Article review | Psychology homework help

Select and read one of the following articles, located in the Topic 4 materials: 1.The Role of Faculty Mentors in the Research Training of Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students 

2.The Career Development of Mexican American Adolescent Women: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory  

Write a 500-750-word analysis of your selected article. Include the following in your analysis: 

1.What are the key differences between qualitative and quantitative research? 2.What are the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research designs? 3.What are the essential components that should be considered when applying qualitative methods to counseling outcomes?  Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Cyberlaw m7 discussion | Information Systems homework help

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Analyzing focus group findings | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University

Imagine that two focus groups have been conducted in an Asian American and immigrant community in a large urban city. The rationale of conducting the qualitative study was because it has been noted that many Asian Americans and immigrants are reluctant to seek mental health services. To further understand this issue, service providers including social workers, counselors, doctors, and nurses were recruited to discuss the barriers in implementing mental health services targeted to Asian Americans and immigrants. After the focus groups were transcribed, two research assistants were hired to conduct a content analysis of the transcripts. Refer to the Week 5 Handout: Content Analysis of Focus Groups.

As the social worker, you have been asked to analyze the focus group data and are charged with working with an advisory board in the community to formulate social work practice recommendations using the ecological model.

To prepare for this Assignment, review Week 5 Handout: Content Analysis of Focus Groups. 


Submit a 3-4-page report of the following:

1. Discuss the themes found in the Week 5 Handout: Content Analysis of Focus Groups. Based on this data, what is your analysis of the current barriers to services?

2. Create two social work recommendations to address a current barrier and explain how the recommendation proposed addresses the findings.

3. Discuss how you would collaborate with the research stakeholders (e.g. service providers and community members) to ensure that the data are interpreted accurately and that the practice recommendations made will be culturally appropriate. 

4. Critically reflect on your own culture and explain how your cultural values and beliefs may have influenced how you interpreted the focus group data. What specific cultural knowledge do you think you need to obtain to conduct culturally sensitive research with this group?

Support the assignment with references using assigned readings and/or additional scholarly literature.

Best answer | Education homework help

Dr. Mary Brown joined Capella as adjunct faculty, becoming a core faculty member in 2006 and a faculty chair in 2011. Over the following years, Brown managed the information assurance and security degree programs, during which time the university was awarded the Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense designation three times, as well as NSA/DHS designations, which were made possible largely due to her hard work and commitment to continually improve the courses in the information assurance and security offerings.

Dr. Robert C. Ford began working at Capella University in 1997; he served as dean of the School of Human Services (now part of the School of Counseling and Human Services) from 1999 to the time of his death in August 2001. Prior to the establishment of the School of Human Services, he served as chair of the human services program and guided its development.

Dr. Ford found great joy in exploring what he called the “oneness of the human race” with his students. He was a consummate academic, therapist, teacher, healer, and a practical man who lived his life congruent with his beliefs. Dr. Ford dedicated his professional life to researching cultural pluralism. He studied the concerns of ethnic minority students and strived to reach and educate as many human beings as he could in an effort to understand, teach, and live a diverse, educated, multicultural way of life.

Helene Krivosha was a founding member of the Capella University Board of Directors and served on the board from 1994 to 2004. She returned to the board in March 2005 in an emeritus role. Krivosha has extensive experience teaching in K-12 and Head Start programs. She has tutored dyslexic students at the University of Nebraska, Nebraska State Penitentiary, and privately. Krivosha has served on a number of municipal and statewide committees in Nebraska, including the Commission of the Status of Women, the Humanities Commission, and the Commission on Aging, where she was president. She has a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Nebraska.

Scott Sathers was a beloved and valued staff member of Capella University who died in the collapse of the I-35W bridge in August 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sathers worked diligently in enrollment services, helping many learners realize their goals of earning their degree. Passionate about learning, Sathers was a born motivator, a natural leader, and an accomplished golfer.

Loran Walker was an inspiring faculty leader at Capella University who passed away unexpectedly in November 2014. During his time at Capella, Walker continually demonstrated a strong commitment to improving the project management offerings across the School of Business and Technology and the School of Undergraduate Studies. In addition, Walker was dedicated to improving the experience of his learners and remained active in the broader community of project management professionals. He was a frequent speaker at both regional and national Project Management Institute meetings and conferences.

Passionate about teaching and learning, Walker worked to improve not only his teaching practice but also that of his peers. He was always the first to embrace new ways of engaging learners in Capella courses, always seeking to ensure that learners really understood and could apply project management concepts.

Answer two questions between 350-750 words for each answer.

All five honorees cared greatly about the success of Capella learners and most were heavily involved in bettering their communities and others. Dr. Ford in particular fulfilled this desire by helping others to help themselves. Describe how you plan to use your education to better your community or help others to help themselves, and how receiving this scholarship will help you in doing so? 

All of our honorees brought great personal and professional successes to their work environment. What would you consider one of your greatest professional successes? How did your success benefit your organization and its people?

