Ergonomic job analysis | Engineering homework help


Water filters for municipality water treatment plants are assembled by stacking and rolling several pieces of membranes into a cylinder. One of the first operations in the process of assembling a cylindrical water filter is called the ‘Prepper’. This job involves pulling thin membrane sheets from large rolls of membrane, inserting netting between the membrane sheets, and transferring and stacking the membrane sheets to a tray to be used for the next operation. 

Recordable musculoskeletal disorders are shown on the OSHA 300 log from the previous year. In addition, current employees performing this job completed a body part discomfort survey. 

Estimates of pinch force were recorded using a pinch grip dynamometer, with pinch grips between 10 lbf and 11 lbf observed when pulling membranes from the rolls, where the employees maximum pinch grip force capability was measured as 14 lbf.

Finally, an employee questionnaire was given to several employees, with the following questions and responses from the employees:

Question: Which tasks are the most difficult to perform?

· Pulling of membranes is contributing to the pain/discomfort currently experiencing

· Repetitive reaching to the bottom roll

· Netting location is too high, feels it in shoulder area at the end of the day

Question: Changes to the job which would reduce musculoskeletal/physical stress?

· Auto-feed (auto indexing of the roll) of membranes 

· Lower the netting retrieval location

Utilizing the information above, using RULA (and Washington State Risk Factor Checklist – WSRFC), perform an ergonomics job analysis consisting of the following:

· Ergonomic job analysis – assume workers work on this job for 8 hours a day

o Identify the major tasks that the employees perform to complete this job

o Utilizing RULA (and the Washington State Risk Factor Checklist), determine if this job might need to be addressed ergonomically

o Identify specific risk factors for WMSDs (e.g., shoulder abduction, etc.) and which tasks they occur in (pictures of risk factors from video would be helpful)

o Determine if any risk factors you identified are consistent with employee discomfort feedback and WMSDs on OSHA 300 log

o Identify the root causes for the presence of the WMSD risk factors

· Potential Interventions/Controls

o Identify potential engineering controls to reduce the WMSD risk factors identified – utilize results from RULA (and WSRFC) analysis

o Identify the specific WMSD risk factors that will be reduced or eliminated for each potential engineering control identified

Report Grading 

· Professional appearance: title page, tables and pictures within report with captions, correct spelling/grammar, appendix for complete checklists (3 pts)

· Introduction paragraph identifying purpose of ergonomic assessment, data and assessment methods utilized for assessment (3 pts)

· Identification of major tasks employees perform to complete the job (3 pts)

· Used ergonomic assessment method(s) (RULA, WSRFC) to clearly determine if exposure to WMSD risk factors elevates risk, determined need for interventions (3 pts)

· Specific WMSD risk factors identified and in which major tasks they occur in (3 pts)

· Determine if any WMSD risk factors identified are consistent with employee questionnaire feedback, Body Part Discomfort Survey results, OSHA 300 log entries (3 pts)

· Identified root causes for the presence of WMSD risk factors (3 pts)

· Identified engineering controls to reduce/eliminate WMSD risk factors identified from ergonomic assessment, utilizing results from RULA (and WSRFC) analysis (3 pts)

· Identified specific WMSD risk factors each of the engineering controls identified will reduce/eliminate exposure to (3 pts)

· Identified major tasks that the potential engineering controls will impact (3 pts)

· Utilized employee information, survey data, in analysis/development of controls (3 pts)

· Submitted completed RULA (and WSRFC) worksheets (before/after implemented controls) – in Appendix

o Worksheets (RULA/WSRFC) from Initial assessment of Prepper job (3 pts)

o Worksheets (RULA/WSRFC) reflective of Prepper job after implementation of potential engineering controls (3 pts)

Figure 1. Water treatment – filtering system

Figure 2. Finished membranes for water treatment – filtering

Figure 3. Partially finished membrance 

construct a rogerian argument | English homework help


By using the two articles below presenting opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools), construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable solution or “middle ground.”  THE ARTICLES ARE UPLOADED BELOW


Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Summary of Positions

❒ Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 1?
❒ Have you included a summary of the stance presented in Article 1?
❒ Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 2?
❒ Have you included a summary of the stance presented Article 2?

2. Thesis/Claim

❒ Does you claim address both sides of the issue, including specific points raised in the articles?
❒ Does your claim present a clear, workable solution that could be viewed as a “middle ground” between the two sides?

3. Analysis

❒ Have you backed up your claim using facts from both sides of the argument?
❒ When using direct quotations, have you supplemented them with your own explanation of their relevance?

4. Reflection

❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

  1. How does the Rogerian model of argument help you better understand the topic that’s being discussed? Why is it a good practice to acknowledge both sides of the argument? (3-4 sentences)
  2. Will you use the Rogerian Approach in your own argumentative essay? Why or why not? (2-3 sentences)

 The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

  • Composition must be 2-3 pages (approximately 500-750 words).
  • Double-space the composition and use one-inch margins.
  • Use a readable 12-point font.
  • All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Composition must be original and written for this assignment.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.
  • Include all of the assignment components in a single file.
    • Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.

