After reviewing, the video above that explains the evolution of Tasers by finding two articles – one that supports the use of Tasers and one that dissuades the use of Tasers by law enforcement officers

After reviewing, the video above that explains the evolution of Tasers by finding two articles – one that supports the use of Tasers and one that dissuades the use of Tasers by law enforcement officers

Write 15 pages with APA style on Environmental Reporting.

Write 15 pages with APA style on Environmental Reporting.

According to Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 14), environmental journalism entails the presentation of ideas, information, and results regarding the environment. By doing this the journalist aims to inform and educate society on environmental issues (Rademakers 2004, p.2 8). This means that the journalist wields the power to influence society on environmental issues thereby impacting the future significantly. The importance of the environment seems to be an obvious comprehension to all but an assessment of the individual sacrifices and commitments directed to its well-being undermines this assumption (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 4).

All human beings are connected to the environment both socially and economically and thus an impetus is required to initiate environmental obligation in society. Environmental journalists have the power to initiate this process through objective reporting on issues concerned with the environment (Lacy and Coulson 2000, p. 15). The media has the power to alter people’s thoughts, decisions, and even lifestyles through various tools such as agenda-setting. Considering that everyone has a role to play in improving and sustaining the environment, environmental journalists are mandated to cultivate a global sense of environmental accountability.

Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 17) suggest that environmental reporting demands an alliance between the journalist and the scientists. This enhances the credibility and validity of environmental news and makes it relevant to the public. Environmental reporting is one of the most important elements in achieving environmental awareness and the inherent practices associated with it (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 3).Environmental journalism is logically intertwined with the communication of science and risk in context (Rademakers 2004, p. 35). Environmental journalism like all other fields of journalism is mainly involved with information dissemination, and hence it is involved in the gathering and reporting of information related to science and risk in relation to the environment.

This constitutes environmental communication and it reflects traditional features of communication such as criticisms, challenges, and improvements (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 7).

write an article on exam 1 Paper must be at least 1000 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on exam 1 Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Edmund Wilson publicized that literary writers worked like modern scientific theory in the new idea of reality. Scientists always work to produce formal explanation of the world whereas poets’ works to interpreted lively models that would help them explain a particular culture. In as much as many studies are related to science researchers have tried to find out hoe matters pertaining to science and literature has some form of relationships (Picasso, 133).

It is often said that tradition, like history, is continually being recreated and remodeled.

To what extent did writers, painters, and composers of the early twentieth century deliberately break with tradition? Explain how they accomplished that goal.

Music took a very different turn in the years’ 1900-2000, with lots of changes due to technological discoveries. Though it is clear that music has grown over the years, it is difficult to point out the exact date and time when music modernized. Researchers try to place their fingers on when exactly the progress officially began and have given their maker as 1907.

German and Australian composers made mammoth strides towards wider range of tonal vocabulary. Gustav Mahler who worked amid 1860-1911, at this point, considered more of a romantic musician than a modernistic one (Picasso, 38).

As the director, to Vienna Opera Orchestra, Manher set the pace and has done numerous works of art. At that time, German remained rich in culture. The country’s pride was at its peak, theses also led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich. John Corigliano and Tan Dun have maintained in composition of music into the twenty first century.

The two are internationally approved for integrating famous styles, folks and traditional in their music genres.

Has the writer followed the assignment instructions for the research report assignment and provided all sections of the report, completed correctly. as requested by the instructions? If not, what has not been done correctly? Does the executive summary follow the model from the Victoria Business School and include Headings and other elements that model recommends? Are the majority of sources used scholarly or trade/professional?

Please read through the sample research-based report, “Increasing Employee Well-Being and Productivity Through Decreasing Work Hours.”  You can access the sample from Content (Sample Papers) for Week 5. BE AWARE: this paper cites sources and lists references using APA 7th Edition.

Answer the following questions. Post your answers as your response to this discussion topic.

  1. Has the writer followed the assignment instructions for the research report assignment and provided all sections of the report, completed correctly. as requested by the instructions? If not, what has not been done correctly?
  2. Does the executive summary follow the model from the Victoria Business School and include Headings and other elements that model recommends?
  3. Are the majority of sources used scholarly or trade/professional?


writing homework on Domestic Violence Prevention. Write a 2000 word paper answering; Women are more likely to minimize the severity of domestic violence.

