Math 1220 1. modeling the data linearly: a. generated a linear model

MATH 1220
1. Modeling the data linearly:
a. Generated a linear model by choosing two points for this data. Linear Model for WalMart
Dry Goods Sales 2002-2003
21200 20000
15200 15000
Sales in $ 10000
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Week b. Generate a least square linear regression model Least Square Linear Regression Model
Sales in $ Sales in $
Linear (Sales in $) 15000
20 30 40 50 Week Regression StatisticsY=ax+b 60 70 80 R
Adjusted R2
Standard Error
Observations 0.643574
52 c. How good is this regression model?
d. What is the marginal revenue for this department using the linear model
with two data points and the regression model? Note that marginal revenue is
the same as the first derivative of the revenue (sale) function.
(Im not sure if this is right)
The marginal revenue function is the first derivative of the total revenue function. so
e. Compare the two models. Which do you feel is better?
After comparing the two models, I find that the least square regression model is
better. Although this is a simple linear least squares regression model because there
is only one variable, it is still more effective and complete as compared to the linear
model. The estimates of the unknown parameters obtained from linear least squares
regressions are the optimal estimates from a broad class of possible parameter
estimates under the usual assumptions used for process modeling. Practically
speaking, linear least squares regression makes very efficient use of the data. Good
results can be obtained with relatively small data sets. Aside, the linear model only
takes into account two points and not the whole set of data. 2. Modeling the data quadratically:
a. Generate a quadratic model for this data.
QuadReg. Formula (Y=AX2+BX+C)
A= 3.357
b. What is the marginal revenue for this department using this model?
c. Calculate the model generated relative max/min value. Show backup analytical
work. d. Compare actual and model generated relative max/min value. 3. Comparing models
a. Which model do you feel best predicts future trends? Explain your rationale.
b. Based on the model selected, what type of seasonal adjustments, if any, would be
required to meet customer needs?
4. Identify holiday periods or special events that cause spikes in the original
WalMart weeks start the beginning of February. So, for example, Walmart week 30 in
the 2002 is actually week 34 (30 + 4) in the calendar year 2002 which equates to the
end of August 2002. To make the weeks continuous, week 53 is actually WalMart
week 1 in 2003 and this equates to week 5 (53 – 52 +4) or the first week in February
2003. Week 72 is week 24 (72 – 52 + 4) in the year 2003 or mid June 2003.

Cryptographic algorithms & information protection at large

Part 1: Cryptographic Algorithms

This week reading focused on three types of cryptographic algorithms: (1) Secret key, (2) Public key, (3) Hash functions. Pick an algorithm for any one of these types (e.g., DES, AES, RSA, MD5) and describe how it works and where it is applied in network security. (For example SSL uses 3DES or DES for message encryption.) Use your own words. When you pick an algorithm, try not to repeat.

Part 2: Information Protection at Large

Cryptographic algorithms protect data at rest and during transit to some degree. By encrypting data, you are assuring that only authorized individuals or systems can read the data. Similarly by using integrity techniques such as hashing and message authentication code you are assuring no unauthorized person had made changes. In other words, you can think of cryptography as a means of access control. Cryptography alone is not sufficient for complete data protection.  For example, a person can walk into your computer room and physically destroy your data in your disk and other storage medium. Your computer room can be destroyed by fire or flood. Cryptography certainly does not address availability concerns. An insider can log into your computer systems and delete files or a row of data in your database. So, you need physical security; you need authentication and authorization controls in both hard and soft forms.   The questions for this second part of the conference then:  What methods/facilities are available to secure data in today’s systems? Have these methods proved to be adequate? So, this second part of this conference is to go beyond cryptographic techniques and think of other forms of protection information security needs.

This assignment has two cases. the first case is on expansion

Week 3 Individual Assignment


Assignment Title: Expansion Strategy and Establishing a Re-order Point 


Assignment Points: 50


Purpose of Assignment: This assignment has two cases. The first case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so that he or she doesn’t run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in operations management.


