E15-12b (cash dividend and liquidating dividend) alpha corporation

E15-12B (Cash Dividend and Liquidating Dividend) Alpha Corporation has 25 million shares of common stock issued and outstanding. On August 31 the board of directors voted a $1.20 per share cash dividend to stockholders of record as of September 5, payable September 30.


(a) Prepare the journal entry for each of the dates above assuming the dividend represents a distribution of earnings.

(b) How would the entry differ if the dividend were a liquidating dividend?

Phys 320 ilab (o) experiment 5

PHYS320 iLab (O) Experiment 5
Object and Image Distances for a Lens and Mirror
Name: __________________ Date: ___________
4 questions @ 1 point each; 9 questions @ 2 points each; and 2 questions @ 4 points each. 30 points total.

1. What kind of image will you see through a convex lens? What factors might affect the size of the image? (1 point)
2. What happens to the image if half of the lens is covered? (1 point)
3. Draw a ray diagram below for a convex lens with a focal length of 3 cm. Place the object at 5 cm with a height of 1 cm. (2 points)

Is the image real or virtual? Is the image upright or inverted? How does the size of the image compare with the size of the object?
4. Draw a ray diagram below for a convex lens with a focal length of 5 cm. Place the object at 3 cm with a height of 1 cm. (2 points)

PHYS320 iLab (O) Datasheet

Page 1

Experiment 5

Is the image real or virtual? Is the image upright or inverted? How does the size of the image compare with the size of the object?
5. Write a description of what happens to the image size when you change the position of the lens. (2 points)
6. Describe whether the image is upright or inverted. (1 point)

7. What happens to the image if half of the lens is covered with an opaque object? (1 point)

8. Fill in the data table and paste the graph for the convex lens here. (4 points)
Object distance (s)

Image distance (s)

PHYS320 iLab (O) Datasheet

Page 2

Inverse object
distance (1/s)

Inverse image
distance (1/s)

Experiment 5

9. Fill in the data table and paste the graph for the concave mirror here. (4 points)
Object distance (s)

Image distance (s)

Inverse object
distance (1/s)

Inverse image
distance (1/s)

10. The graphs show inverse image distance (vertical axis) versus inverse object distance (horizontal axis). The graph also shows a curve fit for the data. Is image distance directly or inversely proportional to object distance? Write a description of the graphs. (2 points)
11. For the lens and the mirror, what are the slope and the y-intercept from the linear fit to your data? (2 points)
12. From the line fit, what is the focal length of each lens and mirror? Compare your measured value with the nominal value written on each by calculating a percent difference. (2 points)

13. What value does the image distance approach as the object distance becomes larger? (2 points)
14. What value does the object distance approach as the image distance becomes larger? (2 points)
15. Where would you place the object to obtain an image as far away from the lens as possible?
Where would you place the object to obtain an image located at the focal length of the lens (100 mm)? (2 points)

Questions on circuit, mirrors, flux

See the figure in the attached file. The net force on the 1 nC charge is zero. What is q?

A) zero
B) 1.5nC
C) 0.68nC
D) 5nC

A concave mirror with a radius of 30 cm creates a real image 40 cm from the mirror. What is the object distance?
A) 24 cm
B) 5.0 cm
C) 10 cm
D) 70 cm

If a current is flowing with a value of 5.9 A, how much electron charge passes any single point in 25 seconds?
A) 2.3 x 1020 e
B) 9.2 x 1020 e
C) 1.9 x 1020 e
D) 1.5 x 1020 e

If the force between two charges increases by a factor of 16 because the charges are moved closer together, how much closer are they moved?
A) 8
B) 16
C) 2
D) 4

Starting from rest, a proton falls through a potential difference of 2700 V. What speed does it acquire?
A) 2.4 × 105 m/s
B) 7.2 × 105 m/s
C) 3.6 × 105 m/s
D) 4.8 × 105 m/s

A long, straight wire carries a current of 2.5 A. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field 25 cm from the wire.

Which of the equations here is valid for the circuit shown?

