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Week 2 – Discussion

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Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

 Classifications of Evidence Presentation [WLOs: 1, 2, 4] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4, 5]

There are several types or classifications of evidence. How evidence is collected or packaged may vary from one classification to another. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review:

You may also want to review the recommended help guides for PowerPoint and Screencast-O-Matic. You are also strongly encouraged to review the other recommended resources, as they will help you explore different types of evidence, as well as packaging and processing.

You are an intern at a forensic Crime Scene Response Unit (CSRU) and as part of your duties, the unit manager has asked you to develop a presentation on evidence for a Citizens’ Academy class. Develop a short presentation about the classification of evidence assigned. For this discussion forum evidence has been categorized into six types, although the evidence in each of these six categories could be further separated. You will be assigned topics by last name to complete this presentation. Your presentation will comprise slides containing visuals and bullet points, as well as narrating content. You can use PowerPoint to create your presentation using this Ashford web page Presentations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or any other presentation software and record yourself narrating it with Screencast-O-MaticPreview the document. You are not required to be on camera but may choose to do so if you please.

You are assigned the following topics based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A through C: Trace evidence: hair, fiber, glass, paint, soil
  • D through E: Fingerprints
  • F through L: Patterns: firearms, tool marks, tire tracks, and footprints
  • M through O: Documents and electronics
  • Q through S: Blood and biological
  • T through Z: Combustibles and explosives

The instructor has the discretion to reassign students to an alternative category to ensure topics are all covered.

Your presentation must address the following elements:

  • description of the type(s) of evidence included in this category
  • an overview of how that type of evidence emerged
  • how it was first used and any historical significance
  • current uses
  • how it should be documented
  • packaging methods
  • explanation of why this methodology is used
  • potential admissibility issues in court

PowerPoint or any other presentation software may be used to visually present your research design. Write speaker’s notes as a script at the bottom of each slide to enable smooth narration. Narration is required. To include narration, you will need to record your presentation using Screencast-O-MaticPreview the document or similar software and link it to share with others. You will need either a laptop’s built-in microphone or an external microphone headset to record your voice.

The file for the presentation should be attached or embedded in your post for your peers to review, and be sure to add the link to your screencast recording. The following presentation resources are available in the Ashford Writing Center for you to use:

Your presentation should have a minimum of five content slides (excluding cover and reference slides) and be at least three minutes long. Support your presentation with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references either in the text, on bullet points, or in the notes section.

You must use at least one scholarly or credible professional resource to support your presentation. The presentation must include a cover slide, and references slide for sources cited in the body of the presentation. In the notes section of the references slide, you must indicate how the group divided the work.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ presentations by Day 7. You should select presentations on a category of different evidence than yours. Your responses should contribute to the analysis of working with this type of evidence by asking about the material presented or providing feedback on the presentation’s thoroughness or effectiveness. You must support your responses with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references. Remember science is objective, not a matter of subjective opinions. Responses to your peers should be at least 100 words in length.

Also, remember that this is a discussion. If a peer or your instructor asks you a question, it is your responsibility to respond. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5 p.m. on Day 7 of the week.

Project deliverable 6: project plan


This assignment consists of three (4) sections: a written project plan, revised business requirements document, project plan PowerPoint presentation, and a finalized project plan. You must submit the four (4) sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

While taking all business and project parameters into consideration, make quality assumptions to support the following requirements.

Section 1: Written Project Plan

You are now in the final stage of the project plan development. All previous documentation should be combined into one document that will serve as the statement of work for the project. Your goal is to have the project approved by the executive team. The project plan should be very detailed, which is designed to accomplish the monumental task of implementation; however, the executive team is only interested in a 30-minute summation. Therefore, you also must create a compelling executive summary that is supported by your detail that convinces the executive team that they should move forward with your solution.

