Write 8 pages with APA style on Democracy and Islam Have Occupied a Central Position in Middle Eastern Politics.

Write 8 pages with APA style on Democracy and Islam Have Occupied a Central Position in Middle Eastern Politics. The case study, written by Tessler and Brand in the year 1995, sheds some light on the present events happening in the Arab world as they reflect some repercussions originating from the historical realms of political Islam and democracy. The subject is of vital importance considering the current trend in Arab politics and its implications on international politics at large. The current events occurring in the Arab world have deep connections with the history of democracy and Islam in the region and can be better understood with regards to the historical trends.

According to Tessler and Brand (1995), Islam has significantly grown in its importance in the Arab world. Such sentiments are visible through the more apparent praying and veiling. And many campaigns seem to rake in a lot of support as they reinforce the Islamic banner. Such support can materialize into a successful election of the candidate provided that an electoral poll takes place. However, not all scholars agree with the supposed positive correlation between democracy and Islam. Many scholars argue that democracy and Islam are incompatible. To make a statement about the issue requires serious study into the current air prevailing across the Arab world while also seeking guidance from the theoretical frameworks. Political Islam is usually viewed as a conflicting concept to secularism or other liberal forms of democracy. However, in the Arab world, it is almost impossible to eliminate religion from political systems. The events of the Arab Spring demonstrated the need to reconsider the relationship between Islam and democracy as ideological rivals. Individual protests during the Arab spring grew immensely strong eventually changing the political system from authoritarian to democratic. More&nbsp.important is the fact that the events gave rise to the creation of Islamist parties that are eager to take part in the democratic elections and therefore, come to power (Malinova, 2012).&nbsp.

The Islamic concept of governance and power holds critical importance in international relations, particularly in the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) region, where Islam is a major religion that governs life.

research paper on san diego international airport green project. Needs to be 8 pages.

Need an research paper on san diego international airport green project. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Therefore, airports are important regional, national and international commerce. They create an avenue for the connection of a nation’s aviation system with other modes of transport. There is a need to carry out research to solve operating problems by adopting new technologies, and introduce innovation to the airport industry. When planning to implement a terminal improvement project, the terminal planning process should provide insights on potential issues and future trends that they affect the functionality of that terminal (Ashford, Mumayiz, & Wright, 2011).

Significant changes in technology, airline operations and industry structure have occurred, creating the need for a balance of importance of certain planning factors for airport terminal buildings. These changes have occurred in cost effectiveness, passenger and baggage security, gate utilization to ensure low cost, and concessions (Brown, 2010). The airport and aviation industry is ever changing. This has led to the need for today’s airport buildings to be planned and constructed in ways that will safeguard flexibility for future modification at the list expense, while responding to variations in demand, the changing passenger needs, airlines and aircraft.

Therefore, there has to be a flexible, balanced and visionary planning for airport terminals to ensure future flexibility (Brown, 2010).

It should be noted that the creation of plans and designs of airports that provide superior services to travelers is difficult. Airport operational needs are extremely dynamic, creating more challenges in the planning and designing of sustainable airports (Brown, 2010). Additionally, in most cases, capital investment resources for expansion and construction of modern, efficient airports are limited.

submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Country Comparisons.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Country Comparisons.

Japan’s population on the other hand according to the recently conducted census in 2010 is 128,057,352 and was approximated to be 127, 650,000 by March this Year. This makes it be the world’s tenth most populated country. The population growth rates of Japan have been declining from the 19th century to the 20th century. This Japan population is estimated to keep on declining. Japan has a birth rate of 8.3% and a fertility rate of 1.39 (CIA).United States living standards are among the top 20 in the world according to the economist’s standards i.e. the United States has been ranked among the top 20 countries in the UN Human Development Index, Human Poverty Index, and quality-of-life index.