A) 4 – I1 + 4I3 = 0
B) 6 – I1 – 2I2 = 0
C) 2 – 2I1 – 2I2 – 4I3 = 0
D) -2 – I1 + 4 – 2I2 = 0

A flux of 4.0 × 10-5 Wb is maintained through a coil for 0.50 s. What emf is induced in this coil by this flux?
A) 2.0 x 10-5 V
B) 4.0 x 10-5 V
C) No emf is induced in this coil.
D) 8.0 x 10-5 V

Estimate the average power output of the Sun, given that about 1350 W/m2 reaches the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 1.5 × 1011 m.
A) 1 × 1026 W
B) 4 × 1026 W
C) 2 × 1026 W
D) 3 × 1026 W

A beam of light traveling in air is incident on a transparent plastic at an angle of incidence of 50o. The angle of refraction is 35o. What is the index of refraction of the plastic?
A) 1.56
B) 1.67
C) 1.43
D) 1.34

Vista corporation, which has current earnings and profits (ce&p)

Vista Corporation, which has current earnings and profits (CE&P) of $10,000 and accumulated earnings and profits (AE&P) of $30,000, makes a $43,000 distribution to its sole shareholder, Julie, at the end of the current year. Julie has a basis in her Vista stock of $2,000. What is the amount of taxable income Julie must report from the Vista distribution? (Points : 5)

Question 3. 3. Willow Corporation exchanged land valued at $250,000 (adjusted basis = $175,000) for a building owned by Tree Corporation valued at $350,000 (adjusted basis = $200,000) and $50,000 cash. In addition, Willow assumed the $150,000 mortgage on Tree’s building. What are Willow and Tree’s realized gains or losses on the properties exchanged, respectively?
(Points : 5)
$75,000, 0
$75,000, $150,000
$225,000, $150,000
$225,000, $200,000
None of the above
Cal contributes property valued at $50,000 (adjusted basis = $30,000) to a partnership in exchange for a partnership interest valued at $40,000 and $10,000 cash. What is Cal’s recognized gain or loss on these transfers?
(Points : 5)
James corporation exchanges a building (fair market value = $800,000, adjusted basis = $600,000) that has a $100,000 mortgage for another building owned by Pete Corporation (fair market value = $1,100,000, adjusted basis = $600,000) that is encumbered by a $400,000 mortgage. Each party assumed the mortgage on the building received. What are James’s and Pete’s realized gains on this exchange, respectively? (Points : 5)
$200,000, $500,000
$200,000, $600,000
$500,000, $600,000
$500,000, $500,000
None of the above
In a qualified reorganization: (Points : 5)
Gain is generally deferred.
Only stock can be exchanged for stock.
One corporation must acquire all the assets of another corporation.
Two or more corporations are always involved.

Needs to be completed in 45 min! algebra 2 segment 2 final exam

1. A biologist is comparing the growth of a population of flies per week to the number of flies a bullfrog will consume per week. She has devised an equation to solve for which day (x) the bullfrog would be able to eat the entire population. The equation is 2x = 3x – 1. However, she has observed that the bullfrog cannot eat more than seven flies in one week.

Explain to the biologist how she can solve this on a graph using a system of equations. Identify any possible constraints to the situation.



2.   A baseball player has been improving every season since making it to the big leagues. Below is a table of the runs he has scored. His manager wants to try to determine when he will score 1024 runs.

<object:standard:macc.912.f-le.1.2, macc.912.f-le.1.4=””>

Explain how to create the exponential function that represents his run-scoring abilities. Then explain how to convert this function into a logarithmic function and why this can help the manager answer his question.


3. Stephanie is organizing the seating arrangements for a concert in her local park. The first row’s seats are modeled by the function f(x) = 15. To give everyone a good view, each row must have four more seats than the row before it. The number of additional seats a row has is modeled by the function s(x) = 4(x – 1).

Explain to Stephanie how to create an equation to predict the number of seats in any row. Describe how to determine the number of seats in the 40th row. Use complete sentences.


4.Bobby has been planting blackberries in a garden in his backyard. Bobby started with blackberries in one square foot of garden modeled by the function s(x) = 30. He is allowed to convert more of the garden, and each additional square foot he maintains allows his blackberry plants to produce more by a rate of a(x) = 1.3x-1.

Explain to Bobby how to create an equation to predict the number of blackberries he can expect based on the number of square feet he maintains. Describe how to determine the number of blackberries he will grow with 20 square feet. Use complete sentences.


5.John has taken out a loan for college. He started paying off the loan with a first payment of $100. Each month he pays, he wants to pay back 1.1 times as the amount he paid the month before. Explain to John how to represent his first 20 payments in sigma notation. Then explain how to find the sum of his first 20 payments, using complete sentences. Explain why this series is convergent or divergent.


6. Daniel needs to study a possible link between anti-inflammatory drugs and kidney disease. Help Daniel design a study that would be appropriate.

Explain the type of study, the sampling method, the parameter of interest, and the statistic he could use to estimate that parameter. What conclusions would Daniel be able to draw from this study?


