC) nurse executive competencies (refer to the Week 1 lesson) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) Nursing Administration Standards of Professional Performance (refer to the Week 7 required reading: Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins). Share how these will influence you as a nurse leader.

Write an essay of at least 500 words analyzing a subject you find in | information technology and cyber security


Write an essay of at least 500 words analyzing a subject you find in this article related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Use an example from the news.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles, place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations). Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions. These peer responses are not ‘attaboys’.   You should make your initial post by Thursday evening so your classmates have an opportunity to respond before Sunday.at midnight when all three posts are due. 

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. . I will not spend a lot of my time trying to decipher nonsense. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.  Please do not submit attachments unless requested