Create a thesis and an outline on Hard-Path versus Soft-Path Energy Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Hard-Path versus Soft-Path Energy Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. To reduce energy use from conventional sources on the property, the first step is to insulate my house to improve heating and lessen the need for heaters. The next step is to install solar power cells on the roof of the house for electricity. A solar water heater (NREL) will also be installed to heat water. Larger insulated windows will be installed in strategic areas of the house to reduce the need for the use of electric light sources during daytime as the windows will serve to brighten the interiors of the house. A study of the direction of prevailing winds will be done and some trees will be cut down to clear wind channels in the forest towards windmills which I will construct near the house. These windmills can power generators and can be set-up to pump water from water wells. I will set aside an area where I can cut down trees to use for fuel in the winter months to power the heater and for cooking. Cut down trees will be replanted.

3. Environmental Impacts of Dam Construction

Construction of dams has associated environmental impacts such as loss of farmlands, loss of vegetation and biodiversity, sanitation and solid waste disposal, air, water and noise pollution, and impact on river ecology (Byaruhanga et al.). In order to minimize these effects, safeguards and mitigation measures must be applied during the construction phase. Some mitigating measures which could be undertaken during construction are the replanting of vegetation in other areas to minimize vegetation loss. avoidance of environmentally critical area (i.e. migratory paths and breeding areas of wildlife). maintaining the discharge of water from the dam to recreate the normal volume of water flowing in the rivers. establish flood control and erosion control measures in the construction sites. maintain proper sanitation and disposal of wastes. and other such measures as to reduce the levels of noise pollution in and around the construction site.

4. Relationship of the Global Water Shortage to Food Production

Rapid and growing changes in the natural ecosystem affect the hydrologic cycle and thereby affect water supply globally. Deforestation, massive land conversion, and other human activity affect climate and reduces the volume of the ground and other natural water sources. Combined with increasing population and conversion of lands for agricultural purposes, water resources are being diverted from human consumption to support the world’s hunger, with about 40% of the world population already competing for water (Sandford). Larger tracts of land are already being converted for food production use in order to support human food needs. This conversion leads to the destruction of natural vegetative cover which in effect affects the water cycle. Unless the population is controlled and more efficient food production technologies are developed, man will always be competing with agriculture for water usage.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Analyse the external marketing environment &consumer buyer behaviour.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Analyse the external marketing environment &consumer buyer behaviour. In addition, the level of ‘supply and demand’ (Hisrich, 2000, p.16) in a market denotes the market’s economic potentials, thus it is considered as a factor that can influence the market’s economic environment. In regard to the promotion of iPhone 6 in China the country’s economic environment needs to be checked in order to decide whether Chinese consumers would be able to pay for the specific product or not.

As for the technological environment, this refers to the ‘means used for transforming materials into goods and services’ (Sahaf 2008, p.57). In other words, in each country the technological environment denotes the country’s performance in regard to manufacturing and services (Lancaster and Reynolds 2005). The technological environment of China would be checked when developing the marketing plan for iPhone 6. indeed, in a market where products of advanced technology are highly appreciated the chances of iPhone to achieve high sales would be more, as also explained in the next section.

The economic environment can highly impact the sales of iPhone 6. The influence of economic environment on the particular product would have the following form: a) in regard to local economic environment: in case of the increase of unemployment, as related to the decrease of the income, people in China would face difficulties in buying this product (West et al. 2010). also, if inflation across the country is increased then the prices of products would follow a similar path. In this case, consumers could decide that they do not want to pay a significantly high price for the particular product (West et al.2010), b) in regard to the global economic environment: the increase of turbulences in global markets or the possible appearance of a strong financial crisis at international level could make Chinese consumers less willing to pay for products of high technology, such as the iPhone 6.

submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Ragione or Basilica.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Ragione or Basilica.

Andrea Palladio was one of the most famous renaissance architects, who single-handedly transformed the city of Vicenza changing its landscape with imposing villas, palaces, churches, and public buildings. Palladio was responsible for replacing the Gothic style with a harmony and balance of classical style complementing the renaissance taste. The Palladian architecture was characterized by symmetrical planning, proportionate consideration of mass and volume and their harmony to the human form, innovative ideas in construction and engineering, preference for classical elements such as columns, arches, atriums, and rich sculptural decorations.

