Calculating current and deferred income | ACC 307 Federal Taxation | Strayer University

There are six steps in calculating the current and deferred income tax expense or benefit components of a company’s income tax provision. Identify one of the six steps and describe the step in detail, explaining the issues that should be considered in that step and how it is computed.

**Evaluate the need for a valuation allowance for gross deferred tax assets**

Formal analysis in mla format of an art

 STAGE 1: Museum Formal Analysis ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation Dr. Foltz For this activity, you will visit a local museum in person, investigate one artwork from the culture/region chosen by your group, and write a formal analysis of the work. 1. Download and review the Formal Analysis Quick Guide in eCampus (in the Formal Analysis module). 2. Visit an art museum of your choice. The best museums for this project are listed below, but you may visit another as long as it is a fine art museum that includes artworks eligible for this activity. Check websites for days when the admission might be discounted or free. *NOTE: most museums are closed on Mondays.* • Dallas Museum of Art • Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas • Kimbell Museum, Fort Worth 3. At the museum, locate the gallery that contains artworks from your group’s chose culture or region. Select one piece to write about. 4. Use the Quick Guide to take detailed notes on the piece. • Include a photo of your chosen artwork. Check with museum employees before photographing any art, and NEVER use flash in a museum or gallery! 5. If you do not attend the class museum visit, you’ll need some kind of proof of your visit. This can be a photo of yourself inside the building, or a receipt, brochure, or wristband that you include as an image on the last page of your paper. 6. After your museum visit, use your notes to write a formal analysis of the artwork you viewed. • Formal Analysis focuses on the physical form of the object, based on your personal observations. This section should NOT contain any discussion of history, religion, or meaning. • The history and meaning of the work will be discussed later in Stages 3 and 5 of the Semester Project. 7. If you need help writing or organizing this paper, consult the ECC learning center. You can arrange visits online or in person. 8. Your paper should be about 3 pages long, double-spaced, in 12 point font, with 1” margins. • Use MLA style for heading, page headers, etc. • Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation are required and are part of your grade. 9. Before you submit, read over your paper to be sure it makes sense, is free of errors, and answers everything required. 10. Upload your paper in eCampus no later than 11:59pm on the due date on the Course Calendar. Sample MLA page – notice heading, page numbers, and margins. 

 ART APPRECIATION: Formal Analysis Quick Guide Info: Artist, Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions, Iconography Elements • Line: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvilinear o Effect: stable or dynamic; WHY? • Shape: organic, geometric • Color: primary, secondary, warm, cool, neutral, complementary, analogous o Effect: mood? • Value: high, low? Light source: actual or implied? • Texture: actual or implied? • Space: implied depth? Overlapping? Foreshortening? Principles • Balance? Symmetry? • Unity (repetition of elements)? Variety (diversity of elements)? • Emphasis: focal point? accents? Analysis: what is the overall impression or effect created? Is the work realistic or abstract? Does it create a certain mood or idea? 

Phd writting assignment | Information Technology

Q.1) what was your main term course? Reflect on connection between knowledge or concepts from this courses and how those have been or could be applied in the work place. 

include the following :

Course name, course ID, and a 300 word description of how knowledge and skills obtained in this course were applied in your current position or an employment opportunity in youor field of study.

(to answer question 1; My main term course is Information Governance)


“Strategic leadership, BADM645 – Over the duration of startegic management course I expanded my knowledge and skill set in the areaas of….. I am able to apply this skill to my curent position of……

Q.2) what was your IG or IIG term course? 

Reflect on connection between knowledge or concepts from this courses and how those have been or could be applied in the work place. 

include the following :

Course name, course ID, and a 300 word description of how knowledge and skills obtained in this course were applied in your current position or an employment opportunity in youor field of study.

(to answer question 2; My IG term course is Operational Excellence)


“Strategic leadership, BADM645 – Over the duration of startegic management course I expanded my knowledge and skill set in the areaas of….. I am able to apply this skill to my curent position of……

Bus692 week 3 discussions and reply to beverly and donalds discussions


Discussion # 1-Aligning Staffing Systems with Organizational Strategy

First, consider your firm’s orientation in regards to the Miles and  Snows framework.  How will the firm retrain, hire staff, or outsource to  meet future demand?  How might the processes be improved considering  the strategic orientation? Present your findings in 200 words  in  your discussion post. Use at least one scholarly source in your reply  in addition to the article and video provided. Respond to at least two  of your classmates’ posts.

Education Unlocked. (2013). Porter’s Generic Strategies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Reply to Beverly-

According  to Hunt (2014), the Miles and Snow business strategy is identified by  four different levels; defender, prospector, analyzer, and reactor.