Primate behavior discussion | Social Science homework help

This week we read about and looked at examples of how ape’s behavior is both different and yet remarkably similar to us as humans. I used several films, clips, and written examples this week of behavior. In your discussion, please choose one of the following examples from this week

  • The scene in “So Human, So Chimp”  (, where alpha and beta males are given watermelons but females are not.
  • The scene in Ape Genius (, where the female chimp deals with the death of her child.
  • The scene in “Ape Genius” where chimps fashion spears for hunting.
  • The scene in “Ape Genius” where Kanzi learns English vocabulary words.
  • The scene in “Ape Genius” where male and female bonobos prevent workers from removing the dead body of a non-relative bonobo.
  • The part in “Bonobo Bliss” where Amos becomes ill.
  • The part in “War, What is it good for?” where baboon males suddenly begin grooming each other after the death of their alpha males.
  1. What was your reaction upon seeing this example of behavior in apes?
  2. Compare and contrast the behavior between the example you’ve seen in modern humans.
  3. Can you think of how this behavior would be adaptive and would have been selected to continue on? Consider this question from both perspectives, ape and human.

Provide an APA style reference and in text citation for the weekly and additional resources used to inform your post. The APA Style Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab ( an excellent resource to help with this.

Digital brochure | Education homework help

Create a digital brochure to be introduced at curriculum night to promote literacy in the home as well as a resource for families and the community to inform them of the various texts that will be implemented in the classroom to promote literacy.

Your tri-fold digital brochure should present the process of examining texts, as well as at-home technology tools and digital resources to advance student literacy development.

Your digital brochure should include the following:

  • Engaging front cover that identifies the grade level and content area
  • The importance of multiple texts to meet the specific needs and abilities of all students
  • Two examples of fiction and two examples of non-fiction texts with brief rationales describing the complexity and purpose for each, and how they will be implemented in the content area
  • Explanation of how texts are selected through quantitative and qualitative measures
  • One example of media and one example of technology, examining how each will creatively support literacy development
  • Two resources for families to support literacy development at home, and directions for how families can utilize them.

The brochure should be visually appealing with color, graphic elements, and variations in text.

Support your findings with a minimum of three resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Assignment #6 – (course: business continuity planning & disaster

Course: Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Planning

Due Date – 3 days

Course Project Assignment – Workstation Protection

“Discuss some of the challenges that organizations often face to securely backup the workstations. 

In this data-driven space, cloud computing has emerged as a frontier in the technology landscape, which most organizations often adopt to store and manage business operations. So, why are some organizations still reluctant to embrace this platform to backup organizations’ operational and strategic data?”

Explore  the school library to identify some useful peer-reviewed, scholarly accepted articles for this assignment. Ensure your citations   and  references adhere to the school recommended APA format.

Reading – Chapter 21 of the following text: Wallace, M., & Webber, L. (2018). The disaster recovery handbook: a step-by-step plan to ensure business continuity and protect vital operations, facilities, and assets. New York, NY: AMACOM. ISBN-13: 978-0814438763

Instruction for the Course Project Assignment for the whole session is highlighted below in BOLD. Please read the instruction carefully.

The Course Project Assignment is an individual project draft proposal that students will develop incrementally to fully become the final paper at the end of the course. Students will add content every week when the Course Project Assignment for the week is due. 

As a security manager or administrator of a fictitious company, write a Security Plan Proposal as a project draft document with  the formats in the bullet points below. Please note that the project document is incremental, starting with the first Course  Project Assignment for this week (week three) and ends in week 15. The Course Project Assignments (CPA) are aligned with the corresponding Chapters in your paper (as follows):

  1. Week three CPA is your Chapter One of the paper – (Done – Assignment #1)
  2. Week five CPA is your Chapter Two  – (Done – Assignment #2)
  3. Week seven CPA is Chapter Three – (Done – Assignment #3)
  4. Week 10 CPA is Chapter Four – (Done – Assignment #4)
  5. Week 12 CPA is Chapter Five – (Done – Assignment #5)
  6. Week 14 CPA is Chapter Six – (Current – Assignment #6)
  7. Week 15 is for collating and reviewing the paper for thoroughness

The paper format should include the following: 

  • Running Head
  • The first page will contain the title of the Plan Proposal, Name of the Student, Instructor’s Name, Course Name, and Date
  • Add a Table of Contents to outline your Chapters
  • Include in-text citations and references in APA format

“APA Format”

The recommended standard writing style for the school, and this    course is the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Refer  to   the following link for more information on how to use of APA  style: 

Other resources include the School Library and the Purdue OWL APA resource, available in the following link:


Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the    internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the    material.

