research paper should be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages. In addition to the preceding components, your writing style (grammar and spelling) will be marked out of 10 points, and adherence to the general APA format will be marked out of 10 points.TOPIC: Effect of Mnemonics techniques on recall

Your research paper should be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages. In addition to the preceding components, your writing style (grammar and spelling) will be marked out of 10 points, and adherence to the general APA format will be marked out of 10 points.TOPIC: Effect of Mnemonics techniques on recall

I have conducted an experiment on myself using three techniques: method of loci, rote learning, and peg word technique. I have the result from the experiment which I will share with you and there is raw data available for 697 hypothetical students. The paper needs to talk about mnemonics in general and the description of three techniques. Then we have to incorporate my results and compare the average from 697 students as well and see which technique is the best and why.I will give you all the information on how I conducted the experiment to use in the method and procedure part of the paper. I also have a sample on the same for you to use.

You are required t use the following sources:

Original Study: Bower, G. H. (1970). Analysis of a mnemonic device. American Scientist, 58, 496–510.

Review Article: Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2000). The effectiveness of mnemonic instruction for students with learning and behavior problems: An update and research synthesis. Journal of Behavioral Education, 10, 163–173.

You are also required to seek out three additional references for a total of five sources.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses economics: market capitalism.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses economics: market capitalism.

7. Growth of per capita GDP is most often used as a measure of economic growth, and inflation and unemployment rates are most often used as measures of economic stability. –True8. It is generally understood that capitalist economies are more efficient than are planned socialist economies. –True9. Although future growth estimates for transition economies vary widely, they are all positive and of a reasonable magnitude. –True10. There is no evidence that capitalist economies are more viable than are planned socialist economies.

–False11. During the twentieth century, there were examples of transitions from capitalism to planned socialism, from planned socialism to market socialism, and from planned socialism to capitalism. –True12. The economic transition from planned socialism to market capitalism requires a change in legal institutions, as well as in financial and economic institutions. –True13. Capitalism is based on the foundation of private property ownership, economic freedom, and the primacy of markets as the mechanism of economic coordination. –True14. In their writings, Marx, Engels, and Lenin dealt with the fundamental question of how scarce resources were to be allocated during the socialist phase. –True15. The Austrian economist’s Mises and Hayek argued that rational economic decisions regarding resource allocation would be impossible because of the absence of market-determined prices. –True16. The concept of material balances formulated by soviet economists in the 1920s focused on the need to determine and balance aggregate demand and supplies of basic industrial commodities without the use of markets. –True17. The theory of planning stresses the formulation of a plan, but incentives often prevent the implementation of the plan. –True18. Theoretically, one would expect more rapid economic growth, greater stability, greater efficiency, and more equal distribution of income in planned socialism relative to market capitalism. –True19. Market capitalism is a system that combines social ownership of capital with market allocation.

–False20. The most famous theoretical model of market socialism is the trial and error model proposed by Oskar Lange. –True21. Critics of the Lange model point out problems with managerial incentives and monopoly behavior on the part of managers. –True22. A labor-managed or participatory economy is based on the use of producer cooperatives. –False23. In his 1944 book, The Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek argued that socialism (state ownership) and democracy were incompatible. –False24. In comparison to the Anglo-Saxon model of capitalism, the European model calls for less state intervention in economic affairs.

–False25. The Asian model of capitalism concentrates on high rates of capital formation, often supported by the state.

In this assignment, you will explore the concept of moral values, moral motivation, and what impact they have on ethical behavior. Using Ethics for Life: A Text with Readings as your source, write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you: List at least three American moral values. How do these affect character? Explain how different cultures view moral values and the failure of moral motivation. Discuss how moral motivation relates to poor ethical decision-making. Explain how these moral values potentially influence decisions cultures make and their view(s) of social issues.