Week 5 assigment: essay-ideal citizen in totalitarian government

Week 5 Assignment: Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 80
  • Submitting a file upload

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 6, 10
  • Lesson

Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

This activity will be graded based on the essay rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 1

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Week 5 Assignment: Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian GovernmentWeek 5 Assignment: Essay – Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian GovernmentCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActual case study of a country.20.0 ptsUses a historical or contemporary example of a totalitarian country16.0 ptsThere is a totalitarian country, but it is not real.12.0 ptsThere is a country, but it is not totalitarian.0.0 ptsThere is no country mentioned.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeControl by a totalitarian leader20.0 ptsDescribes the three ways, violence, propaganda, and scapegoating, that leaders use to keep control in the country.16.0 ptsOnly two of the tactics of totalitarian leaders are described.12.0 ptsOnly one of the tactics of totalitarian leaders are described.0.0 ptsHow a totalitarian leaders keeps control is not addressed.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitizens in the country.20.0 ptsStates and describes two ways of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Discusses voter apathy.16.0 ptsStates and describes one way of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Discusses voter apathy.12.0 ptsStates and describes one way of stopping a totalitarian regime by using political socialization, civil disobedience, resist propaganda. Does not discuss voter apathy.0.0 ptsDoes not address the concepts.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly resources10.0 ptsUses both the book and, at least, one outside scholarly source.8.0 ptsUses only the book or a scholarly source.6.0 ptsUses only a scholarly source and the source is not scholarly.0.0 ptsDoes not use the book or scholarly source.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA5.0 ptsAll sources are properly cited and referenced according to APA standards.4.0 ptsSources are either properly cited or referenced, missing one of those elements.3.0 ptsThe citation and/or reference are incorrect.0.0 ptsNo APA format was used.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting5.0 ptsPresents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).4.0 ptsPresents information using understandable language but is somewhat disorganized (some errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).3.0 ptsPresents information using understandable language but is very disorganized (many errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).0.0 ptsPresents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message (numerous errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and/or punctuation).5.0 pts

Individual research essay : an imaginary world in contemporary media | humanities | Florida State College at Jacksonville


For this assignment, each student will prepare an approximately 1500-2000 word document that summarizes and highlights features of an imaginary world found in contemporary media. This is a combination of description and evaluation that makes a case for this particular media object to be taken seriously as an imaginary world in the sense we have discussed in this class.

Some tips might be to use a kind of reverse-engineered Pitch Bible to tease out the components of this imaginary world, showing how they consistently bolster the narrative premise of the media property. I expect to see some critical evaluation of the imaginary world as well, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses as a backdrop for its media context (narrative entertainment, gameplay, etc.) and potential to generate more media in whatever manner.

Background Description (Explanation)
Evaluative Analysis & Interpretation (Comprehension)
Overall Coherence (Organization & Mechanics)
Research Support (Sources & Citation)

Week 5 discussion | nur4220 | Walden University


Discussion: Leadership Strategy

As a nurse, you serve an important role in identifying strategies to effectively manage health care resources and in leading health care quality improvement. You must be able to decide what leadership style or strategy to apply in a given situation to achieve an effective resolution of the issue. Read the following two scenarios and select one to focus on in this Discussion. Consider the leadership style or strategy that might be most effective in the scenario you selected.

Scenario 1

You work in a for-profit nursing home, with about 100 beds, on a 20-bed unit that is largely patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Your patient mix is predominantly Medicare and Medicaid patients. Your nursing home is part of a larger system that includes a major medical center, as well as VNA, outpatient dialysis, and a fully integrated network. Your nurse manager is getting feedback from the hospital that your nursing home is sending too many patients to the ED who really don’t need to go. How would you go about figuring out what could be done at the nursing home to prevent avoidable ED visits?

By Day 3

Select one of the scenarios, and post the following:

Describe the most appropriate leadership style and/or strategy to apply in the scenario you chose in order to implement the recommendations successfully. Justify your selection.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist)

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old). (Refer to AWE Checklist, Capstone)

Philosophy discussion reply | Applied Sciences homework help

Post a substantive response to one of the prompts below and be clear about which one you are referring to:

PROMPT #1: ARGUMENT PROMPT. Consider the following argument:

Validity is of no importance. An argument can have false premises and still be valid. In fact, it can have false premises and a false conclusion, yet still be valid. Therefore, there is no connection between truth and validity. Thus, validity is irrelevant to truth and therefore to philosophical inquiry.

How would you reply to this argument? Which statements of the argument are correct and which incorrect?

PROMPT #2: ZENO PROMPT. Zeno’s paradox reveals a mismatch between the way we think about the world and the way the world actually is. The challenge then becomes how to identify what precisely is wrong with our thinking. Motion is possible, of course, and a fast human runner can beat a tortoise in a race. The problem seems to have something to do with our conception of infinity. How would you solve Zeno’s problem? In your mind, is space continuous or discrete? Explain your answer.

