In the united states, 2007 was a bad year for growing wheat. and as

1.In the United States, 2007 was a bad year for growing wheat. And as wheat supply decreased, the price of wheat rose dramatically, leading to a lower quantity demanded (a movement along the demand curve). The accompanying table describes what happened to prices and the quantity of wheat demanded.





Quantity demand (bushels)

2.2 billion

2.0 billion

Average price (per bushel)





a.      Using the midpoint method, calculate the price elasticity of demand for winter wheat.

b.What is the total revenue for U.S. wheat farmers in 2006 and 2007?

c.Did the bad harvest increase or decrease the total revenue of U.S. wheat farmers?  How could you have predicted this from your answer to part a?


A recent study determined the following elasticities for Volkswagen Beetles:


Price elasticity of demand = 2

Income elasticity of demand = 1.5


The supply of Beetles is elastic. Based on this information, are the following statements true or false? Explain your reasoning.

a.A 10% increase in the price of a Beetle will reduce the quantity demanded by 20%.

b. An increase in consumer income will increase the price and quantity of Beetles sold. Since price elasticity of demand is greater than 1, total revenue will go down.





Fin300v1 assignment 3 | Business & Finance homework help

Assignment 3

Assignment 3 is due after you complete Lessons 9 to 11. It is worth 20% of your final grade.

Prepare your responses to these assignment problems in a word processing file; put financial data in a spreadsheet file. As you complete the assignment problems for each lesson, add your responses to these files.

Do not submit your answers for grading until you have completed all parts of Assignment 3.

Note: In assignments, show all calculations to 4 decimal places.

Lesson 9: Assignment Problems 


9.1    The Constant-Growth-Rate Discounted Dividend Model, as described equation 9.5 on page 247, says that:

P0 = D1 / (k – g)

A.       rearrange the terms to solve for:


i. g; and

ii.  D1.

As an example, to solve for k, we would do the following:

1.  Multiply both sides by (k – g) to get: P0 (k – g) = D1

2.  Divide both sides by P0 by to get: (k – g) = D1 / P0

3.  Add g to both sides: k = D1 / P0 + g

(8 marks)

 9.2    Notation: Let

Pn = Price at time n

Dn = Dividend at time n

Yn = Earnings in period n

r = retention ratio = (Yn– Dn) / Yn = 1 – Dn/ Yn = 1 – dividend payout ratio

En = Equity at the end of year n

k = discount rate

g = dividend growth rate = r x ROE

ROE = Yn / En-1 for all n>0.

We will further assume that k and ROE are constant, and that r and g are constant after the first dividend is paid. 

A.    Using the Discounted Dividend Model, calculate the price P0 if

D1 = 20, k = .15, g = r x ROE = .8 x .15 = .12, and Y1 = 100 per share 

B.    What, then, will P5 be if:

D6 = 20, k = .15, and g = r x ROE = .8 x .15 = .12?

         C.    If P5 = your result from part B, and assuming no dividends are paid until D6, what would be P0? P1? P2?

         D.    Again, assuming the facts from part B, what is the relationship between P2 and P1 (i.e., P2/P1)? Explain why this is the result.

         E.      If k = ROE, we can show that the price P0 doesn’t depend on r. To see this, let

g = r x ROE, and ROE = Yn / En-1, and

since r = (Yn – Dn) / Yn , then D1 = (1 – r) x Y1 and          




D1 / (k – g)



[(1 – r) x Y1] / (k – g)



[(1 – r) x Y1] / (k – g), but, since k = ROE = Y1 / E0



[(1 – r) x Y1] / (ROE– r x ROE)



[(1 – r) x Y1] / (Y1 / E0 – r x Y1 / E0)



[(1 – r) x Y1] / (1 – r) x Y1 / E0), and cancelling (1 – r)



Y1 / (Y1/E0) = Y1 x (E0 / Y1) = E0

So, you see that r is not in the final expression for P0, indicating that r (i.e., retention ration or, equivalently, dividend policy) doesn’t matter if k = ROE.
Check that changing r from .8 to .6 does not change your answer in part A of this question by re-calculating your result using r = .6.

