Article review – corporate finance

This week deals with capital structure, limits of debts and effect on firm value. To understand the theory, evidence of problems and how to deal with the problem, you will review this article and respond to the questions:

Cole, C., & Yan, Y., & Hemley, C. (2015). Does capital structure impact firm performance: An empirical study of three U.S. sectors. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15(6), 57 – 65

  •  The article is attached above.

Address the following questions as you read the article:

  1. What corporate finance problem is the article addressing?
  2. What method of study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed study) does the authors use to address the problem?
  3. What are the significant findings or ideas of the study?
  4. What is the conclusion of the study? Do the findings support the conclusion?
  5. What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
  6. Make a proposal for future research on the topic that needs to be investigated.

Case study 2: hp applies management science modeling to optimize its | CIS 356 Decision Support and Business Intelligence | Strayer University

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Discussion 8/11 | Information Systems homework help


After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.
  2. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…).  Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
  3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.

Please be sure to answer all the questions above in the initial post.

Please ensure the initial post and two response posts are substantive.  Substantive posts will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Expand on the topic, by adding additional thoughtful information
  • Answer a question posted by another student in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source
  • Make an argument

At least one scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource should be used in the initial discussion thread.  Please ensure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library.  Use APA references and in-text citations.

Ntc/300: cloud technologies – discussion | NTC300 Cloud Technologies | University of Phoenix

 Imagine you are working for a company initiating a cloud environment and you are presenting cloud deployment options to the non-IT executives in your organization. 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 185 words: 

  • Analyze the different system requirements for public, private, hybrid, and community cloud deployment models. Include network components and segmentation, DMZ, and storage in your descriptions.

English 101 essay 3 pg about | english 101

You need to read the story below attached and choose some paragraphs and write your thoughts/arguments about it in the essay which needs to be 3 pages. Here are the details:


Reasoning Inductively: Reading (and Writing) Between the Lines

In order to write effectively about literature, you’ll need to learn how to write sustained, in-depth, careful interpretations of excerpts from literary works; so, you’ll need to become adept at explicating: at commenting on a short passage, line by line, to reveal to your readers the underlying meanings and significance of individual words and phrases. This first essay asks you to do just that—to start gearing up for the longer essays by working on your ability to write a thorough, critical explication.

Assignment: Write an explication of an important passage (a few important lines) from “Territory” or “Silver Water,” analyzing for inferences, for what individual words and phrases suggest or imply, and, in your conclusion, ultimately explaining the passage’s importance to the meaning of the story as a whole. In doing so, I’d like you to, first, type out the passage you’ll be explicating (at the top of the page), and then explicate/interpret/explain it, line by line.

Suggestions: You’ll want to organize this paper inductively—meaning, you’ll start with the specific evidence first, and then analyze this evidence, reasoning your way to a more general thesis/conclusion at the end of your essay. In doing so, I’d like you to identify, early in your essay, the title of the work and the author’s name. Also, be sure to consider how to break up your body paragraphs, since you’ll need to organize your analysis into separate chunks (again, you should pick just a short passage—no more than a paragraph or perhaps even just a few sentences). In addition, you should carefully quote specific words and/or phrases in order to show the relationship between the original text and your interpretations. Typically, you should analyze a line or even a phrase at a time.

Be sure to notice details: What do particular words and phrases suggest? What else do they suggest? What do these words/phrases reveal about the characters, the setting, symbolism, foreshadowing, etc.? Then, at the end of the explication (in your “conclusion”), you’ll make a more general claim about the work as a whole: How does the passage contribute to your understanding of the short story as a whole? Why is this passage important, in other words?

On this essay, you’ll be working on the following skills:

  • reading between the lines, making inferences, thinking critically;
  • reasoning/organizing inductively by starting off with a specific passage and then explaining the deeper underlying meanings and implications of the specific textual evidence (and offering clear, logical reasons why the text means what you say it means);
  • reaching a coherent, insightful conclusion/thesis about the general meaning of the story;  
  • quoting, paraphrasing, and citing your literary source;
  • and, of course, organizing your essay in a logical manner and editing carefully for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Research 2 to 3 page paper due in 18 hours



Research Component Writing Assignment

Return to: 

Research Component  Writing Assignment.

