Deliverable 2 – nojax employee personality analysis



NoJax is finally ready for you to start in-depth evaluations of organizational behavior at the micro level. Start by viewing the NoJax Company Background document and cross referencing the employee profiles with the organizational structure provided. This will give you an idea of what managers are working together. Pay particular attention to the given personality trait scores, education, and experience for each manager. From there, start to form an opinion about how these managers will be working together, both positively and negatively. The section on policy will also provide some context on working conditions and employee interaction. Senior management would like you to write a report providing analysis of your observations.

Address the following in your report:

  • Taking into consideration industry, job, and organizational fit, explain which Big Five personality trait you believe is the most important for NoJax management to seek out during an interview process. Support your choice with observations from the case document.
  • Taking into consideration industry, job, and organizational fit, explain which Big Five personality trait you believe is the least important for NoJax management to seek out during an interview process. Support your choice with observations from the case document.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of a minimum of four of the management pairs working together utilizing personality scores and employee background information. For example, you might choose Design Manager Alice Bloom and Lifting Shoes Manager Anam Basra. For each pair, identify potential strengths of them working together and two potential weaknesses of them working together. This does require some hypothesizing based on employee personality traits scores and background information. Considering job tasks and job design helps here too.

36250 -2pages within 6hrs | Psychology homework help

36250 Topic: Discussion2

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 1

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Master

Category: Psychology

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: Attached 

I will upload the instructions

Disaster recovery 4 | Computer Science homework help

Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.

Only MS Word (.doc, .docx) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats are acceptable. Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement. Please see class syllabus for additional details

Leadership presentation (power point presentation) see below


At our residency, you will present your book review in a MS PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. 

You should include the following information:

  • The title, and a brief introduction to the major theme of this leadership book (similar to an      abstract)
  • Background information on the  author (s)
  • A description of the major  theme of the book
  • An explanation as to your interest in selecting this particular book for your leadership book review
  • Describe the main theories and principles (at least five) presented in the book.
  • How each of the theories and principals presented in the book directly relate to being a leader.
  • Show how the theories and  principals presented in the book relate to specific leadership standards.
  • Explain how each of the theories and principles presented in the book directly relate to your development as a leader.
  • Closing comments to summarize the theories and principals presented in the book.
  • Your critique of the book, as  to developing leaders
  • How could the information you gained through reviewing this book on leadership enhance your knowledge      base and development as a leader.
  • Why or why would you recommend this book to your fellow class members

Organization of the Presentation:

  • Concise in presentation
  • Sections are clearly identified
  • Include an Agenda slide
  • 10-12 slides
  • Approximately 15 minutes in length
  • No grammar, spelling, punctuation, or typing errors
  • You will submit a printed copy at the start of residency.

Please Read Text book PDF Attached

.1400 word min. at least 4 scholarly sources due 5/23


This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper using all the knowledge you

have gained in HIS 2100. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections

throughout the course (including Unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the

topics mentioned below. Use in text quotes and do not self plagiarize from the previous

weeks. If you need support on how to formulate your APA analysis paper, you may refer to

your APA template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS librarians. Please refer to your

Rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit

your paper for grading.

In our contemporary digital world, facts and data are everywhere. A study of our past is truly

valuable when we strive to gain, beyond rote facts, a deeper meaning from what has occurred

before our time in order to give understanding to the present. Considering the topics you

addressed in Units 1-4, along with topics from Unit 5 (economic challenges of the 1970s and

80s, the end of the Cold War, plans for democracy in the Middle East, and the “two Americas”),

analyze three topics in light of their value to our time.


Tips for Unit V and Closing Thoughts

Hello All,

We have reached the end of the race. I hope you have enjoyed the material. I have certainly enjoyed reading your insights and getting to know a number of you via texts, phone calls and emails.

As for Unit V Complete, I suggest reading your essay over before posting to ensure that you have “compared and contrasted” past and present with persistent themes in American history.  

Here are some topic tips.

Unit I calls for a discussion of Reconstruction, a period famous for both very hopeful examples of American ideals such as the14th and 15th Amendments as well as examples of America at its worst; the birth of the KKK comes to mind here, for example.  One theme of “compare and contrast” could be between the conditions and challenges faced by freedmen in the late 1860s with the conditions and challenges faced by many Americans of African descent today.

Another “compare and contrast” between Unit I themes and today would be the rise of labor unions.  Just recently, the workers at an Alabama Amazon location voted down the formation of a union.  Why?  How does their view differ with the views of many workers from the 1870s?

In Unit II we delved into the Progressive Era, a time of reforms to address social ills and capitalism’s excesses.  How do modern day progressive movements such as environmentalism or Black Lives Matter differ from earlier incarnations of American progressivism?  

In Unit III, we looked into the America First Committee and their desire for isolationism.  Here, the compare and contrast with contemporary American politics is obvious; the former president explicitly took on some of the same language as the first America First movement.

Unit III also focused on the Cold War. As most of you noted in your essays, that one came to an end in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. However, are we facing a new Cold War? Current relations between the United States and China are not good, and relations between the US and Russia are even worse.

