Pad 525 assignment 3 (no plagiarism)

Assignment 3: Constitutional Rights

 Research, review and analyze Korb v. Raytheon, 707 F.Supp. 63 (D.Mass. 1989). Based on your research and the case, write a 5-6 page paper in which you:

1.Analyze and evaluate each case independently by providing the following (about two paragraphs per case):

•Facts of the case



2.Analyze and explain the challenges with freedom of speech.

3.Analyze and explain any challenges with freedom of information.

4.Analyze and explain any challenges with employment law.

5.Analyze and discuss the public perceptions of Raytheon and its influence with the Department of Defense.

6.Analyze and discuss any fraud or misrepresentation on either side of the case.

7.Provide at least four (4) additional court cases that support your analysis.

Your assignment must:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Recommend how the legal system addresses critical issues faced by public officials to include freedom of the press, funding of government contracts, separation of church and state, public ethics law, hiring lawyers, and handling civil litigation.

•Evaluate legal subjects relevant to public administration to include property, government contracts, employment, and torts.

•Relate the administrative process, constitutional and statutory requirements, to the scope of judicial review of administrative agency decisions.

•Assess legal decisions related to the administration of public goods.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in constitution and administrative law.

•Write clearly and concisely about issues in constitution and administrative law using proper writing mechanics.

Role of health care reform in shifting the focus from a

What is the role of health care reform in shifting the focus from a disease-oriented health care system toward one of wellness and prevention, and how does nursing fit into this shift?

Trying to find a way to defray health care costs, it was decided that it is much less expensive to prevent disease than to attempt to “fix” it after an illness occurs. The cost is much less, not only in terms of money, but in terms of human suffering. People live in communities, not health care systems. Finding ways to reach people so they live a healthy life that supports wellness remains a challenge. Cultural variation and beliefs have a profound impact.  You will have to reach deeply into your past course of Health Promotion to answer this question. How do we need to live in order to stay well? This is a very important question in relation to the current changes in relation to healthcare. Please think beyond diet, exercise and taking meds. They are important too, but true health promotion goes far beyond that limited focus.

Iasb & fasb | Accounting homework help

Explore the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Web sites, and complete the following: 

•Explain what the IASB/FASB roadmap for convergence to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was set up to accomplish. 

•Describe at least 1 project that is being explored with regard to the roadmap, and provide details about the objective and status of the project at this time.

Review the project summary for the conceptual framework project, and respond to the following: 

•What do you view as the key differences in this project? 

•Provide your opinion on whether you believe that a single set of standards should be the goal of a global economy. 

•What do you see as the benefits and barriers to the process? 

Badm 634 investing in new ventures midterm (covers materials from


MIDTERM (Covers materials from chapter 1 through 6)

QUESTION 1. Discuss the background of founding the first Venture capital company in USA. How much

was the rate of return for the first year?

Question 2. What is Venture Capital? What do Venture Capitalists do?

Question 3. Suppose that a $200M VC fund has a management fee of 2.5 percent per year for the first

five years, with a reduction of 0.25 percent (25 basis points) in each year thereafter. All fees are paid on

committed capital, and the fund has a ten-year life. What are the lifetime fees and investment capital for

this fund?

Question 4. (This is a little bit tricky.) Suppose that a $1000M VC fund has fees of 2.0 percent per year in

all years, with these fees paid on committed capital in the first five years and on net invested capital for

years 6 through 10. You can assume the fund is fully invested by the beginning of year 6, and then

realizes 20 percent of its investment capital in each of the following five years. What are the lifetime fees

and investment capital for this fund? (Make assumptions for any information that you think is still

missing from the problem.)

Question 5. True, False, or Uncertain:

5.a) Private equity is a substitute for public equity (i.e., if a country has a relatively active public-

equity market, then private-equity activity will be relatively low). Please attach any work in

support of your reasoning.


5.b) True, False, or Uncertain: Countries with common-law based legal systems have relatively

weak protections against investor expropriation. Please attach any work in support of your


Question 6. What is CAPM? What is ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’ in CAPM?

Question. You are considering an investment decision where you need to investment today (Year

zero = Y 0 ) $2m and over next five years, your expected cash flow is as follows:

Y 1 = $591000

Y 1 = 691000

Y 1 = 791000

Y 1 = 491000

Y 1 = 391000

Your friend offered you a guaranteed rate of return as 15%, so use this rate as the discount rate

when calculating NPV of this project. Will you invest in the project? What is the IRR of the


Am unit v case study

Unit V Case Study

Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company.

Select one of the three case studies listed below, which can be found in your textbook. Evaluate the case of your choice, and respond to each of the questions below using both theory and practical managerial thinking as well as supporting research.

Option 1: Proctor & Gamble (pp. 332–333)

1. Using segmentation strategies, what are the target market(s) for P&G? How does this relate to the company’s brand management strategies?

2. Who are the top three competitors of P&G, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies?

3. P&G’s impressive portfolio includes some of the strongest brand names in the world. What are some of the challenges associated with being the market leader in so many different categories?

4. With social media becoming increasingly important and with fewer people watching traditional commercials on television, what does P&G need to do to maintain its strong brand images?

5. What risks will P&G face in the future?

Option 2: Caterpillar (pp. 394–395)

1. Using segmentation strategies, what are the target market(s) for Caterpillar? How does this relate to their brand management strategies?

2. Who are the top three competitors of Caterpillar, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies?

3. What were some of the key steps that made Caterpillar the industry leader in earth-moving machinery? Explain how Caterpillar’s products differ from competitors.

4. Discuss Caterpillar’s future. What should it do next with its product line? Where is the future growth for this company?