Assignment text:

(25 points) Case 1 – Decision-Making Under Uncertainty – Expansion Strategy

The Bell Computer Company is considering a plant expansion that will enable the company to begin production of a new computer product. You have obtained your MBA from the University of Phoenix and as a vice-president you must determine whether to make the expansion a medium- or large- scale project. The demand for the new product involves an uncertainty, which for planning purposes may be low demand, medium demand, or high demand. The probability estimates for the demands are 0.20, 0.50, and 0.30, respectively. The firm’s planners developed profit forecasts for the medium- and large- scale expansion projects as given on the Excel file spreadsheet named Case 1.


1.     Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?


2.     Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of minimizing the risk or uncertainty?


(25 points) Case 2 – Establishing a Reorder Point

In this case, Kyle Bits and Bytes, a retailer of computing products sells a variety of computer-related products. One of Kyle’s most popular products is an HP laser printer. The average weekly demand is 200. Lead time (Lead time is defined as the amount of time between when the order is placed and when it is delivered.) for a new order from the manufacturer to arrive is 1 week. If the demand for printers were constant, the retailer would reorder when there were exactly 200 printers in inventory. However, Kyle learned in his Operations Management class that the demand is a random variable. An analysis of previous weeks reveals that the weekly demand standard deviation is 30. Kyle knows that if a customer wants to buy an HP laser printer but he has none available, he will lose that sale plus possibly additional sales. He wants the probability of running short (stock-out) in any week to be no more than 6%. What should be the reorder point set at? In other words, how many HP laser printers should he have in stock when he reorders from the manufacturer?


Latin mhc – unit exam

Question 1

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns: Please match the following underlined phrases, translating from English to Latin.

Question 2

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

King Minos was cursed with the Minotaur.

Question 3

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

Daedalus built the Labyrinth and tried to escape Crete.

Question 4

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

The craftsman thought he could escape with constructed wings.

Question 5

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

Icarus flew with carelessness and melted his wings.

Question 6

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

Daedalus mourned his son with tears.

Question 7

In the following sentence, identify the use of the Ablative:

Caesar Pompeium exercitu suo vicit

Question 8

Choose the best translation: Caesar Pompeium exercitu suo vicit.

Question 9

Identify the use of the ablative: Caesar cum virtute bellum semper gessit.

Question 10

Choose the best translation: Caesar virtute bellum semper gessit.

Question 11 

Choose the best translation: In cuius aedificio ades?

Question 12

Translate the following passage into good English.

Be sure to use these vocabulary words in your translation. 

olim – once

oraculum. -i, n – prophecy

Pelias, -ae, m – Pelias

regnum, -i, n – kingdom 

gero, gerere, gessi, gestus – wear

annus, -i, m – year

Iason, Iasonis, m – Jason

Thessalia, -ae, f – Thessaly

amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus – lose

pes, pedis, m – foot

nudus, -a, -um – bare

regia, -ae, f – palace

res, rei, f – thing, matter, situation 

intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus – understand

consilium capio – form a plan

crudelis, crudele – cruel

Olim oraculum regem Peliam de morte eius monuit, “Cave virum qui unum calceum gerit.” Post multos annos Iason per Thessaliam, regnum Peliae, ambulabat. In flumine celeri unum calceum amisit, et eum invenire non potuit. Iason igitur uno pede nudo in regiam pervenit. Ubi Pelias eum vidit, valde timebat. Cur? Iason erat vir qui unum calceum habebat! Pelias, cum primum rem intellexit, consilium crudele cepit. “Iasonem in periculum grave mittam!”

Question 13

Identify the four parts of the Hero Cycle for a modern heroic film, one that you did not discuss on the discussion board. For example: Star Wars IV, Lord of the Rings, The Mummy, Batman. Be sure to summarize the story, as your teacher may not be familiar with the story you’ve chosen. Also be sure to include the names of the four parts of the Hero Cycle.

For tutor reenjmi | Physics homework help

How will developing ICD-10-CM coding skills help
me become a better medical administrative professional?  