In this assignment, you will explore the concept of moral values, moral motivation, and what impact they have on ethical behavior. Using Ethics for Life: A Text with Readings as your source, write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you:
List at least three American moral values. How do these affect character?
Explain how different cultures view moral values and the failure of moral motivation.
Discuss how moral motivation relates to poor ethical decision-making.
Explain how these moral values potentially influence decisions cultures make and their view(s) of social issues.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the rise in cybercrime and the possible remedy.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the rise in cybercrime and the possible remedy.

Many banking organizations have received complaints from their customers regarding the loss of money from cyber-thieves. Hence, many bank organizations have lost a large portion of their revenue to cybercrime reducing their competitiveness in this industry. In addition, the organizations lose their customers who feel that they do not get enough security of their money in these organizations. Therefore, the system designers are now facing a serious challenge of having to protect the organization from cybercriminals who each discovering new approaches of stealing from organizations.

Identity theft is the illegal and the unconsented acquisition of another person’s personal information such as identity card number, bank account number and password with an intention of using it in fraudulent operations. With the current embrace of technology in the business sector, the internet has become a new platform for theft especially with most internet users being ignorant of their privacy and security in their online presence. In the US, the banking sector loses over £1 billion every year to identity theft which is already sending warning signals to the online bankers.

With more banks venturing in online services and online financial transfer is dominant in these sectors, the banks and the customers are at a very high risk of losing their money to fraudsters. Statistics indicate that the number of cases of identity fraud increased in the recent past (Ryckman 12). In 2010 and 2012, the US banking industry has registered a loss of 80 and 101.3 dollars, which marks an increase of about 27% in financial loss (PR, Newswire Para. 1). As more customers complain about the loss of their monies, victim organizations continue to experience loss both in terms of money as well as the outflow of customers.&nbsp.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

One may picture this. A young girl enters a toy shop and finds the girl’s corner full of stilettos and tiaras. She buys a few and takes them. She puts them on and is immediately transported to a dreamland in which she is none other than Paris Hilton. While her parents are happy watching her happy, they have not realized that the experience would stay within the child’s psychology and she may anytime want to pursue a life when she grows up. The picture on the boy’s section is a tad bit brighter since there are doctors and builder kits for them.

But everything bogs down to the same once these very kids open up media sources like television and magazines (Kiss, 2011).The present study endeavors to dwell upon all the factors present in today’s mass media and how they cause apparent or silent sexualization of a child’s innocent mind by spreading such sexualized images and merchandise all over on the market.The discussion may begin with the most used tools in mass media that one finds in contemporary culture. While these elements have been present in society all along, their quality seems to be degrading by the day, with more adult and sexualization being used to rivet the viewer’s attention and persuade him to purchase the product being advertised.

Here is a quick listing of those tools and how some people have been using them to sell themselves or their services fast, keeping only the importance of adult life in mind.Television commercials or banner advertisements, one looks at the content being used in regular advertisements around us, and we find a lot of sexy ladies and gents ravishing their bodies and glistening skin to the viewer. No matter what the advertisement is about, whether it for a related product like a deodorant spray or, a non-related product like a refrigerator or washing machine, the advertisement still has a host of half-clad men and women calling on the viewer to enjoy the life that they seem to by using the product.

A half-naked lady could walk into a tie and dye meeting and prove herself worthy of attention, just like how a processor that is sexy and smart like her would pep up the performance of a laptop or computer.

Write a 11 pages paper on credit crunch effects on a decision-making process.

Write a 11 pages paper on credit crunch effects on a decision-making process. Taking the Asian example, in the years succeeding 1997, both the demand and supply were determined to have been affected by the credit crunch. Demand for credit declined as consumption and investment were sharply reduced due to uncertainty, overcapacity, weakening economic conditions, and the negative wealth effect arising from a fall in asset prices. The borrowers lost creditworthiness, which made banks reluctant to lend, even at higher interest rates. The financial system will also be affected in such a situation, resulting in the decline of supply of credit, which further weakens its demand (Lindgren, 1999, p. 24-25).

