Write 11 pages with APA style on Electrical Power Systems. The efficiency should be in the flow of the MW and MVAR in the different areas of the system.

Write 11 pages with APA style on Electrical Power Systems. The efficiency should be in the flow of the MW and MVAR in the different areas of the system.

The outcomes of any almost full arrangements of the inside connections, or the effects of supplementing leads to several outcomes. The changes in the transformer give the position. The maximum performance associated with the least losses. There is always a justification for a system’s ability to improve from one level to another. The difficulty to come up with a formal solution as a result of the various changes in data has a specification in as many levels as possible.

The areas of concern were but not limited to Mathematical calculations of two buses connected by a transmission line with known impedance. The task was to determine the value of the buses basing on the volvate geet another bus. The calculation of the real per unit and reactive power were crucial in being found too. Running of the load analysis was possible with the result of generating the report of the simulation. There are explanations for each simulation present basing on the observations and then followed up with comments.

The objective of the assignment was to come up with a competent, skillful, creative mind in terms of design capabilities and vision with the result of coming up with fresh, realistic ideas. The result seeks to enable the person doing the assignment to be in a position to see themselves as the Electrical engineers, which are a profession adored by several people, as is it a necessary scientific course. The course gives realistic possibilities of innovations in the field of science.

Applications in electrical power deal with several aspects of which the principal ones are electrical power systems with the associated industrial use in one way or another. There is an explanation in the in-depth analysis of the laws of Alternating current power circuits, 3 stage systems with a balance in terms of structure, and the unbalanced side of things.

research paper on the pilot study sequence. Needs to be 2 pages.

Need an research paper on the pilot study sequence. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. This chapter presents the methodology of the study. It describes the procedure that will be followed in conducting the study. It comprises the project design, iBook’s Author, and the pilot study. The pilot study includes setting and participation, and instrumentation procedure, analysis, and ethical considerations.

Project Design

The design of the eBook centered on the ADDIE design process. Before the design process took place, monthly planning meetings were scheduled with subject matter experts as well as with the course instructor to plan out the content of the eBook. Taking into account the level of students in the course and the clinical nature of the course work, content that focused on practical clinical knowledge was made a priority for the eBook (M Nilsson, Nilsson, Pilhammar, & Wenestam, 2009).

It was decided, however, that the content of the book must match the delivery of the content. Clinical students are expected to demonstrate proficiency through their ability to apply content learned in the classroom to patients themselves. Because of the nature of the medical profession, clinical students must demonstrate deep analytical skills in which the student must diagnose and provide treatment for such diagnosis (Malau-Aduli, et al., 2013). Therefore, since the eBook was developed for such student stakeholders, it was agreed upon to develop an eBook that delivered content through an explanatory and problem-based learning model.

The development of the eBook occurred after the subject matter experts compiled the content of the eBook. The content was broken down into two main sections: 1) Neuroanatomy section and 2) Pathology section. The Neuroanatomy section of the book centered its content on the review of the anatomy of the brain. Subject matter experts provided multiple Computer Tomography Scans (CT Scans) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans (MRI Scans) of healthy brains. This information was essential for students to progress adequately through the book, for much of the terminology and the images throughout the eBook would refer back to this section (Cotter & Cohan, 2011). This section also served as a glossary for those who needed to review basic information. The Pathology section introduced students to neurological ailments. The content for this section provided students with the information required to learn specific neurological ailments they might experience in the clinical setting. Subject matter experts, understanding that this section prepared students for their clinical rounds, provided real-world images of brains inflicted with these ailments.

Because it was decided that the delivery of the content would be explanatory and problem-focused, the eBook was designed with maximum interactivity in mind. Therefore, rather than designing a static eBook that could be read by both eReaders and tablets, an iPad-specific eBook was developed (Gallegos, 2013). This was decided by all stakeholders of this project since all students in the Neurology clerkship program were assigned iPads when admitted into the program.

prepare and submit a term paper on Case Study Computers R Us. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Case Study Computers R Us. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length.

In regard to the initiatives set up by the company to boost satisfaction levels of the customers, loyalty rewards came out as the best initiative so far with an average satisfaction level of 5.6452 out of 10 it was followed by the response time at 4.3714, both level of advice and communication level stood at below 4 out of 10. There was however no any association between age groups and the overall satisfaction level. The study could have been limited by the fact that the questionnaires were emailed and there was no direct contact between the researcher and the respondents to verify their answers.

Computers R Us, a computer manufacturer and retailer recently launched a service and repair division, CompleteCare, for its portable/laptop/notebook computers. This division promised to provide a rapid response to customer’s technical enquiries and warranty repairs.