This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s readings.  Success Tip: View the “ICD-10-CM Tabbing Activity” and “What, Why and How of Coding” videos in Presentation Materials and tab your code book before beginning this assignment.

The ICD-10-CM codes show medical necessity for procedures, supplies or services that are provided to the patient in the medical setting.  These codes are used to study healthcare costs, predict health care trends and even plan for future health care needs.  Developing accurate ICD-10 coding skills could help you become a better medical biller or medical administrative assistant.   

Building Your ICD-10-CM Coding Skills
Using your ICD-10-CM coding manual, answer the questions below.

1.    Apply the correct steps for ICD coding to answer the questions below for the following statement: Cataract due to type 1 diabetes


a.    What is the condition listed in the statement?    
Type answer here

b.    What main term in the Alphabetic Index is referenced to identify a code for the condition?
Type answer here

c.     What is the subterm that identifies the condition?    
Type answer here

d.     What, if any, are the additional subterms you need to reference?     

Type answer here


e.     What, if any, are the cross reference instructions in the Alphabetic Index that should be followed?    
Type answer here

f.      What code (s) are listed for the condition in the Alphabetic Index?    
Type answer here

g.     What is the category (3-digit code) referenced in the Tabular List?    
Type answer here

h.    Are there any instructional notes in the Tabular List at either the category or the specific code(s) that should be followed?    
Type answer here

i.       Assign the ICD-10-CM code to the highest level of specificity.      
Type answer here

2.    Apply the correct steps for ICD coding to answer the questions below for the following statement: Pernicious anemia


a.    What is the condition listed in the statement?    
Type answer here


b.    What main term in the Alphabetic Index is referenced to identify a code for the condition?
Type answer here

c.    What is the subterm that identifies the condition?    
Type answer here

d.    What, if any, are the additional subterms you need to reference?     

Type answer here


e.    What, if any, are the cross reference instructions in the Alphabetic Index that should be followed?    
Type answer here

f.      What code (s) are listed for the condition in the Alphabetic Index?    
Type answer here

g.     What is the category (3-digit code) referenced in the Tabular List?    
Type answer here

h.    Are there any instructional notes in the Tabular List at either the category or the specific code(s) that should be followed?    
Type answer here

i.       Assign the ICD-10-CM code to the highest level of specificity.      
Type answer here


3.    Apply the correct steps for ICD coding to answer the questions below for the following statement: Benign neoplasm of the proximal third of esophagus  


a.    What is the condition listed in the statement?    
Type answer here

b.    What main term in the Alphabetic Index is referenced to identify a code for the condition?
Type answer here

c.     What is the subterm that identifies the condition?    
Type answer here

d.     What, if any, are the additional subterms you need to reference?     

Type answer here


e.    What, if any, are the cross reference instructions in the Alphabetic Index that should be followed?    
Type answer here

f.     What code (s) are listed for the condition in the Alphabetic Index?    
Type answer here

g.     What is the category (3-digit code) referenced in the Tabular List?    
Type answer here

h.    Are there any instructional notes in the Tabular List at either the category or the specific code(s) that should be followed?    
Type answer here

i.      Assign the ICD-10-CM code to the highest level of specificity.      
Type answer here

4.    Apply the correct steps for ICD coding to answer the questions below for the following statement: Cochlear otosclerosis, bilateral.   


a.    What is the condition listed in the statement?    
Type answer here

b.    What main term in the Alphabetic Index is referenced to identify a code for the condition?

Type answer here

c.    What is the subterm that identifies the condition?    
Type answer here

d.    What, if any, are the additional subterms you need to reference?     

Type answer here


e.    What, if any, are the cross reference instructions in the Alphabetic Index that should be followed?    
Type answer here

f.     What code (s) are listed for the condition in the Alphabetic Index?    
Type answer here

g.    What is the category (3-digit code) referenced in the Tabular List?    
Type answer here

h.    Are there any instructional notes in the Tabular List at either the category or the specific code(s) that should be followed?    
Type answer here

i.      Assign the ICD-10-CM code to the highest level of specificity.      
Type answer here



Apply the 8 Steps to Correct ICD-10-CM Coding
Using your ICD-10-CM coding manual, answer the questions below.


