Compose a 500 words assignment on feminist thought.

Compose a 500 words assignment on feminist thought. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Feminist thought has an assigned topic Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree) is the embodiment of feminism because her life experience forced herto be an activist with a different viewpoint on equality. She fought against the social evils like adversities against women, racial segregation, marginalization and slavery, and tried to bring women into the mainstream society. Hence, she has become the icon of feminist thought. Thesis statement: The analysis of Sojourner Truths contributions to Feminist Thought and my understanding of the feminist thought based on her life experiences prove that she was in favor of equality between men and women, was against discrimination, and her harsh life experiences transformed her to a feminist with a different viewpoint on equality.

Analysis: Contributions to feminist thought As pointed out, Sojourner Truth fought for the wellbeing of women and to hinder the progress of social evil barriers like discrimination and marginalization in the society. She spoke about anti-slavery and womens rights, often giving personal testimony about her experiences as a slave. She strongly argued against the inequality among man and women in the name of gender status, and male supremacy. Joy Hakim points out that “She works for womens rights, black peoples rights, prison to reform, and temperance” (N.pag.).

While there, she tried to challenge discrimination based on racial identity. As a womens rights activist, Truth faced additional burdens that white women did not have, plus the challenge of combating a suffrage movement which did not want to be linked to anti-slavery causes, believing it might hurt their cause. Yet, Truth prevailed, traveling thousands of miles making powerful speeches against inequality among men and women, slavery, and for womens suffrage. Besides, and she preached a combination of feminist Christianity, abolition, inequality and women’s rights.

In general, Truths view of the social relation of the sexes differed totally from the prevailing philosophy that women should be a silent, or should be placed on pedestals. If institutions in the public sphere, such as the courts, were not fit places for women, she thought they were unfit for men as well. She declared she could work as much as a man. In her 1867 speech, she claimed to be over eighty years old, and said that she would live more years to see women get their rights man is so selfish that he has got women’s rights and his own, too, and yet he would not allow women to enjoy their rights.

My understanding of Sojourner Truth Personally, I consider that life experiences transformed Sojourner Truth to an activist. Truth was a lover of humanity and promoter of equality. She was born in New York and was sold several times before escaping to freedom with an infant daughter in 1827. She was enslaved by five different masters. Margaret Washington makes it clear “Isabellas owners were local merchants, gentle men farmers, and customers of the traders” (10). One of her masters (third master) forced her to marry another slave by name of Thomas, and they had five children.

But most of them were sold as slaves. She was even brutally raped by one of her masters. She accomplished a lot through her life and never gave up on the ideals of freedom and equality for all people no matter the color of their skin. She was resoluted to help African American women. After the war she gave assistance to freed slaves by helping them to find jobs. Later she became an Abolitionist and feminist. Sojourner Truth began life as a slave and ended it as a celebrated anti-slavery activist.

She has been generally considered as a powerful symbol of African –American spirit of free thinking and political activism against racism. She has the merit of being the first&nbsp.African American woman& win a lawsuit in the United States. when she fought for her sons freedom after he had been illegally sold. Truth shared her views at many different occasions on different topics. One of her famous speeches is “Aren’t I a woman” delivered in 1851 at the Womens Right convention. Isabella Baumfree even changed her name to Sojourner Truth devoting fighting spirit to bring equality among men and women, marginalization and slavery.

So, Truth’s life story is interconnected with the fight against racial discrimination and marginalization faced by the female African Americans in America. Summing, the hard and odd experiences in the life molded Sojourner Truth as a women rights activist in favor of racial equality. One can see that her life story deeply influenced those who fought for the rights of female African Americans in America. Besides, she was in favor of gender equality, and was totally against male supremacy.

In short, Sojourner Truth life and her experiences prove that women are not to be controlled by men because the same leads to discrimination and related issues. On the other side, the harsh life experiences helped Truth to be in the forefront of feminist activism and human rights activism. Works CitedHakim, Joy. Freedom: A History of Us. US: Oxford University Press, 2003.Print.Washington, Margaret. Sojourner Truths America.US: University of Illinois Press, 2011. Print.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the humans cognitive and neurological processes.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the humans cognitive and neurological processes.

Research has since confirmed that play or physical activity has a considerable effect on the development of motor and cognitive abilities in children. However, other factors also determine a child’s cognitive and neurological development apart from play alone. These include the mother’s influence and the environment in which a child is raised. Studies indicate that there is a relationship between breastfeeding and a child’s motor and cognitive development. Since some researchers had postulated that high IQs in children is correlated with breastfeeding, the subsequent researches dug deep into this matter and investigated whether breastfeeding had any influence on a child’s development and whether it led to the observed differences in IQ among children.