7.A field test for a new exam was given to randomly selected seniors. The exams were graded, and the sample mean and sample standard deviation were calculated. Based on the results, the exam creator claims that on the same exam, nine times out of ten, seniors will have an average score within 4% of 70%.

Is the confidence interval at 90%, 95%, or 99%? What is the margin of error? Calculate the confidence interval and explain what it means in terms of the situation.


8. Two gears are connected and are rotating simultaneously. The smaller gear has a radius of 4 inches, and the larger gear has a radius of 7 inches.


Part 1: What is the angle measure, in degrees and rounded to the nearest tenth, through which the larger gear has rotated when the smaller gear has made one complete rotation?

Part 2: How many rotations will the smaller gear make during one complete rotation of the larger gear?

Operations management problems | Operations Management homework help

(20 points) A part for an automobile should have a length of 4.00 in. The following is a summary table of the mean (x-bar) and range (R) for the observations in each sample, where there were four readings of the length (observations) in each sample.

Mean Range
Sample 1 4.01 0.04
Sample 2 3.98 0.06
Sample 3 4.00 0.02
Sample 4 3.99 0.05
Sample 5 4.03 0.06
Sample 6 3.97 0.02
Sample 7 4.02 0.02
Sample 8 3.99 0.04
Sample 9 3.98 0.05
Sample 10 4.01 0.06

x-bar-bar = …………. R-bar = …………. n (number of observations in a sample) = …………

Calculate the upper and lower control limits for the R chart.

R-bar = ………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 point)
UCLR = ……………………………………………………………………………………… (2 points)
LCLR = ……………………………………………………………………………………… (2 points)

Calculate the upper and lower control limits for the x-bar chart.

X-bar- bar = …………………………………………………………………………. .…… (1 point)
UCLxbar = ……………………………………………………………………………….… (2 points)
LCLxbar = ………………………………………………………………………………..… (2 points)

Plot the charts, including UCL, mean, and LCL. (4 points)

R Chart Xbar Chart
Is this process in control? …………………………………………… (2 points)
Why or why not? …………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………… (2 points)

(6 points) The specification for a plastic handle calls for a length of 6.0 inches ± 0.2 inches. However, the actual process, as just recently measured, has an average length of 6.07 inches. The UCL of the process is 6.22 inches and the LCL is 5.92 inches.

What is the Cpk for this process?

Cpk = ……………………………………………………………………………………………..….……
………………………………………………………………………………………… (4 points)

Is this process capable of producing the desired part? Why?
…………………………………………………………………………….…………….. (2 points)

(7 points) A local convenience store makes personal pan pizzas. Currently, their process makes complete pizzas, fully cooked, for the customer. This process has a fixed cost of $20,000 and a variable cost of $1.75 per pizza. The owner is considering a different process that can make pizzas in two ways: completely cooked (as before), or partially cooked and then flash frozen, for the customer to finish at home. This alternate process has a fixed cost of $24,000, but a lower variable cost (because much less energy is used in baking) of $1.25 per pizza. He sells the Pizzas for $5 each.

What is the crossover point in pizzas between the existing process and the proposed process? (4 points)

If the owner expects to sell 9,000 pizzas, should he get the new process (1 point) and why (2 points)?

(9 points) A new route easing to air traffic control
Wall Street Journal 12 May 2009
The FAA is phasing in a new navigation system that has already proved it can reduce weather delays, shave minutes off flight times, and reduce ground noise pollution.
Required Navigation Performance (RNP) is in use in China, Australia, Canada, and Alaska. The FAA will expand it soon to all major airlines. SouthWest Airlines will have all its planes and pilots ready by next year. Reagan National airport has RNP in place. The plan is to start with the most congested airports first, starting with New York and Chicago.
RNP is a plane based, computer driven, precision navigation system that enables aircraft to fly an exact path with a deviation less than the wingspan of the plane. RNP needs no ground equipment. The plane’s autopilot puts the aircraft at an exact position and height at an assigned time. Half the US fleet is already equipped with RNP. With RNP, aircraft can land at the same rate in bad weather as in good. With the old ground based systems, the landing rate can halve in bad weather. RNP reduces fuel usage, noise, and flight times. More takeoffs and landings are possible with RNP.
RNP is beyond the test phase. RNP is technically ready to go. Naverus developed RNP for planes landing in Juneau. They then developed RNP for Canada, China, and Australia. For full benefit, airlines must upgrade old planes to RNP and train all its pilots. Once this happens, (together with satellite based navigation or RNAV), there will be a huge difference for passengers, according to the FAA.
Why is RNP advantageous to airlines? (3 points)

Why is RNP advantageous to the FAA? (3 points)
The biggest problems with moving to RNP are ….? (3 points)
Where n is the number of observations in the sample, not the number of samples!

