Research presentation | Social Science homework help

  1. Pick a controversial ethical topic or moral issue.
  2. Decide what your position is on the topic and prepare to explain why. Pick one or more ethical theories to justify your beliefs about the topic.
  3. Conduct quality research on the topic and present that research. A good topic of choice will feature at least five professional sources. Unbiased articles and academic studies are best. Examples are scholarly periodicals, journals, books, research forums, and Internet periodicals by reputable organizations. You may also use reputable news media (Newsweek, Time, government publications, and web sites), but these do not count toward your total references requirement (five required). Do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, and popular forums or Internet web sites.
  4. Create a 10-minute slide style presentation. Present both sides of the issue fairly; then justify your viewpoint. End with at least three ethical discussion questions about the topic. Include a slide that lists your references in APA format (see the presentation outline section). Make sure your presentation features an appropriate number of slides and presents the information as clearly as possible. Avoid including slides with too many words, lack of clarity, and poor grammar. Use illustrations where appropriate. Utilize the notes section of the slide for large chunks of text or supporting information and add speaker’s notes for each slide.


Degrees of Wealth.

Presentation Issue/Question: Do people who are considered financially wealthy have a moral obligation to pay for health care and other social service costs for disadvantaged people?

Module 3 discussion: communication research methods


Read the article :  The Optimal Marketing Mix? Let Your Target Audience Decide! ( 

The Optimal Marketing Mix? Let Your Target Audience Decide! ( 

The topic this week is RESEARCH! To be effective in communicating with an organization’s publics, we must be constantly listening and scanning the environment for information. This is key, especially when it comes to listening to your target audience.

Now that you have selected Comcast as a company for your final project, read this article and write, in a couple of sentences, for each area explaining how your selected company (Comcast)  assess some typical attributes to define its target market. Do your best and at the end of the semester, once you have completed your final project, we will circle back and see how your initial research from this discussion post compares to your final project.

The fun aspect of research is that it doesn’t lie, and if used correctly and collected correctly, can tell a great story and provide some remarkable data for a variety of different projects.

For this week’s discussion post, you may not be able to provide specific details for each of the following attributes. If this occurs, discuss what you hope to find when conducting your research. Be creative – think outside the box! Don’t settle for the first answer you come across – this is why research is so important and can be quite eye-opening.  Research is many times like Pandora’s box – one idea leads to another and another…

Read the article and discuss in a couple of sentences for each area explaining how your selected company/organization assess some typical attributes to define its target market. REMEMBER to cite your work in APA style No Page Count requirement 

  • Are your prospects B2B or B2C, government, or not-for-profit? 
  • Are they small to mid-sized business or larger enterprises?
  • Where are they located? 
  • How many companies or consumers make up the target market?
  • Is there a typical type of person who buys your product or service?
  • Where do they meet or communicate with peers?
  • How do they get information to learn about products and services such as yours?
  • How do they buy? What is the buying criteria? How often do they buy?
  • Are there trends in the purchasing processes they use?

Deliverable 3 – training proposal on retraining using


Analyze Technologies that enhance the human experience

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are the training manager for a large manufacturing company that is planning a large renovation during a two-week shutdown. All of the equipment in the assembly area is being replaced, which will take the full two weeks.

As training manager, you are concerned about how you will train the workers in the assembly area as the new equipment will not be available until after the shutdown. By the end of the two-week renovation, the assembly employees must be trained and ready to begin work using the new equipment.

The manufacturer for the new equipment has suggested augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) might be a good training solution. The plant manager asks that you prepare a training plan to be shared with employees during the next plant meeting providing them the virtual reality retraining information. Be sure to support your recommendations with credible resources. Using the assigned readings in this module is a good starting point. Research databases are listed in the Resources area below.


You are tasked with preparing a training plan proposal that will be distributed to leadership in the form of a PDF.

The training plan proposal should introduce the AR/VR training including the format and scope. It should discuss the advantages and concerns related to using AR/VR for retraining needs.