5.     Meniere’s disease    

Type answer here

6.     Acute pulmonary edema    

Type answer here

7.     Heart failure    

Type answer here


8.     Abscess of the salivary glands    

Type answer here

9.     Stage-1 pressure ulcer of the right hip    

Type answer here

10. Dementia with aggressive behavior    

Type answer here


11. Patient seen in ED, diagnosed as alcohol dependent patient who is intoxicated    

Type answer here

12. Patient presents for HIV screening, patient is asymptomatic    

Type answer here

13. Dehydration    

Type answer here


14. Meningitis caused by measles    

Type answer here


Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below.  You may choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!


15. You’ve had the opportunity to navigate both the Alphabetic Index and the Tabular List of the ICD-10-CM coding manual.  What is the most efficient way to find the correct code using both the index and the tabular list? Provide 2 examples of how you were able to locate codes and give the reasons this worked for you?      

Type answer here


Hw30 | History homework help

Many students assume that the online, free encyclopedia, Wikipedia is a valid, authoritative and useful reference source for their scholarly work as a student at NVCC.  Many teachers say that Wikipedia is garbage and should never be used. Which is it?

In this assignment, we will be examining just how authoritative (and stable) Wikipedia (aka wiki) is.  First, you will examine a specific entry from Wikipedia and check for changes that have occurred over a period of six months, and then you will compare the information from the Wikipedia entry with the information from an established reference source such as the Encyclopedia Britannica (EB).

Since you may have never really looked carefully at a Wikipedia entry, I want you first to look at my Explanation of Using Wikipediabefore you start this paper assignment.
  1. For your comparison of a Wikipedia entry with the same entry in EB, you should choose a research term that is in some way relevant to the material that you have covered in your course, and that term must be clear, focused and doable. For example, “World War II” or “The Roman Empire” or “communism” are historical terms that are too large to analyze in this assignment. You simply are not going to be able to expertly compare 12 pages of material on, for example, World War I, with the twelve pages of material in EB. It is often easiest to pick an individual.
  2. Your Wikipedia entry must be approved by your professor. We do not accept terms that are primarily U.S. history. nor do we accept any World War II terms, national socialism related entries, or Hitler, Stalin or Napoleon. Your professor has final say on whether an entry is appropriate.
  3. You have a textbook with hundreds of pages of history that you should use to help you decide on a term–check the book’s index. Be sure that your Wikipedia term also appears in Encyclopedia Britannica. (See How to Access Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.) If you are unable to access Britannica, please let me know, and I will suggest an alternative reference source. If you are not a registered NVCC student, you may have trouble accessing Encyclopedia Britannica, please contact your instructor (and don’t wait until the night before the assignment is due).
  4. You must email your research choice to your instructor for approval at least two days before the assignment is due.
  5. With the permission of your instructor, instead of using EB, you may compare your entry with the equivalent Wikipedia entry in a foreign language, for example, andТеррористический_акт_в_Беслане.
  6. Your analysis paper should be no more than two pages. double-spaced, one-inch margins, font size 10 or 12. Your paper should assess the overall stability and authoritative nature of the Wikipedia entry for your research term.  Consider such questions:
    • How much has your selected Wikipedia entry changed (or not changed) over a period of at least six months?
    • Do we have any idea of the credentials of the people who created the Wikipedia information, or who made the changes?
    • Were any changes the result of sound, scholarly research?
    • Why did the entry change?
    • How does the Wikipedia information compare with the information in EB? This is the most important part of your analysis, and you should provide a specific explanation about the Wikipedia entry’s information in comparison to the information in EB.