Cpk = Min ((USL-xbar)/(UCL- xbar),(xbar -LSL)/(xbar -LCL))

Where SL = Specification Limit; CL = Control Limit;
U = Upper, L = Lower,

TCA = FCA + VCA * n
Where TCy = Total cost for alternative y; VCy = Variable Cost per unit for alternative y;
FCy = Fixed Cost for alternative y; n is number of units produced.

TRA = PA * n

Where TRx = Total Revenue for product x and Px = Price per unit of product x.


Principles of accounting 1 spring final exam

1. In the following journal entry, revenue is being recognized:
 A) at the same time cash is collected
 B) before the cash is collected
 C) after the cash is collected
 D) no revenue is being recognized

2. Up-State Corporation ordered materials from Down-State Manufacturing on October 1, 2008.  Down-State shipped the materials by rail on October 5 and the railroad notified Up-State on October 12 that the goods had arrived.  Up-State picked up the materials on October 13.  The terms of the sale are FOB shipping point.  On what date should Up-State consider this a purchase?
 A) October 1
 B) October 5
 C) October 12
 D) October 13

3. Company X produces and sells 3 products: X1, X2, and X3.  The company recently developed a new advertising campaign for X3.  The costs incurred to develop this ad would be considered:
 A) facility-sustaining costs
 B) product-sustaining costs
 C) batch-related costs
 D) unit-related costs

4. An unfavorable sale price variance reflects
 A) Fewer units sold than budgeted.
 B) A lower actual selling price than budgeted.
 C) An increase in the cost of products causing a decrease in income for the period.
 D) A decrease in the amount of cash received from customers.

5. A cash sale would impact the:
 A) income statement only
 B) balance sheet and income statement only
 C) balance sheet and statement of cash flows only
 D) balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows

6. Limited liability means:
 A) A company is only liable for an amount that is established by a pre-set limit.
 B) Creditors are limited to just the cash available in the company at the time of the loss.
 C) Creditors of a company can only claim the assets of the firm and not the assets of the owners of the firm.
 D) Creditors of a firm can claim all the assets of a company and all of the owners’ personal assets.

7. In times of declining prices, ______ generally result(s) in the ______ cost of goods sold.
 A) LIFO and FIFO, same
 B) FIFO, lower
 C) LIFO, lower
 D) LIFO, higher

Use the following to answer questions 8 and 9:
ThinkStyles, Inc. applies manufacturing overhead on the basis of the number of indirect labor hours required. The following information is available:
 Estimated      Actual
Indirect Labor Hours 3,100 3,180
Manufacturing Overhead Costs $111,600 $124,000

8. The predetermined manufacturing overhead rate per indirect labor hour is:
 A) $35
 B) $36
 C) $39
 D) $40

9. The amount of over/underapplied manufacturing overhead is:
 A) $9,520 underapplied
 B) $3,200 underapplied
 C) $12,400 underapplied
 D) $12,400 overapplied

10. On April 30, Crossover Company had a general ledger cash balance of $216,854.  At the end of April, the bank statement had a balance of $249,322.  Deposits in transit amounted to $26,500 and there was a service charge of $180.  Outstanding checks totaled $59,148.  What is the reconciled/adjusted amount of cash?
 A) $183,706
 B) $184,026
 C) $216,674
 D) None of the above.

11. The journal entry to record wages earned by assembly line workers would include a:
 A) credit to Indirect Labor
 B) debit to Finished Goods Inventory
 C) debit to Work In Process Inventory
 D) credit to Cost of Goods Manufactured

12. On September 1, 2009, Olpe Corporation paid $2,400 in advance for a one year insurance policy that covers the period September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010.  What amount of insurance expense should Olpe report for the year ended December 31, 2009?
  A) $800
 B) $1,200
 C) $2,400
 D) $0

13. The Pacioli Manufacturing Company has kept track of the number of units they have produced each month and the cost to produce those units for the past six months.
Month Number of Units Cost of Units Produced
July 10,000 $60,000
Aug. 11,000 $66,000
Sept. 20,000 $110,000
Oct. 16,000 $90,000
Nov. 12,000 $70,000
Dec. 18,000 $102,000

 Using the high/low method, what is the estimated total cost if 14,000 units are produced in January?