In Microsoft Word, create the training plan proposal and then save as a PDF. The training plan proposal should accomplish these objectives:

  • Introduce the training by name, purpose, scope, and format.
  • Examine how using AR/VR technology enhances the human experience during training and development.
  • Evaluate any concerns over using this AR/VR technology for retraining.
  • Compare this AR/VR retraining to a standard retraining process.
  • On an APA formatted reference page, cite supporting credible sources for your recommendations.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Create a conference room scheduler php web application. | Advanced PHP


  • Allow users to login to the site
  • Allow users to register to the site
  • Users should be able to reserve rooms for a specified date and time range
  • Validate user input
  • Display error messages when appropriate.
  • List conference room reservations sorted in date and start time order
  • Allow two display options: 
    • All-display all conference room reservation schedules; past and future
    • Future-display conference room reservations that are scheduled in the future only

* Do not allow reservations outside of business hours or during the weekends

A copy of the DB is attached

Note: you can make any modifications to the DB you feel you need

1000 words and three scholarly sources


This week, we’ve been introduced to the humanities and have taken some time to consider the role of the humanities in establishing socio-cultural values, including how the humanities differ from the sciences in terms of offering unique lenses on the world and our reality. Since one of the greatest rewards of being a human is engaging with different forms of art, we’ve taken some time this week to learn about what it means to identify and respond to a work of art. We’ve learned about the difference between abstract ideas and concrete images and concepts like structure and artistic form. To help you deepen your understanding of these foundational ideas, your Unit 1 assignment will consist of writing an essay addressing using the following criteria: 

Essay Requirements: 

•    1,000 words or roughly four double-spaced pages. 
•    Make use of at least three scholarly sources to support and develop your ideas. Our course text may serve as one of these three sources.
•    Your essay should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections.
•    Be sure to cite your sources using proper APA format (7th edition). 

Essay Prompt: 

•    In this essay, you will consider the meaning of art and artistic form by responding to these questions: 
     o    To what extent does Kevin Carter’s Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph (figure 2-5) have artistic form? 
     o    Using what you’ve learned in Chapters 1, 2 and 14 explain if you consider Carter’s photograph a work of art? Be sure to point to specific qualities of the photograph to support/develop your response. 
     o    How do you measure the intensity of your experience in response to Carter’s photograph? What does it make you see/feel/imagine and how does your response/reaction support Carter’s image as a work of art? 

Reflection and discussion forum week 4


Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Explain the difference in procedural due process and substantive due process, providing examples of each.
  2. Beets R Us, LLC is a medium-sized farm in Iowa that grows beets that are only sold in Iowa.  It does not export its beets outside of Iowa, though sometimes customers from out of state buy its beets while visiting Iowa.  Is Beets R Us, LLC’s business practices subject to federal jurisdiction under Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution?  Why or why not?

 Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.

P6 – csmt 402 | Civil Engineering homework help

CSMT 402 – Semester project report

You are to write a report (7 pages) describing your pedagogical journey and experience with P6 scheduling. Your project may also focus on the challenges, solutions and decisions taken in order to complete your semester project through-out the entire semester.  Please include as many SCREEN SHOT possible showing your progress and their related description within the text body

You report may include

§  Description of the initial group project and working with P6.

§  Your group culture/strategies

§  Your contribution/experience with P6

§  Challenges/ advantages working with P6

§  Manual scheduling vs P6 experience

§  Things you may do differently for second chance

§  Sources and References 

§  And any other pertaining information

There are a files down below have a SCREENSHOOTS of the project PLEAS USE THEM 

Writing assignment 5 | Nursing homework help

Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in “Creating an Informal Outline” section of Chapter 4, and then write a 1000-word argument for a claim of value connecting individual identity and family heritage. To help you develop your claim of value think through questions such as these:

  • How are people’s identities shaped by their surrounding familial and cultural traditions?
  • How uniform and valued/cherished is your family history?

In order to support your claim of value, you’ll need to include a variety of sources and perspectives.  Incorporate the following into your paper:

  • your first-hand experiences
  • evidence gathered from stories in this module
  • researched scholarly insight into family and self-identity
  • our Core Values of Excellence and/or Integrity

You are encouraged to complete a first draft of the assignment then revise your work. Submit your assignment to the for feedback–look in the Resources tab of this course for access–then revise your work before turning it in.

Readings I learned:


Please, utilize the Library resources or the Internet search to read the following:

  • Earnest Hemingway, “Hills Like White Elephants”
  • Alice Walker, “Everyday Use”
  • Nikki Giovanni, “Mothers”
  • Seamus Heaney, “Mid-term Break”
  • Peter Meineke, “Advice to My Son”
  • Adrienne Rich, “Delta”

Week 4 forum posting | English homework help

 Now that we have arrived at the era of Romanticism, nature once more becomes less of an element that one may distrust, and again is portrayed as a force that can guide one throughout one’s life.

Please post a one page interpretation from one of your assigned readings for this week that discusses an ideal American life in similar terms to the Amerindian heroic myths from the first week of this class. 

New business idea | Operations Management homework help

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You have to be 100% sure of the quality of your product to give a money-back guarantee. This describes us perfectly. Make sure that this guarantee is totally transparent.

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By sending us your money, you buy the service we provide. Check out our terms and conditions if you prefer business talks to be laid out in official language.

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