Blue bar

Wikipedia:  good or bad?  That is partly what you are answering in this assignment, but I would also like to point out that a “Wikipedia” article can often be an excellent starting point (not the end point) for research on a topic or a quick source of general information.  For example, I often check Wikipedia if I am looking for the birth or death dates of a historical figure.  I would also point out that a Wikipedia entry is especially valuable when it includes footnotes, citations of sources and suggested sources for further information (often in the form of external links).  Finally, Wikipedia can be extremely useful on topics of relatively newer historical events.  For example, in my HIS 242 (History of Russia II) course, I ask that students check the entry for the Beslan School Hostage crisis.  This is an exceptional article–although its quality varies a bit from month to month. 

Blue bar

D8 | Article writing homework help


Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. Save your assignment in Microsoft Word or Open Office Write.

6. The length of this assignment is 1,500 to 1,750 words


  1. Refer to activity #1 on page 399 of the textbook and using critical thinking to examine online sources answer the questions.
  2. Develop five sentences you might be expected to answer on an essay exam for a course in a social science subject. Produce an outline for each that contains the key elements used to answer the question. Use the outline as your guide and write the essay.
  3. Write an essay-length summary of a television broadcast cover story. Include the date of the program in your opening sentence. Use parallel form in at least three supporting paragraphs.
  4. Complete Activity #1 beginning on page 415.

Development of evidence-based practice change proposal i

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods.

Algorithmic bias in marketing | Management homework help


The Harvard Business School Publishing Coursepack is required for this discussion. You can purchase it on this link: Harvard Business course pack.

In recent years, many firms use algorithms to help make management group’s decisions and optimize operation processes and supply chains. When such algorithms produce unexpected outcomes, bias concerns may arise. Thus, removing these kinds of bias from the data is so critical in data-driven business. Based on this case anlaysis, please elaborate on the questions below.

Q1) Please address the concept of ‘algorithmic bias’ in a marketing context. What is the reason behind the bias in this case?

Q2) How might a firm acquire capability to analyze situations and detect whether algorithmic bias occurs and how it can be mitigated?

Q3) Algorithmic bias can occur even when demographic data is not used as a variable by the algorithm. What would you play a role as an information sysem manager if a bias was brough to your attention?

Bibl 110 study guide module week 7




Derived from the class text book, The Essence of the New Testament: A Survey (2016),

and the New Testament documents.


Chapter 23

Hebrews: Jesus Our Great High Priest

1.      The book of Hebrews is ____________, meaning that the author did not assign his name to it (270).

2.      Discuss the four points of contact between Hebrews and some of the letters that are known to have been written by the apostle Paul (271).

3.      Discuss the arguments against the Pauline authorship of Hebrews (271–2).

4.      In view of the arguments against Pauline authorship, it is best to admit that the identity of the author of Hebrews is __________ (271).

5.      The content of Hebrews suggests the recipients were __________ believers (272).

6.      Discuss the occasion and date of Hebrews (265).

7.      Given the fact that the author of Hebrews does not mention the destruction on the __________, which occurred in AD 70, it is likely it was written prior to this date (272).

8.      Hebrews 1–2 emphasizes the superiority of Christ to the ________(273).

9.      Hebrews 3:1–6 emphasizes the superiority of Christ to ________ (274).

10.  Hebrews 5:1–7:10 emphasizes the Son as the Great High Priest (275).

11.  According to the teaching of Hebrews 4:14-10:18, Christ is superior to ______ and the Aaronic priesthood.

12.  Discuss the five explicit warning passages in Hebrews (2:1–4; 3:7–4:13; 5:11–6:20; 10:26–39; 12:25–29).

13.  Discuss the concept of covenant (Greek, diaqh,kh) in Hebrews.

14.  Quoting at length from Jeremiah 31, the author of Hebrews develops what it means for Jesus to be the mediator of a better ____________ (278).

15.  The examples of the faithful in Hebrews 11 show that Christians are not alone in their trials but are united in the faith and hopes of all who have come before them (279).


Chapter 24

James: Faith That Works

1.      Discuss the authorship of James (283–5). Name the individuals named James who are mentioned in the NT. Among those individuals, which James is most likely the author of the Letter of James?

2.      When was James most likely written and why (285–6)?

3.      James is addressed to “the twelve tribes in the Dispersion” (1:1). What group is being referred to by this description (285)?