Paper | Statistics homework help


The literature review in a dissertation serves to illuminate the research gap and thereby justify the necessity of the study and the proposed study methodology. Though this purpose remains consistent across all methodologies, the structure of the literature review section of a qualitative dissertation often differs slightly from that of a quantitative dissertation. For example, literature reviews in quantitative dissertations are dominantly constructed around the variables while those in qualitative dissertations can be constructed in many ways. In this assignment, you will contrast the structures of a qualitative and a quantitative literature review and consider a rationale for those differences.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Review the Vangilder (qualitative) dissertation.
  • Review the Wigton (quantitative) dissertation.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • APA style is required for this assignment.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 


Write a paper (500-750 words) in which you contrast the structures of the qualitative and quantitative dissertations referenced above and provide a rationale for the differences. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A clear description of the primary differences between the structures of the literature reviews.
  2. A rationale for the observed differences. What factors contributed to the differences the structures of these literature reviews?

Psy 101 week 3 discussion

As we study human development, our focus turns to change and stability. Do people’s personalities ever really change? Or are we destined to make similar choices throughout our lives? 

1. Read Invisibilia: Is Your Personality Fixed, Or Can You Change Who You Are? by Alix Spiegel (2016). This article explores the question through the dramatic example of a man in prison for a heinous crime.

2. Pick one position—either stability or change—and provide a rationale for your choice. You can also learn more about personality on page 3.12 in Chapter 3 of our webtext.

To receive full credit, remember to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student. Your original post should be at least 7 sentences, and your reply should be at least 4 sentences.

Web exercise 1 of mktg 420

WEB EXERCISE 1 Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications  Focus: Chapters 1 & 2 (Integrated marketing communications (IMC) – defined:

Watch the California Milk Advisory Board video found within this folder. After watching the video, provide your answers to the following questions in the submission area within this folder. Make sure you integrate information from the video and from the chapter readings into your answers.  

1. What were the promotional mix elements (or IMC tools) used in the “happy cows” campaign? 


2. What was the market opportunity identified by the California Milk Advisory Board? What made it a market opportunity?  


3. What was the unifying symbol of the campaign? Why was it important? 


4. What was/were the market segment(s) targeted by the campaign? What segmentation approach do you think they used? Briefly explain why. 


5. Which consumer promotion tactics were used in the campaign? 


Watch the California Milk Advisory Board video found within this folder. After watching the video, provide your answers to the following questions in the submission area within this folder. Make sure you integrate information from the video and from the chapter readings into your answers.  

1. What were the promotional mix elements (or IMC tools) used in the “happy cows” campaign? 


2. What was the market opportunity identified by the California Milk Advisory Board? What made it a market opportunity?  


3. What was the unifying symbol of the campaign? Why was it important? 


4. What was/were the market segment(s) targeted by the campaign? What segmentation approach do you think they used? Briefly explain why. 


5. Which consumer promotion tactics were used in the campaign? 

Expansion recommendation | Accounting homework help

Must Review Attachments to Complete Assignment 

Prepare either a 12-slide presentation in which you analyze financial information and risks associated with an investment to expand an organization and make a recommendation on whether or not to invest in expansion.


This portfolio work project will allow you to review information and risks associated with an investment to expand an organization. As this information will be shared broadly across the organization, you will have a choice in your final deliverable audience and will organize your deliverable to meet the needs of that audience.


ZXY Company is a food product company. ZXY is considering expanding to two new products and a second production facility. The food products are staples with steady demands. The proposed expansion will require an investment of $7,000,000 for equipment with an assumed ten-year life, after which all equipment and other assets can be sold for an estimated $1,000,000. They will be renting the facility. ZXY requires a 12 percent return on investments. You have been asked to recommend whether or not to make the investment.

Your Role

You are an accounting manager. Your boss has asked you to review and provide a recommendation on the expansion based on information that has been provided.

Must Review Attachments to Complete Assignment 

Developmental or neurocognitive disorder presentation

You have been asked to present information on a developmental disorder in a faculty meeting at an elementary school. The principal has asked that you create a PowerPoint to be presented in the meeting as well as a handout that highlights some main points from your presentation that can be passed out to the teachers.

Develop a 12-15-slide PowerPoint with information on one developmental disorder that you selected. Provide information about the disorder as well as information that may be beneficial to teachers working with a child diagnosed with the disorder.

*Develop a complementary handout that includes additional resources that teachers could reference for more information or support.

**Use three to five scholarly sources to support your finding, with an additional five resources on for the handout.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted reference slide, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Include speaker notes below each slide. Expand upon the information included in the slide. Please ensure the speaker notes for each content-related slide include a minimum of 60 words with the usage of the proper in text citations.

*This is a graduate level course so write/present accordingly.