  1. Develop a thirty to forty (30-40) page project plan in which you:
  • Write a five to ten (5-10) page executive summary that provides a high-level technical overview of your project in which you:
    • Describe the scope of the project and control measures.
    • Describe the goals and objectives of the project.
    • Include a high-level overview of all project deliverables.
    • Give a detailed, realistically estimated cost analysis of the entire project, including human capital.
    • Relate the value of the project plan solution to the competitive advantage that information technology will afford your organization.
    • Recommend solution providers who can assist with development and implementation.
  • Combine all previous documentation for Project Deliverables 1-5 in which you:Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    • Provide all aspects of the information technology implementation into the project plan.
    • Revise the documentation based on feedback from the earlier evaluation of your deliverable.

Section 1 of this assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the project plan. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the project plan.                              

Section 2: Revised Business Requirements Document

  1. Document all revisions made to the written project plan in the Document Control section of the business requirements document from Project Deliverable 2: Business Requirement. Note: This documentation must outline the revisions made to the previous deliverables required in Section 1: Written Project Plan.

Section 3: Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation

Additional to your detailed executive summary you must present your findings to the executive team and the venture capital group that along with the executive summary will convince the group that your solution is optimal.

  1. Create a ten to fifteen (10-15) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
  • Illustrate the concepts from your executive summary in Section 1 of this assignment.
  • Create bulleted speaking notes for your presentation to the executive board in the Notes section of the PowerPoint. Note: You may create or assume any fictitious names, data, or scenarios that have not been established in this assignment for a realistic flow of communication.
  • Use a professional technically written style to graphically convey the information.

Section 4: Finalized Project Plan

Use Microsoft project to:

  1. Finalize your project plan from Project Deliverable 5: Infrastructure and Security to include all necessary changes in assumptions, tasks, and / or subtasks.

Death by powerpoint! | Information Systems homework help


Death by PowerPoint!

PowerPoint is both one of the most important tools and one of the most dreaded tools in the business world.  I can’t tell you how many horrible presentations I’ve sat through in my adult life, most frequently as an employee!  There are so many different opinions on what makes a good or bad PowerPoint presentation. 

Pick one of the following scenarios and discuss why the approach used is a “don’t” when using PowerPoint, and make sure to explain what you should do instead. 

  1. You’re in a business pitch with the CEO of Verizon attempting to sell your brand-new virtual assistant and your PowerPoint consists of white backgrounds and black letters.
  2. You’re teaching History in a lecture hall with 1,000 students, and your PowerPoint presentation consists of slides filled with paragraphs and paragraphs of information.
  3. You’re a new Pastor meeting with your congregation for the first time and you thought it would be nice to have a PowerPoint presentation behind you.  On each slide, you’ve included a fun, but huge animated GIF.
  4. It’s your parent’s 50th wedding anniversary and you’ve crafted this great PowerPoint full of pictures and fun quotes from their years together, and you wanted to make it jump off of the screen so you’ve used a black background and purple sparkling text.

Forming a contract | Law homework help

Sally Signer

Sally Signer was smart and industrious. The year was 2010, and Sally was in the market to purchase a high-quality snow-cone machine. Sally had always wanted to start her business called “Sally’s Snow Show Cones.” It did not matter she lived in Wisconsin. “People love snow cones,” she thought.

Luckily, Sally was a bargain hunter and very good at the task. She would flip through bargain trader magazines, visit auction sites like, and even travel within the border of her state to find a machine.

One day, while shopping at “Ima Shyster’s House of Wares,” Sally saw the perfect snow-cone machine: the Snow Stopper 3000. It crushed the ice, added the flavorings, and poured the delicious semi-beverage into a plastic cup – all with the push of one button! (Sonic, eat your heart out.)

A large sign outside (and inside) the store stated: “THIS WEEK ONLY, EVERYTHING IN THE STORE HALF OFF!

The owner of “Ima Shyster’s House of Wares,” Ima himself, noticed Sally looking at the Snow Stopper 3000. He approached her on the showroom floor. Their conversation went as follows:


Ima: “I see you are interested in the 3000. She’s a good model and I can give it to you at a great price.”