                                                                                                                                       (10 marks)


9.3    You are considering an investment in the shares of Kirk’s Information Inc. The company is still in its growth phase, so it won’t pay dividends for the next few years. Kirk’s accountant has determined that their first year’s earnings per share (EPS) is expected to be $20. The company expects a return on equity (ROE) of 25% in each of the next 5 years but in the sixth year they expect to earn 20%. In the seventh year and forever into the future, they expect to earn 15%. Also, at the end of the sixth year and every year after that, they expect to pay dividends at a rate of 70% of earnings, retaining the other 30% in the company. Kirk’s uses a discount rate of 15%.


            A. Fill in the missing items in the following table: 





Expected Dividend
(end of year)

Present Value Of Dividend
(at time 0)












25 = 1.25 x 20


































B.    What would the dividend be in year 8?

         C.    Calculate the value of all future dividends at the beginning of year 8. (Hint: P7 depends on D8.)

         D.    What is the present value of P7 at the beginning of year 1?

         E.    What is the value of the company now, at time 0?

(10 marks) 

9.4     You own one share in a company called Invest Co. Inc. Examining the balance sheet, you have determined that the firm has $100,000 cash, equipment worth $900,000, and 100,000 shares outstanding.

Calculate the price/value of each share in the firm, and explain how your wealth is affected if:

         A.    The firm pays out dividends of $1 per share.

         B.    The firm buys back 10,000 shares for $10 cash each, and you choose to sell your share back to the company.

         C.    The firm buys back 10,000 shares for $10 cash each, and you choose not to sell your share back to the company.

         D.    The firm declares a 2-for-1 stock split.

         E.    The firm declares a 10% stock dividend.

         F.    The firm buys new equipment for $100,000, which will be used to earn a return equal to the firm’s discount rate.

                                                                                                                                       (12 marks)

Do not submit these questions for grading until you have completed all parts of Assignment 3, which is due after Lesson 11.

Lesson 10: Assignment Problems


10.1     A. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the following securities’ returns:



Computroids Inc.

Blazers Inc.


















      B.  Assuming these observations are drawn from a normally distributed probability space, we know that about 68% of values drawn from a normal distribution are within one standard deviation away from the mean or expected return; about 95% of the values are within two standard deviations; and about 99.7% lie within three standard deviations.

Using your calculations from part A, calculate the 68%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals for the two stocks. To calculate the 68%, you would calculate the top of the confidence interval range by adding one standard deviation to the expected return, and calculate the bottom of the confidence interval by subtracting one standard deviation from the expected return. For 95%, use two standard deviations, and for 99%, use three.

Your answer should show three ranges from the bottom of the confidence interval to the top of the confidence interval.

      C. For each security, would a return of 14% fall into the 68% confidence interval range? If not, what confidence interval range would it fall into, or would it be outside all three confidence intervals?

(This is the same as asking whether a return of 14% has less than a 68% probability of occuring by chance for that security. If it’s not inside the 68% confidence interval, it’s unlikely to occur, since it will only occur by chance 32% of the time. Of course, the 99% confidence interval is much more likely to include the observed return, simply by chance. Only 1% of the time will it fall outside the 99% CI. Pretty rare.)

(14 marks)


10.2     Some Internet research may be required to answer this question, although it’s not absolutely necessary.

What could you do to protect your bond portfolio against the following kinds of risk?

        A.             Risk of an increasing interest rate

        B.             Risk of inflation increasing

        C. Risk of volatility in the markets

(6 marks) 

10.3     You are starting a new business, and you want to open an office in a local mall. You have been offered two alternative rental arrangements. You can pay the landlord 10% of your sales revenue, or you can pay a fixed fee of $1,000 per month. Describe the circumstances in which each of these arrangements would be your preferred choice.

                                                                                                                                       (10 marks)

Do not submit these questions for grading until you have completed all parts of Assignment 3, which is due after Lesson 11.

