Business ethics:four types of corporate social responsibility

Follow all the question and answer all the question with citation and reference NO PLAGIARISM.

  of the text, 

1-A-  Describe how  Walmart Canada meets these responsibilities and suggest some areas for further development. 

 of the text.  

2 A-  describe the stakeholders in the case. 

2 B- Should Big Pharma return its drug to the market with a stronger black box warning, or should it keep the drug off the market? 

2 C- How will the decision impact the stakeholders? 

2 D-Should Big Pharma or individual doctors be responsible for the decision to make such a drug available to patients? 


Trevino, L.K., & Nelson, K.A. (2014).  Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (6th ed.). NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Social science paradigms | Social Science homework help

In text citations and references need to be added in assignment.

If you have used Instagram, Photobooth, or any number of photo editing or publishing products, you may be familiar with filters that may be applied to photos. These filters can alter the mood, texture, or color of an image, thus altering how it is interpreted by others. In simple terms, social science paradigms function in the same way for research. They are like lenses that influence the perspective of a researcher. Although not theories in themselves, paradigms are fundamental frameworks of reference that underlie and give birth to theories.How paradigms differ from simple lenses, however, is that they sometimes can lie below consciousness and are not a deliberate choice. For instance, it is possible to hold such strong beliefs about a set of issues that they are unrecognizable as a paradigm and instead seem like universal truths. By examining some well-known social science paradigms this week, you can begin to analyze your own thoughts and actions and those of others to detect where and how they fit into the current mosaic of paradigms. This also will help you recognize paradigms as a researcher and consumer of research.In this Discussion, you select social science paradigms of professional interest to you and consider how they could be applied to human and social services. 

Choose two social science paradigms from the Learning Resources this week (e.g., feminist, symbolic interactionism, critical race theory, etc.). Consider differences between them and how they could be applied to human and social services. 

Post a description of the paradigms you selected. Explain the most important similarities and differences between the two. Finally, explain how each could be applied to human and social services research.


Babbie, E. (2016). The basics of social research (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage.Chapter 2, “Paradigms, Theory, and Research” (pp. 30–59)Yuen, F. K. O., Terao, K. L., & Schmidt, A. M. (2013). Effective grant writing and program evaluation for human services professionals. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.Chapter 3, “Basic Research Methods and Program Evaluation” (pp. 31–72)Humphrey, C. (2013). A paradigmatic map of professional education research. Social Work Education, 32(1), 3–16.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.Ortiz, L., & Jani, J. (2010). Critical race theory: A transformational model for teaching diversity. Journal of Social Work, 46(2), 175–193.

Student engagement strategies | Education homework help


Teachers are expected to “manage the learning environment to actively and equitably engage students by organizing, allocating and coordinating the resources of time, space and learner’s attention” (InTASC 3(d).

For this assignment, your principal has asked you to develop a presentation about student motivation and engagement strategies. This presentation will be used in a professional development workshop for first-year teachers.

Using the “Class Profile,” select a grade 1-8 and create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation. In completing your presentation:

  • Research, analyze, and select seven strategies that foster motivation and active engagement in learning, self-motivation, and positive social interaction among the students.
  • Explain each strategy in your own words.
  • Identify classroom arrangements that are best for each engagement strategy.

Support your presentation with three scholarly resources.

Create a title slide, reference slides, slide notes that provide a detailed explanation of how you would implement each strategy in your future classroom.

In addition, write a 200-250 word student engagement strategies statement. Include components of your presentation that you would incorporate into your future classroom management plan, and explain why.

Include a minimum of three scholarly references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Prepare 2 @ questions from chapter 10 – 14:

Please see attachment for textbook:

1) Discussion: any topic in Threat modeling and write a review on it.

 No plagrism


Follow instructions

2) Final Exam questions

This week’s discussion is designed to review the semester and leads to the final exam. Complete the following:

1) Write (2) questions that are appropriate for the final exam. (Multiple choice – 4 choices.)
2) Create a new thread for each new question (2 threads)
3)  Publish (3) comments on other students’ questions. Make substantive  comments that show that you have read (and thought about) other  students’ questions.

