individual feasibility study, based on the literature review
Business Idea: Coffee shop with old French Concession, European-style area.
Location: Shanghai, China
Topic: location
Example Below:
This article is about the business idea that we came up with, and the studies and reports that we have examined to support it. Our business concept is based on adopting a sustainable matter in the hospitality industry, fact that leaded on us deciding to set our bias point in India, a place that sufferes heavily from pollution and where the tourism sector plays a very important role. Hotels bars and restaurants are places that are major consumers of resources which results in a heavy generation of waste. As one of the issues that the world nowadays is facing is pollution and global warming, we have thought of a way to contribute to improving the environment and slowing down the global warming while turning these practices into profit. We have thought that by presenting and telling our customers about the „green era strategies” we could attract them by showcasing the benefits that they bring to the world while increasing their profits and strenghtening their brand image. As people nowadays are not specialized in waste management procedures, most of the time waste is treated unprofesionally and these actions are resulting in a hazardous effect not only on the close proximity, but also on the worldwide environment.
The tourism and hospitality sector of India is playing a key role in the economic area of the country, this industry is roughly contributing with 12.5% to India’s GDP. Hospitality does not only bring profits to the country but also represents a large employment generating industry with an estimated number of 13.45 million jobs provided nationwide.(IBEF,a). With a forecast of US $ 275.2 billion in 2025, this sector is of great potential, increasing from US $ 136.3 billion in 2015. Seeing an ascending trend in the touristic sector of India, we can also expect the increase in the number of tourists that will roam across the country. Most activities create waste, and the way this waste is handled, stored, collected and disposed of can pose risks to the environment and public health. (Zhu et al.,2008). The ascending trend in the tourism sector results in an increase in the business activities and accelerated the urbanization of the surrounding areas has lead to an increase in the amount of waste that is generated. Population growth and rapid urbanization means that the cities are denser and the Munincipal Solid Waste (MSW) is also increased. The data in the article indicates that in the year of 2001, 31.6 million tons were generated, while in 2011 47.3 million tons were generated by 366 cities in India, accounting of a 50% increase in a 10 year time-period. A forecast shows that by 2041 the Indian cities will produce roughly 161 million tons of MSW.
Due to the improper management of the waste, this issue has lead to hazardous problems not only for people but also for the whole ecosystem. Typically, a guest can produce up to 1 kg of waste daily which amounts into millions of tones if we account for the total number of guests 3 that pass the borders of India yearly. There are many small places that consider that waste management could be very costly and time consuming, and do not focus too much on it, fact that is very worrying, and that should be changed as soon as possible. “India is getting buried in its own garbage as a huge quantity of solid waste generated daily is never picked up and poisons land, air and water”.(Rahul Shrivastava, This is a headline of a news article which should be very worrying for the people that live in India, but also for the Indian Government. It is being said that roughly 150.000 tons of waste are produced daily in India, out of which 50% is produced by the hospitality industry. Out of this amount of waste that is produced, it is been thought that only 20% of the waste is properly treated. One study has proven that through the participation in a waste management program provided both direct economic benefits to the hotels by minimizing their waste and indirect through empowering their brand image and the reduction of costs. Furthermore, it has been shown that tourists are willing to pay more for eco friendly products and services. Many hotels are practicing these sustainable procedures such as waste management and recycling, fact that is benefitting them by an increase in profit and by strengthening their corporate brand. The sources that we have been using are of high credibility, consisting of reports and studies from the past, and also from recent times. The sources that we have been using were using the persistent observation strategy, giving numbers and statistics from the past until recent years, numbers that have been studied and analyzed in high detail. Furthermore, our sources are also using the data triangulation strategy, using multiple data sources in time, data which has been deeply reflected on and that has proven us that our business idea is feasible.
To conclude, we have seen that the world is currently suffering from our actions and we have thought that it would be the time to take measures in this matter. The amount of waste that we are producing worldwide is unbearable and is heavily damaging our environment, and nothing is really done to make things better. As India is the place that is currently suffering the most because of this issue, we have thought that with our business idea we can raise awareness, make people to understand how critical the situation is and finally to make a change through our services. Through the articles and the reports that we have been studying, we have seen that our idea is indeed feasible, and that our business concept would definitely fit in the market that we have chosen. 4 Furthermore, the location that we have decided to set off from is a very suitable place for our organization, a place that has high pollution levels and that has also a large amount of hotels, bars and restaurants.
References x
Omidiani, A. and HashemiHezaveh, S., 2016. Waste Management In Hotel Industry In India: A Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
Shrivastava, R., 2020. India’s Trash Bomb: 80% Of 1.5 Lakh Metric Tonne Daily Garbage Remains Exposed, Untreated. [online] India Today. Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
India and India, T., 2020. Tourism & Hospitality Industry In India: Market Size, Govt Initiatives, Investments | IBEF. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
Zhu, D., Asnani, P.U., Zurbrugg, C., Anapolsky, S., & Mani, S. 2008. Improving munic-ipal solid waste management in India. In: A Source Book for Policy Makersand Practitioners. World Bank, Washington, DC 660PUB0Wast12732601OFFICIAL0USE1.txt