4.      Name the theological truths found in the later NT writings that are not mentioned in James (286).

5.      According to James 1:1–4, 12, what are six aspects of trials (287–8)?

6.      Discuss James’ use of wisdom (288). What is a good definition of wisdom in James? How does one appropriate wisdom according to James?

7.      For James, faith and works are ____________ (2:10–26). Note the metaphor – like the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead (2:26).

8.      James selects two defining moments in the life of ____________ in order to define the relationship between faith and works: (1) When Abraham _____ God by offering Isaac on the alter (2:21-22); and (2) When he ________ God (2:23-24; cf. Gen 15:6).

9.      Briefly discuss how James and Paul complement one another regarding the relationship between faith and works?

10.  What three pictures does James (3:1–18) give in order to describe the tongue (290)?


Chapter 25

1 Peter: Holy Living

1.      The stated author of 1 Peter is the ________ ______ (1:1), who claims to be a “______ of the sufferings of the Messiah” (5:1).

2.      1 Peter was probably written about AD ____ (293).

3.      According to tradition, Peter died sometime during the persecution of ______ from AD 64–68 (294–6).

4.      Discuss the four possible locations for the place of 1 Peter’s origination (296–8).

5.      First Peter is called a “________ ________,” meaning that it was intended for a larger group than, say, a local church or individual (298).

6.      What is the fourfold challenge Peter gives believers in 1 Peter 1:13–2:10 (298–9)?

7.      Discuss how believers should conduct themselves in this world according to 1 Peter 2:11–5:11 (299–300).

8.      The major purpose of 1 Peter is practical ____________ (1 Pet 5:12; 300).

9.      The major theme of 1 Peter is living with ______ in the midst of suffering (300).

10.  Be familiar with the following chart that illustrates the contrast between the life of a Pilgrim (Christian) and the lifestyle of the world in 1 Peter.

The Life of the Pilgrim

The Life of the World

Obedient to God (1:14, 22)

Rebellion against God

Be holy (1:15)


Live as servants (2:16; 4:11)

Live selfishly

Be prayerful (3:7; 4:7)

Reject God

Live openly, transparently (2:16)

Live deceitfully

Do what is good (2:15; 3:16-17)

Do what is wrong/evil

Be gentle and respectful (3:15)

Live harshly and insolently

Love one another deeply (1:22; 4:8)

Hate one another

Exercise self-control (1:13; 4:7; 5:8)

Live excessively and wildly

Live humbly (5:6)

Proud and arrogant

Reject evil (2:11)

Embrace evil

Accept human rule (2:13, 17)

Reject human rule

Control sinful desires (2:1, 11)

Give desires free rein

Do God’s will (4:2)

Reject God’s will

Share with others (4:9)

Hoard one’s possessions

Use our gifts for others (4:10-11)

Refuse to share

(Chart from Encountering the New Testament, p. 365)



Chapter 26

2 Peter: Growing in Grace


1.      The author of 2 Peter identifies himself as “Simon Peter, a ______ and ______ of Jesus Christ” (1:1); an -___________ of Jesus’ transfiguration (1:16–18); who had written a __________ letter (3:1); who refers to Paul as a ____ ________ (3:15); and one who is awaiting death, just as _________ had made clear to him (1:14; cf. Jn 21:18).

2.      2 Peter was probably written soon after 1 Peter was written and just prior to the _______ of the apostle Peter in about AD 67 or 68 (302–5).

3.      The original recipients of 2 Peter were most likely Christians living in northern ______ _______ (304–5).

4.      A significant biblical text that supports the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture is __ ______ (306).

5.      The two main purposes for writing 2 Peter was (1) to ______ the _________ to growth; and (2) to expose ______ ________ (307).

6.      Scoffers will __________ the promise of the Lord’s return (2 Pet 3:3-7).

7.      Peter assures his readers that the Lord delays his return because of his __________ (2 Pet 3:8-9).

8.      Peter assures believers that the ______ _______ is certain and inevitable (3:10-16).