 A) $62,000
 B) $70,000
 C) $75,000
 D) $80,000

14. Which of the following would be part of the entry to record a sales return?
 A) credit to sales returns and allowances
 B) debit to accounts receivable 
 C) debit to sales returns and allowances 
 D) debit to cash

15. Hasbrouck Corporation used $63,500 of direct materials, $46,000 of direct labor, and applied $94,500 of manufacturing overhead during October.  Cost of goods sold for October was $218,200.  Hasbrouck’s beginning and ending work-in-process and finished goods inventories were as follows:
 Beginning inventory Ending inventory
Finished goods $70,000 $61,500
Work-in-process   47,000   41,300
  What was Hasbrouck’s cost of goods manufactured for October?

 A) $209,700
 B) $212,500
 C) $234,800
 D) None of the above.

16. Halting, Inc. gathered the following direct labor cost information for the month of July:

Actual direct labor hours 68,500
Standard direct labor hours allowed 
 for actual production 67,200
Actual direct labor rate per hour $12.10
Standard direct labor rate per hour $11.75
The direct labor price variance is:

 A) $15,730U
 B) $23,975U
 C) $15,275F
 D) $23,520F

17. On December 31, 2009, Voyager Products, Inc. received a $20,000 deposit from a customer for a special order of merchandise to be manufactured and shipped in January 2010. Voyager Products, Inc. made the following journal entry on December 31, 2009:

  The financial statements dated December 31, 2009 would be:
 A) correctly stated
 B) in error, understating liabilities and overstating assets
 C) in error, overstating net income and understating liabilities
 D) in error, understating net income and understating stockholders’ equity

18. Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts had a beginning and ending balance of $3,500 and $4,600, respectively.  If uncollectible accounts expense was $9,500 for the period, the total dollar amount of accounts written off during the period was:
 A) $13,000
 B) $8,400
 C) $10,600
 D) $9,500

19. Kozicek Corporation reported credit sales of $200,000, accounts receivable of
$110,000 at the beginning of the year and accounts receivable of $150,000 at the end of the year.  Cash receipts/collections from customers during the year were:
 A) $160,000
 B) $200,000
 C) $240,000
 D) $310,000

20. A cost that does not change in total as the activity changes is a:
 A) Fixed cost
 B) Variable cost
 C) Mixed cost
 D) None of the above
Use the following information for questions 21 and 22.
Hepler Enterprises began the year with $188,200 of finished goods inventory. During the year the company manufactured goods costing $712,000. At the end of the year, $207,500 of finished goods remained in inventory. Actual manufacturing overhead was $141,500 and applied manufacturing overhead totaled $143,900.
21. Prior to any adjustment for overhead application, cost of goods sold was:

  A) $692,700
  B) $731,300
C) $774,000
D) $900,200

22. Assuming the overapplied or underapplied manufacturing overhead was considered small and, therefore, closed out to Cost of Goods Sold, the cost of goods sold reported on the income statement for the period was:
  A) $675,000
 B) $690,300
 C) $695,100
 D) $728,900

23. The Manhattan Company sells its one and only product for $89.00 per unit.  Variable costs per unit amount to $63.50 and total fixed costs are $3,697,500.  If Manhattan increases its selling price to $95, how will this affect the breakeven point in units?
 A) The breakeven point will increase 27,619 units.
 B) The breakeven point will decrease 106,078 units.
 C) The breakeven point will increase 41,300 units.
 D) The breakeven point will decrease 27,619 units.

24. Bonita Enterprises purchased $42,000 of merchandise on account, terms 2/10, n/30. Assuming Bonita uses the net price method to account for purchase discounts, and it pays for the merchandise on the 30th day after the purchase, the journal entry to record the payment would include a:
 A) credit to Cash for $41,160
 B) credit to Inventory for $42,000
 C) debit to Accounts Payable for $42,000
 D) debit to Purchase Discounts Lost for $840
25. A company’s accounts payable was $600,000 at the beginning of the year and $632,000 at the end of the year. Cost of goods sold for the year was $637,000.  Inventory at the beginning of the year was $420,000 and at the end of the year $455,000.  How much cash did the company pay to its suppliers during the period?
 A) $612,000
 B) $640,000
 C)  $662,000
 D) None of the above

26. If a company’s selling price per unit increases, what is the impact on its contribution margin and breakeven point?
   Contribution Margin Breakeven Point
A) Increase Increase
B) Decrease No effect
C) No effect Increase
D) Increase Decrease
27. The bookkeeper who records cash receipts also deposits daily cash receipts at the bank on his way home from work.  This is a violation of which of the following characteristics of good internal control:
 A) requiring proper authorization
 B) separating incompatible duties
 C) physically controlling assets and documents
 D) maintaining adequate documents and records

