nursing shortage | Nursing homework help


  • Select a pressing issue you face in your practice setting that we have not previously discussed.
  • Find and read a research article regarding that issue.
  • Share the issue and the findings of the article with your peers. What are potential solutions to the issue?

Your initial posting should be 150 to 250 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please use peer reviewed articles and add reference list APA style 

pressing issue:  nursing staff shortage 

Essay #1: rhetorical analysis | EN106 | Park University


Unit 2: Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, and pdf
  • Available Jan 20 at 12am – Feb 9 at 11:59pm 21 days

Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis

For Essay #1, please write a summary and analysis of any of the articles from Chapter 14 assigned by your instructor. Your audience is educated peers who have read the article and who are wondering what you think about it.

Your rhetorical analysis must include a summary of what the article argues, and also an analysis and evaluation of how well the article makes its points.

Your essay should include the following elements of summary that Greene and Lidinsky recommend:

  • the context of the article
  • a clear statement of what you feel to be “the gist” of the article
  • a description of the key claims of the article
  • 1-2 relevant examples (direct quotations or paraphrases) from the article

As no summary is neutral, you must weave an analytical thread throughout your summary that suggests to the reader your judgment of the value of the article. You might consider including the following:

  • examine how well the article appeals to its intended audience
  • evaluate the author’s use of evidence
  • identify the author’s purpose or motivation for writing
  • point out the gaps and flaws in the article’s argument

Do not attempt to summarize every last detail of the article. Instead, focus on the gist of the article and your analysis of the how well the article supports its points.

Remember to avoid using first-person pronouns/perspective in this essay.  Use third-person perspective only.

Guidelines for Essay #1

Length/Due Date: A minimum of 600 words, due Sunday by 11:59 p.m. CT.

Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted according to MLA guidelines. As a reminder, the following document formatting guidelines are required:

  • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
  • Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.

References: Essay #1 should either quote or paraphrase the article you are analyzing at least three times. In each instance, include in-text citations that follow MLA style.

File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

Works Cited: Create an appropriate works cited page with one entry for the article you are analyzing. Use Easy Writer to learn how to format a works cited citation for a work in an anthology or selection in a book with an editor.

Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your central message. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.

Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Sunday by 11:59 p.m. CT at the end of this unit.

Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used— anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly request that it not be used. Your work, of  course, will only be used for educational purposes.

Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Home to see the criteria and rubric I will use to grade your essay.

Why Is This Assignment Important?

A very common type of writing you will produce in your academic career is a source analysis. The ability to engage in close reading of a text, identify salient arguments and evidence, present the text’s ideas in your own words, and evaluate that source’s effectiveness is foundational to entering academic conversations. Summaries also serve an important role in helping other readers make sense of a difficult text. You might think of analysis as the job of a tour guide: you are offering your readers a brief glimpse into another world.

As you learned from Greene and Lidinsky’s chapter, writing a rhetorical analysis involves a great deal of critical thinking and evaluation on the part of the writer. You must identify the author’s thesis (what Greene and Lidinsky call “the gist”), uncover how the key claims of that thesis are supported and developed, evaluate the conversational contexts of the author’s work, and, at all points, consider how your perspective affects your interpretation of the text.

A Word about Plagiarism

Rhetorical analysis is a common type of writing assignments in first-year writing courses. Because of this, you can find countless Internet sites, free and proprietary summaries, and term papers that respond to assignments similar to this one. Any undocumented use of another writer’s words or ideas constitutes plagiarism and is a violation of Park’s Student Conduct CodeLinks to an external site.. Plagiarism may result in failure of the assignment. Multiple instances of plagiarism may result in automatic failure of the course or other penalties outside of this course.

Strategic marketing | Management homework help

Q.   Review Project 1, and reflect on the in-class activity we did and start to brainstorm and idea of focus for your final project.

Please type up a brief paragraph on if you are planning on creating your own business or if you’d like to choose a company to work on. Here are some things i’d like you to consider: 

– What is the brand name?

– What is the product or service offering?

– Who is the customer? 