Three incidents during this period necessitated the building of Villas in Venice. The attack by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Spanish expedition of Christopher Columbus in 1492, and Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a new sea route to Asia in 1497, finally brought security to Venice, to develop large scale agriculture. To fulfill this requirement, a group of entrepreneurs, comprising the nobility in Venice, with money to clear the land and drain the swamps and start agricultural activities, came forward.

These rich people needed houses to reflect grandeur, but suited to the purpose of country living. The houses had to be magnificent yet inexpensive, comfortable but suited to the purposes of a large agricultural establishment that required places to store grain and wine and accommodate a large number of farmhands. In this historical context, Andrea Palladio suggested his three-part solution and thus was born the legendary villas in the Palladian style. The Renaissance buildings have a plan with asymmetrical appearance.

Certain components such as the façade, columns and pilasters, arches, vaults, domes, were present in renaissance buildings. The most relevant thing about renaissance architecture was that it was not restricted to practice but ideas could& disseminated because of the availability of printing.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Erection and Construction Procedure.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Erection and Construction Procedure. The scope of the study lies within the establishment of the causes of accidents in the construction industry. As researches have shown, many workers have died and others left injured when the structures they are constructing collapse or shift. Many of the constructions today, be it bridges, houses, or even tunnels, are characterized by pressure due to the time limit and financial constraints.

The principal purpose or the objective of this study is to establish the driving forces behind collapses and shifts in the structures. It seeks to establish the recommended procedures for the construction of various structures and the guidelines provided to ensure the safety of the workers. The intent of this paper is to give a clear procedure of how structures are supposed to be built right from the design stage up to the completion stage. The paper also intends to explore the regulations governing the construction industry in Britain. The paper also seeks to explain various logistics put in place by various organizations concerned with the safety and health of the workers.

It is essential to note from the onset that the initial step of any construction work is the design. Design of construction work is the act of creating a new facility which is represented by a series of steps and specifications. The series of steps explains the activities and materials required for the whole construction. The engineers and architects who are involved in the design and the planning process must well be aware of what the project requires, and they must be an experienced team. During this design stage, the engineers designing any structure must give a list or a breakdown of materials required for the purpose of undertaking the whole project (Pallotta 169). The process of designing has to be completed before the process of erection begins. The process of undertaking any construction project requires all the parties to work in unison and cooperation.

Any construction project is subject to extensive regulation within the framework of Health and Safety at work which must be adhered to.&nbsp.

individual feasibility study, based on the literature review Business Idea: Coffee shop with old French Concession, European-style area. Location: Shanghai, China Topic: location

individual feasibility study, based on the literature review
Business Idea: Coffee shop with old French Concession, European-style area.
Location: Shanghai, China
Topic: location

Example Below:

