research paper on middle-aged and older people observation. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on middle-aged and older people observation. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. It is well known that no two persons are alike and I have found the same in almost every body but the most significant and identifiable aspect what I found is that the people within a particular age group tend to behave in almost the same manner. This almost similar behavior might be due to similar socio economic background from which they come from. Some of the middle-aged people coming from somewhat rich background tend to behave in a more dignified manner even though they are older than the people who are from a poor background.

With this observation what I really came to know is that older people who lead significantly decent life through ought their life have a deeper understanding towards their life and will try to act accordingly in public. On the other way round poor middle aged and older people do not try to behave accordingly in public and according to the situation. On older people there past life influences their present state of behavior a lot. I have observed six people who are all above fifty-eight years. The first person I have observed is an old man who has retired long back from Military Air force. He has receding hairline and is slender built but very active, red in color, very lively person and pretty intelligent, was very communicative, very popular among the people coming to the library. I was observing this person from almost a week and could gather most of the information related to by simply over hearing the discussion between their old friends in the public library. Since he was working in Air force earlier he is quite informative and communicative too. He has three children and all are working but no one is yet married. Being slender built he is very energetic and his actions are not at all like an old man. He even helps his fellow old men in climbing stairs. He is very popular among women coming to the library.

o Explain the topic as it relates to the Juvenile Justice field. o Discuss the current state of your topic in the Juvenile Justice field as well as some of the unresolved or controversial issues that might be present. o What implications has it had on the Juvenile Justice field?

As you start to navigate the Juvenile Justice field you will find many topics of interest.
This research paper will be a topic that interests you. There are many topics in the
Juvenile Justice field that you can choose from; many of which are discussed as part of
this course. This research paper will explore the topic in Juvenile Justice.
• Conduct research on a topic of interest within the Juvenile Justice system.
Through your analysis of the subject you should demonstrate your understanding
of the concepts studied throughout the term by incorporating facts about the
juvenile justice system and the societal impact of the topic you have chosen for
your final paper.
• In addition to the research conducted on the topic, include answers to the
o Explain the topic as it relates to the Juvenile Justice field.
o Discuss the current state of your topic in the Juvenile Justice field as well
as some of the unresolved or controversial issues that might be present.
o What implications has it had on the Juvenile Justice field?
• Submit a Word document in APA format.
• Maximum ten pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.
• At least ten resources.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before
you write and again after you write.
CRJ201 – Juvenile Justice
Research Paper
Evaluation Rubric for Research Paper Assignm

Discuss Homicide as it relates to law enforcement, court and corrections. (Minimum 4 pages) Three scholarly sources for law enforcements Three scholarly sources for courts Three scholarly sources for corrections

Discuss Homicide as it relates to law enforcement, court and corrections. (Minimum 4 pages)

Three scholarly sources for law enforcements

Three scholarly sources for courts

Three scholarly sources for corrections

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses information system security of a company.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses information system security of a company.

As companies increasingly focus on making changes to their security policies and enhancing security of their electronic resources and networks by using latest technologies, there is often a ‘weak link’ that they completely ignore. Kevin D. Mitnick, cofounder of Defensive Thinking (a Los Angeles-based information security firm) and a notorious former hacker, describes the measures companies should take against ‘social engineers’.

According to the author, phones are the most dangerous tools that hackers use in stealing out information from an organization.

Because of their skills in deceiving naïve people into revealing proprietary information, these hackers are termed as social engineers. They attempt to gain information by enticing people into simple gimmicks and taking advantage of the people’s trusting nature.

Quoting an example of a real life case where a hacker manages to get a spyware installed on a Vice President’s PC, the author points out about the vulnerability of human beings and the ease at which any clever hacker can succeed.

The hacker or social engineer first manages to get the contact number of a new employee from the HR department and then, pretending to be one of the vice presidents, he calls the employee and fools him into downloading a file on the actual VP’s computer. Of course this does require technical skills to create the malware files and a sufficient amount of information about the organization and its employees, but the core essence is the ability to sound genuine on the phone and trick the other person into believing you.

This method is very dangerous and using such techniques, social engineers can easily gain control of company’s computers and telephone systems and pretending to be company’s employees, they can even access company’s confidential information such as customer lists and financial data.

Given this threat and an example of how an attack is actually carried out, the author explains some of the measures that organizations can take to protect themselves. At the first step, the organization should have a complete security policy that also takes social engineering attacks into account.