Lesson 11: Assignment Problems


11.1     In the northeast United States and in eastern Canada, many people heat their houses with heating oil. Imagine you are one of these people, and you are expecting a cold winter, so you are planning your heating oil requirements for the season. The current price is $2.25 per US gallon, but you think that in six months, when you’ll need the oil, the price could be $3.00, or it could be $1.50.

            A.   If you need 350 gallons to survive the winter, how much difference does the potential price variance make to your heating bills?

           B.    If your friend Tom is running a heating oil business, and selling 100,000 gallons over the winter season, how does the price variance affect Tom?

           C.    Which one of you benefits from the price increase? Which of you benefits from price decrease?

           D.    What are two strategies you can use to reduce the risk you face? Could you make an agreement with Tom to mitigate your risk?

           E.     Assuming you are both risk-averse, does such an agreement make you both better off?

(10 marks)


11.2     You have just received good news. You have a rich uncle in France who has decided to give you a monthly annuity of €2,000 per month. You are concerned that you will become accustomed to having these funds, but if the currency exchange rate moves against you, you may have to make do with less.

           A.    If you are living in Canada, what does it mean for the currency exchange rate to move against you?


           B.    Would moving to France mitigate some of the risk? If so, how? If not, why not?

           C.    If you want to stay in Canada, and your grandparents, who have retired to Provence, receive a Canadian pension of C$1100 each, what could you do to reduce the risk for all of you?

(9 marks)

11.3     You have learned about a number of ways of reducing risk, specifically hedging, insuring, and diversifying. In the table below, place an X in the cell for the technique being used to reduce risk.






Placing an advance order with, which agrees to charge you the lower of the advance price, and the price at the time your order is filled.



Purchasing a call option on a stock you think may go up in price.



Selling 200 shares of IBM and buying a mutual fund that holds the same stocks as the S&P index.



Selling a debt owed to you for $.50 per dollar owed.



Agreeing to a long-term contract with a supplier at a fixed price.



Agreeing to a no-trade clause with the sports team that employs you.



Buying a Mac and a PC.



Paying a clown to perform for your child’s birthday party six months




 (16 marks)



11.4     Suppose you own 100 shares of Dell Inc. stock. Today it is trading at $15 per share, but you’re worried Michael Dell might retire again, causing the price to go down. How would you protect yourself against his retirement, assuming you don’t want to sell the shares today?

                                                                                                                                       (5 marks)

When you have completed these questions, check to see that Assignment 3 is complete and submit it for grading.



Accounting under ideal condition | Accounting homework help

Hi again, 


please i need answer for the following Q, as a mudel answer. 


– Given that in reality ideal conditions of markets are unlikely to hold, critically appraise whether the single measurement bases information is appropriate? 



please i need the answer to be as following.


1- Definition of ideal condition

       –  Perfict and full information

       –  compatitive equilibrium


2- advantage of ideal condition

    – single measurement

             A – Consistancy

             B –  Compavability

3- imperfect market defintion

             A- information asymmetry



Note: i attached one jurnal artical could be helpfull.


Newspaper publisher | Business & Finance homework help

A newspaper publisher uses roughly 810 feet of baling wire each day to secure bundles of newspapers while they are being distributed to carriers. The paper is published Monday through Saturday. Lead time is six workdays. What is the appropriate reorder point quantity, given that the company desires a service level of 95 percent, if that stockout risk for various levels of safety stock is as follows: 1,500 feet, .10; 1,600 feet, .05; 2,100 feet, .02; and 2,400 feet, .01?

Multiple questions | Business & Finance homework help

2. Describe the primary distinction between prospective payment and retrospective payment.

3. Why is the unreimbursed cost of Medicare most often not included as an element of community benefit?

Provide detailed descriptions and show all calculations used to arrive at solutions for the following questions:

1. Your firm has $45.0 million invested in accounts receivable, which is 90 days of net revenues. If this value could be reduced to 50 days, what annual increase in income would your firm realize if the increase in cash could be invested at 7.5 percent?

