Each student will write an 8-10 page paper on an organization of his

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2 part question | Operations Management homework help


Part 1

1. Which of the three issues Taylor pointed out created problems for the Tribune’s culture change do you most agree with?  Why?

2. What are the two major types of tensions that underpin the foundations of the CVF?

3. How can the CVF be used to bring about culture change in an organization?

Watch Hsieh- Zappos Corporate Culture

· Transcript Click for more options

Read Carr-Tribune Change

Read Taylor-Why Frat Boys Make Lousy Change Agents

Watch DeGraff- Competing Values Framework Intro 

· Transcript Click for more options

Part 2

Please limit your response to each question to three sentences. Conscise, thoughtful answers will score full points.

1.  According to Dan Pink there are three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction.  State each one and whether your personal experience supports the research.

2.  Briefly describe one take-away from this video that you may be able to use in your organization.

Watch Pink-Motivation

Here is the 

Pink- Motivation transcript Click for more options

I have also attached the question

Power point – law | Law homework help



The purpose of this project is to research, analyze and apply tort law. 

This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply law to facts and make recommendations.  The issues will relate to the concepts covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3 about the legal environment of business and business organizations.

You will also develop skills in developing a PowerPoint presentation, in writing a summary report and using critical thinking to write an in-depth comprehensive analysis.

Outcomes Met by Completing this Assignment:

· recommend appropriate actions in the business environment based on an understanding of sources of law, legal process and procedure, and available remedies

· analyze tort rights, obligations, liabilities, and remedies in the business environment

Background:  GC has two primary concerns about tort risks and liabilities.  These are (1) risks related to potential accidents occurring in their public business space to employees and/or customers, and (2) risks related to cleaning jobs,

GC will be headquartered in commercial space in a local shopping center. This space will include private business offices, a public reception area, a conference meeting area, and space to which potential and existing clients will be invited to discuss cleaning jobs, buy cleaning products, and complete contracts for cleaning jobs.  The business space will be open to the public.  The shopping center in which GC will be headquartered is busy and heavily trafficked with shoppers.

Of greater concern are risks arising from accidents and injuries to cleaner-employees and /or clients related to cleaning jobs.

At the direction of your supervisors at TLG, you are tasked to develop a plan to identify potential risks and liabilities and recommend ways to minimize potential tort risks in (1) GC’s public store operations, and (2) on cleaning jobs. 

GC owners will use the plan to refine policies and procedures to prevent and/or minimize liabilities for GC in its public facility and on cleaning jobs.


For this project,  write a plan to be presented in a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. 

There is no set number of slides but include a title page and a reference page. 

Please place all notes and explanations for EACH slide directly on slides in the PPT presentation – not in a separate document.  You likely will need more than one PPT slide for each point/idea/concept so that everything you want to say/include in the presentation will be contained in the PPT slides.

The plan focuses on potential tort liabilities (except do not discuss or include product liability in this project).

The Power Point presentation will:

1.  identify and describe several specific tort liabilities that GC could face in its public store facility operations;

A. develop and explain policies and/or procedures GC could implement to prevent or minimize each tort risk discussed in 1. above;

2.  identify and describe several specific tort liabilities that GC could face on cleaning jobs;

A. develop and explain policies and/or procedures GC could implement to prevent or minimize each tort risk discussed in 2. above;

You should use only assigned resources available in the classroom for the project.

Use in text citations, as needed.

Include a References List of cited resources

Label each part  of the Power Point as follows: 




Review the Plan

Thoroughly read the presentation to ensure all required elements are present.  Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.

Proofread for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.  

· Read the Power Points presentation aloud as a first measure;

· Use the spell and grammar check in Word;

· Have someone who has excellent English skills proof the presentation.






Stride variations please respond to both of the following questions:

Please respond to BOTH of the following questions:

75-150 Words

Question A

  • Compare and contrast the three STRIDE variants of (a) STRIDE-per-Element, (b) STRIDE per-Interaction, and (c) Desit.

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

Philosophy paper | Physiology homework help


Write an essay (no less than 800 words, no more than 1200) in response to the following prompt:

Both Plato a Descartes begin the process of philosophizing by worrying about the possibility of deception, and they concoct thought experiments in order to separate knowledge from mere belief and illusion. First, based on the essay we read by David Foster Wallace (This is Water”) or using Palmer’s discussions in chapter 1 and 2 tell me: why is this concern for certainty or stability a legitimate worry for the human-turned-philosopher? In other words, justify Plato’s and Descartes’ worry about the unexamined, everyday world. Second, tell me at least one significant way Plato’s and Descartes thought experiments are the same—what do they assume in common, what is their ‘rationalist’ core? And, tell me at least one significant way in which their projects differ. Third, tell me which you you think you would prefer as a method for beginning to think about the possibility of illusion or deception in your own the everyday world—escape from ‘the cave’ or purification of your ‘evil genius’? And why? Since you are already a philosopher by writing this paper, tell me: what is one practical step you could make toward that goal using this rationalist method in your current life?