This paper examines the connection between cognitive and neurological processes and studies factors that have considerable influence on them.A study conducted by Holme, MacArthur, & Lancashire (2010) to examine the influence of breastfeeding on the cognitive development of children, came up with some interesting findings. Though the study confirmed that breastfeeding does influence the IQ of a child to some extent, it also acknowledged some of the ways through which a parent may influence a child’s cognitive development.

As discussed by Holme et al., (2010), breastfeeding is always associated with cognitive development but sometimes it is also wise to consider other genetic and environmental factors that also do play a significant role in determining IQ. This particular study found out that breastfeeding actually led to higher IQ scores in children, but it was found out that this was not the case after certain adjustments were made in the variables. The duration of breastfeeding proved to be an important factor to be considered in this study since it also had a significant influence on a child’s cognitive development.

Mothers who have high education achievements are likely to have a positive influence on a child’s cognitive powers since these mothers are likely to breastfeed their children for an extended duration.

research paper on changing gender roles in things fall apart. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on changing gender roles in things fall apart. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Women are prescribed within certain distinct roles in Ibo culture, even in planting and harvesting of “women’s crops like coco-yams, beans, and cassava. Yam, the king of crops, was a man’s crop” (Achebe 16) because it was a more difficult and painstaking job to grow them successfully. Only men were allowed to grow yams and a man’s wealth was measured by his land, his yams, and yam seed – the yam was the outward expression of social power and manhood.Okonkwo had established his manhood by rising from poverty to become one of the lords of the clan.

When he was contradicted by another man at a meeting, Okonkwo did not even look at him as he declared that the meeting was for men. By implying that he was equivalent to a woman because he had earned no titles, Achebe states that “Okonkwo knew how to kill a man’s spirit.” (Achebe 19) since women occupied a subservient place in Ibo culture. Gender roles were standardized in Ibo culture, with men and women relegated to performing specific duties.Manhood in Ibo culture was equated to hard work, self-sufficiency and strength, hence Okinkwo showed no affection for Ikemefuna despite becoming fond of him, unhesitantly killing the boy he had grown so fond of.

A man was expected to exercise power and control over his family in Ibo culture. As per the view of Okonkwo, the quintessential male in the novel, “No matter how prosperous a man as if he was unable to rule his wife and his children (and especially his women) he was not really a man”. (Achebe 39).In the novel, Okonkwo demonstrated this power and strength on many occasions, notably on the occasion when he beat his youngest wife, Ojuiguo, for not returning from a neighbor’s house in time to serve him his meal.

&nbsp.Despite his other two wives pleading in alarm that it was the Week of Peace where the goddess of the harvest was propitiated, “Okonkwo was not the man to stop beating somebody half-way through, not even for fear of a goddess.”(Achebe 21).The committing of a crime was also classified as male or female and punishment determined accordingly. For example, when Okonkwo finished the killing of Ikemefuna, it was regarded as a heroic, male act because it carried through a prescribed punishment. hence it was deserving of praise.

Writing assignment on raging grannies

I need some assistance with these assignment. raging grannies Thank you in advance for the help! They organize peaceful protests and sing their political messages in places such as shopping malls, city halls, armed forces recruiting centers where they stage anti-globalization demonstrations. Furthermore, they have perfected the art of humor to draw the attention of the public and authorities to various issues that afflict the society (Sawchuk, 2013). Evidently, these women are feminists that use the satirical protest to advance their mission of social justice. In this regard, this paper explores the major strategies that raging grannies employ in fulfilling their mission.

Raging grannies insist that they do not entertain the public with their humor but actually seek to advance various interventions regarding the issues in question. Incidentally, they have a powerful mission that reads:

The voices of raging grannies transcend the borders of North America. Moreover, they have a powerful determination to rally the world towards embracing the best practices in order to mend the broken social fabric. In this regard, they have spread to other countries. They usually dress up in clothes that betray the stereotypes of older women. Thus, they have had a long history of attention from journalists.

Raging grannies first came into focus in Victoria, BC in 1987 (Caissie, 2011, 126-142). Evidently, they had registered various frustrations regarding societal ills such as sexism and ageism that existed in the society. Incidentally, past traditional modes of protesting did not bear any fruit. Thus, these women decided to exploit various forms of protesting to raise the attention to the issues that were of great concern. Consequently, they gathered on Valentine’s Day and presented an oversized card to the chairman of the federal defense committee (Sawchuck, 2009). This presentation was in protest of the nuclear policies in Canada.

submit a 1000 words paper on the topic The First Satellite and its Original Purpose.

