Victim v.s. creator mindset | Management homework help

GU101 Student Success

Assignment W4  (100 points)

“Putting It All Together”

SWOT, grit, growth, victim, creator, motivation, academic integrity.  In the past few weeks, you have been writing short papers that incorporate ideas from sources you have found on the internet and on EBSCOhost.  This week, you will read one more article, and use it along with the others to write an essay about being successful in college.  This paper will be used to help determine your preparedness for future English courses in college.  Do your best work!


1.  Read the article Shifting out of the Drama Triangle: Victim vs. Creator Mindsets.

2.  Write a 5-paragraph essay which explains how having the creator mindset can foster greater success in college than having the victim mindset. For sources, be sure to use this week’s article as well as the articles required for weeks two and three to support your argument.

a.  The first paragraph is your introduction.  It should introduce the topic and contain the thesis statement.

b.  The second paragraph should have a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement.  This paragraph should provide supporting evidence or ideas for your thesis that come from the designated article “Shifting out of the Drama Triangle.”  In this paragraph, you must incorporate one paraphrase from the article and cite it in text properly using APA citations.  This paraphrase must be highlighted in yellow.  Also you must also incorporate one short, direct quote from the article and cite it in text properly using APA citations.  This direct quote must be highlighted in blue.

c.  The third and fourth paragraphs are also supporting paragraphs for your thesis.  They should have topic sentences that support your thesis statement, and contain additional information that further supports the thesis.  Be sure to paraphrase or summarize the two articles you have already found regarding the growth mindset. Use your own words, but provide credit to the articles from which you have taken your ideas.

d.  The final paragraph is the conclusion. It should connect to the introductory paragraph and summarize the main points of the paper.

3.  List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.

Unit 3 unidentified condition: unidentified condition: cortisol, bone | Anatomy and Physiology lab | Herzing University-Minneapolis


Unit 3 Discussion Que

Unidentified Condition: Unidentified Condition: Cortisol, Bone Loss

Throughout the discussions in this course we will be focusing on one single condition; gradually unfolding week by week how this condition can grossly affect the entire human body and its systems.

The goal of the course discussions is primarily, to build upon the skill of differential diagnosis and secondary, to give a clear view as to how a single pathological process can possess the ability to affect an entire human organism.

Each week you will be presented with varying components of a new system being adversely affected by the unidentified condition. Your task as a healthcare professional in training, is to thoroughly research and envelop yourself within the process of differential diagnosis to arrive at a definitive diagnosis at the end of the course in week 8.

In phase one of the discussion, you will be tasked with presenting your researched information into a written presentation answering the questions below, while also considering your response and symptom presentation from weeks 1 and 2.

  Written presentations should be a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per each diagnosed condition (3 conditions minimum).

Symptom Presentation:

  • Cortisol: Increased production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex
  • Bone Loss: Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) confirmed via dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)

Previously, you researched and considered three conditions through the process of differential diagnosis that would present with varying abnormalities in homeostasis, metabolism, triglycerides and DNA in week 1 and abnormalities in oxidation, plasma and tissue enzyme activity, inflammation and alopecia respectively in week 2. Given the new symptom presentation above, consider and answer the following questions within a  written presentation:

  If choosing a written presentation, create a 2-3 paragraphs per each of the questions listed below.

  • Given the new presenting symptoms listed above, has your diagnosis from week 2 changed? Why or why not?
  • Is there a correlation between increased cortisol production and bone loss or are these two separate unassociated symptoms? Rationalize your choice.
  • Does the current symptom presentation from weeks 1, 2 and 3 align with endocrine (hormonal) imbalances? Rationalize your answer.
  • Within your written presentation, please be certain to validate your opinions and ideas while disclosing the sources utilized within your video presentation or written presentation (APA format).

Statistics questions | Statistics homework help

A question of interest to many educators and college admissions officers is whether and to what extent high school students’ performance on standardized tests can predict their performance in college. That is, does how well a student do on a test before entering college bear any relationship to his/her performance in college?