Use the following information to answer questions 2, 3, and 4:

You have been asked to establish a pricing structure for radiology on a per-procedure basis. Present budgetary data is presented below:

Number of Budgeted Procedures    10,000
Budgeted Cost$400,000
Desired Profit$ 80,000

It is estimated that Medicare patients comprise 40 percent of total radiology volume and will pay on average $38.00 per procedure. Approximately 10 percent of the patients are cost payers. The remaining charge payers are summarized below:

PayerVolume % Discount %
Blue Cross
















Your supervisor recommends the following method to set the rate per procedure in order to generate the required $80,000 in profit:


Weighted Discount = (0.4 × 0.04) + (0.30 × 0.10) + (0.20 × 0.10) + (0.10 × 0.40)

= 0.106


Price   =   ($400,000 ÷ 10,000)  +  [($80,000  +  4,000 ($40.00 – $38.00)) ÷ 5,000]  

                                                            1 – 0.106

=($40.00 + $17.60)/.894 =  $64.43


2. If the forecasted volume increased to 12,000 procedures and budgeted costs increased to $440,000, while all other variables remained constant, what price should be established?

3. Assume that the only change in the original example data is that Blue Cross raises their discount to 20 percent. What price should be set?

Upload your answers by 11:59 PM eastern Time on Sunday. (Click the “Week 3 Homework Assignment” title link above to upload)




Assignment Grading Criteria:

Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 60 points possible

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 20 points possible

References to course material: 20 points possible

Total: 100 points





Provide detailed descriptions and show all calculations used to arrive at solutions for the following questions:

1. Community Hospital has annual net patient revenues of $150 million. At the present time, payments received by the hospital are not deposited for six days on average. The hospital is exploring a lockbox arrangement that promises to cut the six days to one day. If these funds released by the lockbox arrangement can be invested at 8 percent, what will the annual savings be? Assume the bank fee will be $2,000 per month.

2. St. Luke’s Convalescent Center has $200,000 in surplus funds that it wishes to invest in marketable securities. If transaction costs to buy and sell the securities are $2,200 and the securities will be held for three months, what required annual yield must be earned before the investment makes economic sense?

3. Your firm is considering the following three alternative bank loans for $1,000,000:

a) 10 percent loan paid at year end with no compensating balance
b) 9 percent loan paid at year end with a 20 percent compensating balance
c) 6 percent loan that is discounted with a 20 percent compensating balance requirement

Assume that you would normally not carry any bank balance that would meet the 20 percent compensating balance requirement. What is the rate of annual interest on each loan?

4. An important source of temporary cash is trade credit, which does not actually bring in cash, but instead slows its outflow. Vendors often provide discounts for early payment. What is the formula to determine the effective interest rate if the discount is not utilized?


Upload your answers by 11:59 PM eastern Time on Sunday. (Click the “Week 4 Homework Assignment” link below to upload).

Assignment Grading Criteria:

Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 60 points possible

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 20 points possible

References to course material: 20 points possible

Marketing excellence – disney | MBA 5501 – Advanced Marketing | Columbia Southern University

 Review the “Marketing Excellence: Disney” case study on p. 185 of your textbook. Thinking about how Disney has connected with their customers over the years, discuss one reason why you think they have been able to accomplish this. How do they manage to appeal to so many different target market groups so successfully? 

Women health – week 1 discussion 2nd reply

  Please reply to the following discussion with at least one reference. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates. 


Pelvic Screening Test, Education, and Counseling

Janice, 21 years old, introduces herself to a nurse practitioner for a check-up. It is noted that Janice is sexually active, and her boyfriend uses condoms when having sex, but Janice has never had a pelvic exam before.