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic The First Satellite and its Original Purpose.

Active margin exists in the leading edge of the continent, where it crashes into an oceanic plate. Passive margin, on the other hand, refers to margins that exist in the other remaining coastlines, without any collision and subduction activities taking place. Walking onto the beach of each margin differs in that the active beach has the formation of different geographical features because if different activities such as earthquakes, whereas the passive beach remains relatively flat.A deep ocean trench is a depression in the deep ocean floor in the shape of an arc, while submarine canyon is a cutting into the continental shelf and slope making an end into the deep sea fan.

Ocean trenches, usually, go deeper into the ocean than a submarine canyon, with submarines hiding in both.The four sources of ocean sediments are terrigenous, biogenous, indigestible, and exogenous sediments. Terrigenous sediments are sediments formed on land then washed into the ocean by the action of rivers. Biogenous sediments refer to sediments resulting from the discarded parts of living organisms both on land and in the sea, with their entry into the ocean being similar to that of terrigenous sediments.

Indigestible sediments refer to shells, shell pieces, and fecal pellets as particles or other forms of sediment wrapped in the waste products of sediment-eating bottom dwellers in the ocean base. Finally, exogenous sediments are the particles from space, making a small percentage of the ocean sediments. Exogenous sediments get to the ocean floor by running waters into the ocean such as rivers after the sediments are deposited on the earth’s surface. Some of the sediments also fall directly into the oceans from space.

The two natural resources are Udachnaya pipe located in Russia just outside the Arctic Circle. It has diamond deposits extracted through mining and used by the human as an economic resource.&nbsp.

Create a thesis and an outline on Internet Security and Privacy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Internet Security and Privacy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. People use the Internet today in many ways and the media available has multiplied. Internet access can be done through personal computers, laptops, netbooks and mobile devices. There are security and privacy issues whichever Internet device is used and are discussed below.

A. Security – although the standard for secure computer communications today is the SSL or the secure socket layer, there is still the potential for security lapses when people access their Internet connections for transacting whatever business they have in mind. The most common mistake that many people commit is at the so-called human-computer interface (HCI) where people do not know the security features embedded in the software program, according to the research done by the group of Radke, Boyd, Brereton & Nieto (2010).

1. User-Friendly Features – hardware designs, such as those on mobile or smartphones, must be simple to use and easily understood. This will prevent oversight that makes their computer communications vulnerable to hackers, for example, that leaves them open to possible fraud.

2. Authentication Procedures – it is vital for people to use the proper authentication process before even starting transacting online. The most common procedures are those requiring personally identifiable information such as birth dates, social security numbers or passwords. These are to be done upon logging in to their accounts to make sure it is not somebody else using their account, like in hacker attacks or the so-called MITM attack (man-in-the-middle) where there is another person pretending to be someone else.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Origin of the Moon. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Origin of the Moon. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Today, people more or less look upon the moon as ‘eye candy’ and pay little attention to its cycles. This was not the case for our ancestors who carefully monitored its movements. Several calendars of ancient civilizations were based on the cycles of the moon and some are currently such as the Islamic calendar. The date of the Chinese New Year is set by the cycle of the moon. The Sun was used by man until relatively recently to measure short intervals of time but the moon was judged more reliable for long-time measurements. What is commonly known as a month is based on the 29-day cycle of the moon. The term ‘month’ is derived from the term ‘month.’ “Without the moon’s cycle we might have ended up with a very different way of keeping track of time, and we most probably would have called it something other than a month” (Miles & Peters, 2001). The Christian celebration of Easter is calculated by determining the first Sunday following the first occurrence of a ‘full’ moon subsequent to the beginning of the Spring Equinox. The reason for this is that Christians had traditionally used the light of the ‘full’ moon to aid in their pilgrimage to their holy lands for Easter.

Though the moon is the closest object to Earth and has been explored by man, questions remain regarding its exact origins and whether or not life ever existed on or within it or if it could sustain life. It was discovered more than a century ago that the moon’s density is less than Earth’s. Galileo noticed craters on the moon’s surface through the use of the telescope in the 1600s. Currently, more is known about the moon than any other celestial body, the knowledge that was inconceivable until recent times (Hamilton, 2005). Prior to the common use of telescopes, when the moon was viewed unaided, all that could be discerned were two distinct kinds of topography, dark and bright areas configured in a way that produced the illusion of the ‘Man in the Moon.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic key counseling skills.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic key counseling skills.

I have an interesting experience of attending a counseling session with one of my teacher friend. My teacher friend has some psychological problems in his profession and we decided to seek the advice of an expert. Both of us together visited the counselor who was a well-known psychologist. Fortunately, most of the counseling sessions were undergone in the presence of me also though on a few occasions the counselor asked me to vacate the room. So I got enough opportunity in getting well versed in counseling techniques.