According to Jubak (2007), in a credit crunch, lenders stop lending and credit becomes tough to obtain. The credit crunch is a crisis that feeds on fear and uncertainty. A lender can compensate for fear by raising interest rates, tightening credit standards, or writing more protective covenants into the terms of a loan. But if the size of the losses is uncertain enough, lenders cant compensate for the additional risk because lenders don’t know how large that risk might be.

The credit crunch is characterized by extremely depressed liquidity and deteriorated balance sheet positions for households, corporations, and financial institutions. sharply increased interest rates as all sectors scramble for remaining available funds. rising yield differentials as investors sell risky investments and switch to safe assets. a severely depresses stock market. and the inability of many borrowers to obtain funds at any cost (Wolfson, 1994, p. 22). The supply of funds is restricted not only because of the tight monetary policy by reducing bank reserves, but also due to smaller deposit inflows to financial institutions and reduced savings flows (Wolfson, 1994, p. 22).

To study the causes of the credit crunch, Clair and Tucker (1993) focus on the Texas banking industry and the credit crunch phase of seven years starting 1986. The authors studied the factors affecting the supply of loans from banks as they believed banks represented the vitally important source of credit.

write an article on Accounting Investment Methods. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Accounting Investment Methods. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Companies adopt distinct financial strategies depending on the status of the company (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 34). Publicly-listed and private companies have different modes of operations, particularly on the decision-making mechanism. Since its establishment in 1976, Apple Inc. has grown tremendously. Currently, the company has a presence in more than fourteen countries.

Retail stores for Apple products in these countries numbers at 394. The company is publicly listed and is valued at about 414 billion dollars, making it the second biggest corporation in the trade-in terms of market capitalization. Forbes magazine recognized Apple in 2008 as being one of the most admired cooperation in the US. In 2013, the corporation was listed among the best ten corporations of the fortune 500 lists of companies. These recognitions have helped the corporation to increase the sales of its major product, the iPhone.

Apple Inc can invest in securities in order to raise money for their financial obligations. Securities are held by firms and later sold for short-term earnings. The trading securities are normally accounted at the fair market value where gains and losses are reported on the income statements. Such securities are not met by maintaining the gains or losses on the income statement. Further, the counter account on the balance sheet is the stipend for the accustomed short-term savings to the market.

The accounting for ‘available-for-sale securities’ is largely similar to the accounting in the trading securities (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 28). Nonetheless, there exists a difference regarding the recognition of the changes in the value. The changes in value for the trading securities are posted on the operating income. The ‘available for sale securities’ are posted in the special account that is regarded as ‘” unrealized gain/loss in other comprehensive income”. This is recorded in the stockholders’ equity.

This ensures that the income statement remains unaffected by any changes in the accounting procedure. Further, the counter account to unrealized gain or loss in other broader income is short-term ‘available-for-sales’ in the fair market alterations. There exist the ‘hold to maturity securities that are bought by a firm and only sold after the maturity period has lapsed. Such securities are posted on the cost account. They are regarded as loss and/or gain after the firm has sold the securities.

Apple Inc can decide to utilize the best investment approach, which will ensure the firm continues with its profitability record while meeting its business objectives. In any successful organization, there needs to be an elaborate system to help in the administration of the operations (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 62). The systems need to be strategically controlled and coordinated to facilitate the execution of the best approaches by aligning resources with the strategic goals. The check-and-balances in a successful organization are designed in a way to transform systems firmly along with established inhibitive cultures.

Moreover, these investment tools should be made available and transparent for all stakeholders including clients, employees, and regulators.

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The American Cultural Myth, America.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The American Cultural Myth, America.

This controversy comes from the miscomprehension of what is meant by equality and freedom and how it is realized in American society. The myth is that the United States of America represents the place where everybody is “free”, so he can do everything that comes into his mind. In reality, freedom and equality are really present in America, however, people who come to the state usually feel shocked because of the official and bureaucratic limitations, and face difficulties on their way to become a part of the American society.