Develop a strategic marketing plan for either an existing brand, or a made-up brand that you would want to create for this project. Take into account about the strategic marketing process, and new ideas & concepts learned about in the book Fascinate by Sally Hogshead (New York Times bestseller)

IN Class Activity -:

Go to a firm’s website and annual report to gain an understanding of its business strategy. Look at elements such as the products and services offered, the history of the firm, and its values. What is the business strategy? What product markets does the firm serve? What are its value propositions? What assets and competencies are important to this strategy? What outstanding functional programs and strategies exist? 

Reconstruct a compensation design process

You are the HR manager for a hyper-growth startup. You support the marketing division of this organization. The department head approached you about designing a compensation model for the entire department of 25 people and growing. Starting with his position and mapping down to his direct reports and their direct reports, use SHRM’s compensation design model (job analysis, job documentation, job evaluation, and pay structure) to reconstruct the compensation design process for this department.

Prepare a narrated PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming meeting with the department head. Be sure your presentation includes a step-by-step illustration of each part of the process.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included. 

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. 

Module 03 course project – rough draft


Last week you were introduced to the Course Project for this course.  Now that the negotiations between you and Mr. Barker are done, you are  tasked with the job of drafting the contract that will finalize this  deal. For this week, you will get to practice your contract drafting  skills by creating a rough draft of a contract for this toy transaction.

Based on the information from the worksheet from last week, you are  to build a formal, written contract. You will need to include:

  1. Parties – The names and addresses of all the contracting parties  should be clearly stated. You can make these up for this contract.
  2. Dates – List the date that the contract is being entered into.
  3. Definitions and Interpretations – If there are any defined terms  in the contract, this section should provide specific and clear  definitions.
  4. Payment Provisions – The exact price to be paid for the goods or  services provided and the date or dates for payment to be made should be  clearly set out. Remember, you want cash and not a check or credit card  for this contract.
  5. A specific description of the set of toys should be stated in this section.
  6. Term of contract – The length of the contract should be stated and  it should also be noted whether there are any options to continue the  contract. This is a contract for this specific instance and should be  noted in the contract.
  7. Limitation of liability – This section caps the liability of  either party to the contract. For example, Mr. Barker has inspected the  set of toys and accepts them “as is.” If he finds a defect with them at a  later date, you have no further responsibility to him.
  8. Signature Lines – Provide proper signature and date lines at the conclusion of the contract for both parties.

Besides including the above list and the standard elements of a  contract, you are to also include the following clauses into your  formal, written contract between you and Mr. Barker:

  1. A Mandated Alternative Dispute clause.
  2. Act of God/ Force Majeure Clause in case the toys are destroyed by a natural disaster.

Sociology and mental health | Sociology homework help


Week Five Assignment: Sociology and Mental Health


The sociology of mental health examines our approach to diagnosing and treating mental illnesses as extensions of culture and social structure. To supplement medically-based neurological explanations for our emotional experiences, sociologists account for these social conditions in determining the existence of mental illnesses. The below assignment asks you to adopt the sociological perspective in your analysis of mental health in society.



Write an 8-10 page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that addresses these four areas:

  1. Giving specific reference to our reading material for the week, define in your own words the sociological viewpoint toward mental health in society.
  2. Based upon your own independent research, cite at least three separate journal articles that are no more than five years old that demonstrate the difference between a sociological viewpoint toward mental health and a strictly clinical viewpoint.
  3. In offering a critique of the clinical viewpoint toward mental health, please explain the rise and impact of the United States’ pharmaceutical industry. For example, has this industry influenced the rates of mental health diagnoses and treatment? Has it helped shape whether or not we think our emotional distress might necessitate psychiatric treatment?
  4. Provide at least three important examples in which the “feeling rules” for women and men are different. Next, explain how differences in these feeling rules may result in a mental illness diagnosis for one gender but not the other. Be sure to cite your sources to validate your arguments. The sources should be more than five years old.
  5. Evaluate whether or not the increase in psychiatric medications is beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to society. Please ground this evaluation from a sociological perspective. Be sure to cite at least one source no more than five years old to validate your argument.  

General requirements:

  • Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.
  •  Include subheadings to identify each section. 