This article is about the business idea that we came up with, and the studies and reports that we have examined to support it. Our business concept is based on adopting a sustainable matter in the hospitality industry, fact that leaded on us deciding to set our bias point in India, a place that sufferes heavily from pollution and where the tourism sector plays a very important role. Hotels bars and restaurants are places that are major consumers of resources which results in a heavy generation of waste. As one of the issues that the world nowadays is facing is pollution and global warming, we have thought of a way to contribute to improving the environment and slowing down the global warming while turning these practices into profit. We have thought that by presenting and telling our customers about the „green era strategies” we could attract them by showcasing the benefits that they bring to the world while increasing their profits and strenghtening their brand image. As people nowadays are not specialized in waste management procedures, most of the time waste is treated unprofesionally and these actions are resulting in a hazardous effect not only on the close proximity, but also on the worldwide environment.
The tourism and hospitality sector of India is playing a key role in the economic area of the country, this industry is roughly contributing with 12.5% to India’s GDP. Hospitality does not only bring profits to the country but also represents a large employment generating industry with an estimated number of 13.45 million jobs provided nationwide.(IBEF,a). With a forecast of US $ 275.2 billion in 2025, this sector is of great potential, increasing from US $ 136.3 billion in 2015. Seeing an ascending trend in the touristic sector of India, we can also expect the increase in the number of tourists that will roam across the country. Most activities create waste, and the way this waste is handled, stored, collected and disposed of can pose risks to the environment and public health. (Zhu et al.,2008). The ascending trend in the tourism sector results in an increase in the business activities and accelerated the urbanization of the surrounding areas has lead to an increase in the amount of waste that is generated. Population growth and rapid urbanization means that the cities are denser and the Munincipal Solid Waste (MSW) is also increased. The data in the article indicates that in the year of 2001, 31.6 million tons were generated, while in 2011 47.3 million tons were generated by 366 cities in India, accounting of a 50% increase in a 10 year time-period. A forecast shows that by 2041 the Indian cities will produce roughly 161 million tons of MSW.
Due to the improper management of the waste, this issue has lead to hazardous problems not only for people but also for the whole ecosystem. Typically, a guest can produce up to 1 kg of waste daily which amounts into millions of tones if we account for the total number of guests 3 that pass the borders of India yearly. There are many small places that consider that waste management could be very costly and time consuming, and do not focus too much on it, fact that is very worrying, and that should be changed as soon as possible. “India is getting buried in its own garbage as a huge quantity of solid waste generated daily is never picked up and poisons land, air and water”.(Rahul Shrivastava, This is a headline of a news article which should be very worrying for the people that live in India, but also for the Indian Government. It is being said that roughly 150.000 tons of waste are produced daily in India, out of which 50% is produced by the hospitality industry. Out of this amount of waste that is produced, it is been thought that only 20% of the waste is properly treated. One study has proven that through the participation in a waste management program provided both direct economic benefits to the hotels by minimizing their waste and indirect through empowering their brand image and the reduction of costs. Furthermore, it has been shown that tourists are willing to pay more for eco friendly products and services. Many hotels are practicing these sustainable procedures such as waste management and recycling, fact that is benefitting them by an increase in profit and by strengthening their corporate brand. The sources that we have been using are of high credibility, consisting of reports and studies from the past, and also from recent times. The sources that we have been using were using the persistent observation strategy, giving numbers and statistics from the past until recent years, numbers that have been studied and analyzed in high detail. Furthermore, our sources are also using the data triangulation strategy, using multiple data sources in time, data which has been deeply reflected on and that has proven us that our business idea is feasible.
To conclude, we have seen that the world is currently suffering from our actions and we have thought that it would be the time to take measures in this matter. The amount of waste that we are producing worldwide is unbearable and is heavily damaging our environment, and nothing is really done to make things better. As India is the place that is currently suffering the most because of this issue, we have thought that with our business idea we can raise awareness, make people to understand how critical the situation is and finally to make a change through our services. Through the articles and the reports that we have been studying, we have seen that our idea is indeed feasible, and that our business concept would definitely fit in the market that we have chosen. 4 Furthermore, the location that we have decided to set off from is a very suitable place for our organization, a place that has high pollution levels and that has also a large amount of hotels, bars and restaurants.
References x
Omidiani, A. and HashemiHezaveh, S., 2016. Waste Management In Hotel Industry In India: A Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
Shrivastava, R., 2020. India’s Trash Bomb: 80% Of 1.5 Lakh Metric Tonne Daily Garbage Remains Exposed, Untreated. [online] India Today. Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
India and India, T., 2020. Tourism & Hospitality Industry In India: Market Size, Govt Initiatives, Investments | IBEF. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 December 2020].
Zhu, D., Asnani, P.U., Zurbrugg, C., Anapolsky, S., & Mani, S. 2008. Improving munic-ipal solid waste management in India. In: A Source Book for Policy Makersand Practitioners. World Bank, Washington, DC 660PUB0Wast12732601OFFICIAL0USE1.txt

Write 1 page with APA style on Newspaper Article or News Program Discussion Post.

Write 1 page with APA style on Newspaper Article or News Program Discussion Post.