America has a low inflation rate of 2.7% as was recorded in March 2012.America’s GDP is valued at 14582 billion dollars which is 23.52% of the globes’ wealth. The United States has the largest economy in the world and has had a Gross Domestic Product of 3.0% for the quarter period of ending in December 2011. The average GDP from 1947 till 2011 has been 3.8 with the highest recorded GDP of 17.20 in the first quarter of 1950 and the lowest GDP of -10.40 in the first quarter of 1958.

Japan has a high Gross Domestic Product of 5498 billion dollars which is 8.87% of the world’s economy. This makes the third best GDP in the world with a 0.2% growth rate. The average GDP growth rate has been 0.52% attaining a historical high of 3.15% in 1990 and a low of -4.90% in March 2009. Japan has a low inflation rate of 0.3% as was recorded in February 2012. in conclusion, both countries have strong economy supported by strong manufacturing industry and skilled labor.China has the largest population in the world which is estimated to be over 1.

3 billion people. This population is composed of aged people due to China’s one-child policy which was implemented in 1979 to control the birth rate.

write an article on understanding and carrying out health related behavior change Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on understanding and carrying out health related behavior change Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. It is more accurate and private and the need to get quality feedback was the main reason for use of this method.

The risks involved in this type of data analysis include the language barriers, as the natives were the target group. Financial problems and loss of contact between one group and another in form of communication were also reported.

Use of different age and different ethnic groups together with relatives helped in reducing researcher bias. The data method was appropriate with the type of research conducted for this findings. The author identifies some difficulties encountered in the process of research such as language barrier and high cost condition to conduct the research. Data management practices included correlation and comparison with other journals from the internet and other sources. The findings did not address the whole purpose of the study since the study was restricted only the data was partially analyzed. Interpretations did not reflect the true findings even though reported change on healthy lifestyles was reported. Some of the variations were explained as the difference between men and women in Muslim religion and cultural beliefs on some types of food consumed. The findings came up with the information on beliefs and cultures on some food influence healthy development while the religion factor, especially on women, also is different with other journals of research.

You are to take ANY ONE of the paragraph topics (the questions/scenarios that you responded to for your paragraph assignments) from PARAGRAPHS 1-3 ONLY and write an extended response to any one of them, making use of the ideas from AT LEAST TWO readings/Lessons and citing TWO external sources, according to the following instructions and guidelines. You can use what you wrote in your original response to the topic however you want or you can start over, it’s up to you.


Worth up to 175XP


You are to take ANY ONE of the paragraph topics (the questions/scenarios that you responded to for your paragraph assignments) from PARAGRAPHS 1-3 ONLY and write an extended response to any one of them, making use of the ideas from AT LEAST TWO readings/Lessons and citing TWO external sources, according to the following instructions and guidelines. You can use what you wrote in your original response to the topic however you want or you can start over, it’s up to you.


Papers are to be NO MORE THAN 600-800 WORDS and turned in right here on Canvas.  Remember to draw on arguments and examples used in class and from the readings. Make sure to cite any quotations or references to other works (IN A WAY THAT I CAN TRACE YOUR SOURCE). ANY form of plagiarism will result in an F and appropriate reporting. Don’t do it. If you’re unsure what constitutes plagiarism, look it up or refer to this web page for more information: Information on Plagiarism and Academic Honesty (Links to an external site.). If you are thinking of cheating, please just talk to me before you do it and we could work something out so that you don’t cheat.

You are to cite AT LEAST 2 SOURCES obtained from outside this course. While I want you to go out and use more sources, keep in mind that you do only need 2 external sources. This paper is NOT meant to be a complex research paper, but more of an analysis on the topic. However, this research is meant to help you in your analysis, which is part of the reason I am requiring that you do it. Wikipedia is not an ideal source, but you may use it appropriately as a source, mostly for factual descriptions. However, you should always try to approach Wikipedia as a great place to start some research, but it’s best left there. An easy place to begin is by looking at the articles cited in the course readings. You can also locate sources using the Internet (ie, Google Search, Google Scholar, philpapers.org, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, etc.), your own books (I wish!), or any of the numerous research engines available to you through the GWC Library (http://www.goldenwestcollege.edu/library/ (Links to an external site.) ), like the EBSCOHost (and other) Databases (http://www.goldenwestcollege.edu/library/databases.html (Links to an external site.)), especially the Religion and Philosophy Collection and Academic Search Premier. You can even talk with real-life people! Talk with me or a librarian if you need any help finding sources.