Sally: “Really? You see, I’ve always wanted one of these and it would be great to start my business.” [The price tag affixed to the machine stated the product was $1,200.00]

Ima: “Is that a fact? Well, I’ll tell ya’ what I’m gonna do for you. I’ll let you have this beee-utiful machine for the low low price of only $1,000.00. How does that float your boat?”

Sally: “I don’t know, I saw this same model on ebay for only $900.00.”

Ima: “$900.00, eh? Ebay, eh? Well how about $875.00?”

Sally: “How about $500.00?”

Ima: “Lady, are you out of your mind? I could not possibly go lower than $750.00!”

Sally: “I’ll think about it. How long can you keep your offer open?”

Ima: “Only a reasonable amount of time, my dear – these babies are selling like hot cakes!”

Sally: “And you’re sure $750.00 is as low as you can go?”

Ima: “Maybe $700.00.”

Sally: “I’ll take it for $700.00 if I like the way it works.”


Sally then exited Ima’s store, thinking to herself how savvy she is for getting such a great deal. She would call Mr. Shyster later that day to work out delivery arrangements for her $350.00 Snow Stopper 3000. “After all,” thought Sally, “the sign said everything is half off.”

Little did Sally know that after leaving Shyster’s store that afternoon, an electrical fire ripped through the showroom, destroying all of Shyster’s merchandise (including the Snow Stopper 3000). Nobody was hurt in the blaze.

And little did Ima Shyster know that Sally Signer was only 15 years old. She was mature (she did have a learner’s permit), but nonetheless, only on the planet for 15 years.

Ima Shyster, meanwhile, went crazy after his showroom went up in smoke. However, everyone in the business had known for some time that Shyster had “not been quite right lately.” In fact, Shyster believed a stray dog living in the back of the store was the President of his company and Shyster would often make business calls on a phone that was not even operational.

The Fine Print

Your mission is to discuss one of the following situations (and of course, provide follow-up to two of your classmates):

a)You are an attorney for Ima Shyster.

b)You are an attorney for Sally Signer.

What, if any, contractual problems are involved with the situation above (guessing is good at this point in the game; more definite issues will arise with discussions in later chapters)? Is there even a contract? If so, what kind? How about any issues that may prevent a contract from being formed? Was there an offer? Or even a meeting of the minds? Was the offer terminated? When? What exactly was the consideration? Was there an illusory promise? Despite any problems, would a contract nevertheless be valid? Enforceable?

What I am looking for is a solid analysis of the situation, supra. You could IRAC different parts if you would like. However, no matter what, please include terms from the text and apply them to the fact situation.

Government essay | Government homework help

 Compare and contrast federalism with a unitary system of government. Explain which one is used in the United States.   lesson 1

 Explain how a bill becomes law and detail the process. lesson2

 Identify five cabinet departments and explain what they do. lesson 3


Detail how a case proceeds at the U.S. Supreme Court. lesson 4

Cybercrime | Sociology homework help

2 Discussion Questions

1. What are the differences between cyberdeviants  who do not intend harm to other computer users or their systems and those who intend malicious damage and theft?

2. How are cyberdeviant subcultures formed and sustained through time? How are members recruited, selected, and socialized by a cybercrime subculture?

Discussion | information literacy | Herzing University-Minneapolis

Evaluation Title: Information Literacy and Society

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the sociocultural issues and implications involved with the concept of information literacy.

Throughout the course, you have applied the concept of information literacy to your academic work. For this unit, please expand your scope and in a 2-3 page reflective essay, share your thoughts on how you see information literacy being applied in our society.

Possible prompts include: are some groups more informationally literate than others? If so, why? Is this related to the concept of “information privilege”? If so, can you explain how? How does society benefit from a population that is informationally literate? How does a society suffer from a population that is not? Do you believe our society values information literacy? Why do you feel as you do? Should we care about whether a society possesses information literacy skills?

You may use the personal pronoun “I” in this essay. If you use secondary sources, be sure to provide a citation such as (Smith, 2002, p. 82) and the corresponding reference in APA style.