Part 1: revised lesson plan

  • Part 1: Revised Lesson Plan

Working with your certified general education teacher, analyze data from the pre-assessment given to your identified small group as part of your Field Experience C assignment.

Revise the writing portion of your completed lesson plan from your Field Experience C assignment after determining how to use the data to develop further strategies or interventions to support learning needs.

Share your revised writing activity with your certified general education classroom teacher to discuss changes made based on pre-assessment data. With your small group, review the previous lesson’s reading comprehension and vocabulary concepts, and then teach the writing activity. Upon completion of the writing portion of the lesson, use the pre-assessment to post-assess students.

Part 2: Lesson Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon instructional choices, lesson delivery, as well as pre- and post- assessment data. Rationalize your instructional choices and identify successes of lesson plan delivery as well as areas of potential growth.

In addition, reflect on pre-assessment and your checks for understanding to determine improvement of content based on delivery of instruction. Identify results and changes you hope to make for future assessments. Be sure to explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Submit your revised lesson plan and reflection as one deliverable.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Homework for $30 this was one of the homework I needed too, if you can kindly have its finish by Monday sorry for the confusion. 

For this benchmark, you will use the following case scenario to develop a research-based early reading comprehension plan for the student. Your plan will consist of learning activities that facilitate vocabulary development and reading comprehension. 

Case Scenario: 

Seven-year-old Alfonso has two months left in his first grade year. He is active and outgoing, has many friends, and loves to play soccer. Science is his favorite subject. He enjoys learning anything related to space and sloths. He is very curious and particularly likes hands-on academic activities that use manipulatives.

Alfonso enjoys reading and writing, but struggles. During literacy class instruction, Alfonso is able to sound out words well, but struggles with word meanings and finding connections among words in various grade appropriate texts. Alfonso also struggles with reading comprehension and has a particularly hard time making connections between what he reads and what he already knows. He often brings up irrelevant information when trying to make these connections.

Alfonso’s teacher, Ms. Seymour, wants to utilize specific strategies for Alfonso to ensure he masters the vocabulary and comprehension skills that are expected before the end of the year.

Part 1: Vocabulary Development

Select a children’s story to teach from (e.g., “The Three Little Pigs”) that could be used to develop Alfonso’s vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

Based on the story that you have chosen, devise a learning activity aligned with a curricular/academic goal for Alfonso that focuses on vocabulary development.

Utilize at least two research-based strategies to address your curricular/academic goal. Choose strategies that incorporate reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills. Provide opportunities for Alfonso to apply these skills to different situations, materials, and ideas.

In a 150-250 word description, include the following:

The aligned curricular/academic goal (standards).

A brief explanation regarding how the learning activity would be carried out.

An explanation regarding the research-based strategies you would use to enable Alfonso to apply reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills to different situations, materials, and ideas.

Part 2: Reading Comprehension

Based on the story that you have chosen, devise a learning activity aligned with a curricular/academic goal for Alfonso that focuses on reading comprehension.

Utilize at least two research-based strategies to address the aligned curricular/academic goal. Choose strategies that utilize verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to facilitate active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction between Alfonso and his classmates. In a 150-250 word description, include the following:

The aligned curricular/academic goal (Standards);

A brief explanation regarding how your activity would be carried out; and

An explanation regarding the techniques and research-based strategies you would use to facilitate active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction.

Part 3: Rationale

Provide a 250-500 word rationale of your reading comprehension plan that shows alignment between your curricular/academic goals, activities, and research-based strategies. How do these strategies or activities address Alfonso’s specific learning needs? How could these strategies for vocabulary development and reading comprehension be utilized across the curriculum? Provide examples.

Include at least three sources from your reading to support your position.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Why should i write an annotated bibliography-midterm paper


 Summarize: Some annotations merely summarize the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say? The length of your annotations will determine how detailed your summary is.

• Assess: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? How is this source useful to the paper that I am creating?

• Reflect: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

• Relevance: For the annotated Bibliography , you are not being asked to include ALL the articles you will use in your final paper. Rather, you asked to select KEY literature that is central and essential to your position, literature review or theoretical paper. 