Conceptual Frameworks/models and literature reviews are key components of the research process and an integral part of Evidenced Based Practice. 

Conceptual frameworks or models guide how a study is conducted.   A literature review compiles and evaluates the research available on a certain topic or issue that you are researching and writing about.

1.     Review the EBP models  Chapter 14 in your text book.

2.     Choose 1 frame and briefly define the model.

3.     Find 2 current research studies that utilize your chosen model.

4.     Summarize how the model is used in the studies.

5.     Develop a 2-3-page paper addressing the above.

A title and reference page are required and are not included in the page count.

This assignment should be written in APA format.

A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed references are required.  References must be current, published within the last five years, and from the United States. (Your text book may be used as a source but does not count toward the 2 required references).

An abstract is not required for this writing assignment.

This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.

Just read the question and answer it

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Needed in 8 hours | Management homework help

Background:  The Largo Group (TLG)

After graduating with a B.S. in Management, you have been working for TLG for three years as an assistant consultant for Winnie James and Ralph Anders, senior consultants who serve clients in a variety of industries.   Your work involves interviewing and meeting with clients, conducting research, writing office memorandums, making recommendations for clients, meeting with Winnie and Ralph with attorney-consultants, and coordinating and/or leading discussions for TLG’s in-house professional development seminars for its consultants.

Background:  Clean-N-Shine

Connor, Ali, Madison and Sam are all successful business owners who are friends or professional acquaintances in the business community.  Connor has been the project manager for ten years for a construction company owned by a general contractor.   Ali has been the Director of Marketing for a Mid-Atlantic-based carpet cleaning company with franchises on the East Coast.   Madison owns a mid-sized, successful residential remodeling business.   Sam owns a residential cleaning service business.  

The four recently attended a Chamber of Commerce presentation about “green” businesses.  This spurred their interest and they went to dinner following the Chamber event to discuss possible business opportunities.  After several meetings, they decided to start a business together.  The group decided that a commercial cleaning business would be a good fit for their professional experiences, skills, and interests.  They agreed to pursue the possibility of launching a Maryland-based “green” commercial cleaning service business that they would like to name Clean-N-Shine (“Clean”).  They are committed to operating the new business as an environmentally responsible company using only chemical-free cleaning products in the new business. 

The four met several times with a business consultant to complete an analysis of market trends and demands in the cleaning industry and confirm whether Clean would likely be a viable business. The market analysis showed an increased demand and need for environmentally responsible cleaning businesses in the region.  Consequently, the group decided to move forward with their idea to establish and market Clean as a green business.

The group plans to purchase cleaning supplies from Environmental Pro, Inc. (EPI), a mid-sized manufacturer incorporated in a nearby state, that produces chemical-free environmentally-friendly cleaning products.  The four are familiar with the corporation as each has purchased EPI products for their respective current businesses.   The four friends intend to resell certain EPI products directly to Clean clients.  The Clean group plans to market and advertise their services and re-sell EPI products through print, television, radio media, and via internet sales.

Clean will be headquartered in a local shopping center.  Clean headquarters will include private business management offices, a reception area, and conference meeting and planning space to which potential and existing customers will be invited to discuss proposals for cleaning jobs, cleaning products, and to complete contracts for sales and services.  The business space also will be open to the public to collect information and inquire about Clean services, examine cleaning supply displays, and view photos and exhibits from ongoing and past commercial jobs.

The potential Cleaner owners recently attended a start up business seminar sponsored by the local chapter of the Small Business Administration.  Following the seminar, the owners began to define the nature and scope of the work necessary to prepare a plan for the start-up business.  They realize this process requires time, thoughtful analysis, and clear guidelines. 

They also recognize the need for professional business consultants, such as TLG, to guide their start-up for Clean.  Consequently, the four have hired TLG to advise and guide them through the start-up process for Clean.