Option 3: The Ritz-Carlton (pp. 424–425)

1. Using segmentation strategies, what are the target market(s) for The Ritz-Carlton? How does this relate to their brand management strategies?

2. Who are the top three competitors of The Ritz-Carlton, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their competitive product/service strategies.

3. How does The Ritz-Carlton match up to competing hotels? What are its key differences?

4. Discuss the importance of the “wow stories” in maintaining top quality customer service for a luxury hotel like The


In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages). You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.


Watch the following video (from 16:14 to 24:12): trost, a. (2015,

 Watch the following video (from 16:14 to 24:12): 

Trost, A. (2015, November 4). The future is agile [Video file]. Retrieved from

To view a transcript of the video above, click here

After watching the video, answer the following question: Do you agree with Dr. Trost’s statement that agile human resources (HR) only works if performance management is “killed”? Explain why you agree or disagree.  

Eng 103 memo | ENGL 103 | Liberty University


Persuasive Message

For this assignment, choose one of the following from “Foster Care & Adoption”: a reference book, textbook, or periodical. The book or periodical must be one that would be useful to someone working in your desired profession.

Now assume that you are an employee of an organization that would benefit by having this book or periodical made readily available to the public. Write a one-page memo to your supervisor recommending the purchase, and be sure to cite your reference (author, title, edition, publisher, etc., following current APA format). Consider the following criteria:

1. Relevance of source material’s information to that job

2. Reading level of source material with respect to potential readers

3. Cost of book or periodical compared with its value

4. Probable usage

5. Unique or helpful features of the book or periodical (such as articles, bibliographies, or special sections)

Please the attached files for the Grading Rubric. 

Ap literature “the professor” chapter note taking

Complete each note taking CHAPTER for “Professor”. You may need to use more than one page template provided in the attachment for note taking depending on the the length of notes. For note taking for each chapter, include key moments of nuance and key details of the chapter. All notes must be bulleted. 

For the questions for each chapter (provided in the second attachment), please answer all questions regarding “Professor”. Please apply the key parts of each Professor chapter to the book “Frankenstein” (if possible). Note that when a chapter question only has you focus on Frankenstein, regarding another text is not necessary. Answers MUST be in the form of a developed paragraph. Chapter Note Templates, Questions, and Professor Book is in the attachment below.

Essay exam | Psychology homework help

The Final Essay Examination will cover the material we have studied in Modules 5 – 8. You will need to choose four of the six essay questions to answer. Each question requires a three to five paragraph (250 – 500 word) response, using the correct vocabulary related to the topic. Your answers need to be supported with information from the textbook or other appropriate sources such as peer-reviewed (professional) journal articles. Do NOT use wikipedia or other encyclopedias, dictionaries or online sources such as Be sure to us APA style citations to show where sources were used in your response. For sources other than the textbook, please list them as references at the end in APA format. For maximum points, make sure your work is written using your own words.

For your final exam submission, please respond to four of the following questions:

  1. You are the commissioner of a state lottery system that sponsors daily and weekly drawings. Lottery tickets have not been selling well over the past few months. Describe at least two ways you could take advantage of people’s use of the availability heuristic to boost sales. Explain why you would judge your tactics to be fair or unfair to your customers.
  2. Imagine you have a friend who just last month adopted a set of siblings, a thirteen-month-old and a four-year-old, from an orphanage in a developing country. The orphanage was not a stimulating environment and the four-year-old can only speak a few words in her native language. The thirteen-month-olddoes not seem to speak words in either her native language or in English. Both children appear physically healthy and have started to adjust quite well, emotionally, but your friend is concerned about their language development. Discuss whether their language development is typical of children their age and theextent to which each child can be expected to learn English fairlywell in the next couple of years.
  3. Latisha’s history teacher asked her why so many German people complied with Hitler’s orders to systematically slaughter millions of innocent Jews and others. Latisha suggested that the atrocities were committed because the Germans had become unusually cruel, sadistic people with abnormal twisted personalities. Use your knowledge of the fundamental attribution error to highlight the weaknesses of Latisha’s reasoning and then propose an alternative explanation.
  4. Abraham Maslow suggested that “a person who is lacking food, love, and self-esteem would most likely hunger for food more strongly than anything else.” Conversely, the novelist Dostoyevski wrote, “without a firm idea of himself and the purpose of his life, man cannot live even if surrounded with bread.” What evidence from the field of psychology might support each statement.
  5. Andy, a high school sophomore, lacks self-discipline, fails to plan ahead, and is excessively anxious. He is quickly frustrated by challenging tasks and frequently becomes overly critical of others. Use the psychoanalytic, humanistic, and social-cognitive perspectives to give three contrasting explanations of Andy’s behavior.
  6. Geraldo, a second-year college student, is so fearful of medical procedures that he has avoided routine dental checkups for over three years. He has recently decided to seek help in overcoming his fear. Compare and contrast (what are the similarities and differences) the methods that would be used by (a) a behavior therapist and (b) a psychoanalytic therapist.

U.s. federal bureaucracy and public policy worksheet


Part 1 Matrix:

Complete each section of the matrix below. Include APA citations for all borrowed ideas, facts, or definitions.



What does this term mean?

How or why is this term important with respect to the U.S. Federal   Bureaucracy and the public policy process?


Civil Service


The “Spoils System”


The “Merit System”


The Hatch Act


Administrative Discretion


Policy Implementation


Oversight Controls


Interest Groups


Economic Policy


The “New Deal”


The “Great Society”


Social Policy


Foreign and Defense Policy

Part 2 Essay:

Write a 525- to 700-word response below that responds to the following question: 

How does the U.S. Federal bureaucracy influence, operate, and function with respect to implementing economic, social, and foreign policy?

Include APA citations for all borrowed ideas, facts, or definitions.