Paper tips/guidelines: The most important thing to do is back up your arguments with good reasons. Create a clear thesis in your paper and make clear, reasoned arguments supporting your thesis. Try to keep your thoughts on point and just say what needs to be said – don’t add “fluff” unless it helps get your point across.

Example of a thesis statement: “I agree with Socrates that Philosophers should rule us.”  If you want to add more, then put your strongest and most important reason into it as well, such as by saying, “I agree with Socrates that Philosophers should rule us because they are so amazingly brilliant and kind.” These would be reasonable thesis statements in response to a question like, “Do you agree with Socrates that Philosophers should be rulers? Why or why not?” THEN you would go on to elaborate in good detail giving good reasons supporting your thesis statement.

Part of your grade will be based on how well you recognize the important philosophical aspects of the topic presented in light of what we have read and discussed in the course. You should first identify these aspects – doing so will help you organize your thoughts and make your arguments. When you proofread your work (and you should do this) you should always think that the person grading it will be constantly asking “Why?” and you should be sure you have answers to these “Why?” questions. If you need more help, read your paper aloud to a friend (seriously, despite how bad of an idea this sounds) – you’ll get some good feedback and notice problems for yourself.

Make sure you CONNECT all of your ideas to each other and always be sure that everything you say leads back to your thesis. If something you are saying doesn’t help you make your case, then you should probably leave it out.

Remember that this is only supposed to be a 600- to 800-word assignment (NO, works cited DO NOT count in this limit), so only present what is necessary for making your arguments. Be sure to properly cite any references. The most important things to accomplish in this paper are making your position and arguments clear and well-reasoned. While you will state your opinions, you must be sure to back them up with arguments. An argument is NOT simply stating something – you must say WHY it supports what you say it does.

Example of a very simple successful paper format: State your thesis. Say why you like it. Give your reasons that support your thesis and then support these reasons clearly using relevant sources. Keep it on point and use the best arguments and counterarguments you can. If you’re unsure how to structure or start your assignment, try this format.

IMPORTANT: You do NOT need to restate the prompt. Dive straight into the problem (I suggest you start by identifying the key issues in the situation). Seriously, don’t waste space with a lengthy introduction. I know what the prompt says since I wrote it – only repeat the details of it if they’re necessary, but avoid summaries.

prepare and submit a term paper on Poverty is the worst social problem facing the United States today. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Poverty is the worst social problem facing the United States today. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

POVERTY Due paper Poverty Is the Worst Social Problem Poverty is the worst social problem being faced the United States today. Poverty, in its simplest terms, can be described as the lack of resources. Ellis-Christensen (n.d.) states, “Poverty may be defined by income only”. Poverty is an economic problem, which adversely affects the lives of people living in any specific part of the world. Some studies show that almost 925 million all over the world do not have access to food. Asia and the pacific is the region where nearly 580 million people live in a very poor condition having no access to quality food.

In the United States of America, Census Bureau found a significant increase in the rate of poverty. “The report said the percentage of Americans living below the poverty line last year, 15.1 percent, was the highest level since 1993” (Tavernise, 2011). In the United States of America, people usually face three major categories of poverty, which include extreme poverty, relative poverty, and moderate poverty. If we talk about extreme poverty, we can say that people in the condition of extreme poverty are the poorest people living in any part of the world who earn less than or equal to 1 dollar per day.

On the other hand, people in moderate poverty are somewhat in better condition. Harrack (2010) states, “People in moderate poverty generally have access to the basic necessities of life, but they do not have much if any disposable income beyond that”.The U.S. sociologists refer social class to economic position or social status of a person. The economic position indicates the social category of a person. Those people who are stable financially lie into the category of privileged social class whereas people having no proper source of income lie into the category of deprived or poor social class.