Defender- protect their market from competition

Prospector- are innovative, seek out new opportunities, take risks and grow

Analyzer- maintain their current businesses looking more for stability and to be somewhat creative in new companies

Reactor- there is no consistent strategy-structure relationship. Top  management frequently perceive change and uncertainty occurring in their  organizational environments but are unable to respond effectively

Considering Apple’s posture in the technology market, I believe they  take on both the prospector and defender position. While Apple is  innovative and continuously seeks developmental growth, they also  protect their technological advances to stay competitively ahead of  their competition. Apple does not need to retrain its employees as they  only seek out the most talented people for their company. Just the best  work for Apple and they take charge of that in the hiring process. In  that, Apple has an extensive hiring process that goes beyond the  standard protocol. They look for inventive geniuses that can take the  company to another level as their market is changing every day (Hein,  2015). Therefore, it is not abnormal for prospective employees to get a  call from a member of the Apple team directly requesting they interview  with them.


Hein, B. (25 February 2015). Want to work for Apple? Here’s the  grueling hiring process. Retrieved from

Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management.  Retrieved from

Reply to Donald-

How will the firm retrain, hire staff, or outsource to meet future demand?

The Amazon will meet future demands, academ Lib. (2015) states that,”  defenders aim to maximize the efficiency of internal procedures, miles  and snow argued that they addressed administrative problems by providing  management with the ability to centrally control all organizational  operations”. Defenders in the firm protect their market from the  competition.

 How might the processes be improved considering the strategic orientation?

The process can be improved considering the strategic orientation by  using a prospector for Amazon; they look for products and market  opportunities, they can experiment with emerging environmental trends in  the marketplace.  

Considering the strategic orientation analyzers use a formal  structure process, they operate routinely and efficiently. Amazon is  definitely not a reactor, they are the leading innovative technology  brands amongst any company at this time. Their organizational structure  is intact and the decision making is sound when it comes to new products  that are introduced. 

While looking at Amazons space in the market of technology, they are  both defender and prospector. Amazon is steadily increasing the ways it  touches its customers, they are constantly training internally. The  hiring process in thorough and sound. In addition, they are outsourcing  ways to deliver in parts of the world that couldn’t receive mail.

Academ Lib. (2015). Miles and Snow’s Typology of Defender,  Prospector, Analyzer, and Reactor Retrieved from
Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management. Retrieved from

Discussion # 2-Kirkpatrick’s Training Model

Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four level Evaluation Model, devised in the 1970s  and a standard tool in training circles Evaluate the value and  limitations of the model in practice. Find an article or webpage that  offers updated information on Kirkpatrick’s model. Discuss the changes  in the model since 1970. Are the improvements significant? Why or Why  not? How would application of such a model improve training in your  organization? What ways could you evaluate results if you were devising a  training program? (Please remember that this question should be related  to the company you are writing your Capstone project about.) Present  your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least  one scholarly source in your reply in addition to the article in  addition to the Kirkpatrick article. Respond to at least two of your  classmates’ posts. Remember to properly cite your sources.

Reply to Beverly-

Business’s  use Kirkpatrick’s training model so that they can improve the learner  experience and achieve the goals of their training for employee’s. The  four levels of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model essentially measure:

Reaction – what trainee’s thought about the training

Learning – the result of the training whether an increase in knowledge or capability

Behavior – the extent of behavior and capability improvement and implementation/application

Results – the overall effects on the business resulting from the trainee’s performance

To obtain an expressive evaluation of learning in organizations, it  is recommended that are the levels are used. Since the 1970’s, there has  not been much change to the model as it is proven to work. However, it  only works when implemented which a lot of companies do not because of  time and cost (Kurt, 2016). Evaluating Apple’s training from a product  knowledge standpoint, this model could vastly improve the wherewithal of  the company. Defined by customer relationships and value-added provided  by the sales force is the information transferred to the consumer  giving them a greater understanding of the products they are using this  translates to a better customer experience thus a boost in revenue (Tan  and Newman, 2013). Ultimately, that is any businesses end goal.  Evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of the model is done through  multiple levels such as customer feedback through various forms of  social media outlets, an increase in consumers, plus the growth in  overall product sales.