Here is one study looked into this question. The data contain information about students’ final GPA for all years of college, their performance on the ACT (a standardized test commonly used for college admissions), and their high school GPA. They estimated models to examine the links between GPA in college and these two separate pre-college measures.

Your original posting should be answering following questions by July22nd.

  1. Write out the regression equation that you would use to examine this question.
  2. What is the independent variable? The dependent variable?
  3. Form null and alternate hypotheses for the independent variables in your equation (testing for the slopes).
  4. Estimating their regression equation in a statistical software package yielded the following results:discussion question output
    This table shows that the estimated value of the coefficient on high school grades is .453 and is statistically significant. The coefficient on ACT scores is .009 and is not statistically significant. What do these significance levels indicate about acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis?
  5. How do you interpret the value of R2 (.1764)? Do these two factors explain a lot of the variance in college GPA?
  6. Provide at least two additional predictor variables to explain the dependent variable.

Read your classmates post and discuss question #6 for the original posting. Share your idea what do you think of the multiple regression analysis. 

Please see the attachment for picture

Change management plan | Nursing homework help


Utilize the Change Management Plan Outline as a guide for developing your Change Management Plan. Incorporate the work you completed in previous weeks into your final plan.

Look for health policy issue that is of national concern that you will use as the subject for a change management plan.

Health policy issue is: Prescription Drug abuse

Develop a 1,150- to 1,600-word Change Management Plan using John Kotter’s eight-step change model from Week 3.

Include the following in your plan;

1. What current health policy issue exist that are of national concern that affect the NP? 

2. What evidence is there to support the need to address the policy? Does the evidence indicate a sense of urgency regarding the issue? 

3. How is the policy issue represented in the media and what type of influence does this have on you implementing change in this area? 

4. What are the ethical consequences if changes aren’t implemented?

5. Identify stakeholders that will assist you in implementing the change, including opportunities for inter professional relationships.

6. Develop a plan for how and where you see the policy issue making an impact. 7. Identify potential barriers that will hinder you from implementing change in this area and how you will face them to keep the change process progressing.

8. Create a strategy that will gain the support of your congressional representative or of one your  senators and drive them to introduce legislation that will address the policy issue. 

9. How can you use Kurt Lewin’s change management model to solidify change in this area?

Cite and reference using APA guidelines.

07/25(cap grade3) | Information Systems homework help


Read the following case and answer all five questions.


1. How has Webcor used technology to support project management in the construction field?(150 words) 

2. Describe the main lessons IT managers can learn from Webcor builders about the successful adoption of new technologies. (150 words)

3. Webcor bought an application called PlanGrid to mark up construction blueprints on iPads. PlanGrid can be used when the workers are offline and later syncs up with files on the Box platform. Webcor frequently follows this approach of buying application and then building application programming interfaces (APIs) to connect these programs to its main enterprise systems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this IT development process? (150 words)

4. What obstacles do companies face when developing customized IT systems themselves? Under what circumstances does it make sense? (150 words)

5. How might developing whole IT systems themselves rather than adopting already developed solutions and integrating them using APIs, change Webcor’s ability to encourage IT adoption? (150 words) 

Weekly summary 3.1 | Information Systems homework help

Weekly Summary 3.1

Due: Sunday, End of Module by 11:55 p.m. EST

Each week you will write and submit a brief summary of the important concepts learned during the week. The summary will include a summary of the instructor’s weekly lecture including any videos included in the lecture.

This is not a review of the book this is to be your personal views on the lectures and presentations.

Writing Requirements

Grading Criteria:

  • This assignment will be graded using the UOTP Writing Rubric displayed below

Assignment Submission Instructions: 

  1. Prepare your assignment offline in a word processing software such as Microsoft Office
  2. To submit your document, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Add Submission button
  3. Drag and drop your paper to the File Submissions area, or browse for your file by clicking the Add.. icon 
  4. Check the box next to the original work acknowledgment statement
  5. Click the Save changes button to submit

Note: You may edit your submission up until the assignment is graded by your instructor or if requested by your instructor. To edit your submission, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Edit Submissions button, and follow steps 3-5 above.