Shah (2011) states, “Problems of hunger, malnutrition and disease afflict the poorest in society”. The deprived or poor social class is the one, which is adversely affected by poverty. Such people do not get proper jobs, which can earn them high amounts of money. It is their poor condition of life, which makes them use illegal ways, such as, drug trafficking and crimes to earn money.The issue of poverty does not seem to be overcome in near future. Poverty existed in the past, still exists due to uneven economic graphs, and is likely to increase in future due to predicted recession.

One of the major changes in society due to poverty is the increase in the graph of child labor. It is a fact that poverty drives parents to make their children work. Unstable financial position of parents and less education contribute to the increase in the graph of child labor. In the United States of America, the number of people living below the official line of poverty is increasing every year and the dilemma is that no effort is being successful in bringing a decrease in the level of poverty.

Provision of low cost education is the only step, which can bring real improvement in the lives of people but education has become so much expensive that poor people cannot manage to provide proper education to their children. It is the responsibility of the government to take considerable steps to overcome the issue of poverty by providing low cost and high quality education to every child regardless of his/her social or financial status.ReferencesEllis-Christensen, T. (n.d.). What is Poverty?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-poverty.

htmHarack, B. (2010). How do we define poverty?. Retrieved from http://www.visionofearth.org/news/how-do-we-define-poverty/Shah, A. (2011). Causes of Poverty. Retrieved from http://www.globalissues.org/issue/2/causes-of-povertyTavernise, S. (2011). Soaring Poverty Casts Spotlight on ‘Lost Decade’. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/us/14census.

submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Value of Qualitative Research on Psychoanalysis Counseling for Anxiety Disorder.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Value of Qualitative Research on Psychoanalysis Counseling for Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety is a particular mental disorder, which is directly associated with the brains of human beings. According to Boone (2005), the disorder is primarily caused owing to the imbalances of the human brain that further influence their physical and mental behaviors. In this regard, it will be vital to mention that the role of a proper treatment plan is deemed to be quite crucial in effectively curing or controlling the disease. Physical healthcare services to such patients are considered less effective, as the source of the disease directly resembles the brain. Contextually, the role of psychological intervention came into prevalence. Psychoanalysis is an important part of psychological interventions for patients dealing with anxiety or other mental disorder (Mollon, 2008). Based on the study of Loewenthal & Samuels (2014), psychoanalysis counseling for patients with anxiety works in the form of conducting behavioral and psychological analysis of the patients. Likewise, an effective intervention plan can be formulated in alignment with the severity of the patients. Psychoanalysis, which is also regarded as a non-medication intervention approach, is deemed to be highly preferred by the patients especially owing to the aspect that it has lesser side effects and complications. It is a natural treatment process by which anxiety disorders are controlled and cured in the absence of any specific medication. In this similar regard, the study of Mollon (2008) provided a better comprehension of the subject. Notably, the study depicted that psychoanalysis treatment includes providing behavioral therapy to the patients with the assistance of an empirical approach. However, the study clearly highlighted that the approach or the method of psychoanalysis treatment differs from person to person on the basis of the severity of the disorders persistent within themselves. It demands patience and support from the end of the patients in order to ensure positive outcomes.

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Project Management in Vietnam in the IT/IS Area.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Project Management in Vietnam in the IT/IS Area.

Vietnam has introduced reforms in its economy and had opened its market to foreign competition in 2001. The GDP growth of Vietnam has been significant with growth that can be seen across various sectors as shown in the table (Economywatch) as below:To meet the challenges of the contemporary business environment of cut-throat competition, an effective information system has become essential. Timeliness and efficient delivery of organizational goals and objectives have become intrinsic to the survival of the businesses.

Sharing the information amongst the various internal and external linkages, within the businesses so as to exploit the potential and opportunities, has become the need of the hour. Thus, the highly competitive global environment has necessitated the tacit manipulation of the informed choices by the organizational leadership.Porter’s five forces model is highly relevant in the contemporary business environment primarily because it helps to understand the market compulsions of developing economies and facilitates applying appropriate business strategy (Porter, 1988).