This assignment is listed on the syllabus as “Mid-term research paper” and is worth 15% of your grade. Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Choose a “theme” (i.e. ERM in higher education, manufacturing., etc.), and make sure that all your resources relate to your theme. 

You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least seven (7) resources, ALL of which must:
1) Be current. Published within the last few years.
2) Be peer-reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out. 

Hcm 337 db2 | HCM337 Current Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Healthcare | Colorado Technical University

400-600 words, APA 6, in-text citation, Cite at least two (2) scholarly online references published within the last 5 years. 

Select 2 of these and discuss why they are important for building effective provider/patient relationships and maintaining a standard of care.  Are there other guidelines you would add to this list?  Use examples based on your experiences. 

Assignment Description 

The following guidelines for healthcare practitioners are helpful for staying within the scope of practice while operating within the law and policy of any healthcare facility. 

  • Practice within the scope of your training and capabilities. 
  • Use the professional title commensurate with your education and experience. 
  • Maintain confidentiality 
  • Prepare and maintain health records. 
  • Document accurately 
  • Use appropriate legal and ethical guidelines when releasing information. 
  • Follow an employer’s established policies dealing with the health care contract. 
  • Follow legal guidelines and maintain awareness of health care legislation and regulations. 
  • Maintain and dispose of regulated substances in compliance with government guidelines. 
  • Follow established risk management and safety procedures. 
  • Meet the requirements for professional credentialing. 
  • Help develop and maintain personnel, policy, and procedure manuals. 

Select 2 of these and discuss why they are important for building effective provider/patient relationships and maintaining a standard of care.  Are there other guidelines you would add to this list?  Use examples based on your experiences. 

Case study: auction and dynamic pricing

Case Study: Auctions and Dynamic Pricing


There are many types of auctions, each with strengths and weaknesses at uncovering the real price or value of an item. Auctions are widely used in finance, e-commerce, and e-games. They are also widely used to generate revenue for not-for-profit organizations. 

The following video describes auctions as price discovery mechanisms:

Use the video on auctions and at least three academic or high-quality business publications (see acceptable types below) to compare and contrast English auctions and Dutch auctions, and sealed-bid first-price auctions and Vickery auctions.


Address the following questions in 5–7 pages:

  1. Compare and contrast how each of the following uncovers value: 
    • English and Dutch auctions.
    • Sealed-bid first-price auctions and Vickery auctions.
  2. Compare and contrast surge pricing and congestion pricing. Give an example of each currently in use.
  3. Identify three examples of auctions used in finance, e-commerce, and/or e-games. Explain the following in-depth: 
    • The need for an auction to uncover value in the product or service.
    • How the type of auction used to uncover the value of the product or service is better at uncovering value than other types of auctions.
  4. What are the advantages or disadvantages of auctions as revenue generators for not-for-profit organizations?
  5. Suggest ways in which a for-profit company, such as the company for which you work or a company for which you aspire to work, can use auctions or dynamic pricing to better uncover value and increase revenue.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Acceptable Types of Publications

A high-quality, professional business publication is one that is primarily directed at reporting or analyzing the workings of the business. Examples are the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Reuters. Avoid general news publications such as USA Today, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. Other articles and resources can be found at the Strayer Library.

Please do not rely on Wikipedia, Investopedia, or similar websites as references at any time in this course.

Wk4 dq – advanced statistical concepts and business analytics


Please answer each of the following questions in detail and provide examples for better clarity wherever applicable. Provide in-text citations.

  1. Please define each of the following terms and provide a hypothetical example for each: hypothesis testing, null and alternative hypothesis, non-directional and directional hypothesis, type I error in testing hypothesis, type II error in testing hypothesis, probability of type I error (ɑ), probability of type II error (ß), power of the test and its significance, the critical value(s) in a test, p value (significance level).
  2. What are the possible outcomes in testing a hypothesis? What are the determinant factors in deciding the critical value(s) in testing a hypothesis?
  3. When the z-statistic is appropriate to be used in testing a hypothesis? When the t-statistic is appropriate to be used in testing a hypothesis? What is the criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis for both non-directional and directional tests? How do you find the p-value in each case?


1. Need to have at least 1 peer-reviewed article as the reference and textbook as the reference

2. Need in-text citation

3. Please find the attachments as the power points of the course for reference.

4. Textbook Information:

Bowerman, B., Drougas, A. M., Duckworth, A. G., Hummel, R. M. Moniger, K. B., & Schur, P. J.  (2019). Business statistics and analytics in practice (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill

ISBN 9781260187496

5. Please find the Course Learning Outcome list of this course in the attachment

6. Need to explain in detail and provide examples