Clean Owner Profiles:


He wants an initial 30%-40% interest in Clean but wants to limit his future capital commitment until he is certain the business is operating smoothly and profitably.  He does, however, want the option to acquire others’ interests if they die or leave the business for any reason.   He also wants to take out money from the business, in the form of salary, benefits, expenses, and/ dividends, as appropriate, as soon as Clean has a healthy net profit margin.

Connor is most concerned about liability, and although he trusts the other owners as “straight shooters” and successful business persons, he is uneasy about working with a group of investors with whom he has no previous business connections.  He wants to limit his liability in the business to no more than his capital contribution, and prefers complete protection.  If possible, he wants Key Man Insurance for the owners so all will have protection if one owner can no longer contribute to business for any reason.

Connor wants a managerial position so he can make decisions for day-to-day operations.  He believes he is the best person to run the business as he currently owns a maid service and understands how to run a successful cleaning service business.


Ali wants a 25% interest and prefers to minimize additional investments to protect her cash assets needed for her other businesses.  Her main goal is to realize a return on her investment as quickly as possible.

Ali wants to minimize her personal liability and protect her interests in the event of bankruptcy or death of any of the other owners.

Ail wants to participate in long-term business decisions, and in major decisions about spending and organizational commitments, but she does not want to be involved in day-to-day business activities.  She favors hiring a general manager to run the business, preferably one with commercial cleaning experience. 


Madison initially wants to invest up to 40% and is willing to invest another 5% because she knows start-up businesses often need more capital.  She favors a larger, rather than a smaller, stake in the business.  She wants to take out as much money as possible from the business, as soon as financially possible.

Madison wants to minimize personal liability, as well as liability for the business.  She realizes the future of the business is uncertain and she wants maximum protection again all pitfalls.

Madison is willing to be involved in day-to-day business operations and has the time to do so because her other business is running smoothly with competent managers.  She wants to play a key role, along with the other owners, in establishing the structure, business environment, and culture for Clean.   However, she believes that a skilled general manager with commercial cleaning experience would be optimal for the business.


Sam is willing to commit to an investment of 51% interest in Clean, but is agreeable to a lesser interest. 

Sam wants to minimize his personal liability and prefers to limit it to his capital investment but is willing to negotiate.

With a maximum interest of 51%, Sam wants complete control over business operations; even with a lesser interest, he wants a strong managerial position.  Sam wants all owners with a minority interest to be silent in day-to-day management of Clean.

Background/Facts:  During a monthly Lunch and Learn Seminar at TLG offices, all TLG business consultants are discussing various client cases.  During the Discussion of Clean’s new business, the group discusses the following question:   

(1) Analyze and explain the implied warranty of merchantability. 

(2) Analyze and explain specifically how and why Clean could be sued for breach of implied warranty of merchantability for using EPI cleaning products to clean Clean’s clients’ commercial property. `

Hull theory vs tulman theory


Hull’s theory is based around associations and Tolman’s theory is based around purposive elements. Discuss the foundations with each theory and how each theory directs motivation and learning for academic success; comparing the two theories. Then respond to the following 2 scenarios based upon the facts of each theory.

1. Alan drinks a couple of beers while watching sports on television. Cynthia has a glass of wine with dinner. Explain both of their behaviors using key points of Hull’s theory.

2. Tim believes that studying leads to good grades. Gerald assumes that good grades depend on whether or not an instructor grades on the curve. Explain the difference in Tim and Gerald’s personal beliefs based upon key points of Tolman’s theory.

Create a chart similar to the one posted below to address the comparative points of each theory with at least 2 factual points for each theory and explanation to explain how each specific point directs motivation and learning. Create a word document and upload your submission. Your responses should be substantial to explain the facts and your thought. A guide of overall word count to establish a solid understanding is approximately 350-550 min word count.

Decision making technique matrix | Management homework help

Complete the Decision-Making Technique Matrix.

Evaluation: Completeness (each column and row ) and of the matrix with 4 techniques

Remember that a decision process or technique must result in a decision being made. 

If whatever technique you’ve identified does not result in a decision, it is not a decision technique

It might be an analytical technique or an idea generating technique, but these do not result in decisions in themselves. 

Identifying who should make a decision or how many people will be involved in a decision is NOT a decision technique