Screening Tests

Janice is an asymptomatic patient, and the nurse practitioner should do a pelvic screening examination to check for specific symptoms. The tests include:

Physical exam; the nurse practitioner will palpate Janice’s abdomen and pelvis to examine her uterus and ovaries to check their size and shape and if there are any tender areas or unusual growths and other irregularities. External visual exam; the nurse practitioner will look for Janice’s vulva to check for redness, irritation, swelling, sores, and other abnormalities. Internal visual exam; speculum will be used next by the nurse practitioner to spread open Janice’s vaginal walls to check any symptoms in her cervix and vagina (Mealey et al., 2019). Pap test; the test will be done to screen for cervical cancer; here, the nurse practitioner will collect a sample from Janice’s cervical cell to perform this test (Mealey et al., 2019). 

Education and Counseling

The nurse practitioner will educate Janice on the methods of preventing sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory diseases (de Andrade et al., 2018). Additionally, the nurse practitioner will counsel Janice to continue practicing healthy sex practices by maintaining one partner and making sure her boyfriend uses condoms whenever they have sex (de Andrade et al., 2018). Furthermore, the nurse practitioner should inquire how often Janice does sex and if frequently, she/he should advise Janice to have a regular pelvic screening schedule (de Andrade et al., 2018). Also, if Janice has any infection, the nurse practitioner will educate her on how to get treatment.


de Andrade, R. L., Bø, K., Antonio, F. I., Driusso, P., Mateus-Vasconcelos, E. C. L., Ramos, S., … & Ferreira, C. H. J. (2018). An education program about pelvic floor muscles improved women’s knowledge but not pelvic floor muscle function, urinary incontinence or sexual function: a randomised trial. Journal of physiotherapy, 64(2), 91-96.

Mealey, K., Braverman, P. K., & Koenigs, L. M. (2019). Why a pelvic exam is needed to diagnose cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. Annals of emergency medicine, 73(4), 424-425.

Developing a research premise | Reading homework help

Writing a dissertation is an iterative, multi-step decision-making process that relies on feedback from your supervisory committee. The first step is developing the Dissertation Premise, in which you first define your topic based on initial research that you have conducted. The completed Dissertation Premise is composed of a title, a problem statement, a description of your approach for the study, and a listing of your preliminary references. The Premise leads to the next step in the process, the development of the Prospectus, which is followed by the Proposal.

In this Discussion, you will begin developing your Dissertation Premise by posting your proposed topic, problem statement, and the research approach that you plan to use in your study. As you consider the research problem you might address, review the Dissertation Premise Guide (provided in this week’s Learning Resources through the “Office of Student Research Administration: Ph.D. Dissertation Program” resource). This document will be a useful resource over the next three weeks as you complete your Premise. Pay particular attention to The Litmus Test, which defines the Walden University “hallmarks” of the doctoral research problem. Consider how well topics and problem statements in which you are interested align to these hallmarks.

Post by Day 3 a draft of your proposed topic, problem statement, and the research approach you plan to pursue. Also, include a brief statement supporting the importance of this research topic

On january 1, guillen corporation had 95,000 shares of no-par common

E11-13 On January 1, Guillen Corporation had 95,000 shares of no-par common stock issued and outstanding. The stock has a stated value of $5 per share. During the year, the following occurred.


Apr. 1              Issued 25,000 additional shares of common stock for $17 per share.

June 15            Declared a cash dividend of $1 per share to stockholders of record on June 30.

July 10                         Paid the $1 cash dividend.

Dec. 1              Issued 2,000 additional shares of common stock for $19 per share.

15                                Declared a cash dividend on outstanding shares of $1.20 per share to stockholders of record on December 31.



Prepare the entries, if any, on each of the three dividend dates.

How are dividends and dividends payable reported in the financial statements prepared at December 

This is simply a journal between student and instructor not a paper.

Please read the Journal Rubric in the upload


Research three billing and coding regulations that impact healthcare organizations. Reflect on how these regulations affect reimbursement in a healthcare organization.


Comment on what seems to work well and what could be improved. If possible, bring in a real-world example either from your life or from something you have read about.


Each entry must be 300 to 500 words with at least three sources which must be cited in APA format