4vpages due wednesday | Education homework help

 Instructions: Read the case study to inform the assignment that follows.

Case Study: Gabriella

Grade:  4th

Age:  9

Gabriella is a fourth grade student with a language disorder and mild intellectual delays.  She is nine years old and spends a large portion of her day in self-contained settings. She receives speech and language services from a speech pathologist for a minimum of 40 minutes three days a week. The rest of the time, her language needs are supported by the special education teacher. She does attend a general education fourth grade classroom daily for 90 minutes for language arts instruction. An instructional assistant accompanies Gabriella to class. Gabriella’s oral expression skills are in the low to average range. She struggles with figurative speech, sarcasm, and multiple meanings of words. Her speech is literal and she usually has poor decoding and reading comprehension skills. Her reading level is at a low first grade level, reading simple stories with a Lexile level of 300-450. Her favorite books are the Frog and Toad  books by Arnold Lobel. She is writing simple sentences with a subject and a predicate, but relies on picture cues and rewriting strategies to plan her sentences.

Gabriella attends the fourth grade Language Arts class for exposure to more appropriate grade level content. She requires frequent breaks and one-on-one support from an assistant when participating in the general education setting. The special education teacher and assistant work with the general education teacher to modify the assignments in class.

Gabriella is exempt from the district course assessment at this time, and her grade is based on participation, reduced and modified assignments, and an alternative individual project instead of a final exam.  When working in groups, Gabriella will participate by making choices, with visual cues prompted by the assistant. Gabriella has been integrated into language arts instruction since the second grade. Students enjoy having her in class and are helpful.  She also attends art, music, PE, recess, and lunch with the same fourth grade class.


Part 1: Goal Writing

Write a measureable IEP goal for Gabriella that includes the use of augmentative and alternative communication systems, and assistive technology in the classroom to facilitate communication with peers and aid in comprehension of content.

Part 2: Mini Unit

Utilizing the COE Lesson Plan Template, compose a mini-unit of three formal ELA lesson plans that build upon the following:

Current Instruction and Content in the Fourth Grade Classroom:
•Currently, students are reading about the Underground Railroad.
•Current instruction must be aligned to Common Core Standards:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.1-RI.4.6
•Completed lesson activity and learning target includes students working individually to complete a graphic organizer to identify the setting, main idea, and key details.
•For each lesson plan, differentiate activities for Gabriella that address Gabriella’s measureable IEP goal and include assistive technologies. In addition, for each lesson plan, create a pre- and post-assessment, using a low or high tech based accommodation, to evaluate whether Gabriella’s measurable IEP goal are met.

Part 3: Rationale

Provide a 250-500-word rationale that supports your instructional choices for Gabriella’s IEP goal, the differentiated activities in the mini-unit, and the alignment between the two. Support your rationale with 2-3 scholarly resources on best practices regarding semantics disorders and the use of assistive technology.
 Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Number of Pages: 4 Pages 

mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies

Assignment listed below, APA format must include resources

Unit II Essay 

Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. As a part of that discussion, we analyzed mission and vision statements for their effectiveness. For the Unit II Essay, you will expand on this topic. 

Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies. 

Within your essay, include the following: 

  •   Explain the principle value of two vision statements.
  •   Explain the principle value of two mission statements.
  •   Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
  •   Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
  •   Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do
    mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy?
  •   Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or
    Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 words, not including the title and reference pages. You must also include an outside source from the CSU Online Library to support your explanations. Follow APA standards for formatting and referencing.

Law discussion help – must be in bluebook format

Need 300 word with 3 scholarly references.  See the following topic:


In reading the first 3 chapters of the textbook, you’ve had a chance to learn a lot about how and when contracts are created. However, for as much as you learned how and when contracts are created, you have not had to think much about a bigger question: why are contracts created? One legal scholar, Professor C. Scott Pryor, has endeavored to describe a biblical worldview approach to evaluating an important contract law doctrine you’ve just learned about, the doctrine of consideration as a basis for enforcing contracts.

The first section of his article, which you were assigned this week, discusses the “preliminary groundwork” necessary for answering 2 questions:

  1. What purpose does consideration serve?
  2. What are the proper limits on the doctrine of consideration?

Professor Pryor’s preliminary groundwork takes the form of 3 doctrines and 3 perspectives for answering those questions.