Kurt, S. (24 October 2016). Kirkpatrick Model: Four Levels of  Learning Evaluation  Retrieve from

Tan, K., & Newman, E. (2013). The evaluation of sales force  training in retail organizations: A test of Kirkpatrick’s four-level  model. International Journal of Management, 30(2), 692-703. Retrieved  from

Reply to Donald-

Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model can help you  objectively analyze the effectiveness and impact of your training, so  that you can improve it in the future. The model was updated in 1975,  and again in 1993, when he published his best-known work, “Evaluating  Training Programs.” (This was developed later by Donald and his son,  James, and then James and his wife, Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick.)
The four levels are:
Reaction-measures  how your trainees (the people being trained), reacted to the training.  The company wants employees to feel that the training was a valuable  experience and that they want them to feel good about the instructor,  the topic, the material, its presentation, and the venue.
It’s  important to measure reaction, because it helps companies understand how  well the training was received. It also helps companys improve the  training for future trainees, including identifying important areas or  topics that are missing from the training.
Learning- Companies can   measure what their trainees have learned. How much has their knowledge  increased as a result of the training. Start with a list of specific  learning objectives: these should be the starting point for companies to  measure. Measuring learning in different ways depending on these  objectives, and depending on whether you’re interested in changes to  knowledge, skills, or attitude, because knowing what your trainees are  learning and what they aren’t will help you improve future training.
Behavior-  Evaluate how far your trainees have changed their behavior, based on  the training they received. This looks at how the trainees are able to  apply the information that was given.
Results-Analyze the final results of your training.

This would improve training in my organization by being able to  measure what employees or trainees have learned by allowing them to  apply what they went through in the training sessions and based on their  assessment is when they can move up the company ladder. That is how I  would evaluate, if you cant apply it then you should retrain or stay in  the position that you are currently holding. By showing trainees that  they can have the ability or opportunity to apply what they have learned  should be motivation in itself.

Critical thinking | Article writing homework help


Find an online article (news, magazine, journal, etc.) on any subject that interests you that uses statistics to make its conclusion. Share a link in this thread.

Now answer these questions about that article:

  • What is the premise and conclusion of the argument based on statistics?
  • Determine whether or not the argument uses any deceptive statistics.
  • Give your opinion on whether or not the argument has persuaded you. Explain why or why not.
  • Determine the primary ways in which statistics or authority are used in your current position in developing persuasive arguments and provide examples here.

System/software development life cycle (sdlc) model and methodology

Select a System/Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model and methodology then apply this model and methodology to a project using the Information Technology (IT) specialization you wrote about in your Week 1 paper.  Be sure to define the SDLC model and methodology and identify which SDLC step is associated with each project component.

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the SafeAssign originality-checking tool.  More APA assistance can be found at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.

Case 13-2 google searches sas for the business solution to how to

Select one of the case studies listed below (located in your textbook.)  


Then complete the following: 

•Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made—if this was your company would you make this choice? 

•What would you do differently?–q11689003

For rey writer | Psychology homework help


Answer in complete sentences

Chapter Lecture Activity

1. Explain Erikson’s stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion. How can you identify with this stage (either currently or in your past)?

2. Explain Erikson’s stage Intimacy vs. Isolation. How can you identify with this stage?

3. What is Emerging Adulthood? What are some factors that have contributed to this new stage of development? Do you agree with its addition? Why or why not?


4.  Read the article and review the material within this link

5.  Write a summary of all of the material within the folder you choose. Write from a scientific perspective. Do NOT include personal feelings or religion.  (300 words minimum) 

6. In addition to your summary, use the following sentence stems to write this portion.

I did not know …

I was surprised to learn …

It is amazing that …

7. Using information discussed in your text, explain why using concrete rewards to increase adaptive behaviors could be disadvantageous for children who are intrinsically motivated to learn. 

8. Explain the importance, as you see it, of knowing that sexual motivation and sexual ability are located in different parts of the brain. What can we do with this knowledge?

9. The index that is often used to classify people as belonging to various weight groups is called BMI. Give that BMI is calculated solely on weight and height how could it be misleading? What are some implications (in medical and insurance fields, for example) of using this measure. What type of measure might be better?

 10. Follow the link “Motivation and Needs Assessment” and click “Take the test” (this should take less than 30 min)

11. Copy and paste you snapshot report

12. Did your results surprise you? Do you agree with the results? Why or why not? Explain what you think the results mean? (minimum 200 words)

 13. For each of the three attitude items below, indicate your response on a scale of 1 to 5

(1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree).

1.Poverty in our country is a serious problem.

2.Pollution is one of the biggest issues confronting today’s world.

3.Freedom of speech is one of the most important rights that we have as Americans.

14. Answer the following:

a.Do you personally do anything to lessen poverty in our country (e.g., donate money to a shelter or charitable organization)? Why or why not?

b. Do you personally do anything to lessen pollution (e.g., vote for “green” political representatives, support recycling in your community, make fewer trips in your car)?  Why or why not?

c.Do you personally exercise your freedom of speech (e.g., actively participate in town meetings/protests, vote in every election for which you are eligible, write to your congressional representative)?  Why or why not?