Every member of the organization should be made part of the security team and be involved in the process. It is important that all employees are made aware about social engineering and the techniques hackers use to carry it out. They should be continuously reminded to guard themselves and be motivated about it. A part of it would be to carry out exercises from time-to-time and send out security messages and reminders.

As a further measure, employees should be rewarded for observing the security policy and be charged in case they violate it.

However, despite all these, the most important technique is to make the employees realize that their personal data and confidential information is also at stake along with the organization’s data. Additionally, the organizations may also take help from professional security firms to diagnose weaknesses and devise policies.

150 words+ What do you think Aritfical Intelligence do for: education, medicine, manufacturing or transportation. Pick one to address.

150 words+

What do you think Aritfical Intelligence do for: education, medicine, manufacturing or transportation. Pick one to address.

write an article on Cause of the Collapse of a Tunnel at Heathrow Airport. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Cause of the Collapse of a Tunnel at Heathrow Airport. It needs to be at least 1500 words. The paper will discuss the collapse of the NATM tunnel at Heathrow Airport and also present some of the measures that could have been undertaken to prevent the fall.

The tragedy not only slowed the completion of the railway tunnel under the airport but also led to the expulsion of Piccadilly Line Services (PLS) to Heathrow airport. With no rail transport, a ruling was reached to open a provisional surface-level station at the border of the airport even as construction went on (Saveur 55). The path to the new station tracked the course of a long-abandoned channel referred to as “Broads Dock” (Connor 24). The Heathrow Junction station was located in Stockley Park, somewhat to the northeastern side of Heathrow Airport (Sherwood 49). Heathrow Fast Train, or class 332 trains, ferried passengers from Paddington to Heathrow Junction and back in only 12 minutes, and a fleet of express shuttle buses ferried the commuters the remaining distance to Heathrow Airport (Saveur 55). On 23rd June 1998, the Heathrow Express shuttle service instigated to Heathrow Terminals 1 to 3 railway stations, as well as Heathrow Terminal 4 (Saveur 55). Trains no longer passed through the Heathrow Junction, and within 10 days the railway line leading to the junction had been destroyed (Sherwood 49).

The heaviest fines ever were levied on Balfour Beatty and Geoconsult, in February 1999, by the British Health and Safety Executive following the collapse of the NATM station tunnels (Wallis 1). Balfour Beatty, the contractor of the £440 million venture, pleaded guilty to infringing two counts of England’s 1974 Safety at Work Act, which led to a fine of £1.2 million-plus another £100,000 toward prosecution expenses (Wallis 1). They were furthermore given only 14 days (2 weeks) to settle the fine.

Writing paper on building of pyramids of giza

I need some assistance with these assignment. building of pyramids of giza Thank you in advance for the help!

One of the most interesting wonders of the world is the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is a mystery how this structure was built perfectly and with great precision. It is a mystery how people of ancient Egypt was able to haul thousands of bricks and stones to create the Pyramids. There are different theories trying to give an explanation to this mystery.One of the most popular theories in explaining how the Pyramids of Giza was built is the modified external ramp theory (Brier, 2007). This was proposed by ancient Egyptologists.

This theory explains that the Pyramid was created with the use of an external ramp. This ramp was believed to be raised during construction. It is believed that the ramp is corkscrewed or spiraled to the top of the Pyramid. That was the only way to explain how an external ramp was used since there was no way a single long ramp was built in the area.Another theory, a more recent theory, was presented by Jeanne-Pierre Houdin (Brier, 2007. George, 2008). He was a French architect who believed that the Pyramid was built using an internal ramp.

He explained that the bottom of the Pyramids was built using an external ramp and the higher parts were buils using an internal ramp. He proposed this theory after seeing the spiral-like structure within the Pyramid. I believe that the more recent theory of the internal ramp can answer how the Pyramids were built. Although it is possible that humans can haul the heavy stones on top of each other to build the pyramid, I find it hard to believe that it is only done outside of the Pyramid. There is evidence showing there is a structure within the Pyramid.

And there are holes at turning points to help the worker haul the heavy stones up. I find Houdin’s theory more realistic because of the many evidences that point towards its possibility. Works CitedBrier, B. (2007). “How to Build a Pyramid”. Archaeology vol. 60, number 3. George, C. (2008). Pyramids: The Mysterious and Unknown. CA: Reference Point Press, Inc.