As a result of this, Computers R Us has been receiving multiple complaints about CompleteCare at the Computers R Us call centre. To address these issues, a study was proposed and the research overseen by the management of Computers R Us.

It was found that customer satisfaction was a contributing factor to the issues experienced in the CompleteCare division. Consequently, the management of Computer R Us developed several possible initiatives to improve customer satisfaction to a minimum level of 6 out of 10

To collect this data, a simple random sample of 500 customers was selected from a sampling frame. A sampling frame includes the actual list of individuals included in the population (Nesbary, 2000). Of the 500 customers that were sent surveys, 420 responded.

The response rate was computed as follows.

Structured questionnaire constructed in English language was used to collect data with a total of eight items six of which touched on customer satisfaction.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses from what you know about action potentials describe feasible mechanisms whereby anaesthetics might prevent pain.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses from what you know about action potentials describe feasible mechanisms whereby anaesthetics might prevent pain.

Feasible mechanisms whereby anesthetics might prevent pain. Local based anesthetics are globally used in the treatment or preventionof acute pain as well as chronic pain, inflammatory ailments, prognostic and diagnostic needs. To this end, there are myriad anesthetics such as dissociation anesthetics. These drugs result to an elevated feeling of environmental dissociation within the patient. Evidently, these categories of drugs include Ketalar or Ketamine Hydrochloride (Nagelhout & Plaus, 2005).

It is a non barbiturate, non narcotic anesthetic that results to a mental dissociative state that is consistent with amnesia, sedation and analgesia (Ouellette & Joyce 2011). Moreover, its pharmacological effect is evidenced by normal laryngeal-pharyngeal reflexes and extreme analgesia. To this end, the drug’s central point of action in the Central Nervous System is the thalamo-neocortical projection area. Consequently, the ketamine discriminately lowers the neuronal action in certain parts of the cortex.

This is action is more evident in the thalamus and association areas. At the same time, it stimulates the certain areas in the limbic system and hypothalamus (Reiss, Evans, & Broyles 2002). This ultimately results to functional disorganization of unprescribed pathways in the thalamic and midbrain region. Ketalar equally lowers the impulse transmission within the medial medullary formation in the reticular. This area is critical in transmitting the emotional-affective parts on noiception the higher brain areas from the spinal cord.

In addition, the analgesic effects of ketamine are attributed to its occupation of the opiate receptors in the spinal cord and brain. The interaction with the N-Methyl-d-aspartate at times mediates the analgesic and anesthetic action of ketamine (Rosdahl & Kowalski 2008). Moreover, Ketamine’s analgesic effect on the spinal cord is due to the prevention of neuronal action on the dorsal horn wide range dynamic. Evidently, the notion that CNS sodium blockade channels are the mechanism by which ketamine results to anesthesia, has been scientifically dispelled.

ReferencesAnesthesia Related Drugs. (n.d.).hirnforschung.kyb.mpg.de. Retrieved January 24, 2013, from hirnforschung.kyb.mpg.de/fileadmin/uploads/files/Methoden/Betäubungsverfahren_und_Chirurgie/SOP_DrugDescriptions.pdfNagelhout, J. J., & Plaus, K. L. (2005).Handbook of nurse anesthesia&nbsp.(3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.Ouellette, R. G., & Joyce, J. A. (2011).Pharmacology for nurse anesthesiology. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Reiss, B. S., Evans, M. E., & Broyles, B. E. (2002).

&nbsp.Pharmacological aspects of nursing care&nbsp.(6th ed.). Australia: Delmar/Thomson Learning.Rosdahl, C. B., & Kowalski, M. T. (2008).Textbook of basic nursing&nbsp.(9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Create a thesis and an outline on Psychology as the Study of the Mind or the Soul. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Psychology as the Study of the Mind or the Soul. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The year 1879 is generally regarded as the year in which psychology as a formal science was officially born. A German scholar named Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), who was trained in both philosophy and medicine, had written in his first book on sense perception in 1862 that psychology could become science only if it employed the experimental method in studying the workings of the mind. In a subsequent publication in 1873, he announced that he intended to make psychology a science, and he established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. Others in both North America and Europe were also doing psychological research at this time. Still, Wundt’s laboratory was the first to be formally established and have its research results published in a scholarly journal. These are among the reasons that he is credited as the primary founder of the modern psychology discipline.

Many of America’s early psychologists received their training in Wundt’s lab. The focus of research in the Leipzig Laboratory was on sensation, perception, imagery and attention. Wundt doubted that more complex processes could be studied experimentally. One of Wundt’s favourite research methods was “trained introspection.” Wundt and his associates and students trained research subjects to carefully observe and analyse their own mental experiences – including sensations, mental images, and emotional reactions – under controlled conditions. The training of subjects in introspection was rigorous and exhaustive. Wundt hoped that by providing such training, he could produce reliable, verifiable, objective results. In the long run, however, it proved to be impossible to use introspection to produce reliable results and the approach was abandoned as a research technique by other psychologists.