Need help with my writing homework on Domestic Violence Prevention. Write a 2000 word paper answering; Women are more likely to minimize the severity of domestic violence. While there fails to offer a solitary women’s activist methodology aggressive behavior at home, numerous specialists have concentrated on the force uneven characters that encourage and propagate savagery against ladies. It is clear that these imbalances are more prevalent at the society level in many patriarchal societies in which structural factors hinder equal participation of both genders in social and political systems.

From a historical perspective, domestic violence has often been perceived and portrayed by society as an issue that affects minority groups predominantly. This explains why many African-American women as other women of color remain very much aware of the stereotypes that underlie gender-based violence. As a result of the racial/ethnic/class dimension that domestic violence takes in many cases, most victims are often reluctant to disclose or report their violent or abusive relationships. This is because they view the reporting as an opportunity for the authorities or the public to use the information in reinforcing negative stereotypes against the minority groups.

Evidence from numerous research studies indicates that women encounter more negative impacts of domestic violence than their male counterparts. The effects here include psychological/emotional implications like fear, insult, anger, depression, stress, diminished self-esteem, and anxiety attacks. Other effects may include sleeping issues, shame, and post-traumatic stress. When it comes to domestic violence directed towards the men, research indicates that most women who assault men are often the victims of some persistent abuse (Hirchel, Hutchison, & Shaw, 2009). Therefore, the use of violence is just a means of trying to escape or stop the abuse against them. Even though both genders&nbsp.result in violence with an aim of achieving some control, females try to secure some short-term control over an immediate scenario while men tend to gain widespread authority over the long-term.&nbsp.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses effects of japans reliance on nuclear energy. However, there are concerns over the effects of nuclear-related activities on the health and safety of the human race.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses effects of japans reliance on nuclear energy. However, there are concerns over the effects of nuclear-related activities on the health and safety of the human race.

Japan is among the countries that have embraced nuclear energy production, meaning that the country is becoming more reliant on nuclear energy to as the main source of fuel. In fact, Japan, according to The New York Times, relies on nuclear reactors for about 30 percent of all electricity needs (11). However, in March 2011. Japan suffered one of the worst nuclear accidents in world history. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant experienced a meltdown caused by the combined effects of an earthquake and a tsunami. The 9.0 earthquake and the subsequent 45-foot tsunami were too much for the power plant to withstand thus causing the meltdown. The meltdown led to the emission of radioactive materials into the atmosphere that threatened the lives of the people living near the plant. The events of the Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011 form the basis of this discussion. This paper seeks to identify and analyze the effects of Japan’s reliance on nuclear energy and how the safety of nuclear is undermined by waste disposal and meltdowns.

In accordance with meltdowns, nuclear energy comes from fuel rods that require to be kept underwater to ensure cool temperatures in order to prevent the rods from melting. A reduction in the amount of cooling water would cause the rods to overheat and melt, thus exerting pressure on the reactor. Such pressure could make the reactors to burst and start emitting radioactive material into the atmosphere. Any country dealing with nuclear energy needs to ensure that nuclear plants are routinely inspected to measure the amount of stress the reactors can withstand. Being heavily reliant on nuclear energy, Japan should be in the lead of ensuring that its nuclear plants are resistant to meltdowns.

Washington Post states that a report released by an independent parliamentary commission, the affected power plant had been already weakened by the earthquake, prior to the tsunami (1). Such a report is worrying, considering how prone Japan is to earthquakes. In an even more daunting admission, the Tokyo Electric Power Company which operates the Daiichi plant revealed that it had failed to take adequate measures to prevent the reactors from melting.

Watch the following documentary on the Zoot Suit Riots: (ONLY 19 MINS LONG) Discuss the impact the Zoot Suit Riots had on the evolution of gangs in the United States. How would gangs today be different if the Zoot Suit Riots never occurred? AT LEAST 400 WORDS PLEASE

Watch the following documentary on the Zoot Suit Riots: (ONLY 19 MINS LONG)

Discuss the impact the Zoot Suit Riots had on the evolution of gangs in the United States. How would gangs today be different if the Zoot Suit Riots never occurred?