Question format:

What does the “S” stand for in STRIDE?
a. Secure
*b. Spoofing
c. Sanitizing
d. Serial

So, to summarize, you have (5) actions to complete (2 posts, 3 comments). 

Also answer for questions you prepare. 

Designing for the mobile web css3 html5

I have included the data files to for the mobile web using a CSS style sheet. The instructions are included in the pictures. The final product should exactly match the model on Figure 5-59. 


Break a norm experiment | Sociology homework help


Deviance is the label sociologists use to describe behavior that violates cultural norms. Norms include the expectations and rules that guide our behavior, appearance, manners, gestures, body language, conduct, et cetera. For this assignment, your task is to break a norm and write about your experience, as follows:

  • Choose one norm to break as long as it is within the guidelines for legal behavior. Examples of acceptable norm violations include dressing in a manner that would be considered eccentric or inappropriate for a given social situation or invading someone’s personal space.

In a 2- to 3-page paper, double-spaced, include the following:

  • Explain which norm you broke and why you chose it. Discuss what the appropriate behavior for the situation you chose would typically require (for example, if you are violating a dress code, discuss what you would normally wear in that situation).
  • Discuss why your behavior violated those norms and the reaction you received upon breaking them.
  • Apply one sociological theory of deviance to interpret the response to your behavior. Begin by briefly discussing the key aspects of the theory you have chosen and then explain why that theory is useful for understanding your norm-breaking experiment. The Why Are People Deviant? lectureprovides an overview of the major sociological theories of deviance.

Cja 345 research article analysis

Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized, peer-reviewed, professional journal or government publication.  Note: Non-peer-reviewed newspaper articles or articles from popular magazines, such as Time or Newsweek, are not acceptable. For assistance on determining what constitutes a professional, peer-reviewed resource, contact your instructor.  Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: •Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions. •Describe the design of the study. •Identify an operational definition used by the researchers. •Identify whether the research study is a quantitative or qualitative design. Explain your answer. •Identify the methodology, population, sampling methods, and return rate, if applicable. •What were the findings of the study? •Describe the author’s conclusions and recommendations.  Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

I will pay 15.00 including the down payment charge. 

Submit a 2 page report outlining the potential risks of an individual

 Submit a 2 page report outlining the potential risks of an individual OS/Server.  After your instructor individually assigns you an operating system or server (posted in the Week 5 discussion board section), you will be required to research vulnerabilities for your assigned software and make recommendations for the mitigation of these vulnerabilities 

My topic is microsoft sqlserver 2012

Questions of values and ethics

Answer questions 

APA style

2 Reference

cover page

1-which of the following behaviors may be (1) ethical but illegal, (2) legal but unethical, (3) illegal and unethical, and (4) legal and ethical.

A. Working in a clinic that performs abortions  

B. Respecting the wishes of a client suffering from ALS that he be permitted to die with dignity and not placed on “breathing machines”

  C. Respecting the health surrogate’s wishes regarding termination of life support of her friend   

D. Observing a coworker take out two tablets of oxycodone as ordered for pain management for his patient but keeping one for himself, administering only one tablet to the patient.

2-differentiate among the following: deontological theories, utilitarianism, and principlism.

   3-what do you think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients about a poor prognosis, even though the information may cause severe distress. 

 4-What do they think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients against family wishes?

5. You see a colleague use another nurse’s password to access the medication administration system and take out a narcotic. What would you do?  

 6.Your colleague’s child fell and was brought to the emergency department. She comes back up to the unit and tells you that they cleaned and debrided the wound, and she needs to change the dressings twice a day using a wet to dry method. You see her go into the supply system and remove the dressings and saline using a patient’s identification number. What would you do?

7. You are caring for a patient who has a terminal disease. He asks you if he is dying. Would you tell him? If yes, how? If no, what might you say? 


  8-You are administering hydromorphone to a patient. The patient asks you what you are administering. Would you tell the patient about the medication?

Nrs 440v week 5 assignment combining nurse leader with advocacy

 Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”:

Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:

  1. Personal and professional accountability
  2. Career planning
  3. Personal journey disciplines
  4. Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets

Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace. Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.