And please also provide critical feedback to these two people’s posts.(I’ll post another later)

PERSON 1: (yingshan)


The correct statements are “an argument can have false premises and still be valid” and “it can have false premises and a false conclusion, yet still be valid.” The in correct statements are “validity is of no importance,” “there is no connection between truth and validity” and “validity is irrelevant to truth and therefore to philosophical inquiry.” 

In the lecture, professor uses the example of “women are tiger” to prove the above arguments. Moreover, there is no counterexample in the deductive argument when it is valid. However, one thing cannot happen is that the premises are all true, but the conclusion is false and the argument is deductively valid. On the contrary, a deductive argument is invalid if its preemies are all true but the conclusion is false. Also, even if the premises and the conclusion are all true, the argument may still be invalid, such as the example of “Alvin lives in California.” 

For the incorrect statement, truth is based on proposition; however, validity is based on the argument. The proposition is either true or false, and the deductive argument is either valid or invalid. In other words, if the conclusion follows from premises, the argument is valid. Logically, truth is the property of statements, such as premises and conclusions; however, validity is the property of the argument itself.

Validity is important in deductive arguments. The only way to judge whether the argument is soundness is whether the argument is valid and whether the premises are in fact true. If validity is of no importance in deductive arguments, we can never estimate whether a deductive argument is soundness.


Prompt #1

I do not agree with the statement that validity is of no importance. Validity can always be used no matter the situation you are in. Most of the time it can help your argument because it gives proof or enhances your argument.  I do agree that there can be false premises and false conclusions yet the argument still be valid because there can be many other reasons for it to be valid. However I do think there is a connection between truth and validity because they need to go hand in hand. Sometimes situations put you in places that do not seem to make sense or does not seem true but does it make it incorrect if it does happen. There are a bunch of situations that can unravel and sometimes things do not go as simple as true or false and valid or invalid. There are many variables that go into these arguments. Both validity and truth can increase the strength of your argument and even if they sometimes may not have a connection that does not mean it is irrelevant in all situations.

A substantive post is generally >180 words and introduces a new idea or is a meaningful response toanother person’s post. When responding to another person’s post, please either expand the thought, addadditional insights, or respectfully disagree and explain why.

Dance | History homework help

1. Explain why the dancer, choreographer and audience member are all equal partners in the event when talking about a live dance concert. What does each of the three bring to the production experience? Alternatively what can each of the three gain from the experience? Speak to the choreographers traits, the dancer’s training, and the audience’s member’s understanding and etiquette.

Identify major figures and events to highlight the development of court ballet, ballet d’action, romantic ballet, classical ballet, contemporary ballet, and neo-classical ballet. How is contemporary ballet similar and different from classical ballet? Specifically, what is the difference between contemporary ballet and modern dance?

Modern Dance evolved from the early 1900’s to a current dance form today. Define it’s beginning process, the major dance figure’s and their individual styles. Identify the mid-century evolution of modern dance including major dance figures, and what changes occurred. How is modern dance different today? What makes it so different from ballet? jazz dance? tap dance?

The social dances of the 1980’s reflected many important issues of the time and how they affected society. What were these dances? Where were they found? Among which groups were they popularized? How did these dances affect society at the time? Who were some of the major artists of this era and what influences did they exert? With the rise in the popularity of reality dance television today where is social dance headed?

What are the differences and similarities between World Dance/Ritual Dance and Folk Dance? How do they relate to specific cultures? What part do rituals play? What are the contemporary influences upon these dances? What are the positive/negative ramifications of these influences? What part does having an audience and/or participation play in the presentation of these dances?

What are the steps in the production process of a dance concert? What is the beginning point of the process? What other factors are important and who makes those decisions? Speak specifically regarding the choreographer, dancer, and the logistics/issues of the actual performing space.  

What is the current status of dance in the American student’s education? What is the feeling of dance educators towards the rights and privileges of students to a dance education? Speak to the similarities and differences in dance education in grades K-12 and higher education. What role does creative movement play in the public education system? Why is teaching a popular profession for the dancer? What are the most common types of dance teachers?

What is the historical development of jazz dance and tap dance through American history? How did they originate? Who were some of the influential artists in the development of jazz dance and tap dance and what was their significance? What were some of the famous musicals that helped signify the development of these dance forms? How would you define jazz dance and tap dance? What characteristics are similar and different regarding these two dance forms?  

Phenomenological research methods | Psychology homework help


Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) in which you discuss both the phenomenological research methods in psychology that emerged from the philosophies of Husserl and Heidegger and the theorists/psychologists who developed those methods. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A discussion of at least two phenomenological research methods that emerged from the phenomenological philosophy of Husserl. What were the central tenets of each method? What is known about the theorists/psychologists who developed each method?
  2. A discussion of at least two phenomenological research methods that emerged from the phenomenological philosophy of Heidegger. What were the central tenets of each method? What is known about the theorists/psychologists who developed each method?
  3. A contrast of the primary differences among the phenomenological research methods identified above. How does each method address approaches to data gathering, data analysis, and the role of the researcher?
  4. A research-based statement of and rationale for the method you believe allows the best understanding of human experience.