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: What to Do and How to Report Rape So That the Rapist Can Be Convicted. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: What to Do and How to Report Rape So That the Rapist Can Be Convicted. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The main instinct would be to scream, shout, kick, punch and yell at the rapist. This helps when you are in a crowd and your shouting may bring help to you. When you start getting the feeling in the first place that somebody is trying to harass you sexually by touching or through any other cues, you must first of all tell him loudly to leave you alone or shout “Help”. Then if you are attacked, then it is natural that you will and have to shout for your sake. Kick him in his groin hard enough to get his hands off you.

But what if you are in a desolate place? Rapists like deserted places where the victims cannot call for help or where there are no witnesses. In that case, screaming will do no good and the better thing would be to submit to the rapist to keep him from getting more violent and hurting you more. Men usually like to see terror they cause in women’s eyes and they enjoy it. So, when there is no help around, it would be better to stay calm so that you can come up with some ideas to end this up.

But if you decide to fight which is natural, then hit the rapist if you have something sharp in your hand like a bottle or anything you can grab and hit that will make him change his mind from continuing. Another good tip is that you should pretend as if you are going to vomit on the rapist’s face (Crislip). You can also try biting his hands or ears which will cause him enough pain to get off you. You can also tell him that you are suffering from AIDS! After knowing this, he will surely not wish to rape you or will discontinue even in the middle of the rape.

Though vulgar to state here, but a sure tip to get him off you is to grab his scrotum and squeeze it hard till he yells for his life. You can do this by pretending as if you are enjoying the act and then grabbing his sensitive area and hurting it hard.

Whether you decide to stay calm or you decide to fight back, one important thing to be done is study the rapist’s face attentively so that you can, later on, tell the police what the rapist looked like.

Alert fatigue is now an issue for many nurses and medical technicians. What does the term mean and what are the major causes of it? Name five chronic diseases that are now being treated with implantable medical devices (IMDs) (also name the devices) What type of building equipment in a hospital night be considered vulnerable to a cybersecurity attack?

Covers Chapter 5,6,7(Cybersecurity for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities)


Quiz 3

  1. Alert fatigue is now an issue for many nurses and medical technicians. What does the term mean and what are the major causes of it?
  2. Name five chronic diseases that are now being treated with implantable medical devices (IMDs) (also name the devices)
  3. What type of building equipment in a hospital night be considered vulnerable to a cybersecurity attack?
  4. What is the IEC 62443 standard and how does it apply to hospitals?
  5. What are the major security properties proposed for IMDs?
  6. What are the major differences between PHI and PII, give examples of each, and discuss which is the most valuable to cybercriminals and why?
  7. Explain the term MEDJACK and discuss why it is now an important cyber-attack vector
  8. Explain the scope and purpose of foot printing by a cybersecurity hacker
  9. What is the MEDMON device and how does it work with devices connected wirelessly to protect their security?
  10. How might you protect your medical office or hospital from phishing attacks and why is that so important today?

Domestic Violence in Australia. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Domestic Violence in Australia. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The intervention programs are arranged including emergency hideouts, women assistance after police intervention, special victims services linked to diverse languages, etc. When looking into the problems of women facing domestic violence is regarding their living place. Safety becomes a major concern and hence many organizations. both governmental and non-profit units have come up with provisions and services for this matter.BBC News, Sydney reported on February 2, 2009, that “the first refuge for domestic violence victims has opened in Australias Northern Territory, and is designed to help vulnerable Aboriginal women.

” (Mercer, 2009).Safe Homes are shelters for women who can never hope for secure help from any others. The victims undergoing legal formalities are more prone to insecure situations. “The safe house aims to be a circuit-breaker to give sanctuary to vulnerable women in small communities where they have few places to seek help.” (Mercer, 2009).Cathy Huddleston says that this turned out to be a relief for battered women to live in safety with no fear of violence. There have been many admissions to this refuge owing to domestic violence in the aboriginal areas of Australia.

Joblessness, economic deficiencies and addictions, and at times abnormalities lead to domestic violence. It is a fact that a victim of such tortures and brutalities will obviously have physical, emotional, and psychological disturbances. Outlying anxiety of further abuse will be present in the victims that can lead to bigger complications in the future.&nbsp.

The prerequisite to getting out of the traumatic situations is a safe and peaceful existence for the victims. The Australian refuge centers ensure that all the inhabitants are safe and comfortable.

A lofty interest in this matter at the national level gave way to the establishment of Safe Homes across the country. The National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW) and the University of Melbourne together have launched an organization that provides help and shade for women in need.&nbsp.