28. For 2008, Parker Inc. reported total liabilities of $720,000, current assets of $235,000, and total shareholders’ equity of $1,250,000.  What are Parker Inc.’s total assets?
 A) $1,735,000
 B) $1,820,000
 C) $1,970,000
 D) $2,205,000

29. The Torbel Company ordered $80,000 of inventory from Borton Industries and was given terms of 3/15 n/45.  Which of the following describes how soon the payment must be made in order to receive a discount and the amount of the discount available? 
 Payment Made Within Amount of Discount
 A) Between 3 and 15Days $12,000
 B) 45 Days $  9,600
 C) Between 2 and 15 $  2,400
 D) Within 15 Days $  2,400

30. The following journal entry affected the accounting equation by:
 Cash    XXX
  Capital Stock   XXX
 A) increasing assets and increasing liabilities
 B) decreasing assets and increasing owners equity
 C) increasing liabilities and decreasing owners equity
 D) increasing assets and increasing owners equity

31. Moreland Corp. purchased a building for $35 million that will house its new manufacturing plant.  This is part of Moreland’s
 A) Operating activities
 B) Financing activities
 C) Investing activities
 D) All of the above

Use the following to answer questions 32 and 33:
Carrington Company has a perpetual inventory system and uses the LIFO method of inventory costing.  Carrington reported the following events during the month of March:

  Number of Units 
Date Event  Bought Sold Unit Price
Mar. 1 Beginning Inv. 100  $10      
  3 Purchase   75        $11
  5 Sale   50 
10 Purchase 140         $12
16 Sale   110 
21 Sale   70 
25 Purchase 175        $14
30 Sale      120 

32. The cost of goods sold for the March 21st sale is:
 A) $700
 B) $720
 C) $785
 D) $ 840

33. The ending inventory on March 31st is:
 A) $1,440
 B) $1,620
 C) $1,640
 D) $1,960

34. Triple Tee Company sells their only product for $22.00. Variable costs per unit are $14.80, while total fixed costs amount to $550,000.  The company wants to earn a before-tax profit of $400,000. The  total unit sales needed to achieve the desired before-tax profit is:
 A)   64,190
 B)   76,389
 C) 131,945
 D) 137,266

35. Distance Solutions’ president receives a bonus equal to 8% of income before tax and bonus.   If the tax rate is 30%, what is Distance Solutions’ net income for the year assuming income before tax and bonus was $1,300,000?
 A) $104,000 
 B) $390,000
 C) $806,000
 D) $837,200

36. Pratt Company currently produces and sells 12,000 units of its product each month at a sales price of $15 each.  Another firm has offered to buy an additional 1,000 units at $10 per unit.  Pratt’s total cost per unit is as follows:
  Fixed costs per unit are based on production of 12,000 units per month.  Pratt Company currently has the capacity to produce 15,000 units per month.  By how much would profit change if Pratt accepts this offer?
  A) $7,000 increase
 B) $5,500 increase
 C) $1,700 increase
 D) $300 decrease

37. If a product has a cost of $600 and a selling price of $1,800, what is the product’s markup percentage?
 A) 33% 
 B) 67%
 C) 150%
 D) 200%

38. Grover Company’s economic order quantity is 2,800 units.  Demand for the year is 108,000 units.  There are three days between the time an order is placed and the day it is received.  Grover operates 360 days per year.  What is the daily demand?
 A) 300
 B) 900
 C) 934
 D) 2,700

39. WyKan Corporation sells three types of speaker systems, the Model A, the Model B and the Model C. The profit report for these speaker systems for the most recent period is shown below by product line.  The facility sustaining costs are fixed and allocated as shown below between each of the three product lines.
     Model A_       Model B       Model C
Sales $200,000 $95,000  $155,000
Variable Costs   110,000   60,000    124,000
Contribution Margin   $90,000 $35,000    $31,000
Facility Sustaining Cost     50,000   30,000      40,000
Net Income (Loss)   $40,000 $5,000  $(9,000)
Wykan’s president insists on discontinuing Model C.  He obviously has not taken acct 2101!  What will be the company’s net income (loss) after eliminating Model C?
  A) $45,000
 B) $36,000
 C) $(9,000)
 D) $5,000

40. Palisades Corporation purchased equipment by signing a long-term note payable.  What was the effect of this transaction?
 A) increased assets and increased liabilities
 B) increased assets and increased owners equity
 C) increased assets and decreased owners equity
 D) increased owners equity and decreased liabilities

41. The most likely explanation for the following journal entry would be:
 A) performed a service and immediately received the cash
 B) performed a service and billed the customer
 C) performed a service for a customer who had paid for the service ahead of time
 D) recorded the receipt of cash from a customer for services previously performed

Use the following information for questions 42 and 43.
Hepburn Corporation’s sales price is $30 per unit.  Unit sales information is presented below:

 March (Actual) April (Estimated) May (Estimated)
Cash sales 10,000 12,000 13,000
Credit sales 30,000 40,000 45,000
Management estimates that 5% of credit sales are uncollectible, 30 % are collected in the month of sale, and 65% in the following month. The March 31 ending inventory is 5,500 units, and Hepburn wants to have 10% of the next month’s sales in ending inventory.