During its history, the United States regulation has been doing its best to counterpoise the independence of a person with the welfare of the country and the outcomes of such efforts sometimes appeared to be rather strange and unexpected. Anti-smoking law that states that those who do not smoke have a right to live without smoke that restricts the right of smokers’ to smoke represents the perfect example of this strangeness. Young people who come to America to study are usually unpleasantly surprised by a great number of regulations that control each step they make.

The social principles in America are really strange. They represent a mix of Puritanism and the commonly nonjudgmental American approach that generates a lot of difficulties for newcomers because they can’t foresee American society’s reaction to their actions. Furthermore, in America, various ethnic groups live one next to another and each group has its own principles that may differ much from the values of others. Consequently, the newcomers often feel that there are absolutely no rules in the United States and appear at a loss.

During its history, America was considered to be exceptional in its job-related and personal opportunities. America was recognized as the “place of chance”, for everybody who would like to get a higher position in society (Lipset, 1997). However, the opponents of this opinion state that, at the same time as all communities are very different concerning their past and arrangement, the statement that America is exclusively righteous exaggerate the significance of distinctions between the United States and other developed countries (Ross, 1995).

According to them, such a statement does not take into account a lot of facts of the United States’ history which is contradictory to the notions of independence and equal opportunities, such as slavery, ghettoization, segregation and genocide (Lipset, 1997).

Four (4) concepts or ideas from the LDRS Class material that has impacted you and which will better your servant leadership skills now and in your future. You must only use all the course material to date. For example: Blanchard, (2016) The Domains of Leading like Jesus; Heart, Habits, Head, Hands. Leading Positive Change. EGOS Anonymous.

Course Number: LDRS 300

Course Name: Leadership as Service.

Instructor:  Hank Prins,  MA Lead                   Contact Information:



The purpose of this final reflective paper is to look back at what you have learned during the past weeks and to reflect on it while applying it to your current and future leadership. This is not a book review! It is your personal analysis, synthesis and reflection of WHAT you have learned in this course and HOW you will use the knowledge in practicing leadership from a servant-oriented lens.


Below are details about the structure and content of this paper. Be sure to read through this carefully, constructing your paper as to answer the questions asked in each section.


Plagiarism, ghostwriting and sloppy APA adherence are simply unacceptable for a 3rd year University course. If you are struggling with your assignments or do not understand the requirements, it is your responsibility to get clarity and assistance from your professor or writing  coach before the assignment is due. (See Moodle Resources in LDRS 300 for additional helps)



This paper is 7 – 9 pages long. – 2% per page deductions for too many or not enough pages.

            Title Page – APA format.

  1. Introduction: ½ – 1 page – outlines what the paper is going to discuss.
  2. Main Body of Paper: 5 – 6 pages

You must include the following:

  • Theory:
    • Four (4) concepts or ideas from the LDRS Class material that has impacted you and which will better your servant leadership skills now and in your future. You must only use all the course material to date. For example:
      • Blanchard, (2016) The Domains of Leading like Jesus; Heart, Habits, Head, Hands. Leading Positive Change. EGOS Anonymous.
      • Wilkes (1998) 7 principles; #1 Humble Your Heart, #2 First Be a Follower, #3 Find Greatness in Service, #4 Take Risks, #5 Take up the Towel, #6 Share Responsibility and Authority, and #7 Build a Team.
      • Toister (2017) Understanding Service Culture and Implementing change.
      • Gary Chapman’s – 5 Love Languages or Robert Greenleaf’s 10 Traits of Servant Leadership.
      • Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals from both Blanchard et al, and Wilkes.
      • Concepts from readings in the assigned articles from LDRS 300 that impacted you.
      • Ideas or discussions from LDRS 300 lectures, DQ forums, class activities and your Group Project.
    • Your Practical Applications:
      • How will you use the 4 Servant Leadership concepts, practices, or theories you have chosen to write about now in your Leadership now and in your future career? (If you do not see a use for Servant Leadership practices, concepts or theories then explain why not.)
        • Give examples from other sources or personal experiences.
      • In what ways do you see the four Servant Leadership practices you wrote about create an environment for success?
        • Give an example.
      • What challenges in using these practices, concepts or theories do you anticipate?