Newspaper Article or News Program Discussion Post Prosecutorial discretion has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years due to perceived injustice in prosecution of cases. In an article appearing in Huffington Post, the author argues that prosecutorial discretion should be abolished. The prosecutor under his or her discretion decides which cases to pursue, which cases not to pursue charge or dismiss, and the amount of punishment (Gershman). The article says that such sweeping discretion creates opportunities for perpetrating injustice.

Discretion gives the prosecutor with too much power without any oversight. The article argues that discretion is a function of many variables that differ from case to case. Therefore, how to apply discretion for the best results in all or most cases cannot be reduced to a simple formula that can be used to guide prosecutors (Davis 30). Without such as guide, prosecutors are given too much freedom and power and this leads to abuse and injustice. The issue of prosecutorial discretion came under spotlight recently when Attorney General told prosecutors that they are under no obligation to defend unjust laws (Gershman).

This raises the question of whether they can nullify laws. If prosecutors are under no obligation to defend unjust laws, they are effectively nullifying those laws. This is a further evidence of the wide powers of prosecutors given to them under the doctrine of prosecutorial discretion. A prosecutor with a political agenda can apply the law selectively and that is manifest injustice (Davis 26). The issue of prosecutorial discretion is important because it inevitably comes up in discussion about injustice in criminal justice system especially now when the number of cases of wrongful conviction are increasing.

It appears there is need to relook into discretionary powers or strengthen accountability. Works CitedDavis, Angela J.. Arbitrary justice the power of the American prosecutor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.Gershman, Bennett. “Refusing to Defend Unjust Laws: Prosecutorial Discretion or Prosecutorial Nullification?.” The Huffington Post., 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. .

Write 4 pages with APA style on Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting.

Write 4 pages with APA style on Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting.

ards Advisory Board (FASAB).A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is “compiled” by a state, municipal or other governmental accounting staff and “audited” by an external American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) certified accounting firm utilizing GASB requirements (Ruppel, 2009). It is composed of three sections:

Introductory, Financial and Statistical. It combines the financial information of fund accounting and Enterprise Authorities accounting. A CAFR is a report of the complete overall financial results of both those “specific groupings” of government agencies that appear in the current fiscal year General Purpose Budget and all other agencies and departments (Peterson, 2002).

These can be autonomous, enterprise (for example government or city owned golf courses), recycling, water, sewer, and financial management – often these agencies were created with the inception of that local, state or government (Wilson, 2010).

The CAFR provides information about all of these other government agencies that may have their own budgets and separate investment accounts but their financial holdings are not combined with the general purpose budget that the same government presents to the public.

The CAFR, or as it is called in CANADA CanFR can be used along with a budget document to compare the organizations total financial standing to the annual general purpose budget (Ruppel, 2009). The CAFR is the complete showing of the financial investment and income records from all sources, that reflects what has developed over decades whereas a budget report is an inferior document to the CAFR being that it is primarily focused on what revenue is expected to be brought in and spent for just the year.

Government sources funds from taxation to support the cost of providing basic services while for-profit financial accounting it offers goods and services to generate revenue.

Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

1. Identifying which tree you want to plant is the first step in this regard. Clearly define which tree you want to plant and what your purpose of planting the tree is. If you are planting a tree just for the purpose of planting, your choice may differ. However, if you are planting the tree so that you can grow it and eat its fruit your overall effort may be different. It is therefore extremely important to define the purpose for which the tree is being planted.2. Selecting the right time of the year is another important step because not all trees can be planted in every season.

Planting trees in summer or late spring may not be suitable as the heat may not allow the plant to grow properly and may ultimately die down. It is critical that the right time of the year must be chosen to plan the tree. 3. Digging the hole in the right size and width is another important step to be performed in order to successfully plant the tree. Many times, people dig holes that are either large or wider and thus may not be suitable for the planting of the tree. One can learn from the intuition as to what should be the right width and depth of the hole considering the size of the tree being planted.

A typical standard to dig the hole of the right size is to dig it at least twice as large as the root ball of the tree. You may also need to check the local requirements for digging the hole of the right size especially if you are digging it near a telephone booth or other public places. There may be certain restrictions on digging the hole over the particular size in local areas so better check with the local requirements. 4. Once the hole is dug, the next step is to place the tree in the hole in a manner that it can easily fit the tree inside the hole.