42. What are Hepburn Corporation’s expected sales revenue and cash receipts for April?
  Sales Revenue Cash Receipts
A) $1,560,000 $1,305,000
B) $1,560,000 $945,000
C) $1,200,000 $945,000
D) $960,000 $870,000

43. How many units should Hepburn produce during April?
 A) 52,300
 B) 52,400
 C) 52,600
 D)  57,800

44. Net income is found on which of the following two financial statements?
 A) Balance Sheet and Income Statement
 B) Statement of Shareholders Equity and Balance Sheet
 C) Statement of Cash Flows and Balance Sheet
 D) Income Statement and Statement of Shareholders Equity

45. What is a perpetual inventory system?
 A) A system that keeps a continuous record of the cost of inventory on hand and the cost of inventory sold.
 B) A system that determines the inventory at the end of each accounting period by physically counting it.
 C)  A system that records cash on hand.
 D) None of the above.

46. Memory Time Picture Frame Co. manufactures picture frames and incurs many different types of costs.  The cost of the glass for the picture frames, assuming it is significant to the overall cost, would be a:
 A) direct material cost
 B) direct labor cost
 C) manufacturing overhead cost
 D) selling and administrative cost

47. Lyco Company is a service firm.  The company showed the following activities for the current month:
• Provided services for a client who will pay $82,000 next month.
• Provided services for a client and received $30,000 cash.
• Received a $10,000 advance payment for services to be provided next month.
• Used $7,000 of office supplies to provide services.
• Employees were owed $25,000 for work performed in the current month.
What is the accrual basis income for the current month?
 A) $90,000
 B) $80,000
 C) $72,000
 D) $23,000

48. Fostoria Corporation began the current period with $21,975 of direct materials, purchased $97,950 of direct materials and $8,230 of indirect materials during the period and ended the period with $30,205 of direct materials.  The total amount of direct materials put into production during the current period was:
 A) $119,925
 B) $97,950
 C)  $89,720
 D) $106,670

49. J & C Electronics, Inc. gathered the following direct materials cost information for the month of July:
Standard Quantity Allowed for production 34,700 gallons
Quantity used in production 33,900 gallons
Actual price per gallon purchased $8.50
Standard price per gallon $8.85
  The direct materials usage variance is:

 A) $ 4,250U
 B) $ 4,425F
 C) $6,800U
 D) $7,080F

50. Anthony Company sold merchandise on account to a customer at a price of $5,000.  The merchandise had cost Anthony $4,200.  The terms of the sales were 3/10, n/30.  If the customer paid within the discount period, by how much did this transaction increase Anthony’s net income?
 A) $5,000
 B) $4,850
 C) $   650
 D) $   300

Assignment 08 l g03 principles of retailing

G03 Principles of Retailing


Respond to the items below.


Part A:     What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion from the perspective of a small independent retailer?


Part B:      Develop a promotional budget for a new ready-to-assemble furniture retailer located in a college town using the objective-and-task method.


Part C:     Develop a vertical audit form for customer service for the same ready-to-assemble furniture retailer specializing in the college student market.


Part D:     Explain how the same ready-to-assemble furniture retailer can improve its customer service program through use of the principles of the total retail experience and relationship retailing.




Acc – uhura resort | Accounting homework help


Uhura Resort opened for business on June 1 with eight air-conditioned units. Its trial balance on August 31 is as follows.


AUGUST 31, 2012









Prepaid Insurance




















Accounts Payable



Unearned Rent Revenue



Mortgage Payable



Common Stock







Rent Revenue



Salaries and Wages Expense




Utilities Expenses




Maintenance and Repairs Expense










Other data:
1.  The balance in prepaid insurance is a one-year premium paid on June 1, 2012.
2.  An inventory count on August 31 shows $713 of supplies on hand.
3.  Annual depreciation rates are
(a) buildings (4%)
(b) equipment (10%).
Salvage value is estimated to be 10% of cost.
4.  Unearned Rent Revenue of $4,139 was earned prior to August 31.
5.  Salaries of $389 were unpaid at August 31.
6.  Rentals of $820 were due from tenants at August 31.
7.  The mortgage interest rate is 8% per year.