Instructions What can you do to lower your risk for getting cancer? Look at table 6.1 on page 110 of the textbook for ideas, but you do not need to limit your discussion to the four behaviors listed in the table. You can also access websites, such as and, to determine what other risk factors might be applicable to your situation, especially if you are female and breast cancer is a concern or if you are male and prostate cancer is a concern.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


What can you do to lower your risk for getting cancer? Look at table 6.1 on page 110 of the textbook for ideas, but you do not need to limit your discussion to the four behaviors listed in the table. You can also access websites, such as and, to determine what other risk factors might be applicable to your situation, especially if you are female and breast cancer is a concern or if you are male and prostate cancer is a concern.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

prepare and submit a term paper on The Lifestyle in Former Palestine. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Lifestyle in Former Palestine. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

The Balfour Declaration created in 1917 stated that Britain, which at the time ruled Palestine, was in favor of creating a Jewish homeland. The term “Palestinian” is a misnomer. The land of Palestine was under the rule of foreign power since Biblical times. The Arabs living in Palestine never had a ruling government. Britain and the UN, after World War II, set aside part of Palestine to create the new State of Israel. Another misconception is Jewish families came and threw Arab families off their land.

The Jewish immigration since Herzl’s time had Jews coming to Palestine and buying land from local Arabs. After Israel declared their independence, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordon, and Lebanon immediately attacked the new nation. The newly formed IDF (Israel Defense Forces) beat back the attacking forces and after a year won what is today Israel, excluding the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights. The Six-Day War and Yom Kippur War gave Israel the Sinai, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Gaza Strip.

Through negotiations, the Sinai was returned to Egypt. The others are known as the Occupied Territories. When Israel formed their government, Jewish interests were placed first. The Holocaust had brought the cry “Never Again” to the lips of every Israel. The Arabs or “Palestinians” felt ostracized in their own country. The new language was Hebrew first, then Arab, and the English. Jews from all over the world flooded the tiny country, which is no bigger than New Jersey.

The refugees of the wars, instead of leaving for an Arab country, were placed in refugee camps. Refugee camps in the Occupied Territory are cramped apartments where hunger and poverty run wild. The Palestinians started fighting against Israel through terror attacks on civilian targets. The Mahlon School Massacre, the hijacked plane that landed in Entebbe, and the current bombings of restaurants and night clubs have outraged the Israelis and the world. Finally, the PA (Palestinian Authority) was given a chance to rule limited cities in the West Bank, but the corruption and misrule led the Israelis to take over once again.

The Gaza Strip has been given to the Palestinians, but the PA and Hamas have not managed to solve their people’s problems. Israel invaded the Gaza Strip recently due to rockets coming from the area. Hamas cannot even stop the terror. Terror has become a way of life. The lifestyle in former Palestine now is one of impossible peace. The Palestinians need to have the training to create a stable government. Israel needs to provide more support for these endeavors. Today Israel fights for security and Palestinians fight for land.

As long as these are the priorities, peace will be out of reach. It is not possible for the Israelis and Palestinians to work together in the foreseeable future.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the effects of petroleum on dry land.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the effects of petroleum on dry land. Needs to be plagiarism free! The discovery of fossil fuels or petroleum-related products has revolutionized human life. Even though science and technology developed a lot, it failed to develop a feasible alternative energy source for petroleum products. Even though solar energy and nuclear energy were proposed as alternate energy sources for petroleum products, the technology developed so far for exploiting these resources is complex and expensive. In other words, till science and technology succeeded in devising new cheap and simple methods to exploit alternative energy sources, fossil fuels or petroleum products may not lose its importance in human history.

Even though petroleum products are assisting human life in one way, it is causing severe damages to human life in many other ways. Land, water, and air are polluted immensely when petroleum products were extracted or used. Oil spills are common accidents that destroy the eco system in many land and water areas. For example, Daniel et al (2006) have mentioned that “between 1976 and 1990, oil companies in Nigeria witnessed a total of 2,796 oil spills. An estimated total quantity of 2,105,393 barrels of oil was spilled on land, coastal, and offshore marine environments” (DANIEL et al, 2006, p.111). This paper briefly analyses the effect of petroleum on dry land.

The Effects of Petroleum on Dry Land

The problem of pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons is very evident. Leakages from oil wells, lands contaminated from oil spills, sludge, and drill cuttings are the major contributors to this problem. If not managed properly, these sources of petroleum pollutants can lead to contamination of water and biological resources, where serious health threats can become a reality and even more difficult to handle (Jaggernauth et al, 2001).

If spilled over a region of land, petroleum can cause problems to the plant life and human life in different ways. The soil will lose its ability to absorb water and hence the plant life could be seriously affected. “Heavier oil with a high viscosity rate penetrates slowly” (The Detrimental Effects of Oil Spills on Our Environment, 2009)

Daniel et al (2006) have pointed out that if fire caught on spilled oil tar mat oily scum could be formed which may prevent soil aeration and water infiltration into subsoil layers.