Any of the five topics above would be a rich source of material to compare and contrast the American past with the American present.  Further, it is by no means an exhaustive list.  There are at least a dozen other topics we have touched upon that would be relevant.  Remember, however, that you need to focus on three. For the highest scores, make sure to bring in relevant historical context and support general points with specific facts along with your own analysis. 

It has been an honor to be your facilitator for US history, and I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

Apa fortmatting | EN111 | Herzing University–Atlanta



Develop: Understanding of APA Formatting Conventions

Evaluation Title: APA Formatting: You’re the Instructor 

Let’s imagine you are a college instructor! Congratulations! Now it’s time to get to work. 
Your students have submitted research papers in APA style. Using the Purdue OWL website (Links to an external site.), the APA Style website (Links to an external site.), and/or the Herzing library APA resources, identify at least 8 APA formatting errors in the student paper below.

Explain each error in a numbered list, using full sentences for each.

Setting the stage for success

You know from your many experiences that success generally does not just happen.  Motivation and determination are important factors.  Planning and following the plan are important activities.  Let’s talk about your thoughts on how you can be successful in this math class.  

This document provides more detail on what you need to plan for during this class: Time Management for Successful Learning

Please answer each of the questions in a separate paragraph.

1.       What are your expectations and what are your concerns?

2.        What initial time management plan will you try to implement (realizing that you may tinker with this as the class moves along.).

 3.    Are you an active learner? Explain

As an active learner, you

  • Respond to questions and comments from your faculty member.
  • Ask for clarification when you do not understand or need more information.
  • Participate regularly and fully in class discussion.
  • Try to apply your instructor’s suggestions in your later work.
  • Ask for help when you need it.  from Get Started – Undergraduate Students

4.  The answers to the following questions can be found in CONTENT >> Getting Started and CONTENT >> Syllabus and Course Home > Calendar.

a.  What is the email for your Instructor?

b.  What date is Problem Set 1 due?

c.  How many points can you earn for your work in the ALEKS objectives?

d.  What is the focus of week 5?

e.  When is the final exam?

Week 9 assignment | World history homework help

Assignment 2: Cultural Activity Report

Due Week 9 and worth 190 points

Write a 500-750 word essay that describes your experience and addresses the requirements below. 

Step 1: Watch parts 1 and 2 of this community theater presentation which is an adaptation of the show ‘Amadeus’.

Step 2: Identify the plot of the play and 3 characters.

Step 3: Choose 2 scenes from the play and for each scene you have selected:

  • Describe in detail what you see (background, props, scenery, etc.)
  • List and describe each character (describe their clothing, accessories, etc.)
  • List one line spoken by one of the characters and describe how the others in the scene react to what is said (facial expressions, body language, verbal response, etc.)

Step 4: Describe your overall reaction after viewing the play.

Step 5: Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer University Writing Standards. View the: Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS)

Principles of marketing | Applied Sciences homework help

For this activity, prepare a reflection paper, and consider the concepts that you have learned during your readings. Think about what you understand completely and what did not quite make sense. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the material you have read and to expand on it. This is not a summary. 

In the Unit I introduction to this course, Theodore Levitt’s remarks about the contrasting needs of the seller and the marketer were shared. Levitt described how satisfying the needs of the customer is now the pathway to marketing success. This concept and others related to the four Ps of product, price, promotion, and place were further explored throughout the units. For this reflection paper, respond to these three prompts: 

  • Reflect on how this introductory marketing course has changed your view of how the field of marketing works. 
  • What was the most surprising thing you learned? What do you need to learn more about? 
  • Do you see the rise of consumer power through evolving changes in technology? If so, how? If not, why not? 

Your reflection paper must be at least four pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines. If you use any paraphrased or quoted material, you must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement. 

Week 8 assignment | Human Resource Management homework help

1. The first four standards in HPT are RSVP – Results, Systematic approach, Value-added, Partnership. Compare software implementation processes with this approach. Identify opportunities that a performance practitioner practicing HPT will have to demonstrate their capabilities as compared to someone practicing standard software development life cycle approaches.   

  2. The last six of the HPT standards can be summarized in the acronym ADDIE – assess, design, develop, implement and evaluation. There are similarities here to SDLC, the software development lifecycle, as well. Compare the similarities and difference. Discuss advantages and disadvantages that an HPT practitioner might have when working on software implementation projects. 


3. Fantastik Lil’ Pancakes (FLP or Flippers), a popular pancake emporium, has hired you as their organization is considering upgrading their learning management enterprise system (LMS). Their objective is to move learning to a virtual environment, decrease course development and redesign time, improve participant satisfaction and instructor satisfaction, and ensure that learning transfers back to the job. They have asked you to put together a score for their current system so that they can compare implementation progress with the new one. Describe your approach to this assignment. What data will be needed and how will you organize it for easy reference?    Note: incorporate the following model into your response. This model is found in Chapter 8 of our textbook. 

 4.  While implementing their new LMS, Fantastik Lil’ Pancakes (FLP or Flippers), a pancake emporium, has also implemented social networking sites, text messaging, internal wikis and blogs. They want to use “native” content inside of their learning management system. You also have heard about several franchise owners who have created home-made videos to provide key training points via YouTube to their new employees. Describe risks and ethical issues for using this content “as is” in a community of practice format versus providing a validation process taking subject matter experts from other work (or delaying the use of the content significantly). What would you recommend?