15. Decide which of the following is an act of aggression (please read in your text about aggression and what an actual “act” of aggression would be):

•A wolf kills a rabbit and eats it.

•A person thinks about different ways to hurt a co-worker but never does anything.

•A father is upset with his son and chooses not to send to him a birthday card on his birthday.

Tell me why. 

16. Attitudes have 3 components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Come up with a central idea (such as “I love chocolate cake.”) and then describe each of the three components (that is, identify the cognitive aspect, identify the affective aspect, and identify the behavioral aspect).

 17 . Follow the link “Implicit Associations Test,” read the “preliminary information” page and click “I wish to proceed” at the bottom.

18. Choose one of the associations located on the left side of the screen. Complete the IAT (this should take 5-10 min)

19. Which association did you choose? What were your results? Do you feel this is accurate? Why or why not? 

           – What is the difference between stereotype and prejudice? 

           – Have you ever been stereotyped, either positively or negatively? Tell me about it


Expansion strategy and establishing a re-order point


Purpose of Assignment 

This assignment has two cases. The first  case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make  decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an  opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability  distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case  is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so  he or she doesn’t run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal  distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in  finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in  operations management. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set, Case Study Scenarios 

Write a 1,050-word report based on the Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set and Case Study Scenarios. 

Include answers to the following: 

Case 1: Bell Computer Company

  • Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two  expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of  maximizing the expected profit?
  • Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two  expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of  minimizing the risk or uncertainty? 

Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

  • What should be the re-order point? How many HP laser printers should he have in stock when he re-orders from the manufacturer?

Format your assignment consistent with APA format.


SuperFun Toys Case Study


Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is for  students to learn how to make managerial decisions using a case study on  Normal Distribution. This case uses concepts from Weeks 1 and 2. It  provides students an opportunity to perform sensitivity analysis and  make a decision while providing their own rationale. This assignment  also shows students that statistics is rarely used by itself. It shows  tight integration of statistics with product management. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, SuperFun Toys Case Study, SuperFun Toys Case Study Data Set 

Review the SuperFun Toys Case Study and Data Set. 

Develop a 1,050-word case study analysis including the following: 

Use the sales forecaster’s prediction to describe a normal  probability distribution that can be used to approximate the demand  distribution.

  • Sketch the distribution and show its mean and standard deviation. Hint: To find the standard deviation, think Empirical Rule covered in Week 1.
  • Compute the probability of a stock-out for the order quantities  suggested by members of the management team (i.e. 15,000; 18,000;  24,000; 28,000).
  • Compute the projected profit for the order quantities suggested by  the management team under three scenarios: pessimistic in which sales  are 10,000 units, most likely case in which sales are 20,000 units, and  optimistic in which sales are 30,000 units.
  • One of SuperFun’s managers felt the profit potential was so great  the order quantity should have a 70% chance of meeting demand and only a  30% chance of any stock- outs. What quantity would be ordered under  this policy, and what is the projected profit under the three sales  scenarios?

Format your assignment consistent with APA format.

Ethical dilemma resolution presentation | CPSS330 Essentials Of Communication In Corrections | University of Phoenix


Use the case study you selected in Week 4.


Case Study #2

You are a mental health professional in a correctional setting. You are treating an offender who voluntarily sought treatment for past trauma related to domestic violence and sexual assault. She informs you that there is an ongoing investigation against the perpetrator, who is her ex-boyfriend. She is afraid to testify and/or provide information against him but has shared information with you during sessions. You are contacted by the prosecutor for information regarding the case and have a full release of information signed by your client.  Your client’s sister has also left you a message regarding the issue and is requesting a call back.

Create a visually engaging 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that describes how you, as a correctional counselor or case manager, would report, document, and resolve the ethical dilemma. Use speaker notes for the majority of your information with bullet points and graphics for your slides. [3 points]

Incorporate course materials into each step in the process of resolving the ethical dilemma in speaker notes. [3 points]


Course material –


Written and Interpersonal Communication, Methods for Law Enforcement, Fifth Edition -AND


Use an ethical code of conduct (either one presented in course materials or one applicable to your future career(social worker) such as the ethical code of the National Association of Social Workers or the National Organization of Human Services) to justify each of your actions related to reporting, documenting, and resolving the ethical dilemma. [1 points]

Include a minimum of three sources, two of which should be course materials. [1 point]


Course material –


Written and Interpersonal Communication, Methods for Law Enforcement, Fifth Edition


Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. [1 point]

Proofread for grammar, formatting, and spelling errors. [1 point]


Course material –


Written and Interpersonal Communication, Methods for Law Enforcement, Fifth Edition


Week 1

Week 2



Week 3



Week 4