Social studies 8th grade | Government homework help

 **** This is a 8th grader assignment, therefore, nothing to elaborate please.

In the previous tasks, you’ve analyzed three early documents that influenced the creation of the Constitution and the decisions about how the national government would be structured. Now, your task is to construct a response to the central historical question using evidence from the sources to defend your claim:

In what ways did the documents that helped create the Constitution and found our nation, shape the government we have today?

In your response please use information from the documents in this module and your understanding of how the United States government is structured (think of the three branches of government at the national level–SOL 6a) and how it relates to the people. You should review the rubric below before crafting your response to ensure you know what to include. It might also be helpful to review the rubric prior to submitting to ensure it includes all the necessary elements. 

You can type your final response into the text entry box below or upload the response in a Microsoft Word document.


1. Use only the documents in this module that you’ve read Document A,B,C as evidence for your claim. 

-Charters of the VA Company of London (task 1 document A)

-Declaration of Independence (task 2 document B)

-Articles of Confederation (task 3 document C )

2. Think about and review the structure and powers of our national government–three branches of government and what each branch does  (SOL 6a notes) to help you answer the question.

3. Take an idea from each document to include as evidence for your claim. 

i.e.: Articles of Confederation— there was only the legislative body (congress). With the U.S. Constitution, there are 3 branches of government and each has it’s own powers/responsibilities. 

Look at the rubric, try your best. Once again, your response is scored according to the rubric given, it is not a grade.

**** This is a 8th grader assignment, therefore, nothing to elaborate please.

Week 5 assignment | Education homework help


Week 5 Assignment

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Crisis Interviewing

Reflect on Michael, Lucille, and Dan from the Week 5 Introduction. How is each coping with his or her crisis? What kind of skills would an interviewer need to have in order to effectively help each of these individuals?

In this Assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of effective interviewing skills for providing psychological first aid for individuals in crisis, using what you have learned throughout this course and in the Learning Resources.

  • To prepare for this Assignment:
  • Review the information in Chapter 11 in your course text, The Helping Process: Assessment to Termination. Focus on the sections titled “Caregiver” and “Crisis Intervener.”
  • Review the article “The Shattered Mask: A Red-Flag Carry-In Interview,” found in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on techniques for working with individuals who have faced crises and how strategies for interviewing these individuals would differ from more traditional interview techniques.
  • Review the report Psychological First Aid: Guide for Field Workers, focusing on “Section 3.1: Good Communication” and Chapter 5, “Practice What You Have Learned.”
  • View the Course Media: “Michael: Scenario 1,” “Lucille: Scenario 2,” and “Dan: Scenario 3,” featuring the individuals facing crisis described in this week’s introduction. Pick two of the three to write about in your paper.

The Assignment:

Submit by Day 7 a 1- to 2-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Imagine that you are a human services professional who has been asked to take over the second interview with the individuals in the scenarios you picked.
  • Name the two scenarios you selected by name of the “interviewee.”
  • For each of these two individuals, explain two psychological first aid interviewing strategies that you would apply for their situation.
  • For each individual, write two interview questions that demonstrate what you have learned about interviewing individuals in crisis.
  • Justify why these questions demonstrate effective interviewing skills for individuals in crisis.

Select an exemplar text from common core ela standards, appendix b

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5 discussion boards each at least 150 words and total is 750 words

I need to write 5 discussion boards with 150 words each. It is for my history class. I will provide instructions below. The links about the topics would be provided. Uploaded files are the instructions for the specific discussion topics.

1. Discussion board ‘What is history?’

Please read Chapter 2 entitled, “1493: The True Importance of Christopher Columbus,” from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me.

2. Discussion board ‘More Misconceptions in History’


From the book Lies My Teacher Told Me, please read Chapter 3, “The Truth About the First Thanksgiving.”

3. Discussion board ‘What is History?’

From the book Lies My Teacher Told Me,  please read the Introduction and Chapter 1.

4.Discussion board ‘Slavery and Race’

5.Discussion board ‘Modern Slavery’