In the early days of psychology, there were two dominant theoretical perspectives. Structuralism was the name given to the approach pioneered by Wundt. The term originated from Edward Titchener, an American psychologist who Wundt had trained. Structuralism relied on trained introspection, a research method whereby subjects related what was going on in their minds while performing a certain task.

Write 6 pages with APA style on History of Computing Timelines.

Write 6 pages with APA style on History of Computing Timelines.

From 1880 to 1884: According to Black, Herman Hollerith, an employee at the US census bureau got the idea and founded a punch card technology back then that was used to store information about people living in Germany. That is, perforated readable cards that could store details of each and every person such as names, gender, nationality, and occupation (Black, 2001, p. 25). This was the year when the prototype was built of a counting machine that could store and use the data collected and stored in the punch cards.

1910 to 1923: This was when the US consensus changed and they stopped using Hollerith technology as it had some downfalls such as slow in speed and it was too expensive to maintain. The same year, Hollerith sold out his patented design technology to a salesman, Willy Heidinger, from a German established business company called Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft (German Hollerith Machine Corporation) or Dehomag. Hollerith sells his remaining shares of his business to Charles Flint for $1.

41 million. There occurred inflation that caused Dehomag from German to delay payments on their scheduled royalty.1924 to 1933: Watson Thomas, a businessman propelled by Flint assumed the role of CEO of CTR and renamed Dehomag to International Business Machines (IBM) (Black, 2001, p. 44). January was the month when Hitler came to power and made a promise to create a Master Race, dominate Europe, and decimate European Jewry (Black, 2001, p. 44). IBM strategic alliance with Nazi Germany.In March, Hitler established a concentration camp whose inhabitants were political prisoners in Dachau, ten kilometers north of Munich.

Willy Heidinger controlled 90% of Dehomag. In April there was a delayed consensus as Dehomag assisted the German Nazi government in ethnic identification.In October: Watson supports the move and travels to Germany where capital is also invested to precede with the Nazi project.&nbsp.


writing homework on Is Code-Switching: Limited Linguistic Knowledge, or a Useful Discourse Device. Write a 1750 word paper answering; In fact,

Need help with my writing homework on Is Code-Switching: Limited Linguistic Knowledge, or a Useful Discourse Device. Write a 1750 word paper answering; In fact,

Codeswitching is primarily an unmarked medium. “Multilingual urban communities in Africa and India often show codeswitching as their unmarked informal medium (e.g., Swigart 1992a [unpublished] refers to Wolof/French codeswitching in Dakar/Senegal as “Urban Wolof”).”3

“Spanglish [the mixing of Spanish and English] will instantly become the estándar text.”5 Spanglish is a popular choice among Spanish/English bilinguals because it is easy, fun, and offers an interesting way to communicate. Within the Hispanic community, Spanglish is sometimes a good way to integrate the language of one’s own native culture (Spanish) with the culture of the United States through its dominant language (English). Code-switching in the Hispanic community, or using Spanglish, is an easy way to navigate Latin culture in a foreign land.

Spanglish is not only simple to use, but it’s fun, too, to use words that are sometimes your own, and sometimes that of your new country. Borrowed phrases of English sprinkled in with Spanish make Spanglish an easily recognizable way to speak. In addition, people within the Hispanic community can extend their social circle wider when speaking Spanglish, letting in other people into their social circle as the need arises, by simply choosing English when appropriate or necessary. As an unmarked choice, in code-switching,

In fact, code-switching is most likely not used by people who are limited linguistically, but rather the opposite—it is usually used by people who are adept or gifted at speaking at least one or more languages other than their native tongue. Therefore, this debunks the myth that people who code-switch are somehow relying on code-switching because of their linguistic incapabilities. Rather, it is quite the contrary.

Often, code-switchers are linguistically&nbsp.very capable of pulling off entire conversations in both languages which are being switched between, and at a very rapid rate.&nbsp.&nbsp.

writing homework on Analysis of Forces of Fortune: The Rise of the New Muslim Middle-Class by Vali Nasr. Write a 2000 word paper answering; The introduction of the book talks about how the Muslim world had changed from what it used to be.