My friend has immense beliefs in values and morals. He considered the teaching profession as a sacred one and was never ready to compromise on any occasions. In a world of high competition, the schools also competed rather unhealthily to secure top results. In order to get better results, the school authorities have advised my teacher friend to help the average and below-average students in examinations using malpractices. He was not ready to accept such things since his principles in life were against such an act.

He believed that helping students to get better marks in examinations is a sin and hence he refused to obey the orders of the school authorities. Though he succeeded in resisting the temptation from the school authorities, he has developed some kind of psychological problems out of the fear of losing the job. My teacher friend often discussed his problems with me and I suggested him for seeking the advice of a psychologist. The psychologist allowed me to attend the counseling session along with the teacher friend for the major sessions of the counseling period.

The counselor has started the session by asking the reason for our purpose of visiting him. I tried to answer this question on behalf of my friend which the counselor denied. He told me to remain silent and ask my friend to reply to this question. Soon I realized that the counselor is using the introspection method to read the mind of my teacher friend. My friend has started to explain his problems. Most of the times, the counselor&nbsp.remained silent. He was simply watching my friend’s gestures and method of explanation of his problems.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a paper on corporate social responsibility in organizations & the community. The governments of the United States (local, state and federal) participate significantly in addressing crime issues.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on corporate social responsibility in organizations & the community. The governments of the United States (local, state and federal) participate significantly in addressing crime issues. The governments have a moral and social responsibility to ensure observance of all regulations and laws, and to develop a safe and harmonious American society. In most cases, the federal government is responsible for initiating the basic features of law development and enforcement (Lagarde, 1994). The federal governments also play critical roles in the provision of resources to the state and local institutions, whose key function is to adopt and implement the law.

The research also analyzes the survey data that explains the public policy issue of crime in the present political context. A key survey finding illustrates that the Democrats are likely to increase the levels of crime. On the same note, the African American and also the Suburban democrats greatly explain that reduction in the crime levels is the most important issues that should be addressed by the governments of the United States (Woll, 1974). This finding is very unique and interesting, because the suburban democrats did not illustrate in the survey that the crime levels are increasing.

Policies can be made to govern or control any concept or issue in the society. Usually, the reason for the policy making is a problem in the society that requires a solution which can only be achieved by setting up goals and objectives. In our society, there are a number of problems which cannot be solved on an individual basis. They require the input of a group which potentially is the whole community. It is the responsibility of the society to ensure that its moral values are upheld. It is often only logical that if an elder member of the society finds teenagers misbehaving, they should correct them and probably see to it that the teenagers revere their mistakes (Jay, 2014).

However, the contemporary society denotes everything in a different manner.

research paper on the sales breakeven point. Needs to be 4 pages.

Need an research paper on the sales breakeven point. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

The sales breakeven point and the unit breakeven point are directly related so that an increase in one causes an increase in the other. For the year 2003, the break-even sales was the total selling expense added by the cost of goods sold: 3679+4326=8005

This being the total expense, the firm has to make revenue equal to it to be able to break even. Given sales $8583 and sales tickets as 5341, the cost per ticket is arrived at as follows:


Thus the break-even number of sales tickets is:

8005/1.6=5003 tickets

For the year 2004,

&nbsp.The break-even in sales is: 4132+3758=7890

Cost per unit sale ticket is: 8102/5316=$1.52

Thus the break-even number of sales ticket is: &nbsp.7890/1.52=5191 units of sales tickets

For the year 2006,

Sales break even is: 5570+5547=11117

The cost per unit sales ticket is 10711/6897=1.55

Break-even sales tickets = 11117/1.55= 7172 sales tickets

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. The break-even sales are dollars has reduced from the year 2003 to 2004. This is attributable to the reduction in the cost of goods sold resulting from the reduction in the goods sold in the year 2004 compared to the year 2003. However, the break-even sales tickets have increased in the year 2004 in comparison with 2003 from the data above. This is attributed to the increase in selling cost while the total sales have decreased thus more units are sold to meet the increasing expense. In the year 2006, the sales break-even has increased due to the increase in total expenses while the break-even tickets have also increased to cover the increasing expense. &nbsp.The margin of safety has also been decreasing over time so that in 2003 it was $578 and it came down in 2004 to $212 then going negative in the year 2006 by $ 406. The reduction in a margin of safety in the first two years is attributable to the general fall in sales. However, in 2006, the sales increased but the expense also increased with a higher proportion than the sales so that the end result is a loss to the firm.