The five forces that considerably impact market decisions are the entry of competitors. the threat of substitutes. the power of the buyers. the power of the suppliers. and competitive rivalry amongst the existing firms. There is huge competition from neighboring countries like China, India, Japan, etc which are all developing economies and offer huge cut-throat competition. Hence, Zeta would need to adopt an innovative approach and competitive market strategy to meet the challenges from various areas as mentioned.

Indeed, the business dynamics within the developing economy of Vietnam are also undergoing a dramatic transformation. The use of information technology and its application would help the business houses to evolve new strategies and analytical packages that would improve&nbsp.their core competencies and production.

write an article on Accounting Investment Methods. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Accounting Investment Methods. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Companies adopt distinct financial strategies depending on the status of the company (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 34). Publicly-listed and private companies have different modes of operations, particularly on the decision-making mechanism. Since its establishment in 1976, Apple Inc. has grown tremendously. Currently, the company has a presence in more than fourteen countries.

Retail stores for Apple products in these countries numbers at 394. The company is publicly listed and is valued at about 414 billion dollars, making it the second biggest corporation in the trade-in terms of market capitalization. Forbes magazine recognized Apple in 2008 as being one of the most admired cooperation in the US. In 2013, the corporation was listed among the best ten corporations of the fortune 500 lists of companies. These recognitions have helped the corporation to increase the sales of its major product, the iPhone.

Apple Inc can invest in securities in order to raise money for their financial obligations. Securities are held by firms and later sold for short-term earnings. The trading securities are normally accounted at the fair market value where gains and losses are reported on the income statements. Such securities are not met by maintaining the gains or losses on the income statement. Further, the counter account on the balance sheet is the stipend for the accustomed short-term savings to the market.

The accounting for ‘available-for-sale securities’ is largely similar to the accounting in the trading securities (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 28). Nonetheless, there exists a difference regarding the recognition of the changes in the value. The changes in value for the trading securities are posted on the operating income. The ‘available for sale securities’ are posted in the special account that is regarded as ‘” unrealized gain/loss in other comprehensive income”. This is recorded in the stockholders’ equity.

This ensures that the income statement remains unaffected by any changes in the accounting procedure. Further, the counter account to unrealized gain or loss in other broader income is short-term ‘available-for-sales’ in the fair market alterations. There exist the ‘hold to maturity securities that are bought by a firm and only sold after the maturity period has lapsed. Such securities are posted on the cost account. They are regarded as loss and/or gain after the firm has sold the securities.

Apple Inc can decide to utilize the best investment approach, which will ensure the firm continues with its profitability record while meeting its business objectives. In any successful organization, there needs to be an elaborate system to help in the administration of the operations (Fischer, Taylor, and Cheng 62). The systems need to be strategically controlled and coordinated to facilitate the execution of the best approaches by aligning resources with the strategic goals. The check-and-balances in a successful organization are designed in a way to transform systems firmly along with established inhibitive cultures.

Moreover, these investment tools should be made available and transparent for all stakeholders including clients, employees, and regulators.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Economic Characteristics of Steel Industry.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Economic Characteristics of Steel Industry. Increasing population in many parts of the world especially in BRIC countries has also increased the requirement of steel based products such as new vehicles, appliances and building infrastructures. Government is the first force that plays two critical roles. First, local and international sustainable and environmental laws are put into effect to protect the environment from adverse effects of steel producing plants. Second, when the steel firms require protection, it inflicts tariffs and trade regulations plus tax breaks or subsidies. however this can be minimized by providing Free Trade Agreements. Steel industry is highly influenced by technology and fuel prices. Technology has not only improved the quality of steel products but also the continuously growing fuel prices force the steel producing companies to figure out and implement new, innovative, and cost-effective technology and practices. During the past few years, the mergers and acquisitions have not only enhanced the growth of steel industry but also made the industry more cost competitive where competition is primarily based on prices. Recycling of steel and scrap material is another critical driving force which plays an important part in the joint projects.