Need help with my writing homework on Analysis of Forces of Fortune: The Rise of the New Muslim Middle-Class by Vali Nasr. Write a 2000 word paper answering; The introduction of the book talks about how the Muslim world had changed from what it used to be. The first chapter of this book, titled ‘The power of Commerce’, majorly focuses on economics and economic activities in the Middle East. This chapter makes it quite clear that economics has the greatest power to transform the Muslim majority. This shows that the economic world surpasses other things including politics, military forces, and even religion (Nasr 5). Despite the fact that Islamic fundamentalism was very problematic, it did not topple any Muslim government after 1980. However, it challenged the Algerian government in the 1990s and threatened to overthrow it. Moreover, Islamic fundamentalism is still a threat to countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan to date (Nasr 10).

Fundamentalism is only practiced by a minority of the people, and this has not seriously influenced other citizens in the Middle East (Nasr 10-11). Nasr notes that the Islamic economy is said to have a growth trend of between 15 to 20 percent yearly. This is because Islamic goods and services are in large demand. However, there are some complications that come about in the Islamic business scene. The main ones are the Western banking system and threats from militia groups. Some of the militia groups that still exist in the Middle East include The Taliban and Al-Qaeda, which threaten business activities in the region (Nasr 10).

The western banking system was shunned by the people of the Middle East a while back due to complications of its services to the business people themselves (Nasr 15). However, according to the author, most of the business people have been encouraged into appreciating this system, considering the fact that the blending of Islamic finance and the Western banking system will enable the West to connect with the growing middle-class people of the Middle East.

Write a 13 pages paper on framing the state in times of transition.

Write a 13 pages paper on framing the state in times of transition. Eritrea, just like most of the African states, was under the colony of a European nation. It was colonized by Italy from the year 1890 to 1941. When the Italians left Eritrea in 1941, Britain came and took over. British government ruled Eritrea for over a decade from the year 1942. However, in the year 1950, neighboring Ethiopia joined hands with the United Nations to liberate Eritrea from the hostile hands of the British. The Ethiopian governor, Emperor Haile Selassie, was very instrumental in this plan. Fortunately, Eritrea was liberated though with limited autonomy (Bekete, pg 65). Later, Emperor Haile Selassie ignored this autonomy of Eritrea and assimilated it as a legitimate part of Ethiopia in the year 1962.

During this time in Eritrea, an armed organization called the Eritrean People’s Liberal Front (EPLF), had started the fight for the ultimate freedom of Eritrea. They eventually took over Eritrea in 1991 and acted as a transitional government for a while.

The initiative of the EPLF had empowered the citizens of Eritrea in various areas such as social justice and democracy. This is what facilitated the making of the new constitution. The government of Eritrea was very committed to bringing independence and peace to the nation. The government then thought of a referendum that could liberate Eritrea from Ethiopia. The EPLF however insisted that they needed a referendum with an external observer. Therefore, the United Nations sent the observers. In 1993, the referendum was carried out and the people chose full independence from the Ethiopian government.

The very aggressive EPLF was however not elected by the people during a general election that followed. The type of election carried out in Eritrea was based on the majority. Going by the results of the election, a proportional method would see EPLF and the Ethiopian at a stalemate. In 1997, the approved&nbsp.constitution was ratified but has never been implemented fully to date. This has created a lot of political crises in Eritrea.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on management organisational learning knowledge.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on management organisational learning knowledge. Needs to be plagiarism free! On the basis of neo-classists, the last two hundred years have witnessed the replacement of the two known factors of production, labor, and capital. Information and knowledge have arisen to replace the above two factors. It is at this stage that the economy has come to be referred to as a knowledge economy. In addition to this, the present technological advancements have revolutionized the economic world. The move has been characterized by the shift from physicality to knowledge-based (Dolfsma 2006).

To offer support to the knowledge economy has been the developments in the mobility of both information and human expertise. This implies that technological developments can in a very easy way to be transmitted across country borders in an instance. Of note here is also the ability to move expertise from place to place, an attribute that narrows the development gap between companies. So the advantage that could be gained by a researching company is washed away as such knowledge can easily be replicated elsewhere within a very short period of time. The only enjoyment of a company in this era could only emanate from the activities of innovations within the company. Through the combination of knowledge and market know-how, a company would be in a position to derive a competitive status. Equally important would be the ability of a company to gather and act on meaningful information. This reflects the economic environment as one that is basically driven by knowledge, hence the reference to the knowledge economy (Debra, M 1997).

The need to be in possession of better skills and qualifications underlie the sustainability of employment status. This is the basic work ingredient that ensures that individuals secure employment and most importantly retain the jobs or enjoy the likelihood of shifting to better opportunities when they arise.

Once people have secured work, the learning process does not need to end there. This is so because the global economic setting is fast changing. New technologies and ways of doing things do emerge at an alarming rate. As a result, good employees will continue offering training to their staff to ensure that they keep pace with the ever-changing economic landscape.