Your assignment submission should be a Word document that fully adheres to the instructions listed above. 

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Discussion 6 | Education homework help

Please respond to the following:

  • Choose one of the case briefs from this week’s chapter on Education of Students with Disabilities. Briefly summarize how the final decision of the case impacted the education of students with special needs. Evaluate how the case decision impacted components of special education services such as funding, special education determination and eligibility standards.

Deliverable 02 – healthcare human resources strategies, practices,



Wynn Regional Medical Center (WRMC) recently received a letter of resignation from the Human Resources Director. This is the second HR Director who has resigned in the last year. The HR Department has been in disarray due to the departures and many policies have not been implemented. Some positions have been left vacant for months due to a lack of knowledge about what sort of skill sets are needed to succeed in those roles.


As the newly hired Vice President of Human Resources, the CEO of WRMC has asked you to develop a written hiring proposal that includes information on recruiting, training, and succession planning for the new HR Director. The proposal should be a Word document and address the following:

  • Recruitment
  • How do you plan on finding a qualified HR Director? Where will you advertise the position? What are you looking for in a qualified candidate?
  • Training
  • When you select the best applicant, how will you train him or her? Who will train them? How long will they train? What are the top five items that he or she will need to be trained on?
  • Succession
  • Describe what a succession plan is and the importance of having one in an organization.
  • How will you ensure that the department is prepared if this HR Director resigns? Who will serve in the HR Director capacity on an interim basis?

Unit 1 project | MEE 5801 – Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management | Columbia Southern University

Over the course of these eight units, we will be developing a course project. We will do a single section of the course project in every unit by completing one section of the course project, and then adding to it with the subsequent work in the following unit. This unit work will be in the form of unit projects. 

In following units (Units II, III, V, VI, and VIII), the Unit Lesson will contain an interactive model that will enable you to effectively select the most appropriate equipment and technology to engineer into your waste management system design for the facility. It is imperative that you read the Unit Lessons within the study guide in each unit, use the interactive model, and consider the current (as well as previous) material from Bahadori’s (2014) textbook in every unit. This project will serve as a comprehensive demonstration of your applied learning of engineering industrial and hazardous waste treatment systems.

Your course project will be to develop a document titled “A Proposal for an Industrial Waste Treatment Facility” and will serve as a simulation of your work as a contract environmental engineer for a small, rural town in the United States. 

The Scenario:

You have contracted with the city named Small Town, USA, to design and engineer a municipal industrial waste pre-treatment facility. The city currently accepts liquid wastes from three significant industrial users (SIU): (a) a petroleum refinery, (b) an animal rendering plant, and (c) a tanker truck washout. In an effort to capture revenue, the city is currently accepting the liquid waste physically hauled by tanker truck from all three SIU members and is subsequently collecting the liquid wastes into a 300,000 gallon storage tank, pending your facility design. 

The city wants to be able to effectively treat and neutralize the liquid waste, landfill or reuse the sludge in an agriculture application, and discharge the neutralized treatment plant effluent water to the existing municipal (residential) wastewater plant for final treatment after successfully meeting the local limits for each analyte.

The current waste profile has been analyzed at a local environmental chemical testing laboratory. This is the lab report at 30ºC:

AnalyteConcentration (mg/L or ppm)Local Limits (mg/L or ppm)BOD42001300COD60002400TSS800160pH5.56.0-9.0TDS5000200TOC1300150Cyanides30.5Phenols15012Cadmium152Chromium (trivalent)50.25Iron80050H2S (hydrogen sulfide)60.5TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons)1600640


  1. Closely read the Required Reading assignment from Bahadori (2014) and the Unit Lesson within the Study Guide.
  2. Use APA style (title page, body with level one headings, and a reference page) for a research paper, and begin drafting a proposal document. You will add to this document in every unit with another level one heading.
  3. Since this is a project that you add to throughout the course, make your Unit I work your first level one heading, titled “Municipal Situation,” and describe the scenario that is presented above. You are required to describe the scenario in at least one page.