            III. Conclusion: ½ -1 page – explains a summary of your main thoughts in this paper.

  1. References: 1 page – done in APA format.

Attention, this is important!  注意,这很重要

  • You must include at least 8 Citations in APA format from 4 different sources used in LDRS 300 in your paper.
    • Since this is a reflection paper on the content of LDRS 300, you MUST include references from the sources we used in this class.
      • The three textbooks used in this LDRS 300 classes.
      • Lectures from LDRS 300.
      • Assigned Readings in Moodle for LDRS 300.
    • Other academic sources used throughout this course are permitted to reinforce a thought or theory but do not replace the three textbooks used in this course.
      • Outside peer reviewed academic sources as well as published authors may be used to support your writing but are not to replace the three textbooks used in this course.
    • However, blogs, social media outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for references.


Using APA Style (7th Edition) for paper formatting and references, pay attention to the following:

  • 12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 2.54 cm margins.
  • Include page numbers, references and title page.
  • Use subtitles throughout paper to organize ideas use APA formatting.
  • Each idea/ concept or theory you present must have a reference from the texts, lectures, PowerPoints or assigned readings.

Your paper will not be graded if the conditions outlined above are not met.




Grading Rubric for Critical Thinking, Reflection & Application (15pts):

Emerging (0-5 pts)Developing (6-13 pts)Mastering (14-15pts)
Student responds to question(s) with a basic understanding of the question(s), little to no critical thinking, little to any application of ideas, little to any use of supporting evidence.Student demonstrates some understanding of the questions(s), some critical thinking, application of basic ideas, and use of evidence (citations and/ or personal examples).Student demonstrates exemplary understanding of the question (s) advanced use of critical thinking, application of ideas and use of evidence (citations and/ or personal examples).



Grading Rubric for Composition and Style (5 pts):

Emerging (0-2 pts)Developing (3-4 pts)Mastering (5 pts)
Sequence of ideas is difficult to follow, no clear point, poor word choice, no or poorly used source text (doesn’t use “they say/ I say” pattern)Logical sequence of ideas that is fairly easy to follow; clear points’ fairly good word choice; fairly well used source text (makes some use of the “they say/ I say” pattern).Exemplary organization of ideas that is very easy to follow; strong points, well chosen words, very thoughtful use of the source text (uses they say/ I say” pattern).


Grading Rubric for Grammar and APA Details (5pts):

Emerging (0-2 pts)Developing (3-4 pts)Mastering (5 pts)
Language or APA flaws in three or more areas.Language or APA flaws in no more than two areas.No significant or notable language or APA flaws.








Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. A database can be without doubt hacked or accessed by unauthorized individuals. This means that information can be stolen and used for the wrong purposes. Therefore, having separate databases reduces the damage that could be done by hackers. In addition, having separate databases helps businesses run professionally and effectively (Umar, 2004). In other words, loss or damage of information in one database does not necessarily mean the business will close as there is a back-up.

A large proportion of businesses today are opting to install wireless networks as opposed to wired networks. According to Oja and Parsons (2006), wireless networks are cheaper as compared to wired networks. Installing a wired network is considered very expensive, and also incurs extra costs in maintenance. A wireless network is also efficient and dependable as opposed to a wired network. This is because a wired network restricts movement while people using a wireless network can move freely, interact, and work from anywhere in the office. A wireless network also ensures the office is kept tidy and orderly as opposed to a wired network whereby wires are all over the office.

A wireless network has a lot of benefits for a business or company. According to Gast (2005), unrestricted movement within the office elevates the level of productivity as workers are able to communicate easily, share ideas, and work in teams. It also saves time as it is easy to install, and saves the company money in terms of cost an expenditure.