The overall process to place the tree in the hole is, however, different for large and small trees. If you are planting a small tree, it is easier to upside down the pot and removes the tree to plant it. However, if the tree is large, you may require a large scissor or knife to actually cut through the packing and then place the tree in the hole of the right size. Sometimes, large trees have ropes around their trunk therefore if you find one. try to cut it after you actually place the tree in the hole.

Once you unpack the tree, try to place the tree gently and ensure that the hole is wide enough to accommodate the tree. At this moment, it is extremely important to ensure that the hole is not shallow neither is deep and then gently places the tree.5. Once you place the tree in the hole, it is important to cover back the hole with the soil removed while digging the hole. Sometimes, the soil may not be suitable therefore you may require some composted manure to fill the hole. Composted manure will actually further fertile the soil and will also make it soft so that enough water can reach the roots of the tree.

Make sure that you have composted readily available at the time of planting the tree.6. Make sure that you use the proper organic fertilizer for the tree to grow as commercial fertilizer may burn the tree. Once you cover the hole with the soil and manure, the use of good quality fertilizer is essential to help the tree to grow easily.7. Continue to water the plant and ensure that the plant gets adequate sunlight, water, and fertilizer to grow. Planting tree is a lifelong process therefore continues to take care of your tree till gives the fruit and increases your efforts to get more fruit by properly watering the plant.

So first you need to read the Material Witness chapter, and then answer the following 3 questions: Besides the objects themselves, what are some of the sources of information that can be used to help us understand material culture? How did the changes to buildings, discussed at a number of points in the chapter, reflect social and cultural changes that the US was going through in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

This week you have the option of  reading a chapter from After the Fact called, Material Witness. This chapter deals with the changing situation with material goods in the first half of the 19th century (1800s).

In this chapter the authors of the book want to address:  what are the challenges that historians’ face when working with physical objects when trying to reconstruct the past?


So first you need to read the Material Witness chapter, and then answer the following 3 questions:

  1. Besides the objects themselves, what are some of the sources of information that can be used to help us understand material culture?
  2. How did the changes to buildings, discussed at a number of points in the chapter, reflect social and cultural changes that the US was going through in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
  3. How is the idea of a “consumer revolution” as described on page 13 (last page) reflected in the differences between the two major paintings Quilting Frolic (pg. 5) and the parlor engraving (pg.11)?

Each answer should be a few paragraphs long and fully answer all parts of the question.  Once you are done with your answers the file can be uploaded to me.

  • The After the Fact assignments are graded credit/no credit
  • If your answer(s) are either inaccurate or are not sufficiently through you may be allowed to do a redo depending on the quality of your attempt
  • This assignment is due on Saturday and no late work is accepted.

Please read the instructions carefully.

Create a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

White and Hayman (2006) told to scrutinize whether the parental source of drinks was linked with the occurrence of risky drinking for short-term harm (RSOD) and alcohol-related difficult behaviors, for example bodily attacking or vocally ill-treating somebody amid a sample of underage drinkers.The research indicates that large percentages 86% of adolescents aged 16-17 years are existing alcohol consumers. Over and above, a considerable percentage (20%) appears to be weekly RSOD and more than 34% get involved in minimum one alcohol-linked problem conduct.

It is observed that merely barring alcohol to people aged under 18 is not practically working. Hence, fresh plans for timely mediation and avoidance are essential. In this study parental supply was linked with lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related problem conducts. This proposes the likelihood that by changing the normal alcohol supply source other than their parents to their parents alone might be one method to restrict consumption and injury among the adolescents. This idea to improve parental restriction of alcohol supply is mostly not explored, however, this must be developed and thoroughly examined (Dietze, Livingston, 2010)Till up to 1933 there was the prohibition in the United States and after that, all states endorsed a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) at 21 years.

However, due to the social disturbance of the 1960s and the Vietnam War, which forced the reduction in the lawful voting age to 18.&nbsp.