Each of the 3 perspectives suggests why promises should be enforced and some limits to when they should be enforced. Provide a summary of all 3 of the assigned portions of the Article’s perspectives. After your summary, choose 1 of those 3 perspectives and discuss why that perspective might provide an appropriate limit on the courts’ power to enforce some contracts. Last, at the end of your discussion, write a short hypothetical fact pattern that you have created where consideration exists between 2 parties, but the perspective you choose suggests that courts should not enforce the contract.

Social science | Education homework help

 You will examine the history of social sciences. For your initial post, reflect on the timelines of the social sciences provided. What event or perspective presented in these timelines is most interesting to you and why? How does this event or perspective change how we study individuals, groups, or cultures?  

Humanities | Education homework help


Humanities Test-Out 01 – What are the Humanities?

Identify key traditions and ideas influencing our culture.

For this assessment task, you will be required to outline how the study of Humanities enables us to learn more about how traditions and ideas influence culture. In modern times, the Humanities has come to encompass a large variety of topics, all of which reference back to culture in various aspects. The study of the Humanities is essentially a study of what makes us human. While broad in scope, its focus on critical thinking, analyzing, and the ability to reflect on one’s place in the larger narrative of humankind.

Please watch the video below (00:00 – 02:33) as a refresher on this deliverable’s content. The video will not tell you everything you need to know to pass this test-out, but it should serve as a refresher.


Debate – personal bankruptcy | Law homework help


This is a one page writing, double space.

I need a debate on my colleague’s work. Your position needs  to be backed up by the united states law. Your debate needs to be cited. I will provide the book chapter…  

Work from my classmate is bellow…..

 Personal Bankruptcy 

Three months ago, Janet Hart’s husband of twenty years died of cancer. Although he had medical insurance, he left Janet with outstanding medical bills of more than $50,000. Janet has worked at the local library for the past ten years, earning $1,500 per month. Since her husband’s death, Janet also has received $1,500 in Social Security benefits and $1,100 in life insurance proceeds every month, giving her a monthly income of $4,100. After she pays the mortgage payment of $1,500 and the amounts due on other debts each month, Janet barely has enough left over to buy groceries for her family (she has two teenage daughters at home). She decides to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, hoping for a fresh start. Using the information provided in the chapter, answer the following questions.

  1. Under the Bankruptcy Code after the reform act, what must Janet do before filing a petition for relief under Chapter 7?
  2. How much time does Janet have after filing the bankruptcy petition to submit the required sched-ules? What happens if Janet does not meet the deadline?
  3. Assume that Janet files a petition under Chapter 7. Further assume that the median family income in the state in which Janet lives is $49,300. What steps would a court take to determine whether Janet’s petition is presumed to be substantial abuse under the means test?
  4. Suppose the court determines that no presumption of substantial abuse applies in Janet’s case. Nevertheless, the court finds that Janet does have the ability to pay at least a portion of the medical bills out of her disposable income. What would the court likely order in that situation?

Debate This:
Rather than being allowed to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy petitions, individuals and couples should always be forced to make an effort to pay off their debts through Chapter 13


Q1: Before filing a bankruptcy petition, the Bankruptcy Code after the reform act requires that Janet ensure that she has a certificate from an approved credit counseling agency, confirming her attendance of individual counseling sessions on finances six months before filing the petition (DeNicola).

Q2: Janet has a deadline of 45 days after filing for bankruptcy to present schedules to the bankruptcy court, and failure results in an automatic dismissal of the petition (Miller 611).

Q3: In a case where Janet files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, she will undergo the substantial abuse and mean test examination to ensure she qualifies for bankruptcy (Miller 611). The court will compare her average median income of $49,200 per year and state median family income of $49,300 per year.  Given that her income is lower than the state median income, she qualifies for relief as she does not satisfy substantial abuse.

Q4: Suppose Janet qualifies for bankruptcy without substantial abuse, yet she can pay a portion of medical bills. In that case, the court can decide to reduce the medical insurance cover provided for Janet to enable her to make payments of portions of her medical bills.


Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy petitions both have their pros and cons; however, Chapter 13 presents the best option for individuals and couples. Chapter 13 gives the debtor control over their property than chapter 7. Chapter 7 offers courts legal possession allowing them to determine which property to sell to repay loans. However, Chapter 13 allows debtors to retain the property but develop a plan for repayment with the court over three to five years, giving them ample time to complete payments (US Court). Chapter 13 offer broad debt discharges as compared to Chapter 7. Chapter 7 provides discharges after selling non-exempt property and paying secure debtors (DeNicola). However, it does not discharge obligations for child support and student loans. Chapter 13 discharge includes property settlement debts in divorce and debts from non-dischargeable tax obligations (US Court). Chapter 13 offers third-party protection from guarantors. Chapter 7 discharges consumer debts but does not protect guarantors from the obligation to pay debts. Chapter 13 prevent creditors from protecting guarantors from financial obligation to the creditor (US Court). Therefore, it is more suitable to apply Chapter 13 than Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Works Cited

DeNicola, Louis. “What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?” Check Your Free Credit Report & FICO® Score – Experian, 6 Dec. 2019, www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/what-is-chapter-7-bankruptcy/.

Miller, Roger L. Business Law Today. 12th ed., Cengage Learning, 2019. pp 1046.

US Courts. “Chapter 13 – Bankruptcy Basics.” United States Courts, 2021, www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy/bankruptcy-basics/chapter-13-bankruptcy-basics.

Developing the product/ service | Marketing homework help

Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore.

That’s why we have developed 5 beneficial guarantees that will make your experience with our service enjoyable, easy, and safe.

Money-back guarantee

You have to be 100% sure of the quality of your product to give a money-back guarantee. This describes us perfectly. Make sure that this guarantee is totally transparent.

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Zero-plagiarism guarantee

Each paper is composed from scratch, according to your instructions. It is then checked by our plagiarism-detection software. There is no gap where plagiarism could squeeze in.

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Thanks to our free revisions, there is no way for you to be unsatisfied. We will work on your paper until you are completely happy with the result.

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Your email is safe, as we store it according to international data protection rules. Your bank details are secure, as we use only reliable payment systems.

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Fair-cooperation guarantee

By sending us your money, you buy the service we provide. Check out our terms and conditions if you prefer business talks to be laid out in official language.

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English 1a essay | English homework help

 Write a 5-7 paragraph essay on one of the 5 topics listed below. Make sure you have an arguable thesis statement, three-four body paragraphs that support your thesis (contain examples, details, and quotes from the text corroborating your statements), and a concluding paragraph that ties up any loose ends. Be mindful of spelling, punctuation, mechanics, and grammar. Underline your thesis statement. Use academic language, and do not use the pronouns “I” or “you.” State your opinions objectively. Format the paper in MLA style and use MLA-style parenthetical notes to document your references to the text: (Smith 167). Be sure to introduce a quote, “quote verbatim,” then cite (King 126). Remember, to analyze is not to summarize. No outside sources allowed.


Apa writing business strat | Article writing homework help


Although innovation as an abstract concept can play a pivotal role in the world of business, the successful implementation of innovation as a component of an organization’s business strategy can have a considerable impact. The use of innovation can vary among different organizations, and each case can provide useful knowledge and awareness. Not only should business professionals consider innovation as a specific concept to drive development, but they should also understand how it provides essential insight of the past, present, and future success of an organization.

To prepare for this Assignment, select a business case from those provided in this week’s Required Readings and conduct further research on the featured company. Be sure to use scholarly, peer-reviewed resources from the Walden Library in examining the nature of innovation and effectively utilizing business strategy development.

Submit a 4- to 6-page evaluation of the role of business strategy in advancing innovation. Your evaluation must include the following:

  • A brief description of your chosen business, including the organization’s name, mission, and vision
  • A detailed explanation that includes a response to the following questions:
    • How did the company capitalize on the value of the business strategy process?
    • What approaches would you recommend for this business seeking to enhance strategic innovation?
    • What data would you leverage within a business strategy?
    • How might you utilize business strategy to further innovation within this organization?

Note: Be sure to use the APA Course Paper Template (6th ed.), found in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this Assignment. Also, refer to the Week 2 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work. Please Note: For each page of your paper, you must include a minimum of two APA-formatted scholarly citations. In addition, you must include at least one appropriately cited APA figure or table in your paper.

Research publicly traded companies, selecting two companies in

Research publicly traded companies, selecting two companies in different sectors to provide a written comparison of the capital structure for each. Explain your conclusions on the similarities and differences. What factors can you suggest for why each company adheres to their chosen structuring mechanism?