Comp 230 final | Computer Science homework help

1. (TCO 7) The general syntax of an SQL select statement is _____. (Points : 5)
2. (TCO 7) In a VBScript SQL Query statement, what Boolean operator can be used to test a set of conditions whereby all conditions must be true? (Points : 5)
3. (TCO 7) The _____ in a table is the column that makes each record different from all others. (Points : 5)
4. (TCO 7) What task(s) are involved in designing a database table? (Points : 5)
5. (TCO 1) Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown and restart the computer FileServer in 2 minutes? (Points : 5)
6. (TCO 1) Which Windows shutdown command switch is used to shutdown and turn off a local or a remote computer? (Points : 5)
7. (TCO 1) Which one of the following Windows NET commands options is not used to control services with the NET ????? ServiceName? (Points : 5)
8. (TCO 1) The NETSH command that will set the IP address of the interface name NIC to a DHCP-supplied IP address is _____. (Points : 5)
9. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file.
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:DataCustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???)
To create a new file if it doesn’t exist, the value of ?? must be _____. (Points : 5)
10. (TCO 6) In creating a VBScript Scripting.FileSystemObject, you must start the code line with _____. (Points : 5)
11. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file.
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:DataCustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???)
To open this file for reading, the value of ? must be _____. (Points : 5)
12. (TCO 2) What is the problem with the following statement? average = (60 + 75) /100 (Points : 5)
13. (TCO 2) What is the multiplication operator? (Points : 5)
14. (TCO 2) What is the assignment operator? (Points : 5)
15. (TCO 2) What is the best choice for a variable name representing an interest rate? (Points : 5)
16. (TCO 2) If a variable holds the value “Ferrari,” what is its data type? (Points : 5)
17. (TCO 5) In what way do VBScript named constants differ from variables? (Points : 5)
18. (TCO 5) Variables declared in the main section of a VBScript program have what scope? (Points : 5)
19. (TCO 3) What characters can be used to force operator precedence? (Points : 5)
20. (TCO 3) What produces the same result as the following pseudocode?
21. (TCO 3) What VBScript Boolean operator could be used to replace the nested selection structure in this pseudocode?
22. (TCO 3) In VBScript, when you combine Boolean operators, the _____ operators take precedence, meaning their values are evaluated first. (Points : 5)
23. (TCO 3) A decision that is inside of another decision is known as a _____ decision. (Points : 5)
24. (TCO 4) What is the problem with the following VBScript Do While loop?
25. (TCO 4) The number of elements in an array is called the _____ of the array. (Points : 5)
26. (TCO 4) How many times will the following VBScript Do While loop execute the loop body?
27. (TCO 4) VBScript arrays are most efficiently processed using _____. (Points : 5)
28. (TCO 4) In VBScript, the array declaration dim data(10) indicates the array data can have a maximum of _____ elements or components. (Points : 5)
1. (TCO 1) Write the Windows CLI commands that will Clear the screen; Turn off Command echo; and display the current IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. (Points : 13)
2. (TCO 1) Write the Windows CLI NET commands that will turn the Spooler service OFF and then ON. (Points : 13)
3. (TCO 2) Write the VBScript code lines that define a constant TAXRATE that is 25%, a variable basePay that is $1000, and a variable bonusPay that is $500. Calculate the net pay, and assign that value to netPay. Then, calculate the taxes, and assign that value to taxWithheld. (Points : 14)
4. (TC0 3) Given the variables hoursWorked and payRate, write the VBScript code that will calculate grossPay such that all hoursWorked 40 will be paid at time and a half. (Points : 14)
1. (TCO 4) Write the VBScript code that uses a Do Until loop to display all of the integer values stored in the array numArray(100) . (Points : 14)
2. (TCO 5) Write a VBScript function called MaxNum that accepts two numbers and returns the largest to the two numbers. (Points : 14)
3. (TCO 6) Write the VBScript code that defines the Scripting.FileSystemObject and the file C:DataDataFile.txt for writing. Make sure the file will be created if it doesn’t exist, and ensure that the format is ASCII. (Points : 14)
4. (TCO 7) Assuming that you are connected to a database called Computers.mdb with the fields Computer, Hostname Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, OS_Type, Memory, Speed and HDD_Size, write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that all the fields will be displayed for the records that indicate a speed less than two and a memory value less than four. The returned records should be sorted by Room_Num. (Points : 14)