Discussion thread: classroom management | Education homework help

Imagine that you are about to start your first year of teaching, and you are starting to think about your classroom management plan. Choose three strategies from Chapter 11 of the textbook that you consider to be the most important when pre-planning for classroom management. Support your assertions with at least one scholarly resource, in addition to the textbook.  

Advanced graphs | Information Systems homework help


Background: We have seen how simple data analysis and simple graphs assist us with telling the story of raw datasets. Now we will learn how the use of advanced graphs play a major “drilling down” deep into the meaning of the data.


Use RStudio to generate advanced graphs (using the ggplot2 package) using the dataset below.

Use the following videos to learn the commands to produce advanced graphs in RStudio: RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part1.mp4 | RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part2.mp4 

Graphs to Produce:

ggplot2 – Bar Plot: (Use dataset_student_survey_data.csv)

  • x=Smoke
  • fill=Exer
  • position=dodge
  • facet=Sex
  • x-label=Smoker
  • y-label=Counts
  • title=The Exercise habits of Male and Female students that smoke

ggplot2 – Histogram: (Use dataset_us_car_price_data.csv)

  • x=Price
  • fill=Type
  • facet=Type
  • x-label=Price
  • y-label=Freq
  • title=Car Price Distribution based on Car Type

ggplot2 – Box Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)

  • x=varieties
  • y=price
  • fill=bimas
  • facet=status
  • x-label=Rice Varieties
  • x-label=Price
  • title=India Rice Prices based on Varieties, Land Status, and Bimas Program

ggplot2 – Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)

  • x=price
  • y=wage
  • shape=bimas
  • col=bimas
  • facet=status
  • method=lm
  • se=F
  • x-label=Rice Price
  • y=Wage
  • title=India Rice Prices vs Wage broken down by Land Status and Bimas Program

Please put all screen shots in a MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Don’t upload the screen shots individually in the assignment folder! 

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Digital media and society | Information Systems homework help

 Resourse to watch and read:


1. Digital Life in 2025 (web page)

2. Intersection of American Media and Culture (web page)

3. How Did We Get Here? The Evolution of Media (web page)


1. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier – Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything
PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 – 08:28 minutes | closed captioned) 

Note: Start the video, then navigate to the 8:29-minute mark

2. Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier – Chapter 2: What’s It Doing to Their Brains?
(PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 2 (08:29 – 16:05 minutes | closed captioned) 
Note: Start the video, then navigate to the 8:29-minute mark.

Topic 1: Digital Media

This week, you watched Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything and Chapter 2: What’s It Doing to Their Brains?

Professor Turkle believes that students are wrong to think that a “multitasking learning environment” will help them succeed as students. She believes that in order to learn certain things, we need to be still, quiet and focused on one thing at a time.
Question #1:
Do you agree with the professor’s opinion? Is it possible to learn while multi-tasking? Why or why not? NOTE: The focus here is learning and multitasking while using digital media.

Topic 2Digital Media’s Impact on Society


This week you read “Intersection of American Media and Culture“, which explained how different technological transitions have shaped media industries.

Question #1:
How has technological developments in radio, television, the Internet, OR newspaper (SELECT ONE) influenced mass communication? Support your response. 

Topic 3: Digital Future
This week you read Digital Life in 2025 by Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie.

Anderson and Rainie summarized 15 theses about the digital future of which eight were classified as more hopeful.
Question #1: 
Which ONE of the eight “hopeful” theses do you see as the most hopeful? Explain your choice.

NOTE 2: Please make sure you answer EACH item and LABEL each item (#1, #2, #3, etc) so that I can easily check that each item has been answered.
NOTE 3: Please do not attach a file to the conference–enter your reply into the text area provided.
NOTE 4: After you post your response, please review it to make sure it is formatted correctly and is easy to read.

Week 7 | Management homework help

In this week’s reading in the text chapter 14, PROJECT PROFILE, you can read the story of the termination of Amazon’s project to enter into the mobile phone market with the Amazon “Fire.”

For this online discussion, please consider the termination of Amazon’s “Fire” project ,  and then share with the  class your thoughts on this project.   

Would you consider this an “early termination?”

What are the key factors and events that led to the failure of this project?

What might Amazon have done differently to turn this project into a success?  Or, was the project doomed from the start with no hope of success?